Extraction Plan - Peabody Energy

Extraction Plan - Peabody Energy Extraction Plan - Peabody Energy

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WAMBO COAL PTY LTDNORTH WAMBO UNDERGROUND MINEEXTRACTION PLANLONGWALLS 7 AND 8ATTACHMENTSAttachment 1 Statutory RequirementsAttachment 2 Relevant Consultation RecordsAttachment 3 Program to Collect Baseline Datafor Future Extraction PlansAttachment 4 Key Contact RegisterAttachment 5 Status Report StructureAPPENDICESAppendix GAppendix HAppendix ICoal Resource Recovery Plan(Including SMP Approved Planand Plans 1 to 6)Subsidence Monitoring ProgramRehabilitation Management PlanAPPENDICESAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix EAppendix FWater Management PlanLand Management PlanBiodiversity Management PlanBuilt Features Management PlanHeritage Management PlanPublic Safety Management PlanTECHNICAL REPORTSReport 1 Revised Predictions of Subsidence Effectsand Subsidence ImpactsReport 2 Groundwater Impact Assessment ReviewReport 3 Surface Water Impact Assessment ReviewReport 4 Subsidence Risk AssessmentReport 5 Subsidence Data Review and Validation ofPrediction Methodology

WAMBO COAL PTY LTDNORTH WAMBO UNDERGROUND MINEEXTRACTION PLANLONGWALLS 7 AND 8ATTACHMENTSAttachment 1 Statutory RequirementsAttachment 2 Relevant Consultation RecordsAttachment 3 Program to Collect Baseline Datafor Future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>sAttachment 4 Key Contact RegisterAttachment 5 Status Report StructureAPPENDICESAppendix GAppendix HAppendix ICoal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>(Including SMP Approved <strong>Plan</strong>and <strong>Plan</strong>s 1 to 6)Subsidence Monitoring ProgramRehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>APPENDICESAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix EAppendix FWater Management <strong>Plan</strong>Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong>Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong>Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong>TECHNICAL REPORTSReport 1 Revised Predictions of Subsidence Effectsand Subsidence ImpactsReport 2 Groundwater Impact Assessment ReviewReport 3 Surface Water Impact Assessment ReviewReport 4 Subsidence Risk AssessmentReport 5 Subsidence Data Review and Validation ofPrediction Methodology

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8DOCUMENT CONTROLDocument No.TitleGeneral DescriptionKey Support DocumentsEP/SMP LW7-8<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for North Wambo Underground MineLongwalls 7 and 8Management of potential subsidence effects, subsidenceimpacts and environmental consequences from mining ofLongwalls 7 and 8 at the North Wambo Underground MineWhere not addressed by the existing relevant planning approvaldocuments, this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> has also been prepared tocomply with the Guideline for Applications for SubsidenceManagement <strong>Plan</strong> Approvals.Wambo Coal Environmental Management SystemWambo Coal Health and Safety Management SystemRevisionsRev No Date Description By CheckedA December 2012 Original Draft WCPL and-Resource StrategiesB December 2012 Final for Submission WCPL andResource StrategiesPhil FletcherApprovalsOriginatorName Position Signed DateT. FavellEnvironment andCommunity ManagerCheckedConfirmedP. FletcherA. BoylingTechnical ServicesManagerNWU Manager of MiningEngineeringThe nominated Coordinator for this document isTechnical Services ManagerEP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page i

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8OVERVIEW AND SUMMARY OF COMMITMENTSThis document is an <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> that outlines the proposed management, mitigation, monitoringand reporting of potential subsidence impacts and environmental consequences from the secondaryextraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 at the North Wambo Underground Mine.Where not addressed by the existing relevant planning approval documents, this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> hasalso been prepared to comply with the Guideline for Applications for Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong>Approvals.The table on page ii summarises the key monitoring, management and reporting commitments in this<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Wambo Coal Pty Limited (WCPL) commits to updating the following management plans to incorporateLongwalls 7 and 8:• Inrush Management <strong>Plan</strong> (as part of the application under clause 88 of the Coal Mine Health andSafety Regulation, 2006);• Slope Stability Management <strong>Plan</strong> (as part of the application under clause 88 of the Coal MineHealth and Safety Regulation, 2006); and• Site Water Management <strong>Plan</strong> (by the end of March 2013).The Trigger Action Response <strong>Plan</strong>s (TARPs) provided in the component management plans will bedeveloped further as this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> is reviewed and revised. Table 22 of this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> isdesigned to support the TARPs in the component management plans and clearly outline actions,levels of responsibility within WCPL.In accordance with of the Development Consent, WCPL must ensure that there is no exceedance ofthe subsidence impact performance measures outlined below. This <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> has beendeveloped to meet these subsidence impact performance measures.Subsidence Impact Performance MeasuresFeatureWollombi BrookWollemi National ParkWarkworth Sands Woodland CommunityWhite Box, Yellow Box, Blakely’s RedGum Woodland/Grassy White BoxWoodland CommunityWambo Homestead Complex (WHC)All Built FeaturesPublic SafetySource: After Tables 14A and 14B of the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003).Performance MeasureNegligible impact.Controlled release of excess site water only in accordancewith EPL requirements.Nil impact.Minor cracking and ponding of the land surface or otherimpact.Negligible environmental consequences.Minor cracking and ponding of the land surface or otherimpact.Negligible environmental consequences.Negligible impact on heritage values, unless approval hasbeen granted by the Heritage Branch and/or the Minister.Always safe.Serviceability should be maintained wherever practicable.Loss of serviceability must be fully compensated.Damage must be fully repairable, and must be fullyrepaired or else replaced or fully compensated.No additional risk.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page ii

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Summary of Monitoring, Management and Reporting CommitmentsComponent Monitoring Management ReferenceNorth Wambo Creek • Monitoring of subsidence in accordance with the • If connective cracking to North Wambo Creek is identified, Section 3.1 andWollombi Brook Subsidence Monitoring Program.management measures will be employed in accordance Appendix A• Monitoring in accordance with the Surfacewith the North Wambo Creek Subsidence ResponseStony CreekWater Monitoring Program.Strategy.Wambo Creek• Monitoring in accordance with the North WamboCreek Subsidence Response Strategy.Alluvial AquifersPermian Aquifers• Accurate rating curves will be developed foreach gauging station site to enable flows to beestimated from recorded water level data byJuly 2013.• A consistent methodology will be applied forfuture bank stability monitoring.• Monitoring of subsidence in accordance with theSubsidence Monitoring Program.• Monitoring in accordance with the GroundwaterMonitoring Program.• Monitoring in accordance with the North WamboCreek Subsidence Response Strategy.Trigger levels for P-NWU-03a and P-NWU-05awill be developed prior to secondary extractionof Longwalls 7 and 8 within 100 metres of thefloodplain (in accordance with the methodologypresented in the North Wambo CreekSubsidence Response Strategy).• Grouting of Homestead Mine Workings.Sections of historical workings of the Homestead Mine willbe bulk filled with low strength grout primarily as amitigation measure to minimise the potential for floodingdue to chimney failure and pot hole development resultingfrom failure of remnant pillars within the Homestead Mineworkings.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page iii

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Summary of Monitoring and Management Commitments (Continued)Component Monitoring Management ReferenceLand in General • Monitoring of subsidence in accordance with the • Notification to agistees of areas of longwall mining and Section 3.2 andSubsidence Monitoring Program.active subsidence, and exclusion of agistment grazing Appendix B• Visual observations of stock fences.from areas where surface cracking presents a reasonablerisk to people and/or livestock.• Visual observations of the ground surface.• Remediation of surface cracks 1 where practicable usingconventional earthmoving equipment (e.g. a backhoe)including:– infilling of surface cracks with soil or other suitablematerials; or– locally re-grading and re-compacting the surface.• Stabilisation of any areas of surface cracking usingerosion protection measures (e.g. vegetation planting).• Drainage works and rehabilitation of subsidence troughs(i.e. areas of induced ponding) as necessary.• Repair of stock fences prior to allowing access foragistment grazing.• Management measures in accordance with the Erosionand Sediment Control <strong>Plan</strong>.Biodiversity• Monitoring of subsidence in accordance with theSubsidence Monitoring Program.• Monitoring in accordance with the Flora andFauna Management <strong>Plan</strong>.• Visual observations to record the WollemiNational Park escarpment cliff stability (includingphotographic record). 2• Visual observations to record any cracking andor ponding of the land surface or other impact(including photographic record). 3• Visual inspection to record changes invegetation condition (including photographicrecord). 3• Vegetation Clearance Protocol, described in the Flora andFauna Management <strong>Plan</strong>.• Threatened Species Management Protocol, described inthe Flora and Fauna Management <strong>Plan</strong>.• Rehabilitation Program, described in the Flora and FaunaManagement <strong>Plan</strong>.Section 3.3 andAppendix CEP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page iv

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Summary of Monitoring and Management Commitments (Continued)Component Monitoring Management ReferenceWCPL Assets • Visual observations to record the generalcondition of WCPL assets including safety andserviceability.• Assessment of WCPL assets to identify modificationspotentially required prior to subsidence.Section 3.4 andAppendix DPrescribed DamsAusgrid 11 kilovoltPowerline• Monitoring of the location of the base and top ofeach power pole.• Monitoring of the vertical distance from theground to lowest point of the powerline betweeneach power pole pair (i.e. conductor clearance).• Visual observations to record condition of roadsand tracks, including surface cracks, bucklingand general safety.• Monitoring of pipeline integrity at fixed points.• Monitoring to detect abnormal changes in flow.• Maintenance of safe access to WCPL assets.• Implementation of communication protocols to ensureinternal WCPL stakeholders are aware of the longwallprogression.• Posting of warning signs at suitable locations on old haulroads and site access tracks and updating warning signsif a change to the WCPL asset is identified duringmonitoring.• Provision of 15 m separation barrier around theHomestead pit highwall.• Following subsidence, fitting of WCPL powerlines withstays where affected by subsidence.• Structural assessment of WCPL assets and subsidenceassessment post-Longwalls 7 and 8 extraction.• Repair of WCPL assets in accordance with associatedstandards and procedures.• Detailed monitoring and management measures for Prescribed Dams would be developed by WCPL as part ofapplications for mining within the South Wambo Dam Notification Area and the North East Tailings DamNotification Area which would be submitted to the Dams Safety Committee prior to mining within the NotificationAreas.• Decommissioning of the powerline is proposed prior to subsidence.• If the powerline is not decommissioned, preparation of an Ausgrid Asset Management <strong>Plan</strong> in consultation withAusgrid for the management of this powerline.Section 3.4 andAppendix DSection 3.4 andAppendix DEP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page v

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Summary of Monitoring and Management Commitments (Continued)Component Monitoring Management ReferenceWambo HomesteadComplex (WHC)Aboriginal CulturalHeritage• Monitoring of subsidence in accordance with theSubsidence Monitoring Program.Four or five surveys will occur when theLongwall 7 face is between half the depth ofcover ahead of and past the WHC.• Monitoring in accordance with the WHC MineManagement <strong>Plan</strong>.Visual and photographic inspection of thebuildings within the WHC, especially BuildingNo. 6, will be conducted after the mining of eachlongwall has been completed.• Monitoring of subsidence in accordance with theSubsidence Monitoring Program.• Grouting of Homestead Mine Workings.Sections of historical workings of the Homestead Minewill be bulk filled in the vicinity of the Stud Master’sCottage. The grouting will reduce the risk of impacts tothe heritage value of the WHC associated with theextraction of Longwalls 7 and 8.• Management measures in accordance with the WHCMine Management <strong>Plan</strong> including stabilisation,conservation works and expert assessment.• Management measures in accordance with the approvedSalvage and Management Programme including:– the collection of surface artefacts;– the collection of subsurface artefacts; and– archaeological analysis and keeping of artefactualmaterial.• If subsidence monitoring identifies cracking or erosionproximal to a site artefacts will be salvaged in accordancewith the Salvage and Management Programme.Section 3.5 andAppendix ESection 3.5 andAppendix EEP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page vi

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Summary of Monitoring and Management Commitments (Continued)Component Monitoring Management ReferencePublic Safety • Monitoring of subsidence in accordance with theSection 3.6 andSubsidence Monitoring Program.Appendix F• Visual observations of fences.• Visual observations of warning signs(e.g. legibility).• Visual inspections per standard measures in theHealth and Safety Management System (e.g.security, site staff around site).• Restricted access (i.e. the general public are not allowedon WCPL-owned land used for mining purposes).Permanent signage located at the entrance toWCPL-owned land will be maintained.• Notification to agistees of areas of longwall mining andactive subsidence, and exclusion of agistment grazingfrom areas where surface cracking presents a reasonablerisk to people and/or livestock.• Posting of warning signs at suitable locations on propertyboundaries, fences and access tracks, including the rightof way across WCPL-owned land 4 . The signs will indicatethat underground mining (with surface subsidence) isbeing undertaken on WCPL-owned land and will prohibitentry by unauthorised persons.• Maintenance of warning signs.• Management of surface cracking and areas ofsubsidence troughs in accordance with the LandManagement <strong>Plan</strong>.• All safety incidents will be handled in accordance with theHealth and Safety Management System.• Repair of fences in accordance with the LandManagement <strong>Plan</strong>.• Review of warning sign placement and removal if nolonger required.Reporting The following mechanisms would report the outcomes of the monitoring and management measures: Section 4.2• Incident Reporting.• Six monthly Subsidence Management Status Reports.• Monthly Status Updates.• Annual Reviews (for the period 1 July to 30 June).1 Minor cracks that develop are not expected to require remediation as geomorphologic process will result in naturally filling of these cracks over time.2 Visual inspection will be conducted from areas accessible by vehicle for signs of freshly exposed rock face or debris, or areas of significant vegetation dieback.3 Visual inspection of a representative area will be conducted by vehicle or on foot.4 A right of way in favour of two private properties (the route of which may be varied on reasonable notice) across WCPL-owned land is situated in the vicinity (but outside) of the ApplicationAreas for Longwalls 1 to 8.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page vii

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8TABLE OF CONTENTSSectionPage1 OVERVIEW OF THE EXTRACTION PLAN 11.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 11.2 STRUCTURE OF THE EXTRACTION PLAN 81.3 MINE PLAN AND SCHEDULE 91.4 SUBSIDENCE PREDICTIONS 141.5 SUBSIDENCE IMPACT PERFORMANCE MEASURES 171.6 SUBSIDENCE MANAGEMENT APPROACH 182 DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXTRACTION PLAN 212.1 REVIEW OF PREDICTIONS 212.2 RISK ASSESSMENT 222.3 CONSULTATION 243 SUBSIDENCE MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING 283.1 WATER MANAGEMENT 313.2 LAND MANAGEMENT 363.3 BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT 363.4 BUILT FEATURES MANAGEMENT 383.5 HERITAGE MANAGEMENT 443.6 PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT 463.7 REHABILITATION MANAGEMENT 483.8 MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY 484 IMPLEMENTATION 574.1 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT AND CONTINGENCY RESPONSE 574.2 REPORTING FRAMEWORK 604.3 REVIEW OF THE EXTRACTION PLAN 634.4 REVIEW OF OTHER MANAGEMENT PLANS 644.5 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 645 REFERENCES 676 ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS AND GLOSSARY 686.1 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 686.2 GLOSSARY 69LIST OF TABLESTable 1<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> RequirementsTable 2Key Mining ParametersTable 3Proposed Mining Schedule (Secondary <strong>Extraction</strong>)Table 4 Maximum Predicted Subsidence, Tilts and Strains for Longwalls 7 and 8Table 5Subsidence Impact Performance MeasuresTable 6Wambo Homestead Exclusion Zone Dimensions and Impact Risk to BuildingsTable 7Key Potential Consequences/Hazards Identified by the Subsidence RiskAssessmentTable 8Summary of Consultation with Government AgenciesTable 9Draft Management <strong>Plan</strong>s Distributed for CommentTable 10 Surface and Sub-surface FeaturesTable 11 Water Management Issues Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> of Longwalls 7 and 8EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page viii

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)Table 12 Water Performance Measures, Performance Indicators and Contingency Measuresfor Longwalls 7 and 8Table 13 Management Issues for Land in General Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> ofLongwalls 7 and 8Table 14 Biodiversity Management Issues Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> of Longwalls 7and 8Table 15 Biodiversity Performance Measures, Performance Indicators and ContingencyMeasures for Longwalls 7 and 8Table 16 Built Feature Management Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> of Longwalls 7 and 8Table 17 Built Feature Performance Measures, Performance Indicators and ContingencyMeasures for Longwalls 7 and 8Table 18 Heritage Management Issues Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> of Longwalls 7 and 8Table 19 Heritage Performance Measures, Performance Indicators and ContingencyMeasures for Longwalls 7 and 8Table 20 Public Safety Management Issues Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> of Longwalls 7and 8Table 21 Longwalls 7 and 8 Monitoring Program SummaryTable 22 Contingency <strong>Plan</strong> ResponsibilitiesTable 23 Current and Proposed Reporting FrameworkTable 24 Summary of Reporting FrameworkTable 25 Key <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> ResponsibilitiesLIST OF FIGURESFigure 1 Regional LocationFigure 2 Approved Wambo Coal Mine LayoutFigure 3 Aerial Photograph of Longwalls 7 and 8Figure 4 Wambo Coal Mine Environmental Management SystemFigure 5 Stratigraphy of the Wambo Coal Mine AreaFigure 6 Longwalls 7 and 8 LayoutFigure 7a Predicted Incremental Subsidence from the North Wambo Underground MineFigure 7b Predicted Cumulative Subsidence from the North Wambo Underground Mine andPrevious Workings in the Whybrow and Arrowfield SeamsFigure 8 Wambo Homestead Exclusion ZoneFigure 9 Location of Built FeaturesFigure 10 Monitoring of Environmental Consequences against Performance Indicators andMeasuresFigure 11 Locations of Air Quality, Noise and Blast Monitoring SitesFigure 12 Locations of Surface Water and Groundwater Monitoring SitesFigure 13 Locations of Biodiversity Monitoring SitesFigure 14 WCPL Organisation StructureLIST OF ATTACHMENTSAttachment 1Attachment 2Attachment 3Attachment 4Attachment 5Statutory RequirementsRelevant Consultation RecordsProgram to Collect Baseline Data for Future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>sKey Contact RegisterStatus Report StructureEP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page ix

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)LIST OF APPENDICESAppendix A Water Management <strong>Plan</strong>Appendix B Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>Appendix C Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong>Appendix D Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>Appendix E Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong>Appendix F Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong>Appendix G Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong> (Including SMP Approved <strong>Plan</strong> and <strong>Plan</strong>s 1 to 6)Appendix H Subsidence Monitoring ProgramAppendix I Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>LIST OF TECHNICAL REPORTSReport 1Report 2Report 3Report 4Report 5Revised Predictions of Subsidence Effects and Subsidence ImpactsGroundwater Impact Assessment ReviewSurface Water Impact Assessment ReviewSubsidence Risk AssessmentSubsidence Data Review and Validation of Prediction MethodologyEP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page x

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 81 OVERVIEW OF THE EXTRACTION PLANThe Wambo Coal Mine is an open cut and underground coal mining operation located approximately15 kilometres (km) west of Singleton, near the village of Warkworth, New South Wales (NSW)(Figure 1). The Wambo Coal Mine is owned and operated by Wambo Coal Pty Limited (WCPL), asubsidiary of <strong>Peabody</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> Australia Pty Limited (<strong>Peabody</strong>).The North Wambo Underground Mine is a component of the approved Wambo Coal Mine. The NorthWambo Underground Mine commenced in 2005 and involves extraction of coal by longwall miningmethods from the Wambo Seam within Mining Lease (ML) 1402, ML 1594, Coal Lease (CL) 397 andConsolidated Coal Lease (CCL) 743 (Figure 2).The potential environmental impacts of the existing Wambo Coal Mine were assessed in the WamboDevelopment Project Environmental Impact Statement (the EIS) (WCPL, 2003). DevelopmentConsent DA 305-7-2003 for the Wambo Coal Mine was granted on 4 February 2004 by the then NSWMinister for Urban Affairs and <strong>Plan</strong>ning under Part 4 of the NSW Environmental <strong>Plan</strong>ning andAssessment Act, 1974 (EP&A Act).An application to modify the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003) was lodged in January 2005 tofacilitate the re-orientation of the North Wambo Underground Mine longwall panels and allow accessto the Wambo Seam via the open cut highwall (DA 305-7-2003 MOD 2) and was approved on4 May 2005. The application was accompanied by the Wambo Development Project - Wambo SeamUnderground Mine Modification Statement of Environmental Effects (North Wambo SEE) (WCPL,2005).A Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> (SMP) for Longwalls 1 to 6 at the North Wambo Underground Mine(WCPL, 2006) was approved by the NSW Department of Primary Industries – Mineral Resources on11 December 2006. Longwalls 7 and 8 are the two remaining longwalls within the approved NorthWambo Underground Mine extent.Separately, WCPL is preparing an application to modify the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003MOD 13) to allow for two additional longwalls at the North Wambo Underground Mine (Longwalls 9and 10) (Figure 3). Longwalls 9 and 10 would be the subject of a new <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> or a revision ofthis <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. Subject to the approval of the modification, this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> would be revisedto incorporate main headings to Longwalls 9 and 10 from Longwall 8.1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPEThis document is an <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> that outlines the proposed management, mitigation, monitoringand reporting of potential subsidence impacts and environmental consequences from the secondaryextraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 at the North Wambo Underground Mine.Where not addressed by the existing relevant planning approval documents, this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> hasalso been prepared to comply with the Guideline for Applications for Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong>Approvals (the SMP Guideline) (Department of Mineral Resources [DMR], 2003).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 1

