70th Infantry Division Association January, 1986

70th Infantry Division Association January, 1986

70th Infantry Division Association January, 1986


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Seems Like Old TimesBy Edmund ArnoldThe unhappy task of reporting the deaths ofold comrades continues:Russ Stellman, Co. D, 275th , writes that A.Stewart Wallace, captain of Co. D, died ofcancer last September. He lies in the militarycemetery at Port Hudson, Louisiana." I was an officer in Stew' s company atLeonard Wood in Europe," writes Russ. " Fiveof us from Dog Company were at the PhiladelphiaReunion and from there we phonedthe captain and had a fine visit. He was 73 andhad been married to Flora for 48 years. "Wayne Carpenter, * Btty B, 883rd FA hasstood his last Retreat. He died October 9, 1985,in Selma, California. He had been fightingdiabetes for about 15 years . About a year agohe was found to have lung cancer; the tumoraffected the lymph gland at the base of histhroat and his vocal cords were paralyzed.Radiation was ineffective and the cancer wasinoperable. Fortunately, he was in no physicalpain. He was at home and up and around untiltwo days before entering the hospital where hedied .William Henderson, * 274th regimentalchaplain and longtime <strong>Association</strong> chaplain,reports that William T. Powell, 276th chaplainand retired Salvation Army officer, has died atthe age of 77 in Eustis, Florida. He was anoriginal Trailblazer at Adair and-unusual fora chaplain-won the the Bronze Star and PurpleHeart. He was buried in Atlanta where hehad lived for a long time prior to going farthersouth. He leaves his wife Catherine, a son and adaughter and two grandchildren. He had a35-year perfect record of attendance at Kiwanismeetings."Operation Nordwind" * will be publishedearly this year, says Hy Schor, Co. H, 274th.He and Vivian recently spent three days withCharles Whiting, the author, and his wife . Hyhad sent Whiting much information on the<strong>70th</strong>' s participation in Nordwind. Whiting,England's most prolific writer, has done ahundred books, many under pen names .Trailblazers who earned * the Ardennes battlestar are eligible for membership in the MilitaryOrder of the Ardennes. Membership entitles aman to the Veterans of the Bulge Medal. Ifyou're interested, drop a line to David Laing,PO Box I , Eden, New York 14057.Major surgery and * long hospitalization hasfallen upon Nevin Rauch, Co. C , 274th . Itwould be good for his spirits if old buddieswould drop him a card or a letter. His address:1006 Blackbeard Dr. , Stafford, Virginia22554.*It finally caught up with Gene Inzer, Co. B,274th and immediate past president/West. AtStiring-Wendell he was machinegunned andhad a game leg ever since. It got so bad that hehas had it replaced with a metal joint. " Inrecent years I abused my other leg by overusingit. Last year I had an accident and toresome cartilage in it. Last fall I had microsurgeryand they didn't get all the loose cartilage.Some time after my replacement Ithought I'd have some minor surgery to takeout a piece I could feel at the top of my otherknee cap. To my surprise the doctor examinedit in great detail and now it's as sore as the otherone was.' 'Gene doesn 't say whether he' ll need anotherreplacement but things are improving day byday, he says.A fi nal salute to Robert*E. Vetter, Btty B,882nd FA. He succumbed to cancer on August9 in his home town of St. Paul , Minnesota. Thereport comes from Henry lnseiberger of thesame outfit. " Bob and I have been closefriends. We met in service and remained closefriends after we got out. "In a nursing home, suffering from Parkinson'sdisease, Stephen Newton, HQ Co.,276th, would be greatly cheered by cards andletters from <strong>70th</strong> friends. Send 'em to AvalonManor, Route 8 , Hagerstown , Maryland,21740.CORRECTIONOnly one error has been reported in the<strong>70th</strong> 's "History Book. " But, while this is anexcellent record , the publishers express theirdeep regret.On page 115 in column 2 there are twophotos identified as Robert Skutt. The one atthe right (the man wearing a Class A uniform isreally Marion (Rex) Slater and should be theleft-hand photo at the top of column 3.It' s assumed that the bearded and bespectacledman at the left in column 3 is BobSkutt although we haven' t been able to get incontact with him .AFTER ALL-IT WAS A PUP TENTT/Sgt. Mickey Calegory of the AdjutantGeneral's section of <strong>Division</strong> Headquarterswas sleeping peacefully in histent on a bivouac at Camp Adair whena dog came in and whelped her pups in'44. Mother, children and bystanderwere all doing well. Mickey now lives inSalt Lake City.A charter plane from Philly with stops inCincy, St. Louis and either K.C. or Minneapolis,is a suggestion of Buford Matlockfor Portland-bound Trailblazers next summer.' 'This would take care of both the ones that livenorth and south of these cities," he writes.Maybe Floyd Freeman, our peripatetic tourarranger, will run with this ball.Big R and little rA small-r reunion will be held right in thebig-R Reunion at Portland. Ted Fleck, MedDet, 274th, is arranging a get-together of hisoutfit then and there." We are, of course, much fewer in numberthan we were 40 years ago. But if my ownfeelings are any indication, the pride is stillthere for having served in the Medics of the274th. Let's get together one more time. I'denjoy hearing from any of you who plan tocome, hope to come or who can't come but willbe with us in spirit." If you are in touch with others listed in<strong>Association</strong> membership, please make themaware of what is going on."Ted lives at 530 East Glenn St., Tucson,Arizona 85705.Edmund C. Arnold3208 Hawthorne Ave.Richmond, Virginia 23222NON-PROFITORGANIZATIONU.S. POSTAGETHIRD CLASSPERMIT -1310RICHMOND . VA .ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED

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