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8The objectives of this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> are to:• provide detailed plans of Longwalls 7 and 8;• outline potential subsidence effects, subsidence impacts and environmental consequences ofLongwalls 7 and 8;• describe the measures that will be implemented to ensure compliance with the subsidenceperformance measures and mitigate, manage and remediate potential subsidence impacts andenvironmental consequences; and• detail a monitoring and contingency plan for potential subsidence impacts and environmentalconsequences, including detailed performance indicators for subsidence performance measures.Longwalls 7 and 8 are located adjacent to Longwalls 1 to 6 at the North Wambo Underground Mine.The <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Application Area for Longwalls 7 and 8 based on a 26.5 degree (°) angle of drawis shown on Figure 3. Pending approval of this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, secondary extraction of Longwall 7 isscheduled to commence in June 2013.This <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> has been prepared by WCPL, with assistance from Ditton Geotechnical Services(DgS), Heritage Computing Pty Ltd, Gilbert & Associates Pty Ltd, RPS Australia Asia Pacific (RPS)and Resource Strategies. The appointment of the team of suitably qualified and experienced personswas endorsed by the Director-General of the NSW Department of <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Infrastructure (DP&I)on 20 September 2012.This <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> forms part of WCPL’s Environmental Management System for the Wambo CoalMine. The relationship of this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> to the Wambo Coal Mine Environmental ManagementSystem is shown on Figure Statutory RequirementsThis <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> has been prepared in accordance with the conditions of the DevelopmentConsent (DA 305-7-2003) and in consideration of the SMP Guideline (DMR, 2003).The statutory requirements relevant to this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> are summarised below.Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003)This <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> has been prepared in accordance with Condition 22C of Schedule 4 of theDevelopment Consent (DA 305-7-2003). The requirements of Condition 22C of Schedule 4 aresummarised in Table 1, along with the relevant section of this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> in which therequirements are addressed.Further detail on the requirements of the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003) is provided inAttachment 1.Mining Lease ConditionsLongwalls 7 and 8 are located within ML 1402, ML 1594 and CCL 743 (Figure 3). Under theconditions of the mining leases, WCPL must not undertake mining operations that will potentially leadto subsidence other than in accordance with a SMP approved by the Director-General of the Divisionof Resources and <strong>Energy</strong> (DRE), within the NSW Department of Trade and Investment, RegionalInfrastructure and Services (NSW Trade & Investment).This document is an SMP for the purpose of the mining lease conditions and has been prepared inconsideration of the SMP Guideline.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 4

Development ConsentDA 305-7-2003Mining LeasesEnvironmental Management Strategy/Environmental Monitoring Program<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 22C)/Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> (ML)Mining Operations <strong>Plan</strong>Life of Mine Rejects Emplacement Strategy (C.22G)Bushfire Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 93)Site Water Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C.30)Surface Water Monitoring Program (C. 30[d])Water Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 22C[h])Wambo Homestead ComplexConservation Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 58)Noise Monitoring Program (C. 9)Air Quality Monitoring Program (C. 5)Blast Monitoring Program (C. 19)Final Void Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 39)Traffic Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 80)Road Closure Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 72)Groundwater Monitoring Program (C. 30[e])Surface and Groundwater Response <strong>Plan</strong> (C.30[f])(Including the North Wambo CreekSubsidence Response Strategy)North Wambo Creek Diversion <strong>Plan</strong> (C.30[b])Erosion and Sediment Control <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 30[c])Flora & Fauna Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 44)Vegetation Clearance Protocol (C. 44[a])Threatened Species Management Protocol (C. 44[b])Land Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 22C[h])Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 22C[h])Remnant Woodland Enhancement Program (C. 44[c])Flora and Fauna Monitoring Program (C. 44[d])Wambo Homestead ComplexMine Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 57)Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 22C[h])Subsidence Monitoring Program (C. 22C[g])Salvage and Management Programme (C. 52)– developed as part of the 2005 Application forPermit under S87 and Consent under S90 NPW ActBuilt Features Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 22C[g])Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 22C[g])Safety Management System (C. 91)Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 94A)Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong> (C. 22C[g])W A M B O C O A L M I N EFIGURE 4Wambo Coal MineEnvironmental Management SystemWAM-09-15_EP_003C

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 1<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> RequirementsDevelopment Consent (DA 305-7-2003) ConditionCondition 22C of Schedule 422C.The Applicant shall prepare and implement an <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for thesecond workings within each seam to be mined to the satisfaction of theDirector-General. Each <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> must:a) be prepared by a team of suitably qualified persons whoseappointment has been endorsed by the Director-General;b) be approved by the Director-General before the Applicant carries outan of the second workings covered by the plan;c) include detailed plans of the proposed first and second workings andany associated surface development;d) included detailed performance indicators for each of the performancemeasures in Tables 14A and 14B;e) provide revised predictions of potential subsidence effects,subsidence impacts and environmental consequences of theproposed second workings, incorporating any relevant informationobtained since this consent;f) describe the measures that would be implemented to ensurecompliance with the performance measures in Tables 14A and 14B,and manage or remediate any impacts and/or environmentalconsequences;g) include the following to the satisfaction of the DRE:<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>ReferenceThis documentSection 1.1 andAttachment 2Section 1.3 andAppendix GSection 3 andAppendices A, C, D, Eand FSection 2.1 andTechnical Reports 1to 5Section 3 andAppendices A, B, C,D, E, F, H and I• a coal resource recovery plan… Appendix G• a subsidence monitoring program… Appendix H• a Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>… Appendix D• a Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong>… Appendix F• appropriate revisions to the Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>… Section 3.7h) include a:• Water Management <strong>Plan</strong>… Appendix A• Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong>… Appendix C• Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>… Appendix B• Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong>… Appendix Ei) include a program to collect sufficient baseline data for future<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s.Attachment 3EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 7

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Given that the North Wambo Underground Mine operates in accordance with a Development Consent(DA 305-7-2003), DRE does not need to approve the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> in consideration of Part 5 of theEP&A Act. Therefore, the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> does not include environmental impact assessment that hasalready been addressed by the EIS (WCPL, 2003) and the North Wambo SEE (WCPL, 2005).The requirements of the SMP Guideline and the conditions of the mining leases are summarised inAttachment 1, along with the relevant section of this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> where the requirements areaddressed.Other Statutory RequirementsIn addition to the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003) and mining leases, all activities at or inassociation with the North Wambo Underground Mine will be undertaken in accordance with thefollowing licences, permits and leases:• Underground Mining Operations <strong>Plan</strong> November 2005 – November 2012 (MOP) approved byunder the conditions of the mining leases, and any approved revision or replacement MOP.• Environment Protection Licence (EPL) 529 issued under the NSW Protection of the EnvironmentOperations Act, 1997, and any subsequent variations.• Approval of the application under section 60 of the NSW Heritage Act, 1977 for longwall miningwithin the curtilage of the Wambo Homestead Complex (WHC).• Consent #2222 issued under section 90 of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1974.• Water licences issued under the NSW Water Act, 1912 and water access licences and approvalsissued under the NSW Water Management Act, 2000.• Mining and occupational health and safety related approvals granted by DRE and WorkCoverNSW.1.2 STRUCTURE OF THE EXTRACTION PLANThis <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> comprises a main text component and supporting management plans andstudies, which include Appendices A through I and Technical Reports 1 through 5. An overview of themain text sections of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> is presented below:Section 1Section 2Section 3Section 4Section 5Section 6Provides an introduction to the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, including the purpose and scope of the<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> and a summary of the mine plan and design, subsidence predictions,subsidence performance measures and subsidence management approach.Describes the process of development of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, including: the process ofreviewing and updating the predictions of subsidence effects, subsidence impacts andenvironmental consequences; the risk assessment process for identifying keysubsidence management issues; and consultation undertaken by the mine withaffected agencies and other key stakeholders.Describes the measures that will be implemented to mitigate, manage, remediate andmonitor potential subsidence impacts and environmental consequences on naturaland built features.Addresses key elements of how the plan is going to be implemented, including anadaptive management approach, reporting, regular review and key responsibilities.Lists the documents referred to in Sections 1 to 4 of this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Defines abbreviations, acronyms and terms used in Sections 1 to 4 of this <strong>Extraction</strong><strong>Plan</strong>.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 8

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Attachment 1 Outlines the relevant requirements under the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003),the SMP Guideline (DMR, 2003) and mining leases, and provides the relevant sectionof this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> where the requirements are addressed.Attachment 2 Provides evidence of WCPL’s consultation process for the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Attachment 3 Provides details of a program to collect sufficient baseline data for future <strong>Extraction</strong><strong>Plan</strong>s.Attachment 4 Provides a consolidated list of key stakeholder contact information.Attachment 5 Provides an example structure of a Monthly Status Update.Appendices A to I contain component management and monitoring plans of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>:Appendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix EAppendix FWater Management <strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 7 and 8 (WMP).Land Management <strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 7 and 8 (LMP).Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 7 and 8 (BMP).Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 7 and 8 (BFMP).Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 7 and 8 (HMP).Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 1 to 8 (PSMP).Appendix G Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong> (Including SMP Approved <strong>Plan</strong> and <strong>Plan</strong>s 1 to 6).Appendix HAppendix ISubsidence Monitoring Program.Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>.This <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> is also supported by a series of technical reports, prepared by relevantspecialists, which contain a review of predictions of subsidence effects, subsidence impacts andenvironmental consequences. A facilitated risk assessment workshop, incorporating the relevanttechnical specialists, was also conducted in accordance with the procedures outlined in the SMPGuideline (DMR, 2003). These technical reports are contained in Technical Reports 1 to 5:Report 1Report 2Report 3Report 4Report 5Revised Predictions of Subsidence Effects and Subsidence Impacts.Groundwater Impact Assessment Review.Surface Water Impact Assessment Review.Subsidence Risk Assessment.Subsidence Data Review and Validation of Prediction Methodology.1.3 MINE PLAN AND SCHEDULEThe currently approved orientation and footprint of the North Wambo Underground Mine wasassessed as part of the North Wambo SEE (WCPL, 2005).The mine layout presented in the approved SMP for Longwalls 1 to 6 (WCPL, 2006) included250 metre (m) wide longwall panels within the approved North Wambo Underground Mine footprint.Longwalls 7 and 8 are the two remaining longwalls within the approved North Wambo UndergroundMine extent.Further detail on the mine plan and schedule is provided in the subsections below.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 9

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 81.3.1 Mine <strong>Plan</strong>Longwalls 7 and 8 will be extracted using retreating longwall mining methods for secondary extractionof panels with a 262.8 m void width. Construction of development main headings and gateroads aremined using continuous miners.The <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Application Area and proposed mine plan is shown in Figure 3 and keydimensions summarised in Table 2.Detailed mine layout drawings are provided in Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>), includingthe Approved <strong>Plan</strong> and <strong>Plan</strong>s 1 to 6 required under the SMP Guideline. Appendix G also providesjustification of the mining layout, including a description of resource recovery and effects on futureresource recovery.Table 2Key Mining ParametersParameter Longwall 7 Longwall 8ROM Coal Extracted (Mt) 3.57 3.18Gate Road Width (m) 5.4Gate Road Height (m) 2.5 – 2.8Maingate (MG) Chain Pillar Width (m) 26.2 16.8 (for single abutment loading)26.2 (for double abutment loading) 1Tailgate (TG) Chain Pillar Width (m) 26.2Tailgate (TG) Chain Pillar Length (m) 94.6Longwall Void Width (m)(ribline of goaf edge)262.8Longwall Void Length (m) 3,294 2,908 2<strong>Extraction</strong> Height (m) 2.2 – 2.5Effective <strong>Extraction</strong> Height (m) 3 2.65Depth of Cover (m) 50 – 240ROM = run-of-mine.Mt = Million tonnes.1 A portion of the Longwall 8 maingate pillar will be designed for double abutment loading for a proposed adjacentlongwall (Longwall 9). Longwall 9 is subject to approval of a proposed modification to Development Consent(DA 305-7-2003) for additional longwalls at the North Wambo Underground Mine discussed in Section 1.1.2 Excludes the Wambo Homestead Exclusion Zone (WHEZ) as shown in Figures 2 and 3 and discussed inSection Mining height is greater than seam thickness for the North Wambo Underground Mine longwalls due to mining dilutionresulting from mining conditions.Geology and StratigraphyThe Wambo Coal Mine is situated within the Hunter Coalfield subdivision of the Sydney Basin, whichforms the southern part of the Sydney-Gunnedah-Bowen Basin (WCPL, 2003). The coal bearing rocksof the Sydney Basin are Permian in age and are typically associated with low-lying gentle topography(WCPL, 2003). The overlying rocks of Triassic age cover large parts of the Sydney Basin and tend toform prominent escarpments where they outcrop (WCPL, 2003).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 10

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Mining activities at the Wambo Coal Mine include both open cut and underground mining of severalcoal seams from the Wittingham Coal Measures, which combine with the Newcastle Coal Measures toform the Singleton Supergroup (Figure 5). A summary of the coal measure stratigraphy underlying theWambo Coal Mine area is provided in Figure 5.Wittingham Coal Measures are divided into the Jerrys Plains Subgroup, Vane Subgroup, DenmanFormation and Archerfield Sandstone (WCPL, 2003). The Jerrys Plains Subgroup contains eightformations with 15 named coal seams (WCPL, 2003). The Jerrys Plains Subgroup is up to 800 m thickand generally consists of relatively coarse clastic sediments (DMR, 1993). The sedimentary rocklayers above and between coal seams are typically lithic sandstone, siltstone and conglomerate, whileminor carbonaceous claystone and tuff occurs throughout the sequence (WCPL, 2003).Coal seams previously, currently and proposed to be mined at the Wambo Coal Mine include(Figure 5):• Whybrow Seam;• Redbank Creek Seam;• Wambo Seam;• Whynot Seam;• Arrowfield Seam; and• Bowfield Seam.These seams dip gently to the south-west at approximately 2° to 3° with minor local variations due tovarying thicknesses of inter-seam sediments and fault zones (WCPL, 2003). Faulting usually trendsnorth or north-east to south-west with normal throws of up to 10 m with some low angle thrusts(i.e. reverse faults) of variable throw (MineConsult, 2001).The North Wambo Underground Mine mines the Wambo Seam which produces a low ash thermalcoal (WCPL, 2003). ROM coal is crushed and washed at the Wambo coal handling and preparationplant. Product coal from the North Wambo Underground Mine is considered suitable for export anddomestic markets.The overburden of the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area consists of gently, south-west dippingsedimentary strata comprising medium strength thin to medium interbedded sandstone and siltstonewith some thickly bedded sandstone units (Technical Report 1). Low strength carbonaceousmudstone, mudstone and coal immediately overly and underlie the coal seams present in theoverburden (Technical Report 1).Previous and Future MiningThere are a number of previous workings in the vicinity of Longwalls 7 and 8 including (Figure 6):• Bord and pillar workings in the Wambo Seam to the south-east of Longwall 8.• Bord and pillar workings and extracted longwall panels associated with the Homestead Mine andthe Wollemi Mine in the Whybrow Seam, located approximately 45 to 90 m above the WamboSeam.• Extracted longwall panels associated with the United Mine in the Woodlands Hill/Arrowfield Seam(under a lease swap arrangement), located approximately 170 to 220 m below the Wambo Seam.Longwall 8 is located within the inrush control zone associated with the historical bord and pillarworkings in the Wambo Seam. Relevant monitoring and management measures are detailed in theInrush Management <strong>Plan</strong>. Management measures include maintaining a geotechnically-stable barrierbetween Longwall 8 and the previous workings, and drilling to define the integrity of the barrier.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 11

SUPERGROUP GROUP SUBGROUP FORMATION SEAMNARRABEEN GROUPWIDDEN BROOK CONGLOMERATEGreigs Creek CoalGLEN GALLICSUBGROUPRedmanvale Creek FormationDights Creek CoalDOYLES CREEKWaterfall Gully FormationSUBGROUPPinegrove FormationNEWCASTLE COALMEASURES1HORSESHOECREEK SUBGROUPLucernia CoalStrathmore FormationAlcheringa CoalSINGLETONSUPERGROUPWITTINGHAM COALMEASURESPreviously known as the Wollombi Coal Measures.Coal reserves currently, previously and proposed to be mined at the Wambo Coal Mine.Coal reserves to be mined by the Wambo Coal Mine where the upper three plies of theWarkworth Seam combine with the two plies of the Bowfield Seam.123APPLETREE FLATSUBGROUPJERRYS PLAINSSUBGROUPVANE SUBGROUPClifford FormationCharlton FormationAbbey Green CoalWATTS SANDSTONEDENMAN FORMATIONMount LeonardWhybrow Seam 2FormationAlthorpe FormationRedbank Creek Seam 2Malabar FormationBlakefieldMount OgilvieFormationMount ThorleyFormationBurnamwoodFormationARCHERFIELD SANDSTONEWambo Seam 2Whynot Seam 2SeamGlen Munro SeamWoodlands Hill SeamMilbrodale FormationFairford FormationBulga FormationFoybrook FormationSaltwater Creek FormationArrowfield Seam 2Bowfield Seam 2Warkworth Seam 3Mount Arthur SeamPiercefield SeamVaux SeamBroonie SeamBayswater SeamWAM-09-15_EP_004BAfter: DMR (1993)W A M B O C O A L M I N EFIGURE 5Stratigraphy of theWambo Coal Mine Area

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Longwalls 7 and 8 also underlie previous workings of the Homestead Mine in the Whybrow Seam.Water has accumulated in these overlying workings and therefore, the inrush of water to Longwalls 7and 8 resulting from hydraulic connection with the previous workings is considered to be a potentialhazard. For this reason dewatering of the previous workings in the Whybrow Seam is undertaken inadvance of active mining as a safety measure.The extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 is expected to result in goaf re-activation of the previous workingsof the Homestead Mine in the overlying Whybrow Seam. Multi-seam interaction potential associatedwith the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 has been assessed by DgS (2012a) and this assessment isprovided in Technical Report 1. The assessment found that it is unlikely that multi-seam interactioneffects will cause instability of the existing standing pillars (Technical Report 1).Notwithstanding, sections of the previous workings of the Homestead Mine in the Whybrow Seam willbe bulk filled with low strength grout. Further detail regarding the bulk filling/grouting is provided inSection Mine ScheduleThe North Wambo Underground Mine operates seven days a week, 24 hours a day on a rotating shiftbasis. At the date of this document, extraction of Longwalls 1 to 5 is complete, with extraction ofLongwall 6 underway.The proposed sequence of mining under this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> and anticipated start and completiondates are summarised in Table 3.Table 3Proposed Mining Schedule (Secondary <strong>Extraction</strong>)Longwall Estimated Start Date Estimated DurationLongwall 6 1 September 2012(Actual)EstimatedCompletion Date8 months June 2013Longwall 7 June 2013 8 months February 2014Longwall 8 March 2014 8 months November 20141 Included in the North Wambo Underground Mine SMP for Longwalls 1 to 6 (WCPL, 2006).1.4 SUBSIDENCE PREDICTIONSRevised predictions of subsidence effects for Longwalls 7 and 8 were developed by DgS (TechnicalReport 1). The process for the development of these predictions is described in Section 2.1.1.Predicted Conventional Subsidence MovementsThe maximum incremental and cumulative subsidence, tilts and strains predicted for Longwalls 7 to 8are summarised in Table 4. Figures 7a and 7b provide incremental and cumulative subsidencecontours for the North Wambo Underground Mine, respectively.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 14

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 4Maximum Predicted Subsidence, Tilts and Strains for Longwalls 7 and 8Subsidence Parameter Longwall 7 Longwall 8Incremental Subsidence (Wambo Seam and Activation of Whybrow Seam Workings)Maximum Subsidence (m) 1.75 – 3.31 1.75 – 3.31Maximum Tilt (mm/m) 24 – 71 24 – 65Maximum Tensile Strain (mm/m) 1 5 – 26 5 – 29Maximum Compressive Strain (mm/m) 1 5 – 20 5 – 24Cumulative Subsidence (Wambo Seam, Whybrow Seam and Arrowfield Seam)Maximum Subsidence (m) 1.75 – 4.89 1.75 – 5.06Maximum Tilt (mm/m) 52 – 71 53 – 65Maximum Tensile Strain (mm/m) 1 10 – 26 5 – 29Maximum Compressive Strain (mm/m) 1 10 – 20 10 – 24mm/m = millimetre per metre.Source: After DgS (Technical Report 1).1 Predicted strains are ‘smooth profile’ strains. Discontinuous displacements can occasionally result in secondarycurvatures and strains that exceed predicted ‘smooth profile’ values by 2 to 4 times.Predicted Valley Related MovementsDgS (Technical Report 1) concluded that the likelihood of development of upsidence and valleyclosure movements, along North Wambo Creek and Stony Creek above Longwalls 7 and 8, is likely tobe negligible. This is because the valleys are very broad between crests, and there is a lack of thick,massive beds of conglomerate and/or sandstone units along the creeks and valleys.Predicted Far-Field Displacement MovementsBased on an empirical model for the Newcastle Coalfield, DgS (Technical Report 1) concluded thatmeasurable far-field displacement movements (i.e. greater than 20 millimetres [mm]) may occur fordistances up to 3 to 4 times the cover depth (i.e. 150 m to 720 m).DgS (Technical Report 1) also concluded that far-field displacement movements outside a distanceequal to one cover depth are unlikely to generate significant strains or movements to cause crackingor damage to the surface (i.e. are unlikely to have greater than negligible impact).1.5 SUBSIDENCE IMPACT PERFORMANCE MEASURESThe statutory requirements relevant to this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> are summarised in Section 1.1.1. Inaccordance with of the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003) (Condition 22 and 22A, Schedule 4),WCPL must ensure that there is no exceedance of the subsidence impact performance measuresoutlined in Table 5. This <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> has been developed to meet these performance measures.An application for mining within the curtilage of the WHC was submitted under section 60 of the NSWHeritage Act, 1977 and approved by the NSW Heritage Council, as required by Condition 57 ofSchedule 4 of the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003). Based on the assessment of the potentialimpacts and mitigation measures in relation to the proposed underground mining, Godden MackayLogan (2012) concluded that there will be no adverse effects on the State heritage values ofthe WHC.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 17

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8FeatureWollombi BrookWollemi National ParkWarkworth Sands Woodland CommunityWhite Box, Yellow Box, Blakely’s RedGum Woodland/Grassy White BoxWoodland CommunityWambo Homestead Complex (WHC)All Built FeaturesTable 5Subsidence Impact Performance MeasuresPublic SafetySource: After Tables 14A and 14B of the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003).Performance MeasureNegligible impact.Controlled release of excess site water only in accordancewith EPL requirements.Nil impact.Minor cracking and ponding of the land surface or otherimpact.Negligible environmental consequences.Minor cracking and ponding of the land surface or otherimpact.Negligible environmental consequences.Negligible impact on heritage values, unless approval hasbeen granted by the Heritage Branch and/or the Minister.Always safe.Serviceability should be maintained wherever practicable.Loss of serviceability must be fully compensated.Damage must be fully repairable, and must be fullyrepaired or else replaced or fully compensated.No additional risk.1.6 SUBSIDENCE MANAGEMENT APPROACHPotential environmental consequences from mining of Longwalls 7 and 8 will be managed inaccordance with the relevant requirements of the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003) and otherapprovals, through:• Mine Design – Longwall 8 will include a WHEZ (Wambo Homestead Exclusion Zone) toavoid/mitigate potential impacts on the WHC (Section 1.6.1).• Subsidence Mitigation – sections of previous Homestead Mine workings located in theWhybrow Seam will be grouted to increase the stability of these workings (Section 1.6.2).• Subsidence Monitoring – visual and survey monitoring and reporting will be conducted toconfirm predictions of subsidence effects and detect subsidence impacts and environmentalconsequences (Section 3.8).• Remediation – remediation will be conducted of any subsidence impacts or environmentalconsequences detected by subsidence monitoring, where required in consideration of: thepotential impacts of the unmitigated impact (including potential risks to safety and the potential forself-healing or long-term degradation); and the potential impacts of the remediation (Sections 3.1to 3.7).• Contingency <strong>Plan</strong>s – contingency plans will be implemented where a potential exceedance of asubsidence impact performance measure or an unexpected impact is detected (Section 4.1),including consideration of identified potential contingency measures (Sections 3.1, 3.3, 3.4and 3.5).• Adaptive Management – WCPL will implement an adaptive management approach by reviewingand evaluating the effectiveness of management strategies, and adjusting managementstrategies to improve performance, particularly following an exceedance of a subsidence impactperformance measure or detection of an unexpected impact (Section 4.1).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 18

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 81.6.1 Wambo Homestead Exclusion ZoneLongwall 8 has been designed with a WHEZ to avoid/mitigate potential impacts on the WHC(Figure 8). This layout was also approved through the application for mining within the curtilage of theWHC under section 60 of the NSW Heritage Act, 1977.The WHEZ was developed based on selecting an appropriate angle of draw to limit key subsidenceeffects (tilt, curvature and horizontal strain) to within tolerable limits. Due to the range of buildingsizes, structure type (i.e. masonry or timber frame), measured subsidence effects to date and existingcondition, the WHEZ is based on the minimum set back distances from Longwalls 7 and 8 presentedin Table 6 and the resulting predicted levels of impact risk.Table 6Wambo Homestead Exclusion Zone Dimensions and Impact Risk to BuildingsBuilding No.(See Figure 8)Minimum Angle of Draw(for 67 m of cover)Minimum SetbackDistance (m)Impact Risk toBuildings 1Longwall 7 Longwall 8 Longwall 7 Longwall 81, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 35° 35° 47 47 Negligible6, 9 17° 35° 20 47 Slight8 4° 35° 5 47 SlightSource: After DgS (Technical Report 1).1 Impact risk is based on low strength grout placed to full roadway height around two pillars in the Whybrow Seam thatare directly below Building No. 6 (Stud Master’s Cottage) (Section 1.6.2).1.6.2 Grouting of the Previous Homestead Mine WorkingsSubsidence management measures will include grouting of sections of the previous Homestead Mineworkings located in the Whybrow Seam to increase the stability of these workings. The bulkfilling/grouting will be undertaken within historical workings of the Homestead Mine which underliealluvium above Longwalls 7 and 8 (Figure 6). The bulk filling/grouting will be completed prior tosecondary extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 within these areas. WCPL has implemented an internalmonitoring process so that bulk filling/grouting will be completed on schedule.The grouting is being undertaken primarily as a mitigation measure to minimise the potential forflooding due to chimney failure and pot hole development resulting from failure of remnant pillarswithin the Homestead Mine workings. In addition, grouting of some of the previous Homestead Mineworkings is a requirement of WCPL’s approval to mine within the curtilage of the WHC. The methodbeing undertaken is outlined below:• Boreholes will be drilled from the surface into the Homestead Mine voids.• Boreholes will be cased and capped for the duration of the project to reduce potential water inflowto the Homestead Mine voids.• The seal and backfill material will be mixed and prepared at the surface.• To ensure containment of the backfill a sealer material will be pumped into the Homestead Minevoids through the boreholes.• After the mine is sealed, a low strength grout backfill mixture will be injected via the boreholesinto the Homestead Mine voids.• The backfill mixture will disperse within the Homestead Mine voids to a designated level.• On completion the boreholes will be surveyed and assessed to ensure the relevant HomesteadMine voids are adequately filled and stabilised.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 19

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 82 DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXTRACTION PLAN2.1 REVIEW OF PREDICTIONSThe predicted subsidence effects, subsidence impacts and environmental consequences of the NorthWambo Underground Mine have been assessed in the EIS (WCPL, 2003) and the North Wambo SEE(WCPL, 2005) (Section 1.1). This section describes the process of reviewing and updating thesepredictions.2.1.1 Predicted Subsidence Effects and Subsidence ImpactsReview of Subsidence Prediction MethodologyThe predictions of subsidence effects for Longwalls 7 and 8 were developed by DgS usingcontemporary prediction techniques (Technical Report 1). DgS (2012b) conducted a review of thesuitability of this subsidence prediction methodology for use at the North Wambo Underground Mineby comparing subsidence predictions with measured subsidence from Longwalls 1 to 4 (TechnicalReport 5).The review of the subsidence prediction methodology indicates that the Upper 95% Confidence Limitspresented for the maximum subsidence predictions are likely to be reliable for Longwalls 7 and 8(including for sections of panels with or without multi-seam mining interaction effects) (TechnicalReport 5). The predicted final subsidence profiles generally exceeded the measured subsidenceprofile to date and are therefore considered appropriate for the impact assessment of Longwalls 7and 8 (Technical Report 5).Comparison with Previous Predictions of Subsidence EffectsThe predictions of subsidence effects presented in the North Wambo SEE under predicted verticalsubsidence above the areas affected by multi-seam mining interaction effects, as the predictionmethod used did not include additional subsidence due to reactivated goaf in the overlying WhybrowSeam workings (Technical Report 1). It is therefore considered appropriate to adopt the predictionmethodology used by DgS that correlates with measured subsidence data at Longwalls 1 to 4.The predictions of maximum vertical subsidence by DgS for Longwalls 7 and 8 are approximately1.0 m to 1.6 m greater above the areas affected by multi-seam mining interaction effects (TechnicalReport 1). The tilt and strains predicted by DgS are similar in magnitude, if not slightly lower, than theNorth Wambo SEE predictions (Technical Report 1).Predicted Subsidence ImpactsGiven that the revised tilt and strains predicted by DgS are similar in magnitude, if not slightly lower,than the North Wambo SEE predictions, the cumulative subsidence impacts previously predicted aretherefore unlikely to change significantly over the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area (TechnicalReport 1).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 21

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8DgS (Technical Report 1) has conducted a detailed assessment of the following potential subsidenceimpacts:• surface cracking;• sub-surface fracturing;• slope instability and erosion; and• ponding.2.1.2 Potential Environmental ConsequencesDetailed discussion of potential environmental consequences is provided in the componentmanagement plans in Appendices A to F and summarised in Section 3.Heritage Computing (2012) (Technical Report 2) and Gilbert & Associates (2012) (TechnicalReport 3) conducted a review of the potential environmental consequences to groundwater andsurface water, respectively, based on review of environmental consequences resulting from theextraction of Longwalls 1 to 4. This review included:• review of Annual Environmental Management Reports (now Annual Reviews);• review of End of Panel Reports for Longwalls 1, 2, 3 and 4 at the North Wambo UndergroundMine;• analysis of available monitoring data relevant to the North Wambo Underground Mine;• comparison of observed environmental consequences resulting from the extraction of Longwalls1 to 4 against the approved environmental consequences as described in the EIS and the NorthWambo SEE; and• review of the revised subsidence predictions for Longwalls 7 and 8 prepared by DgS (TechnicalReport 1).Heritage Computing (2012) concluded that no material impacts to groundwater, in addition to thoseidentified in the EIS and North Wambo SEE, have occurred due to extraction of longwalls at the NorthWambo Underground Mine based on currently available records. As a result, Heritage Computing(2012) concluded that revision of the potential environmental consequences on groundwater forLongwalls 7 and 8 is not required.Similarly, Gilbert & Associates (2012) concluded that no material impacts to surface water, in additionto those identified in the EIS and North Wambo SEE, have occurred due to the extraction ofLongwalls 1 to 4. As a result, Gilbert & Associates (2012) concluded that revision of the potentialenvironmental consequences on surface water for Longwalls 7 and 8 is not required.2.2 RISK ASSESSMENTA Subsidence Risk Assessment was undertaken to identify subsidence impacts with high risk levelsand/or potentially severe consequences in accordance with the SMP Guideline (DMR, 2003). A riskassessment workshop was conducted in October 2012, and was facilitated by a risk assessmentspecialist and attended by relevant WCPL personnel and technical specialists (Safe ProductionsSolutions, 2012) (Technical Report 4).With the implementation of the proposed risk treatment measures, all of the potential loss scenarioswere ranked “Medium – As Low As Reasonably Practicable” or “Low” by the risk assessment team(Technical Report 4).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 22

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8A summary of the key potential consequences/hazards associated with Longwalls 7 and 8, asidentified in the risk assessment workshop is provided in Table 7. The table also provides across-reference to where these key potential consequences/hazards have been addressed in the<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Table 7Key Potential Consequences/Hazards Identified by the Subsidence Risk AssessmentSubjectAreaNaturalFeaturesFarm Landand FacilitiesPublicUtilitiesMineInfrastructurePotential Consequence HazardInduced leakage from Wollombi Brook resulting from alowering of the watertable associated with the extractionof Longwalls 7 and 8.A change in flood regimes or extent of potential inundationdue to subsidence resulting from the extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8.Reduced baseflow to Wambo Creek (also known asSouth Wambo Creek) resulting from a lowering of thewatertable associated with the extraction of Longwalls 7and 8.Failure of the monitoring program to detect and respondto an impact on the groundwater system.Induced leakage from Stony Creek resulting from alowering of the watertable associated with the extractionof Longwalls 7 and 8.Induced leakage from North Wambo Creek overLongwalls 7 and 8 due to a lowering of the watertableand/or connective cracking associated with the extractionof Longwalls 7 and 8.Reduced groundwater user access to alluvial groundwatersupply due to a lowering of the watertable associated withthe extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8.Erosion and geomorphological impacts on North WamboCreek above predicted impacts.A change in land surface slope and preferential pathwaysfor rainfall infiltration resulting from fracturing to the landsurface caused by the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8.Far-field subsidence impacts due to the extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8 resulting in environmentalconsequences at Wollemi National Park.Potential impacts on neighbouring properties andactivities.Subsidence impacts resulting in injury to livestock due tothe extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8.Subsidence impacts to the 11 kilovolt (kV) Ausgridpowerline located within the Longwalls 7 and 8 ApplicationArea resulting from the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8.South Wambo Dam damaged by subsidence resulting indischarge of dirty water, delay to operations or inrush toworkings.Mine subsidence impacts resulting in slope instability ofwaste rock emplacements.Subsidence impacts to WCPL powerlines resulting fromthe extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8.<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>ReferenceSection 3.1 and WMP(Appendix A)Section 3.2 and LMP(Appendix B)Section 3.3 and BMP(Appendix C)Sections 2, 3.2 and 3.6Section 3.2 and LMP(Appendix B)Section 3.4 and BFMP(Appendix D)Section 3.4 and BFMP(Appendix D)EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 23

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 7 (Continued)Key Potential Consequences/Hazards Identified by the Subsidence Risk AssessmentSubjectAreaMineInfrastructureItems ofHeritageSignificanceOtherPotential Consequence HazardLoss of capacity of water storages due to fracturing to thewater storage floors resulting from extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8.Mine subsidence impacts to WCPL mine dewateringdischarge pipelines.Instability of the highwall in the Homestead pit as a resultof subsidence impacts.Subsidence impacts on all-weather site access track tosouthern area resulting in inability to access criticalinfrastructure.Structural damage to wells and bores close to the minefootprint (including old United Mine gas bores).Impacts on drainage within the Homestead pit, inparticular drainage to the fan bench from rehabilitatedareas.Stud Master’s Cottage (WHC) compromised bysubsidence from Longwall 7.Failure of timing or effectiveness of Homestead backfillproject (grouting of historic Homestead Mine workings inthe Whybrow Seam).Interaction of Wambo Seam fractured zone with overlyingWhybrow Seam fractured zone result in increased watermake in the underground workings.Impact on adjacent historic workings in the Wambo Seam<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>ReferenceSection 3.4 and BFMP(Appendix D)Section 3.5 and HMP(Appendix E)Section 1.6.2Coal Resource Recovery<strong>Plan</strong> (Appendix G)Coal Resource Recovery<strong>Plan</strong> (Appendix G)Failure to implement the approved <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. Section 42.3 CONSULTATIONConsultation has been conducted for the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> in accordance with the requirements of theDevelopment Consent (DA 305-7-2003) and in consideration of the SMP Guideline. Consultation withrelevant stakeholders is described further below.Evidence of WCPL’s consultation process for the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> is provided in Attachment Government AgenciesA summary of the consultation with government agencies and the key issues raised is provided inTable 8. Draft management plans were distributed for comment as required under Condition 22C ofthe Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003), as summarised in Table 9. There are no ‘affected publicauthorities’ relevant to the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area, therefore the LMP was not distributedfor comment.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 24

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 8Summary of Consultation with Government AgenciesAgency Consultation Conducted Key Issues RaisedDP&I• 14 September 2012 – briefing email andinvitation to risk assessment workshop.• 19 September 2012 – Endorsement of<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> team.• 1-6 November 2012 – draft BMP, WMPand HMP provided.• No issues raised.DRENSWEnvironmentProtectionAuthority (EPA)NSW Office ofEnvironmentand Heritage(OEH)NSW Office ofWater (NOW)• 14 September 2012 – briefing email andinvitation to risk assessment workshop.• 9 October 2012 – briefing provided.• 25 October 2012 – site inspection andsummary of subsidence predictions.• 1 November 2012 – draft BMP provided.• 8 November 2012 – draft SubsidenceMonitoring Program provided.• 23 November 2012 – meeting to discussthe draft BMP.• 26 November 2012 – letter advising thatthe DRE has assessed the BMP and hasno objection to the performance andcontingency measures.• 14 September 2012 – briefing email andinvitation to risk assessment workshop.• 6 November 2012 – draft WMP provided.• 9 November 2012 – letter advising thatthe EPA will not comment on the WMP.• 14 September 2012 – briefing email andinvitation to risk assessment workshop.• 1 November 2012 – draft BMP provided.• 6 November 2012 – draft HMP provided.• 30 November 2012 – comments on HMPprovided.• 14 September 2012 – briefing email andinvitation to risk assessment workshop.• 17 October 2012 – on-site briefing.• Multi-seam subsidencemonitoring data (TechnicalReport 5).• South Wambo Dam DSCapproval and interaction withChief Inspector of Minesapproval (Appendix D).• Interaction of the WHC (WamboHomestead Complex) with theBuilt Features Management<strong>Plan</strong> (Appendix D).• Interaction of subsurfacefracturing and alluvium(Appendix A and TechnicalReports 1 and 2).• Reporting timing and framework(Section 4.2).• No objection to the BMP.• No issues raised.• No comment on WMP.• Requested additional detail onmanagement of Aboriginalcultural heritage issues in theHMP and consultation withAboriginal stakeholders(Appendix E andAttachment 2).• Subsidence predictions wherelongwall panels are not parallelwith Whybrow workings(Technical Report 1).• Source and quantity of water inold underground workings(Appendix A and Section 4.4).• Drawdown impacts on alluvium(Appendix A and TechnicalReport 2).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 25

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 8 (Continued)Summary of Consultation with Government AgenciesAgency Consultation Conducted Key Issues RaisedDepartment ofPrimaryIndustries –Fisheries(DPI-Fisheries)NSW MineSubsidenceBoard (MSB)NSW DamsSafetyCommittee(DSC)• 14 September 2012 – briefing email andinvitation to risk assessment workshop.• 1 November 2012 – draft BMP provided.• 7 November 2012 – letter advising thatDPI-Fisheries has no objections to theBMP and the proposed management andcontingency measures proposed areadequate.• 14 September 2012 – briefing email andinvitation to risk assessment workshop.• 10 October 2012 – attendance at morningsession of risk assessment workshop.• 14 September 2012 – briefing email andinvitation to risk assessment workshop.• 23 November 2012 – briefing provided.Table 9Draft Management <strong>Plan</strong>s Distributed for Comment• No issues raised.• No objection to the BMP.• Consideration of impacts onAusgrid-owned infrastructure(Appendix D).• Revision of South Wambo DamNotification Area (DSC meetingin December to review)(Appendix D).• An application to mine within anotification needs to beapproved by DSC prior tomining within notification area.(the South Wambo Dam is notyet part of lease conditions andtherefore at this stage the ChiefInspector of Mines does notapprove application)(Appendix D).Management <strong>Plan</strong> Agencies Date DistributedWater Management <strong>Plan</strong> DP&I, NOW, EPA 6 November 2012Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong> DP&I, OEH, DRE, DPI-Fisheries 1 November 2012Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong> DP&I, OEH, Heritage Branch (OEH) 6 November 2012Subsidence Monitoring Program DRE 8 November 20122.3.2 Infrastructure OwnersThe only infrastructure within the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area not owned by WCPL is an 11 kVpowerline owned by Ausgrid.WCPL has consulted with Ausgrid regarding the long-term management of this powerline. Ausgridhas identified the powerline as "not in use" and WCPL and Ausgrid have commenced discussions andassessments to decommission the line.If the section of line is not decommissioned, WCPL would prepare an Ausgrid Asset Management<strong>Plan</strong> (AAMP) in consultation with Ausgrid for the management of this powerline.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 26

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 82.3.3 Public ConsultationA public notice was placed in the Singleton Argus and Sydney Morning Herald on 2 and 3 October2012, respectively, providing notice of WCPL’s intent to lodge an <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 7and 8. One local landholder (and member of the Community Consultative Committee [CCC])registered his interest in being consulted as part of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> process.A briefing letter was sent to the members of the CCC in October 2012 providing information on the<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 7 and 8.An electronic copy of the draft <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> will be distributed to the members of the CCC forconsultation purposes.The final <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> will be placed on the WCPL website.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 27

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 83 SUBSIDENCE MANAGEMENT AND MONITORINGSurface and sub-surface features within the Application Area are listed in Table 10. These featuresmay be potentially impacted by the secondary extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8. The location of builtfeatures is shown in Figure 9 and environmental features are shown in Figure 3. Descriptions of eachof these features are contained within the relevant management plan referenced in Table 10.The Application Area is located wholly within the Patrick Plains Mine Subsidence District (proclaimed2 July 1980). The Ausgrid powerline, the WHC, wells, fences, gates, possibly some farm dams andfarm tracks are the only man-made structures in the Application Area known to have been constructedprior to declaration of the Mine Subsidence District (L. Latter, Technical Site Services Coordinator,pers. comm., 11 December 2012).Table 10Surface and Sub-surface FeaturesFeatureNatural FeaturesNorth Wambo Creek and Associated Alluvial AquifersStony Creek and Associated Alluvial AquifersPermian AquifersThreatened and Protected SpeciesNatural VegetationPublic UtilitiesAusgrid 11 kV Powerline 1Farm Land and FacilitiesUse of WCPL Land for AgistmentFences and Gates 1Section/Management <strong>Plan</strong>ReferenceSection 3.1 and WMP(Appendix A)Section 3.3 and BMP(Appendix C)Section 3.4 and BFMP(Appendix D)Section 3.2 and LMP(Appendix B)Farm Dams 1Mine Infrastructure66 kV Overhead Powerline and Fibre Optic Cable Section 3.4 and WCPL Asset11 kV Overhead PowerlineManagement <strong>Plan</strong> (WAMP) inBFMP (Appendix D)Buried Inactive 11 kV PowerlineWater Supply Pipelines and Associated Pumps and AncillaryInfrastructureDewatering Pipelines, Dewatering Boreholes and Associated Pumpsand Ancillary InfrastructureBoreholes and Wells 1Workshop and Buildings at the old Homestead Mine Pit TopFences 1All-weather Site Access Track, Old Haul Roads and Other UnsealedTracks 1Portal Seals to the Homestead Mine WorkingsMobile and Fixed <strong>Plan</strong>t that may be located within the Homestead PitExploration <strong>Plan</strong>t that may be located in the Application AreaSouth Wambo DamSection 3.4 and PrescribedDam Management <strong>Plan</strong>(PDMP) in BFMP(Appendix D)EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 28

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 10 (Continued)Surface and Sub-surface FeaturesFeatureAreas of Archaeological and/or Heritage SignificanceWambo Homestead Complex 1, 2Aboriginal Cultural Heritage SitesItems of Architectural SignificanceWambo Homestead Complex 1, 2Section/Management <strong>Plan</strong>ReferenceSection 3.5 and HMP(Appendix E)Section 3.5 and HMP(Appendix E)1 Man-made structures known to have been constructed prior to declaration of the Mine Subsidence District (L. Latter,Technical Site Services Coordinator, pers. comm., 11 December 2012).2 Identified as an area of environmental sensitivity. Longwall 8 has been designed with a WHEZ to avoid/mitigatepotential impacts on the WHC (Section 1.6.1).The Application Area is wholly within WCPL-owned land and there are no relevant proposeddevelopments within the Application Area proposed by other parties.In addition to the WHC, Wollombi Brook and Wollemi National Park (and its escarpment) may beconsidered areas of environmental sensitivity. Wollombi Brook and Wollemi National Park are locatedoutside of the Application Area, and have been considered in Section 3.1 and Section 3.3,respectively.Revised subsidence predictions and impacts to these surface and sub-surface features have beenprovided in Technical Report 1. Management and monitoring actions for each feature are included ineach of the management plans as indicated in Table 10 and summarised in Sections 3.1 to 3.6.The component management plans to this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> form part of WCPL’s EnvironmentalManagement System for the Wambo Coal Mine as shown on Figure 4. In order to avoid duplicationof existing Environmental Management <strong>Plan</strong>s these management plans reference components of thefollowing existing plans:• Site Water Management <strong>Plan</strong>, including:– Surface Water Monitoring Program (SWMP);– Groundwater Monitoring Program (GWMP);– Surface and Groundwater Response <strong>Plan</strong> (SGWRP); and– North Wambo Creek Subsidence Response Strategy (NWCSRS) (the NWCSRS is acomponent of the SGWRP).• Erosion and Sediment Control <strong>Plan</strong> (ESCP).• Flora and Fauna Management <strong>Plan</strong> (FFMP).• Wambo Homestead Complex Mine Management <strong>Plan</strong> (WHCMMP) (Godden Mackay Logan,2012).• Salvage and Management Programme (S&MP) (Navin Officer Heritage Consultants, 2005).• Health and Safety Management System (H&SMS) as summarised in the H&SMS Overview.A summary of the proposed monitoring for the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> is provided in Section 3.8.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 30

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 83.1 WATER MANAGEMENT3.1.1 OverviewThe WMP is provided in Appendix A. The purpose and scope of the WMP are summarised below:Purpose: Management of potential environmental consequences of the proposed secondaryworkings described in the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> on water resources.Scope: Surface water resources, groundwater resources and flooding within the Longwalls 7 and 8Application Area (Figure 3).The WMP references components of the SWMP, GWMP, SGWRP and NWCSRS.3.1.2 Key Water Issues, Monitoring and Management MeasuresThe key issues relating to subsidence impacts on surface water resources, groundwater resourcesand flooding described in the WMP and the relevant monitoring and management measures aresummarised in Table 11.A review of impacts to groundwater due to the extraction of longwalls at the North WamboUnderground Mine based on currently available records was undertaken by Heritage Computing(2012) and is provided as Technical Report 2. This review concluded that no material impacts, inaddition to those identified in the EIS and North Wambo SEE, have occurred due to the extraction oflongwalls at the North Wambo Underground Mine based on currently available records, and as aresult, revision of the potential environmental consequences resulting from the extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8 is not required (Heritage Computing, 2012).In addition, a review of monitoring data for Longwalls 1 to 4 relating to environmental consequences tosurface water was undertaken by Gilbert & Associates (2012) and is provided as Technical Report 3.This review concluded that no material impacts, in addition to those identified in the EIS and NorthWambo SEE, have occurred due to the extraction of Longwalls 1 to 4, and as a result, revision of thepotential environmental consequences resulting from the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 is notrequired (Gilbert & Associates, 2012).3.1.3 Assessment of Performance Indicators and MeasuresPerformance indicators developed for the subsidence impact performance measures relating to waterare presented in the WMP and are summarised in Table 12. Monitoring conducted to inform theassessment of the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 against these performance indicators issummarised in Section 3.8 and Appendix H.The procedure followed to assess the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 against the performanceindicators and performance measures is outlined in Figure 10 and described in detail in Appendix A.3.1.4 Contingency <strong>Plan</strong>In the event that the subsidence impact performance measures relating to water summarised inTable 12 are considered to have been exceeded or are likely to be exceeded, WCPL will implement aContingency <strong>Plan</strong> as described in Section 4.1. Potential contingency measures for the performancemeasures relating to water are outlined in Table 12.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 31

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 11Water Management Issues Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> of Longwalls 7 and 8•Issue Approved Impact Revised Impact Monitoring ManagementSurface WaterNorth • Additional area of the North Wambo• Monitoring of• Formation of two elongated on-stream • Creek bed gradients estimated to increase the Subsidenceponds in the lower reaches of North by 2% (approximately 1.14°) and decrease MonitoringWambo Creek due to subsidence. 2 by 1.5% (approximately 0.86°). 3ProgramWamboCreekcatchment inundated during floods dueto subsidence. 1Subsidence of up to 1.77 m (aboveLongwall 7) and 1.74 m (aboveLongwall 8). 3subsidence inaccordance with(Appendix H).WollombiBrookStonyCreekWamboCreek• No revision of the potential environmentalconsequences is required. 4• No subsidence or associated• ‘Very unlikely’ to experience subsidenceunderground mining. 1 • No revision of the potential environmentalcracking. 1impacts associated with the extraction of• Groundwater levels and/or surface Longwalls 7 and 8 greater than thosewater flow generally unchanged due to currently approved.consequences is required. 4• Subsidence induced erosion andponding in the reaches of Stony Creekabove the Wambo, Arrowfield andBowfield Seam workings. 1• Cracking along Stony Creek over theends of the North WamboUnderground Mine longwall panels. 1 ••No additional subsidence or creek bedgradient changes are predicted alongStony Creek due to the extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8. 3No revision of the potential environmentalconsequences is required. 4• Minor increase in ponding. 1• No impact to Wambo Creek is expected tosubsidence in the creeks floodplain. 1 • No revision of the potential environmental• Slight increase in areas of flooding result from the extraction of Longwalls 7during high flow events due toand 8. 3consequences is required. 4• Monitoring inaccordance withthe SWMP.• Monitoring inaccordance withthe NWCSRS.• If connective cracking toNorth Wambo Creek isidentified, managementmeasures will beemployed in accordancewith the NWCSRS.• Grouting of HomesteadMine Workings.As discussed inSection 1.6.2, sectionsof historical workings ofthe Homestead Mine willbe bulk filled with lowstrength grout primarilyas a mitigation measureto minimise the potentialfor flooding due tochimney failure and pothole developmentresulting from failure ofremnant pillars within theHomestead Mineworkings.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 32

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 11 (Continued)Water Management Issues Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> of Longwalls 7 and 8• Continuous cracking will potentiallyIssue Approved Impact Revised Impact Monitoring ManagementGroundwaterAlluvial • Potential for connection between• Monitoring of • If connective cracking to• Lowering of the base of the Northup to 180 m above the longwalls. 3(Appendix H). • Grouting of HomesteadWambo Creek alluvium affecting • Groundwater levels are likely to beMine Workings.groundwater leakage rates. 1• Monitoring intemporarily lowered by strata dilation dueaccordance with• Short-term drainage of groundwater to subsidence deformation between coverout of the alluvium. 1depths of 110 and 180 m. 3the GWMP.• No water quality impact on the local • No revision of the potential environmental • Monitoring inalluvial groundwater system. 1 consequences is required. 5accordance withthe NWCSRS.Aquifers underground mine workings and thealluvium where geological structuresexist. 1intersect surface cracking below thealluvium where cover depths are less than110 m*. 3subsidence inaccordance withthe SubsidenceNorth Wambo Creek isidentified, managementmeasures will be• Potential cracking of the alluvium along • Discontinuous cracking is expected to Monitoringemployed in accordanceNorth Wambo Creek. 1interact with the alluvium for cover depths Programwith the NWCSRS.PermianAquifers• Dewatering of the Permian aquifer andlowering of groundwater levels. 1• No revision of the potential environmentalconsequences is required. 5• Impact on Permian water qualitythrough mining will not be detrimentalAs discussed inSection 1.6.2, sectionsof historical workings ofthe Homestead Mine willbe bulk filled with lowstrength grout primarilyas a mitigation measureto minimise the potentialfor flooding due tochimney failure and pothole developmentresulting from failure ofremnant pillars within theHomestead Mineworkings.1 After the EIS (WCPL, 2003).2 After the North Wambo SEE (WCPL, 2005).3 After DgS (Technical Report 1).4 After Gilbert & Associates (Technical Report 3).5 After Heritage Computing (Technical Report 2).* For cover depths less than of less than 70 m the likelihood that continuous cracking will intersect surface cracking below the alluvium is considered to be ‘likely’ (nominally 25% to 75%probability). For cover depths between 70 to 110 m the likelihood that continuous cracking will intersect surface cracking below the alluvium is considered to be ‘possible’ (nominally 10% to25% probability).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 33

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 12Water Performance Measures, Performance Indicators and Contingency Measures for Longwalls 7 and 8Performance Measure Performance Indicator(s) Relevant Management and Contingency MeasuresNegligible impact toWollombi Brook.• The performance indicators will be considered to have beenexceeded if pumping of water from the North WamboUnderground Mine roadways requires regular pumping atrates higher than normal.• The performance indicators will be considered to have beenexceeded if the groundwater levels in alluvial bores exceedthe groundwater level criteria listed in Table 4 of the GWMP.• The performance indicators will be considered to have beenexceeded if the groundwater quality in alluvial bores exceedsthe groundwater quality criteria listed in Table 4 of theGWMP.• The performance indicators will be considered to have beenexceeded if the surface water quality in Wollombi Brookexceeds the surface water quality criteria listed in Table 11of the SWMP.• Consider whether the performance measure has beenexceeded based on subsidence, groundwater andsurface water monitoring data and hydrological and/orhydrogeological analysis.• If the performance measure has been exceeded,implement a Contingency <strong>Plan</strong>, which may include:- Implementation of stream flow loss remediationtechniques (e.g. injection grouting or installation ofa geomembrane).- Provision of offsets (i.e. retirement of an equivalentvolume of water licence).- Implementation of erosion and sediment controlmeasures and stabilisation techniques.- Additional monitoring (e.g. increase in monitoringfrequency).- Consideration of changes to longwall extractiongeometry in consultation with relevant regulatoryauthorities.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 34

CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENTMonitoring of Environmental ConsequencesData AnalysisAssessment of Performance Indicator(s)Has theperformanceindicator(s) beenexceeded?NoIs theperformanceindicator likely to beexceeded (i.e. withoutmanagementmeasures)?NoYesYesManagement MeasuresAssessment of Performance MeasuresHas theperformancemeasure beenexceeded?NoIs theperformancemeasure likely to beexceeded?NoYesYesContingency <strong>Plan</strong>WAM-09-15_EP_002EW A M B O C O A L M I N EFIGURE 10Monitoring of Environmental Consequencesagainst Performance Indicatorsand Measures

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 83.2 LAND MANAGEMENT3.2.1 OverviewThe LMP is provided in Appendix B. The purpose and scope of the LMP are summarised below:Purpose: Management of potential environmental consequences of the proposed secondaryworkings described in the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> on land in general.Scope: Land in general within the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area (Figure 3).The LMP references components of the ESCP.3.2.2 Key Land Issues, Monitoring and Management MeasuresThe Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area is wholly located on WCPL-owned land and land use includescleared grazing land (rain-fed unimproved pasture) and patches of remnant native woodland.Potential impacts on agricultural activities within the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area include:• possible injury to persons undertaking agricultural activities;• injury to livestock caused by surface cracking; and• loss of integrity of stock fences.The key issues relating to subsidence impacts on land in general described in the LMP and therelevant monitoring and management measures are summarised in Table Assessment of Performance Indicators and MeasuresNo subsidence impact performance measures specifically relate to land in general. Subsidence impactperformance measures relating to the Wollemi National Park and associated escarpment areaddressed in the BMP (Section 3.3).3.2.4 Contingency <strong>Plan</strong>In the event that subsidence impacts to land in general have occurred and are not effectively mitigatedby the management measures summarised in Table 13, WCPL will implement a Contingency <strong>Plan</strong> asdescribed in Section BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT3.3.1 OverviewThe BMP is provided in Appendix C. The purpose and scope of the BMP are summarised below:Purpose: Management of potential environmental consequences of the proposed secondaryworkings described in this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> on flora and fauna.Scope: Flora and fauna within the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area (Figure 3).The BMP references components of the existing FFMP.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 36

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 13Management Issues for Land in General Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> of Longwalls 7 and 8Issue Approved Impact Revised Impact Monitoring ManagementLand Use. • Surface cracking. 1• Surface cracks of widths • Monitoring of subsidenceLand • Increased erosion. 1ranging between 40 and in accordance with theCapability520 mm aboveSubsidence MonitoringLongwalls 7 and 8. 2Program (Appendix H).SteepSlopesSurfaceWater• Ponding of surface water inareas where isolateddepressions form. 1• Increased depth and durationof inundation during floodevents. 1• Surface cracking. 1• Addressed in the WMP(Section 3.1).• Maximum potentialponding depths between0.15 and 1.3 m aboveLongwalls 7 and 8. 2• No long term impacts onland capability areexpected to result fromthe extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8.• No steep slopes occurwithin the Longwalls 7and 8 Application Area. 2• Cracking may occuroutside of the Longwalls 7and 8 Application Areawhere moderate to steepslopes exist. 2• Addressed in the WMP(Section 3.1).• Visual observations ofstock fences.• Visual observations of theground surface.• Addressed in the WMP(Section 3.1).1 After the EIS (WCPL, 2003).2 After DgS (Technical Report 1).* Minor cracks that develop are not expected to require remediation as geomorphologic process will result in naturally filling of these cracks over time.• Notification to agistees of areas oflongwall mining and activesubsidence, and exclusion ofagistment grazing from areas wheresurface cracking presents areasonable risk to people and/orlivestock.• Remediation of surface cracks* wherepracticable using conventionalearthmoving equipment (e.g. abackhoe) including:– infilling of surface cracks with soilor other suitable materials; or– locally re-grading andre-compacting the surface.• Stabilisation of any areas of surfacecracking using erosion protectionmeasures (e.g. vegetation planting).• Drainage works and rehabilitation ofsubsidence troughs (i.e. areas ofinduced ponding) as necessary.• Repair of stock fences prior toallowing access for agistment grazing.• Management measures in accordancewith the ESCP.• Addressed in the WMP (Section 3.1).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 37

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 83.3.2 Key Biodiversity Issues, Monitoring and Management MeasuresThe key issues relating to subsidence impacts on biodiversity are described in the BMP and therelevant monitoring and management measures are summarised in Table Assessment of Performance Indicators and MeasuresPerformance indicators developed for the subsidence impact performance measures relating tobiodiversity relevant to the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 are presented in the BMP and aresummarised in Table 15. Monitoring conducted to inform the assessment of the extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8 against these performance indicators is summarised in Section 3.8 andAppendix H.The procedure followed to assess the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 against the performanceindicators and performance measures is outlined in Figure 10 and described in detail in Appendix C.Given the proximity of the Warkworth Sands Woodland Endangered Ecological Community (EEC) inrelation to Longwalls 7 and 8 (i.e. more than 1 km from the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area), it isvery unlikely that the Warkworth Sands Woodland EEC will experience impacts resulting from theextraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 (Technical Report 1). On this basis, monitoring of environmentalconsequences against performance indicators and measures relating to the Warkworth SandsWoodland EEC is not considered necessary for Longwalls 7 and 8 and therefore has not beenincluded in the BMP. Monitoring relevant to the Warkworth Sands Woodland EEC will be addressed insubsequent <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s.3.3.4 Contingency <strong>Plan</strong>In the event that the subsidence impact performance measures relating to biodiversity summarised inTable 15 are considered to have been exceeded or are likely to be exceeded, WCPL will implement aContingency <strong>Plan</strong> as described in Section 4.1. Potential contingency measures for the performancemeasures relating to biodiversity relevant to the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 are outlined inTable 15.3.4 BUILT FEATURES MANAGEMENT3.4.1 OverviewThe BFMP is provided in Appendix D. The purpose and scope of the BFMP are summarised below:Purpose: Management of all public infrastructure and all classes of other built features for theproposed secondary workings described in the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Scope: All public infrastructure and all other classes of built features within the Longwalls 7 and 8Application Area (Figure 3).The BFMP comprises two component plans, the WAMP and PDMP.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 38

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 14Biodiversity Management Issues Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> of Longwalls 7 and 8•Issue Approved Impact Revised Impact Monitoring ManagementFlora • Ponding of surface water in Impacts resulting from • Monitoring of• The Vegetation Clearance Protocoldepressions form. 1and 8 will be consistent accordance with the The VCP has been developed to• A change in flora specieswith those presented in the Subsidence Monitoring minimise impacts on threatened floracomposition and structureEIS and the North Wambo Program (Appendix H). and fauna and is applicable across allexpected to occur as a result SEE.• Monitoring inWCPL managed land, including theof increased ponding, which isaccordance with theLongwalls 7 and 8 Application Area.likely to occur along andFFMP. This monitoring • The Threatened Speciesadjacent to lower reaches ofincludes two mainManagement Protocol (TSMP),North Wambo Creek andWambo Creek. 1components:described in the FFMP.– monitoring ofThe TSMP has been developed to• Impacts are unlikely to placerevegetation ofminimise impacts on threatened floraany threatened flora species,disturbance areas and fauna and is applicable across allpopulations, ecological(including areasWCPL managed land, including thecommunities, or their habitatsat risk of extinction. 1 subject toLongwalls 7 and 8 Application Area.subsidence from• The RWEP, described in the FFMP.Fauna • Impacts are unlikely to affect • Impacts resulting from the underground mining);areas where isolatedtheextraction of Longwalls 7 subsidence in(VCP), described in the FFMP.to the extent of undermining and 8 will be consistent – monitoring of thewithin the Longwalls 7 and 8the viability of a localwith those presented in the Remnant WoodlandApplication Area. The RWEPpopulation of that species. 1 EIS and the North Wambo Enhancementincludes a monitoring program toSEE.Program (RWEP)assess potential impacts due toareas.subsidence.Aquatic • Alterations to aquatic habitat • Impacts resulting from theany threatened fauna species extraction of Longwalls 7 andThere are no RWEP areas locatedand Stony Creek. 1Ecosystems due to the approvedextraction of Longwalls 7 • Visual inspections as • The Rehabilitation Program,operations are unlikely toand 8 will be consistent described in Section 3.8 described in the FFMP.significantly alter thewith those presented in theand the Subsidencemacroinvertebrate or fishEIS and the North WamboThe Rehabilitation Program will applyMonitoring Programcommunity composition, or the SEE.to the Longwalls 7 and 8 Applicationconservation values of North(Appendix H).Area where applicable.Wambo Creek, Wambo Creek1 After the EIS (WCPL, 2003).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 39

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 15Biodiversity Performance Measures, Performance Indicators and Contingency Measures for Longwalls 7 and 8Performance Measure Performance Indicator(s) Relevant Management and Contingency MeasuresNil impact to WollemiNational Park.Minor cracking andponding of the landsurface or other impactWhite Box, Yellow Box,Blakely’s Red GumWoodland/Grassy WhiteBox WoodlandCommunity.Negligible environmentalconsequences White Box,Yellow Box, Blakely’s RedGum Woodland/GrassyWhite Box WoodlandCommunity.* Based on an upper 95% confidence limit.• The performance indicators will be considered to have beenexceeded if the actual angle of draw is greater than thepredicted ‘worst case’* angle of draw.• The performance indicators will be considered to have beenexceeded if visual inspections identify cliff instabilityexperienced by the Wollemi National Park escarpment.• The performance indicators will be considered to have beenexceeded if the actual angle of draw is greater than thepredicted ‘worst case’* angle of draw.• The performance indicators will be considered to have beenexceeded if visual inspections identify cracking and/orponding of the land surface or other impact.• The performance indicators will be considered to have beenexceeded if the actual angle of draw is greater than thepredicted ‘worst case’* angle of draw.• The performance indicators will be considered to have beenexceeded if visual inspections identify reduction in thecondition of the vegetation comprising the White Box,Yellow Box, Blakely’s Red Gum Woodland/Grassy WhiteBox Woodland Community.• Consider whether the performance measure has beenexceeded.• If the performance measure has been exceeded,implement a Contingency <strong>Plan</strong>, which may include:- Implementation of erosion and sediment controlmeasures and stabilisation techniques.- Scaling/dislodgement/removal of remaining loose rock.- Measures to improve the aesthetic values if cliffinstability occurs, for example planting of endemicnative vegetation at the base of the escarpment.- Consideration of changes to longwall extractiongeometry in consultation with relevant regulatoryauthorities.• Consider whether the performance measure has beenexceeded.• If the performance measure has been exceeded,implement a Contingency <strong>Plan</strong>, which may include:- Filling of minor cracks with appropriate material (e.g.soil or mulch) to avoid the creation of drainagechannels.- Re-grading of isolated depressions or highpoints andrevegetation.- Re-grading of slopes to minimise the potential forerosion.- Remediation of creek beds to minimise bank andheadwater erosion.- Revegetation with monitoring in accordance with theFFMP.- Additional monitoring (e.g. increase in monitoringfrequency).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 40

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 83.4.2 Key Built Features Issues, Monitoring and Management MeasuresBuilt features within the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area consist of (Figure 9):• a number of WCPL-owned assets (as described in Table 10 and the WAMP);• South Wambo Dam (constructed 2010) (a Prescribed Dam) owned by WCPL (as described in thePDMP); and• a 2 km section of 11 kV powerline to the South Wambo Dam (Ausgrid’s 11 kV powerline).The key issues relating to management of these built features in regard to subsidence impacts aredescribed in the relevant component plans of the BFMP. The relevant monitoring and managementmeasures for these built features are summarised in Table 16.The Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area is located within the Notification Area of the followingPrescribed Dams (Figure 9):• South Wambo Dam Notification Area (<strong>Plan</strong> Number NA-231).• North East Tailings Dam Notification Area (<strong>Plan</strong> Number NA-56).The Draft South Wambo Dam Notification Area that is currently under consultation between WCPLand the DSC, with a revised Notification Area expected in December 2012, is also shown in Figure 9.The Draft South Wambo Dam Notification Area overlies Longwall 8 only, while the current SouthWambo Dam Notification Area overlies both Longwalls 7 and 8.Detailed monitoring and management measures for Prescribed Dams would be developed by WCPLas part of applications for mining within the South Wambo Dam Notification Area and the North EastTailings Dam Notification Area which would be submitted to the DSC prior to mining within theseareas. The various components that would be included in the application are summarised in thePDMP.The section of Ausgrid’s 11 kV powerline with the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area has beenidentified by Ausgrid as "not in use" and is proposed to be decommissioned. If the section of Ausgrid’s11 kV powerline with the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area is not decommissioned, WCPL wouldprepare an AAMP (Ausgrid Asset Management <strong>Plan</strong>) in consultation with Ausgrid for the managementof this powerline.3.4.3 Assessment of Performance Indicators and MeasuresPerformance indicators developed for the subsidence impact performance measures relating to builtfeatures relevant to the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 are presented in the component plans of theBFMP and are summarised in Table 17. Monitoring conducted to inform the assessment of theextraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 against these performance indicators is summarised in Section 3.8and Appendix H.The procedure followed to assess the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 against the performanceindicators and performance measures is outlined in Figure 10 and described in detail in Appendix D.3.4.4 Contingency <strong>Plan</strong>In the event that the subsidence impact performance measures relating to built features summarisedin Table 17 are considered to have been exceeded or are likely to be exceeded, WCPL will implementa Contingency <strong>Plan</strong> as described in Section 4.1.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 41

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 16Built Feature Management Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> of Longwalls 7 and 8Issue Monitoring ManagementWCPLAssetsPrescribedDamsAusgridAssets• Monitoring ofsubsidence inaccordance with theSubsidence MonitoringProgram (Appendix H).• Visual inspections asdescribed in Section 3.8and the SubsidenceMonitoring Program(Appendix H).• Assessment of WCPL assets to identify modifications potentially required prior to subsidence.• Maintenance of safe access to WCPL assets such that WCPL personnel are able to undertake routinemaintenance and remediation works as required.• Implementation of communication protocols to ensure internal WCPL stakeholders are aware of the longwallprogression and are able to provide sufficient notification to relevant WCPL personnel regarding potentialsubsidence to WCPL assets.• Posting of warning signs at suitable locations on old haul roads and site access tracks and updating warningsigns if a change to the WCPL asset is identified during monitoring.• Provision of 15 m separation barrier around the Homestead pit highwall.• Following subsidence, fitting of WCPL powerlines with stays where affected by subsidence.• Structural assessment of WCPL assets and subsidence assessment post-Longwalls 7 and 8 extraction.• Repair of WCPL assets in accordance with associated standards and procedures.• Lowering the inundation level to an extent outside of the angle of draw prior to extraction of Longwall 8 withina 26.5° angle of draw to the South Wambo Dam inundation area. 1• Structural assessment of South Wambo Dam following completion of active mining. 1• Repair of any damage to the Prescribed Dam resulting from the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 (i.e. WCPLwill restore the safety of any Prescribed Dam if compromised by mining). 1• Decommissioning of powerline prior to subsidence.• If not decommissioned, preparation of an AAMP in consultation with Ausgrid for the management of thispowerline.1 Potential management measure only, actual management measures would be developed as part the application to the DSC.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 42

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 17Built Feature Performance Measures, Performance Indicators and Contingency Measures for Longwalls 7 and 8Performance Measure Performance Indicator(s) Relevant Management and Contingency MeasuresFor all built features: The performance indicators developed for WCPL-owned assets will Contingency measures will be developed as required on abe considered to have been exceeded if:case-by-case basis in consultation with the relevant• the structural integrity of any WCPL assets is assessed to WCPL stakeholders and government agencies.have been compromised;• Ensure built featuresare always safe.• Serviceability shouldbe maintainedwherever practicable.Loss of serviceabilitymust be fullycompensated.• Damage must be fullyrepairable, and mustbe fully repaired or elsereplaced or fullycompensated.• the functionality of any WCPL powerlines, cables or pipelines iscompromised;• the powerline clearance from vegetation/access tracksidentified during monitoring has reduced following secondaryextraction within 100 m of any above ground powerlines; or• the integrity of access roads required for the serviceability ofWCPL assets is not maintained.The performance indicators developed for South Wambo Dam willbe considered to have been exceeded if:• the structural integrity of the South Wambo Dam embankmentis assessed to have been compromised;• there is evidence of storage leakage from South Wambo Dam;or• the integrity of access roads required for the serviceability ofSouth Wambo Dam is not maintained.Relevant contingency measures will be developed as partof an application for mining within the South Wambo DamNotification Area and the North East Tailings DamNotification Area which will be submitted to the DSC priorto mining within this area.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 43

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 83.5 HERITAGE MANAGEMENT3.5.1 OverviewThe HMP is provided in Appendix E. The purpose and scope of the HMP are summarised below:Purpose: Management of potential environmental consequences of the proposed secondaryworkings described in the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> on heritage sites or values.Scope: Heritage sites and values within the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area (Figure 3).The HMP references components of the WHCMMP and the S&MP.3.5.2 Key Heritage Issues, Monitoring and Management MeasuresThe key issues relating to subsidence impacts on heritage sites and values described in the HMP andthe relevant monitoring and management measures are summarised in Table Assessment of Performance Indicators and MeasuresPerformance indicators developed for the subsidence impact performance measure relating to theheritage sites and values relevant to the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 (i.e. the WHC) are presentedin the HMP and are summarised in Table 19. Monitoring conducted to inform the assessment of theextraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 against the performance indicators is summarised in Section 3.8 andAppendix H.The procedure followed to assess the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 against the performanceindicators and performance measures is outlined in Figure 10 and described in detail in Appendix E.Table 19Heritage Performance Measures, Performance Indicators and Contingency Measures forLongwalls 7 and 8PerformanceMeasureNegligibleimpact onheritage valuesat WHC, unlessapproval hasbeen granted bythe HeritageBranch and/orthe Minister.Performance Indicator(s)• The performance indicators will beconsidered to have beenexceeded if subsidencemonitoring identifies anexceedance (or a trend toexceedance) of predicted valuesin Table 4 of the HMP.• The performance indicators will beconsidered to have beenexceeded if visual inspectionsidentify an impact to thecondition or structural integrityof a WHC building.Relevant Management andContingency Measures• Consider whether the performancemeasure has been exceeded basedon structural and heritage review andanalysis.• If the performance measure has beenexceeded, implement a Contingency<strong>Plan</strong>, which may include:- Additional monitoring (e.g. increasein monitoring frequency).- Management measures identifiedin Section 5 of the WHCMMP inconsideration of the WHCConservation Management <strong>Plan</strong>.- Consideration of changes tolongwall extraction geometry inconsultation with relevantregulatory authorities.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 44

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 18Heritage Management Issues Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> of Longwalls 7 and 8Issue Approved Impact Revised Impact Monitoring ManagementWHC • Impacts such that mining willnot have adverse heritageimpacts on the WHC due tosubsidence or other impacts inaccordance with theWHCMMP. 1• Impacts resulting from theextraction of Longwalls 7and 8 will be consistentwith those presented inthe WHCMMP. 4• Monitoring of subsidencein accordance with theSubsidence MonitoringProgram (Appendix H).• Grouting of Homestead MineWorkings.AboriginalCulturalHeritage• Consent to damage or destroyall Aboriginal cultural heritagesites above Longwalls 7and 8. 2,31 After the WHCMMP (Godden Mackay Logan, 2012).2 After the EIS (WCPL, 2003).3 North Wambo SEE (WCPL, 2005).4 After DgS (Technical Report 1).• Impacts resulting from theextraction of Longwalls 7and 8 will be consistentwith those presented inthe EIS and the NorthWambo SEE. 4• Monitoring in accordancewith the WHCMMP.• Monitoring of subsidencein accordance with theSubsidence MonitoringProgram (Appendix H).As discussed in Section 1.6.2,sections of historical workings of theHomestead Mine will be bulk filled inthe vicinity of the Stud Master’sCottage. The grouting will reduce therisk of impacts to the heritage value ofthe WHC associated with theextraction of Longwalls 7 and 8.• Management measures in accordancewith the WHCMMP includingstabilisation and conservation works.• Management measures in accordancewith the S&MP including:– the collection of surface artefacts;– the collection of subsurfaceartefacts; and– archaeological analysis andkeeping of artefactual material.If subsidence monitoring identifiescracking or erosion proximal to a siteartefacts will be salvaged inaccordance with the S&MP.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 45

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 83.5.4 Contingency <strong>Plan</strong>In the event that the subsidence impact performance measure relating to the WHC summarised inTable 19 is considered to have been exceeded or is likely to be exceeded, WCPL will implement aContingency <strong>Plan</strong> as described in Section 4.1. Potential contingency measures for the performancemeasure relating to the WHC are outlined in Table 19.3.6 PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT3.6.1 OverviewThe PSMP is provided in Appendix F. The purpose and scope of the PSMP and the primary hazardsand risks addressed by the PSMP are summarised below:Purpose: Management of potential risks to public safety resulting from the proposed secondaryworkings described in the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 7 and 8 and the SMP forLongwalls 1 to 6.Scope:Risks to public safety associated with extraction of Longwalls 1 to 8 at the North WamboUnderground Mine (Figure 3).Hazards: The primary hazards associated with the extraction of Longwalls 1 to 8 include:• surface cracking;• ground deformations; and• damaged infrastructure (e.g. powerlines, roads and access tracks [including the rightof way 1 ]).Risks:Members of the general public potentially at risk due to the extraction Longwalls 1 to 8 arelimited to those accessing WCPL-owned land.The PSMP has also been prepared in accordance with Condition 20 of the Approval Conditions andExclusions of the SMP for Longwalls 1 to 6.The PSMP references components of the existing H&SMS as summarised in the H&SMS Overview.3.6.2 Key Public Safety Issues, Monitoring and Management MeasuresThe key issues relating to potential risks to public safety resulting from the extraction of Longwalls 1to 8 described in the PSMP and the relevant monitoring and management measures are summarisedin Table 20. The location of predicted subsidence is presented in Figures 7a and 7b.Subsidence risk assessments were undertaken as part of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> process for Longwalls 7and 8 and the SMP process for Longwalls 1 to 6. These subsidence risk assessments did not identifyany public safety issues in addition to those summarised in Table Assessment of Performance Indicators and MeasuresThe performance indicator for the subsidence impact performance measures relating to public safety(Table 5) will be considered to have been exceeded if a hazard to the general public arising fromsubsidence effects, not previously identified and mitigated accordingly, becomes evident.1A right of way in favour of two private properties (the route of which may be varied on reasonable notice) acrossWCPL-owned land is situated in the vicinity (but outside) of the Application Areas for Longwalls 1 to 8.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 46

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 20Public Safety Management Issues Associated with the <strong>Extraction</strong> of Longwalls 7 and 8Issue Approved Impact Revised Impact Monitoring ManagementAgistee’saccessing theLongwalls 1 to 8area to managestock.Unauthorisedaccess to theLongwalls 1 to 8area (e.g. throughaccess from theright of way acrossWCPL-ownedland*, looking forfirewood orhunting).Ausgrid personnelservicingpowerlines withinthe Longwalls 7and 8 ApplicationArea.Members of thepublic visiting theWHC.Subsidenceimpacts, which maybe considered topose a safetyhazard, currentlyapproved include:• surfacecracking; 1• erosion; 1 and• ponding. 1• Impacts resultingfrom the extractionof Longwalls 7 and8 will be consistentwith thosepresented in theEIS and the NorthWambo SEE.• Monitoring ofsubsidence inaccordance withthe SubsidenceMonitoring Program(Appendix H).• Visual observationsof fences.• Visual observationsof warning signs(e.g. legibility).• Restricted access (i.e. the general public are not allowedon WCPL-owned land used for mining purposes).Permanent signage located at the entrance toWCPL-owned land will be maintained.• Notification to agistees of areas of longwall mining andactive subsidence, and exclusion of agistment grazing fromareas where surface cracking presents a reasonable risk topeople and/or livestock.• Posting of warning signs at suitable locations on propertyboundaries, fences and access tracks, including the right ofway across WCPL-owned land*. The signs will indicate thatunderground mining (with surface subsidence) is beingundertaken on WCPL-owned land and will prohibit entry byunauthorised persons.• Maintenance of warning signs.• Management of surface cracking and areas of subsidencetroughs in accordance with the LMP (Table 13).• All safety incidents will be handled in accordance with theH&SMS.• Repair of fences in accordance with the LMP.• Review of warning sign placement and removal if no longerrequired.Members of theRural Fire Serviceaccessing theLongwalls 7 and 8Application Area.1 After the EIS (WCPL, 2003).* A right of way in favour of two private properties (the route of which may be varied on reasonable notice) across WCPL-owned land is situated in the vicinity (but outside) of the ApplicationAreas for Longwalls 1 to 8.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 47

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Monitoring conducted to inform the assessment of the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 against thisperformance indicator is summarised in Section 3.8 and Appendix H.The procedure followed to assess the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 against the performanceindicators and performance measures is outlined in Figure 10 and described in detail in Appendix F.3.6.4 Contingency <strong>Plan</strong>In the event that the subsidence impact performance measure relating to public safety summarised inSection 3.6.3 is considered to have been exceeded or is likely to be exceeded, WCPL will implementa Contingency <strong>Plan</strong> as described in Section REHABILITATION MANAGEMENTThe existing Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong> was developed in December 2011 and reviewed by theDRE in May 2012. The Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong> is provided in Appendix I. The RehabilitationManagement <strong>Plan</strong> has not been revised for this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Rehabilitation associated with the extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 will be undertaken in accordancewith the Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong> and the management and mitigation measures outlined inthis <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> and the relevant component plans (e.g. the LMP).The Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong> will be reviewed and, if required, revised as part of the<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> process for future underground mine workings.3.8 MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARYThe various monitoring programs presented in each of the management plans described inSections 3.1 to 3.6 are summarised in Table 21 and the location of environmental monitoring sitesincluded in Wambo’s various environmental monitoring programs are presented in Figures 11 to 13.Figure 12 presents the location of surface water and groundwater monitoring sites, including thelocation of two proposed monitoring sites located above Longwalls 7 and 8. The two proposedmonitoring sites have been proposed as part of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> process and will be installed byDecember 2012.Figure 13 presents the location of biodiversity monitoring sites and the mapped location of theWollemi National Park escarpment and the White Box, Yellow Box, Blakely’s Red GumWoodland/Grassy White Box Woodland Community (an endangered ecological community). Asdescribed in Table 21 visual observation of the Wollemi National Park escarpment and White Box,Yellow Box, Blakely’s Red Gum Woodland/Grassy White Box Woodland Community will beundertaken as part of the BMP monitoring program.Details of any subsidence impacts observed will be recorded in the Subsidence Impact Register withvisual observations documented in the Subsidence Impact Register Assessment Form as provided inAttachment 2 of the Subsidence Monitoring Program (Appendix H). Visual inspections will beundertaken in accordance with the inspection checklist provided in Attachment 2 of the SubsidenceMonitoring Program (Appendix H).The Subsidence Impact Register will be maintained as an electronic spreadsheet on-site, with hardcopies of assessment forms filed in a folder.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 48

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 21Longwalls 7 and 8 Monitoring Program SummaryManagement <strong>Plan</strong> Monitoring Component Parameter FrequencyWater Management <strong>Plan</strong> General surface watermonitoring.• Monitoring of surface water flow and qualityalong North Wambo Creek, Wambo Creek,Stony Creek and Wollombi Brook in accordancewith the SWMP.• Accurate rating curves will be developed foreach gauging station site to enable flows to beestimated from recorded water level data by July2013.• In accordance with the SWMP.General mine water quality.Fluvial geomorphology.General groundwatermonitoring.Subsidence impacts to theNorth Wambo Creek alluvium.Subsidence impacts toWollombi Brook.• Monitoring of water quality in mine water storagedams in accordance with the SWMP.• Monitoring to distinguish between naturalerosion and erosion from mine subsidenceinstability in North Wambo Creek, Wambo Creekand Stony Creek.• A consistent methodology will be applied forfuture bank stability monitoring.• Monitoring of groundwater level and qualitywithin the vicinity of the Wambo Coal Mine.• Monitoring of groundwater levels in the NorthWambo Creek alluvium.• Trigger levels for P-NWU-03a and P-NWU-05awill be developed in accordance with themethodology presented in the NWCSRS.• Rate of water pumped from North WamboUnderground Mine roadways.• In accordance with the SWMP.• In accordance with the SWMP.• In accordance with the GWMP.• In accordance with the NWCSRS.• In accordance with the NWCSRS(prior to secondary extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8 within 100 m ofthe floodplain).• When pumping is required.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 49

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 21 (Continued)Longwalls 7 and 8 Monitoring Program SummaryManagement <strong>Plan</strong> Monitoring Component Parameter FrequencyLand Management <strong>Plan</strong> Stock fences. • Visual observation to record the initial conditionof stock fences.• Visual observations to record the condition ofstock fences following extraction of Longwalls 7and 8.Biodiversity Management<strong>Plan</strong>Ground surface.General monitoring of flora,fauna and aquatic ecosystems.Subsidence impacts toWollemi National Parkescarpment.Subsidence impacts to WhiteBox, Yellow Box, Blakely’sRed Gum Woodland/GrassyWhite Box WoodlandCommunity.• Visual observation to record the initial conditionof the ground surface.• Visual observations of the ground surfacebehind the longwall face to identify potentialsurface cracks.• Visual observations of low lying areas to identifypotential surface ponding.• Monitoring in accordance with the FFMP.• Visual observations to record the WollemiNational Park escarpment cliff stability (includingphotographic record). 1• Visual observations to record any crackingand/or ponding of the land surface or otherimpact (including photographic record). 2• Visual inspection to record changes invegetation condition (including photographicrecord). 2• Prior to secondary extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8.• Following completion of secondaryextraction of Longwalls 7 and 8.• Prior to secondary extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8.• Monthly inspections duringsecondary extraction of Longwalls 7and 8.• Monthly inspections duringsecondary extraction of Longwalls 7and 8 and/or following a significantrainfall event (i.e. 20 mm within24 hours, midnight to midnight).• In accordance with the FFMP.• On a quarterly basis while the activelongwall face is within 2 km of theWollemi National Park escarpment.• On a quarterly basis while the activelongwall face is within 720 m of theWhite Box, Yellow Box, Blakely’sRed Gum Woodland/Grassy WhiteBox Woodland Community.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 50

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 21 (Continued)Longwalls 7 and 8 Monitoring Program SummaryManagement <strong>Plan</strong> Monitoring Component Parameter FrequencyBuilt FeaturesManagement <strong>Plan</strong> –WCPL Asset Management<strong>Plan</strong>All built features.Above ground powerlines.Active service lines.Roads and tracks.Mine dewatering and watersupply pipelines.Portal seals to HomesteadMine workings.• Visual observations to record the generalcondition of WCPL assets including safety andserviceability.• Monitoring of the location of the base and top ofeach power pole.• Monitoring of the vertical distance from theground to lowest point of the powerline betweeneach power pole pair (i.e. conductor clearance).• Visual observations to record the generalcondition of WCPL active service lines includingsafety and serviceability.• Visual observations to record condition of roadsand tracks, including surface cracks, bucklingand general safety.• Monitoring of pipeline integrity at fixed points.• Monitoring to detect abnormal changes in flow.• Potential for water ingress as required by theInrush Management <strong>Plan</strong>.• Monthly inspection duringsecondary extraction of Longwalls 7and 8.• Prior to secondary extraction within100 m of WCPL powerline andundertaken at 50 m intervals untilthe active mining face is 100 m pastthe powerline.• Daily inspections commencing whensecondary extraction is within 100 mof WCPL active service lines andundertaken until the active miningface is 100 m past the line.• Prior to secondary extraction within100 m of any WCPL asset andundertaken at 50 m intervals untilthe active mining face is 100 m pastthe WCPL asset.• Daily inspections commencing whensecondary extraction is within 100 mof WCPL active service lines andundertaken until the active miningface is 100 m past the pipeline.• Continuous (SCADA) monitoring ofpump and pipeline conditions.• As required by the InrushManagement <strong>Plan</strong>.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 51

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 21 (Continued)Longwalls 7 and 8 Monitoring Program SummaryManagement <strong>Plan</strong> Monitoring Component Parameter FrequencyBuilt FeaturesManagement <strong>Plan</strong> –Prescribed DamManagement <strong>Plan</strong>South Wambo Dam.Underground Workings.• Survey to mark out the point at which the SouthWambo Dam inundation area can be maintainedoutside of the Longwall 8 angle of draw. 3• Survey to identify the initial condition of SouthWambo Dam (e.g. embankment). 3• Extent of South Wambo Dam storage (e.g. areaof inundation). 3• Visual inspections of the condition of the SouthWambo Dam embankment. 3• Visual inspections of underground workings(including longwall progression and geologicalfeatures encountered). 3• Rate of water pumped from North WamboUnderground Mine roadways. 3• Prior to secondary extraction withinthe South Wambo Dam NotificationArea.• Prior to secondary extraction withinthe South Wambo Dam NotificationArea.• Weekly inspections duringextraction of Longwalls 7 and 8.• Weekly inspections commencingwhen secondary extraction is withinthe Prescribed Dam NotificationAreas and undertaken until theactive mining face is 100 m past theNotification Area.• Daily inspections during extractionof Longwalls 7 and 8.• When pumping is required.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 52

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 21 (Continued)Longwalls 7 and 8 Monitoring Program SummaryManagement <strong>Plan</strong> Monitoring Component Parameter FrequencyHeritage Management <strong>Plan</strong> Subsidence impacts to theWHC.• Monitoring in accordance with the WHCMMP. • In accordance with the WHCMMP.Four or five surveys will occur whenthe Longwall 7 face between halfthe depth of cover ahead of andpast the WHC.Public Safety Management<strong>Plan</strong>Fences.Warning signs.• Photographic records of the condition of WHCBuildings No. 1 to 8.• Observations of cracking of masonry.• Observations of loss of structural integrity.• Visual observation to record the initial conditionof fences.• Visual observations to record the condition offences during extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8.• Visual observations to record the condition offences following extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8.• Visual observation to record the initial conditionof existing warning signs (e.g. legibility).• Visual observations to record the condition ofwarning signs (e.g. legibility) during extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8.1 Visual inspection will be conducted from areas accessible by vehicle for signs of freshly exposed rock face or debris, or areas of significant vegetation dieback.2 Visual inspection of a representative area will be conducted by vehicle or on foot.3 Potential monitoring measure only, actual management measures would be developed as part the application to the DSC.• Prior to extraction of Longwall 7within 500 m of the WHEZ and afterthe mining of each longwall hasbeen completed.• Monthly during active subsidence.• Following completion of Longwalls 7and 8.• Prior to secondary extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8.• Monthly inspections duringsecondary extraction of Longwalls 7and 8.• Following completion of secondaryextraction of Longwalls 7 and 8.• Prior to secondary extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8.• Monthly inspections duringsecondary extraction of Longwalls 7and 8.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 53

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 84 IMPLEMENTATION4.1 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT AND CONTINGENCY RESPONSE4.1.1 Adaptive ManagementWCPL will implement an adaptive management approach to ensure subsidence impact performancemeasures (Table 5) are achieved at the North Wambo Underground Mine. Adaptive management willinvolve:• <strong>Plan</strong>ning – developing management strategies to meet performance measures; identifyingperformance indicators to assess performance; and establishing monitoring programs to monitoragainst the performance measures.• Implementation – implementing management strategies and monitoring impacts againstperformance indicators.• Review – reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of management strategies by analysis ofmonitoring data against predicted impacts, performance indicators and performance measures inaccordance with the schematic presented in Figure 10.• Contingency Response – implementing contingency plans where a potential exceedance of asubsidence impact performance measures or an unexpected impact is detected (Section 4.1.2).• Adjustment – adjusting management strategies to improve performance, particularly following anexceedance of a subsidence impact performance measure or detection of an unexpected impact.4.1.2 Contingency ResponseIn the event the performance measures in Table 5 are considered to have been exceeded or are likelyto be exceeded, WCPL will implement the Contingency <strong>Plan</strong> outlined further below.Responsibilities during contingency response are outlined in Table 22, which is designed to clearlyoutline actions, levels of responsibility within WCPL and reporting requirements where monitoringresults indicate that impacts are exceeding (or likely to exceed) predicted or approved limits. Thistable is designed to support the Trigger Action Response <strong>Plan</strong>s (TARPs) provided in the componentmanagement plans (Appendices A to F). These TARPs will be developed further as this <strong>Extraction</strong><strong>Plan</strong> is reviewed and revised.Relevant management and contingency measures are summarised in Section 3 and outlined in thecomponent management plans (Appendices A to F). WCPL will consider changes to longwallextraction geometry (in consultation with relevant regulatory authorities) if the following is confirmed tohave occurred:• Greater than negligible impact on the heritage values of the WHC (in addition to those impactsidentified in the WHCMMP).• Greater than negligible impact to Wollombi Brook (other than the controlled release of excess sitewater in accordance with EPL requirements).• Greater than nil impact to Wollemi National Park.Changes to longwall geometry would be implemented through WCPL’s internal Mine <strong>Plan</strong> DesignAlteration procedure (SWP 9004) administered by the Mine Surveyor.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 57

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8As noted in the Contingency <strong>Plan</strong>, within 3 months of submission of an Incident Report, the relevantcomponents of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> will be review and revised, where necessary. The process ofreview is outlined in Section 4.3.Contingency <strong>Plan</strong>EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 58

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 22Contingency <strong>Plan</strong> ResponsibilitiesConditionMineSurveyorUndergroundMiningEngineer(UME)EnvironmentandCommunityManager(ECM)TechnicalServicesManager(TSM)UndergroundMine Manager(UM)GeneralManager(GM)Normal Level 1 Level 2Predicted Impacts Implement Management Measures Contingency PhaseWork to continueas normal inaccordance with:• <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>and componentplans;• DevelopmentConsent; and• mining leaseconditions.• Complete Subsidence Impact Register.• Report to TSM, UME and ECM.• Additional survey of area to confirmsubsidence impacts and effects, whererequired.• Where related to built features or publicsafety, investigate area and advise ofadditional works or remediation, whererequired.• Increase monitoring frequency inimmediate vicinity, where required.• Consult with external expert(s) for advicewhere appropriate.• Report findings and recommendations toTSM.• Where related to environmental impact,investigate area and advise of additionalworks or remediation, where required.• Increase monitoring frequency inimmediate vicinity, where required.• Consult with external expert(s) for advicewhere appropriate.• Review information and approve andinstruct implementation ofremediation/corrective action/compensation, if necessary.• Report findings/recommendations to TSM,UM and/or GM where required.• Report impact and response in AnnualReview, where required.• Review investigation(s).• Review information and approve andinstruct implementation ofremediation/corrective action/compensation, if necessary.• Report findings/recommendations toECM, UM and/or GM where required.• Report impact/response in SubsidenceManagement Status Report.• Ensure adequate resources are availablefor implementation ofremediation/corrective actions.• Report to GM, where required.• Review information and approve andinstruct implementation ofremediation/corrective action/compensation, if necessary.• As per Level 1, but respondimmediately.• As per Level 1, andimmediately report findingsto TSM (may includerecommendation to stopmining).• As per Level 1, but respondimmediately.• As soon as practical, lodgeIncident Report, with DP&Iand relevant agencies (e.g.OEH, DRE, NOW) and reporton corrective actions.• Within 3 months, review this<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.• As per Level 1, but respondimmediately.• In making recommendations,review need to stop mining(including safetyimplications).• Consult with externalexpert(s) for advice whereappropriate.• As soon as practical, notifyDRE, MSB and PrincipalSubsidence Engineer (PSE)on corrective actions.• As soon as practical notifyrelevant infrastructure ownersof impacts.• As per Level 1, but respondimmediately.• If recommended, directoperations to stop in a safemanner.• As per Level 1, but respondimmediately.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 59

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 84.2 REPORTING FRAMEWORKWCPL has developed a proposed reporting framework for the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> based on the nature ofthe predicted subsidence impacts and consequences, and streamlining of reporting requirements.Table 23 provides a comparison of the proposed reporting framework with the current reportingframework for Longwalls 1 to 6 and the recommended framework in the draft <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>guidelines. The proposed reporting framework for the North Wambo Underground Mine is consideredadequate as the Application Area is wholly within WCPL-owned land and Longwalls 7 and 8 are notpredicted to have greater than negligible impact on items of environmental sensitivity.Table 24 provides a summary of the reporting framework, including which stakeholders will receivecopies of each report and the distribution method. The subsections below provide further detail on thecontents of each reporting mechanism.Table 23Current and Proposed Reporting FrameworkLongwalls 1 to 6Reporting Framework 1Incident Report(within 24 hours ofoccurrence)Subsidence ManagementStatus Report(four-monthly interval)End of Panel Report(within 3 months ofextraction being completedfor each longwall panel)Annual EnvironmentalManagement ReportDraft <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> GuidelineReporting FrameworkIncident Report(as soon as practicable withdetailed report within 7 days)Bimonthly Subsidence ImpactReporting(only if new impact is identified)6 monthly ReportingAnnual Review(based on two successive6 monthly reports)Proposed ReportingFrameworkIncident Report(as soon as practicable withdetailed report within 7 days)(Section 4.2.1)Monthly Status Update(monthly email) (Section 4.2.2)Six Monthly SubsidenceManagement Status Report(Section 4.2.3)Annual Review(for the period 1 July to 30 June)(Section 4.2.4)1 As required under the Approval Conditions and Exclusions of the SMP for Longwalls 1 to 6 at the North WamboUnderground Mine.4.2.1 Incident ReportWCPL will notify the relevant agencies (Table 24) of a subsidence incident as soon as practicableafter the WCPL becomes aware of the incident. Within 7 days of the date of the incident, WCPL willprovide the relevant agencies with a detailed Incident Report.A subsidence incident includes any of the following:• a potential exceedance of a subsidence impact performance measures or an unexpected impactis detected, including impacts to the natural environment or impacts that may be adverse to theserviceability and/or safety of built features;• detection of any significant unpredicted and/or higher-than-predicted subsidence and/orabnormalities in subsidence development in any surface areas that may be affected by longwallmining;• reports of any adverse subsidence impacts by any relevant stakeholder; or• any other subsidence related incident requiring prompt notification.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 60

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 24Summary of Reporting FrameworkReport Frequency DistributionIncidentReportMonthlyStatus UpdateSubsidenceManagementStatus ReportAnnualReviewAs required – seeSection 4.2.1Email distributedmonthly or where newimpact identified orsubsidenceexceedance occursEvery six monthsAnnual(for the period 1 Julyto 30 June)DP&I (Manager – Mining Projects)DRE (Director – Environmental Sustainability)DRE (Principal Subsidence Engineer [PSE])MSB (District Manager)Ausgrid (Manager – Customer Supply Upper Hunter) 2DSC (Executive Engineer) 3Other regulators as specified in management plans.DistributionMethod 1EmailResponsibility for DataCollation and PreparationEnvironment andCommunity ManagerDP&I (Manager, Mining Projects)DRE (Director – Environmental Sustainability)DRE (PSE c/- Subsidence Executive Officer)MSB (District Manager)NOW (Mines Assessment and <strong>Plan</strong>ning)Ausgrid (Manager – Customer Supply Upper Hunter)DSC (Executive Engineer) 3 Email Technical ServicesSuperintendentEnvironment andCommunity Manager2DP&I (Manager, Mining Projects)DRE (Director – Environmental Sustainability)DP&I (Manager, Mining Projects)DRE (Director – Environmental Sustainability)MSB (District Manager)OEH/EPA (General Contact)NOW (Mines Assessment and <strong>Plan</strong>ning)Singleton Shire Council (General Manager)CCC MembersEmailEmail andPost1 See Attachment 4 for distribution details.2 If the Ausgrid 11 kV powerline is not decommissioned.3 Where the longwall face is within the DSC Notification Area of the South Wambo Dam or the North East Tailings Dam.Environment andCommunity ManagerEnvironment andCommunity ManagerResponsibility forSubmissionGeneral ManagerTechnical ServicesSuperintendent(in consultation withUnderground Mine Manager,Environment and CommunityManager and TechnicalServices Manager)General ManagerGeneral ManagerEP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 61

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8An Incident Report will include the following:• details on the nature of the incident (including survey results, photographs and date of theincident);• results of investigation(s) to identify/evaluate the contributing factors to the incident;• proposed course of action to remedy the incident, including proposed contingency measures anda program to review the effectiveness of the contingency measures; and• relevant WCPL contact details to obtain further information on the incident.4.2.2 Monthly Status UpdateThe Monthly Status Update will include the following:• Current face position of the longwall panel being extracted and a note on the current location ofdevelopment.• Summary of any comments, advice and feedback from consultation with stakeholders in relationto subsidence management undertaken in the month and a summary of WCPL’s responses.• Summary of observed and/or reported subsidence impacts, including a full description and goodphotos of the impact and preliminary characterisation of the impact (i.e. Normal – PredictedImpact; Level 1 – Implement Management Measures; or Level 2 – Contingency Phase).• Summary of any observed and/or reported incidents, service difficulties, asset owner complaintsor community complaints related to subsidence and a summary of WCPL’s response to theseissues.• Report on any unusual subsidence development (to facilitate early detection of potentialsubsidence impacts).A proposed structure of the Monthly Status Update is outlined in Attachment Six Monthly Subsidence Management Status ReportA Subsidence Management Status Report would be prepared to summarise monitoring results for a 6month period. The Subsidence Management Status Report would include:• Current face position of the longwall panel being extracted and a note on the current location ofdevelopment.• Summary of any subsidence management actions undertaken by WCPL in the period subsequentto the last regular submission of the Subsidence Management Status Report.• Summary of any comments, advice and feedback from consultation with stakeholders in relationto subsidence management undertaken in the reporting period and a summary of WCPL’sresponses.• Comprehensive summary of all observed and/or reported impacts, including a revisedcharacterisation of the impact (i.e. Normal – Predicted Impact; Level 1 – Implement ManagementMeasures; or Level 2 – Contingency Phase).• Any proposed actions resulting from observations of Level 1 (Implement Management Measures)or Level 2 (Contingency Phase) impacts.• Update on the effectiveness of the contingency measures outlined in any Incident Reportsubmitted (Section 4.2.1).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 62

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8• Summary of the adequacy, quality and effectiveness of the implemented management processesbased on the monitoring and consultation information summarised above.• Assessment of compliance against performance indicators and performance measures.• Comprehensive summary of all quantitative and qualitative environmental monitoring results,summarised in Section 3.8.• Summary of subsidence development based on monitoring information compared with anydefined triggers and/or the predicted subsidence (to facilitate early detection of potentialsubsidence impacts).• Statement regarding any additional and/or outstanding management actions to be undertaken orthe need for early responses or emergency procedures to ensure adequate management of anypotential subsidence impacts due to longwall mining.4.2.4 Annual ReviewThe Annual Review would be prepared and submitted in accordance with Condition 5 of Schedule 6 ofthe Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003). The Annual Review would be based on the Mid YearReview and environmental and subsidence monitoring data for the subsequent 6 months.Future Annual Reviews would include:• summary of subsidence effects monitoring results and a comparison to predicted subsidenceeffects; and• summary of all environmental and subsidence monitoring results and a comparison of actualimpacts with predicted subsidence impacts and the subsidence impact performance measures.4.3 REVIEW OF THE EXTRACTION PLANThis <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> and its component management plans would be reviewed in detail, and revised ifnecessary, in the following circumstances:• within 3 months of the submission of an Incident Report relating to a subsidence impact(Section 4.2.1) taking into consideration any contingency response implemented followingsubmission of the Incident Report (Section 4.1.2); and/or• where there is a significant change in operation that may affect the environment or thecommunity.In addition to the above, this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> would also be reviewed within 3 months of:• the submission of an Annual Review;• the submission of an audit report; or• any modification to the conditions of the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 63

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8The component management plans of this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> reference components of a number ofexisting Environmental Management <strong>Plan</strong>s to avoid duplication (Section 3). If these EnvironmentalManagement <strong>Plan</strong>s are revised separately in accordance with the Development Consent(DA 305-7-2003) the management plans will be updated accordingly.Separately, WCPL is preparing an application to modify the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003MOD 13) to allow for two additional longwalls at the North Wambo Underground Mine (Longwalls 9and 10) (Figure 3). Longwalls 9 and 10 would be the subject of a new <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> or a revision ofthis <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.4.4 REVIEW OF OTHER MANAGEMENT PLANSAs part of the application under clause 88 of the Coal Mine Health and Safety Regulation, 2006 forlongwall mining of Longwalls 7 and 8, WCPL will revise the Inrush Management <strong>Plan</strong> and SlopeStability Management <strong>Plan</strong> to incorporate Longwalls 7 and 8.As part of the Subsidence Risk Assessment (Technical Report 4), WCPL identified an action torevise the Site Water Management <strong>Plan</strong> to incorporate the implications of:• dewatering of the overlying Whybrow Seam above Longwalls 7 and 8;• removal of water against the Homestead Mine portals to mitigate risk of inrush; and• any reduction in the storage capacity of South Wambo Dam to minimise potential subsidenceimpacts of Longwall 8.The Site Water Mangement <strong>Plan</strong> would be revised in accordance with the Development Consent(DA 305-7-2003) and submitted by the end of March 2013.4.5 KEY RESPONSIBILITIESKey responsibilities under this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> are summarised in Table 25. The componentmanagement plans provide additional responsibilities under the plans. A summary WCPLorganisation structure is provided in Figure 14.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 64

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table 25Key <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> ResponsibilitiesResponsibilityTaskGeneral Manager • Ensure resources are available to WCPL personnel to facilitate thecompletion of responsibilities under this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.• Ensure the safety of WCPL employees and the public in relation to WCPLoperations.• Approve and instruct implementation of remediation/corrective action/compensation, if necessary.UndergroundMine ManagerTechnicalServices ManagerEnvironment andCommunityManagerUndergroundMining Engineer• Ensure the safety of WCPL employees and the public in relation to WCPLoperations.• Ensure adequate resources are available for implementation ofremediation/corrective actions.• Ensure monitoring and reporting required in accordance with this <strong>Extraction</strong><strong>Plan</strong> are carried out within specified timeframes, are adequately checkedand processed and are prepared to the required standard.• Liaise with relevant stakeholders regarding subsidence impact managementand related public safety hazards.• Liaise with relevant stakeholders regarding environmental management.• Ensure monitoring and reporting required in accordance with this <strong>Extraction</strong><strong>Plan</strong> are carried out within specified timeframes, are adequately checkedand processed and are prepared to the required standard.• Ensure that any Incident Reports are lodged in a timely manner with allavailable information.• Ensure that reviews of this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> and other plans are conductedas described in Sections 4.3 and 4.4.• Undertake relevant monitoring and implementation of managementmeasures summarised in Section 3.Mine Surveyor • Undertake all subsidence monitoring to the required standard within thespecified timeframes and ensure data are adequately checked, processedand recorded.• Record and maintain observations of subsidence impacts in the SubsidenceImpact Register.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 65

General ManagerIT SupportManagementAssistantEnvironment &CommunityManagerTraining, Health &Safety ManagerContinuousImprovementManagerCommercialManagerProjectManagerTechnical ServicesManagerOpen CutMine ManagerCH&PPManagerUnderground MineManagerSite AdministratorSeniorEnvironment &Community AdvisorMine GeologistSite ServicesCoordinatorProductionManagerManagerElectricalEngineeringManagerMechanicalEngineeringEnvironment &CommunityCoordinatorTechnical ServicesSuperintendentPrincipalMining EngineerMining EngineerMine SurveyorProject DirectorSouth Wambo Project TeamKey personnel responsible forimplementation of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>W A M B O C O A L M I N EFIGURE 14WCPL Organisation StructureWAM-09-15_EP_005A

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 85 REFERENCESDepartment of Mineral Resources (1993) Hunter Coalfield Regional Geology 1:100 000 Sheet. NewSouth Wales.Department of Mineral Resources (2003) Guideline for Applications for Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong>Approvals.Ditton Geotechnical Services (2012a) Revised Predictions of Subsidence Effects and SubsidenceImpacts for Longwalls 7 and 8 at North Wambo Underground Mine, Warkworth.Ditton Geotechnical Services (2012b) Subsidence Data Review and Validation of PredictionMethodology for North Wambo Underground Mine, Warkworth.Gilbert & Associates (2012) Assessment of Potential Environmental Consequences for Surface WaterResources resulting from <strong>Extraction</strong> of North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8.Godden Mackay Logan (2012) Mine Management <strong>Plan</strong> - Underground Mining in the Vicinity of WamboHomestead Complex. Prepared for Wambo Coal Pty Limited.Heritage Computing (2012) Wambo <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Longwalls 7 and 8 – Groundwater ImpactAssessment Review.MineConsult (2001) Wambo Strategic Mine <strong>Plan</strong> Vol 1. Report prepared for Wambo MiningCorporation Ltd.Navin Officer Heritage Consultants (2005) Wambo Development Project – Aboriginal HeritageResearch Design and Study <strong>Plan</strong> (Incorporating Salvage Programme). Prepared for WamboCoal Pty Limited.Safe Production Solutions (2012) North Wambo Underground Mine – Longwalls 7 and 8 SubsidenceRisk Assessment. Report prepared for Wambo Coal Pty Limited.Wambo Coal Pty Limited (2003) Wambo Development Project Environmental Impact Statement.Wambo Coal Pty Limited (2005) Wambo Development Project – Wambo Seam Underground MineModification Statement of Environmental Effects.Wambo Coal Pty Limited (2006) Wambo Development Project – North Wambo Underground MineSubsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong>.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 67

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 86 ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS AND GLOSSARY6.1 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMSAAMPAEMRBFMPBMPCCCCCLCLCRRPDgSDMRDP&IDPIDREDSCEECthe EISEPAEP&A ActEPLESCPFFMPGWMPAusgrid Asset Management<strong>Plan</strong>Annual EnvironmentalManagement Report (nowAnnual Review)Built Features Management<strong>Plan</strong>Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong>Community ConsultativeCommitteeConsolidated Coal LeaseCoal LeaseCoal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>Ditton Geotechnical ServicesNSW Department of MineralResources (now DRE)NSW Department of <strong>Plan</strong>ningand InfrastructureNSW Department of PrimaryIndustriesDivision of Resources and<strong>Energy</strong>NSW Dams Safety Committeeendangered ecologicalcommunityWambo Development ProjectEnvironmental ImpactStatementNSW Environment ProtectionAuthorityNSW Environmental <strong>Plan</strong>ningand Assessment Act, 1979Environment ProtectionLicenceErosion and Sediment Control<strong>Plan</strong>Flora and Fauna Management<strong>Plan</strong>Groundwater MonitoringProgramH&SMSHMPkmkVLMPmMGMLmmmm/mMOPMSBMtHealth and SafetyManagement SystemHeritage Management <strong>Plan</strong>kilometrekilovoltLand Management <strong>Plan</strong>metremaingateMining Leasemillimetremillimetres per metreMining Operations <strong>Plan</strong>Mine Subsidence Boardmillion tonneNorth Wambo Wambo Development Project -SEEWambo Seam UndergroundMine Modification Statement ofEnvironmental EffectsNOWNSWNSW Trade& InvestmentNWCSRSOEHPDMP<strong>Peabody</strong>PSEPSMPRWEPRPSNSW Office of WaterNew South WalesNSW Department of Trade andInvestment, RegionalInfrastructure and ServicesNorth Wambo CreekSubsidence ResponseStrategyNSW Office of Environmentand HeritagePrescribed Dam Management<strong>Plan</strong><strong>Peabody</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> Australia PtyLimitedPrincipal Subsidence EngineerPublic Safety Management<strong>Plan</strong>Remnant WoodlandEnhancement ProgramRPS Australia Asia PacificEP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 68

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8SGWRPSMPthe SMPGuidelineSWMPTARPTGTSMPS&MPSurface and GroundwaterResponse <strong>Plan</strong>Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong>Guideline for Applications forSubsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong>Approvals (Department ofMineral Resources, 2003).Surface Water MonitoringProgramTrigger Action Response <strong>Plan</strong>tailgateThreatened SpeciesManagement <strong>Plan</strong>Salvage and ManagementProgrammeVCPWAMPWCPLWHCWHCMMPWHEZWMP° degree% percentVegetation Clearance ProtocolWCPL Asset Management<strong>Plan</strong>Wambo Coal Pty LimitedWambo Homestead ComplexWambo Homestead ComplexMine Management <strong>Plan</strong>Wambo Homestead ExclusionZoneWater Management <strong>Plan</strong>6.2 GLOSSARYNote: Terms in bold are defined in the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003), the majority of theremaining definitions are adopted from the SMP Guideline.AlluvialAngle of DrawAquiferBaseflowCumulativeSubsidenceDevelopmentConsentEnvironmentalConsequenceFaultFirst WorkingsGeologicalStructuresGoafA general term for clay, silt, sand and gravel transported by water and deposited,on the bed of a floodplain, river or stream.The angle between the vertical and the line joining the edge of the mining void withthe limit of vertical subsidence, usually taken as 20 mm.A sub-surface rock formation containing water in recoverable quantities.The discharge of sub-surface water into a stream (i.e. groundwater seepages).The total subsidence effects resulting from all seams mined up to and including theWambo Seam (i.e. future workings not included in this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> are notincluded in the cumulative subsidence prediction).Development Consent DA 305-7-2003 for the Wambo Coal Mine was granted on 4February 2004 by the then NSW Minister for Urban Affairs and <strong>Plan</strong>ning underPart 4 of the NSW Environmental <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Assessment Act, 1974.The environmental consequences of subsidence impacts, including: damage toinfrastructure, buildings and residential dwellings; loss of surface flows to thesubsurface; loss of standing pools; adverse water quality impacts; development ofiron bacterial mats; cliff falls; rock falls; damage to Aboriginal heritage sites;impacts on aquatic ecology; ponding.Major fracture of the earth’s crust caused by the relative movement of the rockmasses on either side.Underground workings which establish access to the coal resource area.Geological structures are faults, igneous intrusions, joints or any other significanttype of discontinuity or disturbances within the rock strata.The mined-out area into which the immediate roof strata break.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 69

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8IncrementalSubsidenceMitigationMeasuresRemediationMeasuresRiskSafe,Serviceableand RepairableSecondWorkingsStrainSubsidenceEffect (orSubsidence)SubsidenceImpactTiltUpsidenceVerticalsubsidenceWHC CurtilageThe subsidence effects resulting from mining in the Wambo Seam only, includinggoaf re-activation of the previous workings in the Whybrow Seam (i.e. not includingany subsidence already completed as a result of mining in the Whybrow Seamand/or Woodlands Hill/Arrowfield Seam).Subsidence management measures which aim to reduce subsidence impacts,usually implemented prior to or during mining.Subsidence management measures which aim to repair any adverse effects ofsubsidence, usually implemented after mining.The chance of something happening that will have an impact upon objectives. It ismeasured in terms of consequence and likelihood.Safe means no danger to users who are present, serviceable means available forits intended use, and repairable means damaged components can be repairedeconomically.<strong>Extraction</strong> of coal by longwall mining or pillar extraction that may result in surfacesubsidence.The change in the horizontal distance between two points at the surface and istypically expressed in units of mm/m. Tensile strain is an increase in the distancebetween two points (i.e. stretching) and compressive strain is a decrease indistance (i.e. squeezing).Deformation of the ground mass due to mining, including all mining-induced groundmovements, such as vertical and horizontal displacement, tilt, strain and curvature.Physical changes to the ground and its surface caused by subsidence effects,including tensile and shear cracking of the rock mass, localised buckling of stratacaused by valley closure and upsidence and surface depressions or troughs.The change in the slope of a land surface as a result of differential subsidence andis expressed in units of millimetres per metre (mm/m) or a change in grade where1 mm/m = 0.1%.Relative vertical upward movements of the ground surface associated withsubsidence.Vertical downward movements of the ground surface caused by underground coalmining.The boundary of the listing of the Wambo Homestead Complex under the StateHeritage Register of NSW.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page 70


<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Attachment 1Statutory RequirementsThis Attachment outlines relevant statutory and guideline requirements and provides the relevantsection of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> where the requirements are addressed. This Attachment considers thestatutory instruments and guidelines in Table A1-1.Table A1-1Relevant Statutory Instruments and GuidelinesStatutory Instrument or GuidelineAttachment 1 ReferenceDevelopment Consent (DA 305-7-2003) Table A1-2Guideline for Applications for Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong>Approvals (DMR, 2003)Table A1-3Mining Lease Conditions Table A1-4Approval of Application under Section 60 of the Heritage Act, 1977 forExtension of Underground Longwall Mining into the WamboHomestead Curtilage (2012/S60/30)Table A1-5EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-1

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-2Development Consent DA 305-7-2003 RequirementsConditionNumber(Schedule 4)ConditionPerformance Measures – Natural and Heritage Features, etc22. The Applicant shall ensure that the development does not cause any exceedances of theperformance measures in Table 14A, to the satisfaction of the Director-General.Document Reference/CommentThis <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> has been developed to meet thesubsidence impact performance measures.Table 14A: Subsidence Impact Performance MeasuresWaterWollombi BrookBiodiversityWollemi National ParkWarkworth Sands WoodlandCommunityWhite Box, Yellow Box, Blakely’sRed Gum Woodland/Grassy WhiteBox Woodland CommunityHeritageWambo Homestead ComplexNegligible Impact.Controlled release of excess site water only inaccordance with EPL requirementsNil impact.Minor cracking and ponding of the land surface orother impact.Negligible environmental consequencesMinor cracking and ponding of the land surface orother impact.Negligible environmental consequencesNegligible impact on heritage values, unlessapproval has been granted by the Heritage Branchand/or the MinisterSection 3.1 and Appendix A (Water Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 3.3 and Appendix C (Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 3.5 and Appendix E (Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong>)EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-2

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-2 (Continued)Development Consent DA 305-7-2003 RequirementsConditionNumber(Schedule 4)Performance Measures – Built FeaturesCondition22A. The Applicant shall ensure that the development does not cause any exceedances of theperformance measures in Table 14B, to the satisfaction of the Director-General of DII.Document Reference/CommentThis <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> has been developed to meet thesubsidence impact performance measures.Table 14B: Subsidence Impact Performance MeasuresBuilt FeaturesAll built featuresPublic SafetyPublic SafetyAlways safe.Serviceability should be maintained wherever practicable.Loss of serviceability must be fully compensated.Damage must be fully repairable, and must be fully repairedor else replaced or fully compensated.No additional riskSection 3.4 and Appendix D (Built Features Management<strong>Plan</strong>)Section 3.6 and Appendix F(Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong>)22B. Any dispute between the Applicant and the owner of any built feature over the interpretation,application or implementation of the performance measures in Table 14B is to be settled bythe Director-General of DII. The Director-General of DII may seek the advice of the MSB onthe matter. Any decision by the Director-General of DII shall be final and not subject to furtherdispute resolution under this consent.The Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area is located entirelywithin WCPL-owned land.A 2 km section of Ausgrid 11 kV powerline is located withinthe Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area. If the powerline is notdecommissioned, an Ausgrid Asset Management <strong>Plan</strong> wouldbe prepared in consultation with Ausgrid for the managementof this powerline (Section 3.4 and Appendix D).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-3

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-2 (Continued)Development Consent DA 305-7-2003 RequirementsConditionNumber(Schedule 4)<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>Condition22C. The Applicant shall prepare and implement an <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for the second workings withineach seam to be mined to the satisfaction of the Director-General. Each <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>must:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)be prepared by a team of suitably qualified and experienced persons whoseappointment has been endorsed by the Director-General;be approved by the Director-General before the Applicant carries out any of thesecond workings covered by the plan;include detailed plans of the proposed first and second workings and any associatedsurface development;include detailed performance indicators for each of the performance measures inTables 14A and 14B;provide revised predictions of the potential subsidence effects, subsidence impacts andenvironmental consequences of the proposed second workings, incorporating anyrelevant information obtained since this consent;describe the measures that would be implemented to ensure compliance with theperformance measures in Tables 14A and 14B, and manage or remediate any impactsand/or environmental consequences;include the following to the satisfaction of DII:a coal resource recovery plan that demonstrates effective recovery of the availableresource;a subsidence monitoring program to:– provide data to assist with the management of the risks associated withsubsidence;– validate the subsidence predictions; and– analyse the relationship between the subsidence effects and impacts under theplan and any ensuing environmental consequences;Document Reference/CommentSection 1.1 and Attachment 2This ApplicationSection 1.3 and Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 3 and Appendices A, C, D, E and FSection 2.1 and Reports 1 to 5Section 3 and Appendices A to F, H and IAppendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 3.8 and Appendix H (Subsidence MonitoringProgram)EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-4

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-2 (Continued)Development Consent DA 305-7-2003 RequirementsConditionNumber(Schedule 4)Conditiona Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong> to manage the potential subsidence impactsand/or environmental consequences of the proposed second workings, and which:– addresses in appropriate detail all items of public infrastructure and all classesof other built features; and– has been prepared following appropriate consultation with the owner/s ofpotentially affected feature/s;Document Reference/CommentSection 3.4 and Appendix D (Built Features Management<strong>Plan</strong>) and component plans a Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong> to ensure public safety in the mining area; and Section 3.6 and Appendix F (Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong>)(h) include a:appropriate revisions to the Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong> required undercondition 40A; andWater Management <strong>Plan</strong>, which has been prepared in consultation with DECCWand NOW, which provides for the management of the potential impacts and/orenvironmental consequences of the proposed second workings on surface waterresources, groundwater resources and flooding, and which includes:– surface and groundwater impact assessment criteria, including trigger levels forinvestigating any potentially adverse impacts on water resources or waterquality;– a program to monitor and report groundwater inflows to underground workings;and– a program to manage and monitor impacts on groundwater bores on privatelyownedland;The existing Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong> was developedin December 2011 and reviewed by the DRE in May 2012.The Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong> has not been revised forthis <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (Section 3.7).The Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong> is provided inAppendix I.Section 3.1 and Appendix A (Water Management <strong>Plan</strong>)A draft of the Water Management <strong>Plan</strong> was provided to theEnvironment Protection Authority and the NSW Office ofWater on 6 November 2012.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-5

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-2 (Continued)Development Consent DA 305-7-2003 RequirementsConditionNumber(Schedule 4)ConditionBiodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong>, which has been prepared in consultation withDECCW and DII, which provides for the management of the potential impactsand/or environmental consequences of the proposed second workings on flora andfauna;Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>, which has been prepared in consultation with any affectedpublic authorities, to manage the potential impacts and/or environmentalconsequences of the proposed second workings on land in general;Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong>, which has been prepared in consultation with DECCW,the Department’s Heritage Branch and relevant stakeholders for Aboriginal andnon-Aboriginal heritage, to manage the potential environmental consequences ofthe proposed second workings on heritage sites or values; and(i) Include a program to collect sufficient baseline data for future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s. Attachment 322D. The Applicant shall ensure that the management plans required under condition 22C(h)above include:(a)(b)(c)an assessment of the potential environmental consequences of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>,incorporating any relevant information that has been obtained since this consent;a detailed description of the measures that would be implemented to remediatepredicted impacts; anda contingency plan that expressly provides for adaptive management.Document Reference/CommentSection 3.3 and Appendix C (Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong>)A draft of the Water Management <strong>Plan</strong> was provided to theOffice of Environment and Heritage, Department of PrimaryIndustries-Fisheries and the Division of Resources and<strong>Energy</strong> on 1 November 2012.Section 3.2 and Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>)There are no ‘affected public authorities’ relevant to theLongwalls 7 and 8 Application Area, therefore the LMP wasnot distributed for comment.Section 3.5 and Appendix E (Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong>)A draft of the Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong> was provided to theOffice of Environment and Heritage and the Heritage Branchon 5 November 2012.Appendices A, B, C and EEP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-6

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-2 (Continued)Development Consent DA 305-7-2003 RequirementsConditionNumber(Schedule 4)First WorkingsCondition22E. The applicant may carry out first workings within the underground mining area, other than inaccordance with an approved extraction plan, provided that DII is satisfied that the firstworkings are designed to remain stable and non-subsiding in the long term, except insofar asthey may be impacted by approved second workings.Wambo Homestead Complex – Section 60 Approval57 An application under section 60 of the Heritage Act must be submitted to and approved bythe Heritage Council prior to the commencement of any development on land within the StateHeritage Register listing boundary for the Wambo Homestead Complex. In this regard a minemanagement plan shall be required to accompany the application which demonstrates thatthe proposed underground mining shall not have adverse heritage impacts on the WHC dueto land subsidence.Document Reference/CommentRequest lodged on 22 November 2012 for confirmation thatthe Division of Resources and <strong>Energy</strong> is satisfied that the firstworkings are designed to remain stable and non-subsiding inthe long term, except insofar as they may be impacted byapproved second workings.Confirmation from the Division of Resources and <strong>Energy</strong>provided on 7 December 2012 that the proposed firstworkings satisfy the requirements of Condition 22E,Schedule 4 of the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003),subject to the Mine Manager undertaking adequate monitoringof the stability of the first workings and implementingappropriate ground support of the roadways in accordancewith the results of the monitoring.This monitoring is undertaken in accordance with the StrataFailure Management <strong>Plan</strong>.An application under section 60 of the Heritage Act, 1977 formining within the curtilage of the Wambo HomesteadComplex for Longwalls 7 and 8 was approved on12 September 2012.The Wambo Homestead Complex Mine Management <strong>Plan</strong> isan attachment of the Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong>(Appendix E).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-7

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-3Requirements of the Guideline for Applications for Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> ApprovalsGuidelineSection6 WRITTEN REPORT6.2 Application AreaRequirementDocument Reference/Comment The minimum extent of the assessment Section 1.3 and Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)6.3 Mining System and Resource RecoveryProposed mining method(s) including reasons for selecting the particular method(s);Name of the seam to be mined, seam thickness and proposed extraction thickness;A schedule of proposed mining within the Application Area for the period to be coveredby the SMP;The impact on resource recovery of the remainder of the mining lease(s) and collieryholding area;Justification if proposing to mine only part of a seam;Estimated recovery of the total resource contained, as a percentage and in tonnes;The effects of mining on seams above or below the seam to be mined; andAny further plans for mining other seams within the Application Area.6.4 Site Conditions of the Application AreaSurface topography;Cover depths;Overburden stratigraphy;Location of the proposed workings in relation to any existing and/or future workings;The lithological and geotechnical characteristics of the overburden, roof and floor strata;andExistence and characteristics of geological structures.Section 3 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Sections 3.1 and 3.6 of Appendix G (Coal ResourceRecovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 3.4 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Sections 3.5 and 3.6 of Appendix G (Coal ResourceRecovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 3.1 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 3.6 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 3.5 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 3.5 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)<strong>Plan</strong> 2 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 3.2 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 2.2 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)<strong>Plan</strong>s 4b, 4c and 4d of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery<strong>Plan</strong>)Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of Appendix G (Coal ResourceRecovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 2.4 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-8

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-3 (Continued)Requirements of the Guideline for Applications for Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> ApprovalsGuidelineSection6.5 Stability of Underground WorkingsRequirementWhere the proposed mine workings are designed to provide support to the surface theapplication should contain the following information:The required levels of surface protection: the maximum allowable subsidenceparameters; andThe proposed mine workings including all dimensions.6.6 Stability of Underground Workings6.6.1 List Surface and Sub-Surface Features Section 3List of surface and sub-surface features.A statement of areas within a Mine Subsidence District;Identification, so far as is practicable, of all man-made structures built before thedeclaration of the Mine Subsidence District, andIdentification of any known, relevant proposed developments (e.g. subdivisions orimprovements), which are proposed for development within the next 7 years or duringthe time of proposed mining. The Mine Subsidence Board, relevant local or stategovernment agencies and public utility authorities are possible sources for thisinformation.6.6.2 Characterisation of Surface and Sub-Surface FeaturesA description of the surface environment of the Application Area (e.g. residential, andidentified sensitive areas);Relevant structural information for each surface improvement or man-made structure;Base-line environmental monitoring data in areas of environmental sensitivity – includeanalysis i.e. list surface and groundwater data collected, including duration andfrequency of sampling and parameters measured;Document Reference/CommentSection 1.3, Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>) andAppendix E (Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong>)SMP Approved <strong>Plan</strong> of Appendix G (Coal ResourceRecovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Section 3 and Report 1Section 3.4, Appendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)and Report1Appendices A to I, Report 2 and Report 3EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-9

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-3 (Continued)Requirements of the Guideline for Applications for Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> ApprovalsGuidelineSectionRequirementIdentified surface features to be shown on a plan – including the alluvial extent; andThorough characterisation of surface and sub-surface features as per: Statutoryrequirements; Government guidelines and consultation with government agencies,community and authorities/owners.6.6.3 Areas of Environmental SensitivityFigures 3 and 9 Identify Areas of Environmental Sensitivity within the Application Area. Section 36.7 Subsidence Prediction6.7.1 Prediction Method and ReliabilityMethod(s) employed to estimate subsidence;A discussion of all factors that may affect the development of subsidence;Relevance of all input data, including previous relevant subsidence monitoring, results;Identification of all assumptions used, especially those which may significantly affect theoutcome of the subsidence predictions, and discussion of their relevance, andReliability of the subsidence predictions, the level of uncertainties involved and potentialfor deviations based on topographical, geological or geotechnical factors.6.7.2 Subsidence Predictions - ResultsThe applicant should clearly demonstrate:The subsidence parameters included in the subsidence predictions are relevant; andThe maximum subsidence predictions for the Application Area and at each identifiedfeature.Document Reference/CommentTable 10 and Appendices A to IReport 1 and Report 5Report 1 and Report 5Report 5Report 1 and Report 5Report 1 and Report 5Section 2.1 and Report 5Section 1.4 and Report 1EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-10

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-3 (Continued)Requirements of the Guideline for Applications for Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> ApprovalsGuidelineSection6.8 Community ConsultationRequirementIdentification of stakeholders who have an interest in or concern about subsidenceissues related to the proposed mining project;A summary of consultation processes undertaken, including advertisements and writtennotices to stakeholders; andResults of consultation: views, identified subsidence issues, recommendations, jointmanagement proposals with relevant stakeholders.6.9 Statutory Requirements6.10.1 Subsidence ImpactsConditions of existing approvals, licenses or permits; andAny provisions of relevant legislation, guidelines, codes or Australian Standards relevantto mine subsidence or any other relevant statutory requirements.Characterises the nature, distribution, duration and consequences on the applicationarea and beyond and on identified features.6.10.2 Risk Assessment (RA)Identifies potential impacts to public safety.Perform Risk Assessment as per relevant statutory requirements, communityconsultation and relevant guidelines etc.Identify impacts with high risk or severe consequences and list areas requiring attentionwhen conducting the Risk Assessment.Section 2.3Document Reference/CommentSection 2.3 and Attachment 2Section 2.3 and Attachment 2Section 1.1.1 and this AttachmentAppendices A to I contain a summary of statutoryrequirements relevant to scope of that plan.Appendices A to F and Reports 1 to 3Appendix F (Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong>) and Report 4Section 2.2 and Report 4Section 2.2 and Report 46.10.3 Impact Assessment and Risk Assessment based on Increased Subsidence Predictions. Impact assessment has been based on predicted Upper 95%Confidence Limit (U95%CL) subsidence values (credibleworst-case) (see Report 1). Conservative empirical modelsfor undermining and overmining conditions have beenadopted and correlate well with measured subsidence at theNorth Wambo Underground Mine to date (Report 5).The potential for increased subsidence was considered aspart of the Risk Assessment (Report 4).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-11

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-3 (Continued)Requirements of the Guideline for Applications for Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> ApprovalsGuidelineSection7 SUBSIDENCE MANAGEMENT PLANRequirement7.2 Preparation of Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> The objectives of the SMP; Section 1.1The subsidence management process, including responsibilities, training, resources andcommunication systems;Identify that management priorities have been adequately considered at the minedesign stage;Sections 1.1, 1.6 and 4Document Reference/CommentSection 1.6 and Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>) The relevance and adequacy of the proposed mitigation and remediation measures Reports 1 to 4 include consideration of subsidencemonitoring and management to date and recommendationsfor future subsidence management based on the revisedpredictions.The proposed program for the implementation of the above mitigation and remediationmeasures and/or any other management measures or procedures;Estimated likelihood of success of the proposed mitigation and remediation measuresand/or any other management measures or procedures;Section 4 and Appendices A to FAll proposed measures are considered likely to succeed inmitigating subsidence impacts, however WCPL willimplement an adaptive management approach, includingcontingency response (Section 4.1). Estimated likelihood of success of the proposed community consultation programs; Section 2.3 and Attachment 2The likelihood of success was also considered as part of theRisk Assessment (Report 4). The relevance and adequacy of the proposed monitoring programs; Proposed monitoring programs are considered likely tosucceed in identifying subsidence impacts, however WCPLwill implement an adaptive management approach, includingcontingency response (Section 4.1).Capacity of the proposed management systems to detect early warning of anydeviations from defined outcomes and timely correction of deviations;The relevance and adequacy of any proposed contingency plans – when proposedmanagement strategies fail to control subsidence impacts;Performance indicators have been developed for eachsubsidence impact performance measure to identify a trendtoward exceedance (Section 3 and Appendices A, C, D, Eand F). Trigger Action Response <strong>Plan</strong>s have also beendeveloped as part of the management plans.An overarching contingency plan is provided in Section 4.1.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-12

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-3 (Continued)Requirements of the Guideline for Applications for Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> ApprovalsGuidelineSectionRequirementAny proposed options, such as compensation, land acquisition, temporary relocationand other forms of agreement with the landowners in regard to likely compensable loss,if subsidence impacts cannot be reduced satisfactorily; Any proposed measures for quality assurance of the management system; and Section 4A calculation of any additional security deposit required to reflect potential subsidencerelatedimpacts.7.3 Preparation of Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong>A Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong> is required as part of the proposed SMP if the predictedsubsidence has a potential to cause safety hazards to the public. This <strong>Plan</strong> should addressmanagement measures such as monitoring of areas posing safety risks, erection of signs,backfilling of cracks & securing of potentially unstable structures or rock masses and timelynotification of mining to the public where management of public safety is required.7.4 Preparation of Subsidence Community Consultation ProcessDetails of any continuing Subsidence Community Consultation Process (SCCP).7.5 Preparation of Specific Management <strong>Plan</strong>sList specific management plans in the SMP Application.Document Reference/CommentRelevant contingency measures for an exceedance ofperformance measures are identified in Section 3 andAppendices A to F.Not considered to be required.Appendix F (Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong>)A SCCP is not proposed for this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.An electronic copy of the draft <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> will bedistributed to the members of the Community ConsultativeCommittee for consultation purposes. The final <strong>Extraction</strong><strong>Plan</strong> will be placed on the WCPL website.Appendix A (Water Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix C (Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix E (Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix F (Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix H (Subsidence Monitoring Program)Appendix I (Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>)EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-13

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-3 (Continued)Requirements of the Guideline for Applications for Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> ApprovalsGuidelineSection9 & 10 <strong>Plan</strong>s and SMP Approved <strong>Plan</strong>RequirementDocument Reference/Comment9.1 <strong>Plan</strong> 1 – Existing & proposed workings <strong>Plan</strong> 1 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)9.2 <strong>Plan</strong> 2 – Surface features showing all natural & man-made surface features, surface contours,Mine Subsidence District boundaries9.3 <strong>Plan</strong> 3 – Geological plan showing overburden isopachs, seam thickness isopachs and allknown geological features9.4 <strong>Plan</strong> 4 – Existing and proposed workings in other seams with their thickness isopachs andoverburden isopachs<strong>Plan</strong>s 2 and 2b of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery<strong>Plan</strong>)<strong>Plan</strong> 3 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)<strong>Plan</strong>s 4b to 4d of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery<strong>Plan</strong>)9.5 <strong>Plan</strong> 5 – Mining titles and land ownership <strong>Plan</strong> 5 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)9.6 <strong>Plan</strong> 6 – Geological sections <strong>Plan</strong> 6 of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery <strong>Plan</strong>)10 SMP Approved <strong>Plan</strong> Approved <strong>Plan</strong> of Appendix G (Coal Resource Recovery<strong>Plan</strong>)EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-14

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-4Mining Lease RequirementsConditionNumberMining Lease 1402ConditionDocument Reference/Comment7 The lease holder shall not interfere in any way with any fences on or adjacent to the subject area unlesswith the prior written approval of the owner thereof or the Minister and subject to such conditions as theMinister may stipulate.8 The lease holder shall observe any instruction given or which may be given by the Minister with a view tominimising or preventing public inconvenience or damage to public or private property.11 If so directed by the Minister the lease holder shall rehabilitate to the satisfaction of the Minister any landswithin the subject area which may have been disturbed by the lease holder.13 If so directed by the Minister the lease holder shall rehabilitate to the satisfaction of the Minister and withinsuch time as may be allowed by the Minister any lands within the subject area which may have beendisturbed by mining or prospecting operations whether such operations were or were not carried out by thelease holder.16 The lease holder shall provide and maintain to the satisfaction of the Minister efficient means to preventcontamination, pollution, erosion or siltation of any river, stream, creek, tributary, lake, dam, reservoir,watercourse or catchment area or any undue interference to fish or their environment and shall observe anyinstruction given or which may be given by the Minister with a view to preventing or minimising thecontamination, pollution, erosion or siltation of any river stream, creek, tributary, lake, dam, reservoir,watercourse or catchment area or any undue interference to fish or their environment.17 If so directed by the Minister, the lease holder shall ensure that operations are carried out in such mannerso as to minimise disturbance to flora and fauna within the subject area.20 The lease holder shall conduct operations in such a manner as to not cause or aggravate soil erosion andthe lease holder shall observe and perform any instructions given or which may be given by the Ministerwith a view to minimising or preventing soil erosion.Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>)All fences within the Longwalls 7 and 8Application Area are WCPL-owned.Appendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)An Ausgrid 11 kV powerline is the only assetwithin the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area thatis not owned by WCPL.Appendix I (Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix I (Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix A (Water Management <strong>Plan</strong>),Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>) andAppendix C (Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong> ) andAppendix C (Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>) andAppendix I (Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>)EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-15

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-4 (Continued)Mining Lease RequirementsConditionNumberCondition22 In the event of operations being conducted on the surface of any road, track or firetrail traversing the subjectarea or in the event of such operations causing damage to or interference with any such road, track orfiretrail the lease holder, at his own expense, shall if directed to do so by the Minister provide to thesatisfaction of the Minister an alternate road, track or firetrail in a position as required by the Minister andshall allow free and uninterrupted access along such alternate road, track or firetrail and, if required to do soby the Minister, the lease holder shall upon completion of operations rehabilitate the surface of the originalroad, track or firetrail to a condition satisfactory to the Minister.23 (d) In the event of operations interfering with or damaging any trigonometrical station, Permanent Mark orState Surface Mark (under the Survey Co-ordination Act, 1949) erected on or near the subject area, orif required to do so by the Minister, the lease holder shall relocate any such trigonometrical station,Permanent Mark or State Surface Mark (under the Survey Co-ordination Act, 1949) to the satisfactionof, and in a position required by, the Department of Conservation and Land Management, the LandInformation Centre, Bathurst and the Minister and, if required to do so by the Minister, and subject tosuch conditions as the Minister may impose, the lease holder, upon completion of operations shallrelocate any such trigonometrical station, Permanent Mark or State Surface Mark (under the SurveyCo-ordination Act, 1949) to its original position.24 The lease holder shall as far as is practicable so conduct operations as not to interfere with or impair thestability or efficiency of any transmission line, communication line or pipeline traversing the surface or theexcepted surface of the subject area and shall comply with any direction given or which may be given by theMinister in this regard.25 The lease holder shall not knowingly destroy, deface any aboriginal place or relic within the subject areaexcept in accordance with an authority issued under the National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1974, and shalltake every precaution in drilling, excavating or disturbing the land against any such destruction, defacementor damage.Document Reference/CommentAppendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>) andAppendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)All roads and tracks within the Longwalls 7 and 8Application Area are WCPL-owned.There are no active trigonometrical stations,Permanent Marks or State Surface Marks withinthe Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area.Appendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)An Ausgrid 11 kV powerline is the only assetwithin the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area thatis not owned by WCPL.Appendix E (Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong>)EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-16

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-4 (Continued)Mining Lease RequirementsConditionNumberMining Lease 1594Condition4 (a) The lease holder shall prepare a Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> prior to commencing anyunderground mining operations which will potentially lead to subsidence of the land surface.(b)(c)(d)(e)Underground mining operations which will potentially lead to subsidence include secondary extractionpanels such as longwalls or miniwalls, associated first workings (gateroads, installation road andassociated main headings, etc), and pillar extractions, and are otherwise defined by the Applicationsfor Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> Approvals guidelines (EDG17)The lease holder must not commence or undertake underground mining operations that will potentiallylead to subsidence other than in accordance with a Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> approved by theDirector-General, an approval under the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act, 2002, or the document NewSubsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> Approval Process – Transitional Provision (EDP09).Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong>s are to be prepared in accordance with the Guideline for Applicationsfor Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> Approvals.Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong>s as approved shall form part of the Mining Operations <strong>Plan</strong> requiredunder Condition 2 and will be subject to the Annual Environmental Management Report process as setout under Condition 3. The SMP is also subject to the requirements for subsidence monitoring andreporting set out in the document New Approval Process for Management of Coal Mining Subsidence– Policy.12 Operations must be carried out in a manner that ensures the safety of persons or stock in the vicinity of theoperations. All drill holes shafts and excavations must be appropriately protected, to the satisfaction of theDirector General, to ensure that access to them by persons and stock is restricted. Abandoned shafts andexcavations opened up or used by the lease landholder must be filled in or otherwise rendered safe to astandard acceptable to the Director-General.13 (a) Land disturbed must be rehabilitated to a stable and permanent form suitable for a subsequent land useacceptable to the Director-General and in accordance with the Mining Operations <strong>Plan</strong> so that:-there is no adverse environmental effect outside the disturbed area and that the land is properlydrained and protected from soil erosion.the state of the land is compatible with the surrounding land and land-use requirements.the landforms, soils, hydrology and flora require no greater maintenance than that in thesurrounding land.This ApplicationDocument Reference/CommentWorkings the subject of this application areshown on the SMP Approved <strong>Plan</strong> ofAppendix G.WCPL will undertake Longwalls 7 and 8 inaccordance with this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, onceapproved.Table A1-3 of this Attachment.Subsidence monitoring is described inSection 3.8 and Appendix H (SubsidenceMonitoring Program).Reporting requirements are described inSection 4.Appendix F (Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix I (Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>)EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-17

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-4 (Continued)Mining Lease RequirementsConditionNumberCondition13 (cont.) in cases where revegetation is required and native vegetation has been removed or damaged, theoriginal species must be re-established with close reference to the flora survey included in theMining Operations <strong>Plan</strong>. If the original vegetation was not native, any re-established vegetationmust be appropriate to the area and at an acceptable density.the land does not pose a threat to public safety.(b) Any topsoil that is removed must be stored and maintained in a manner acceptable to theDirector-General.16 Operations must be carried out in a manner that does not cause or aggravate air pollution, water pollution(including sedimentation) or soil contamination or erosion, unless otherwise authorised by a relevantapproval, and in accordance with an accepted Mining Operations <strong>Plan</strong>. For the purpose of this condition,water shall be taken to include any watercourse, waterbody or groundwaters. The lease holder mustobserve and perform any instructions given by the Director-General in this regard.17 Operations must not interfere with or impair the stability or efficiency of any transmission line,communication line, pipeline or any other utility on the lease area without prior written approval of theDirector-General and subject to any conditions he may stipulate.18 (a) Activities on the lease must not interfere with or damage fences without the prior written approval ofthe owner thereof or the Minister and subject to any conditions the Minister may stipulate.19 (a) Operations must not affect any road unless in accordance with an accepted Mining Operations <strong>Plan</strong> orwith the prior written approval of the Director-General and subject to any conditions he may stipulate.27 (A) Notwithstanding any Mining Operations <strong>Plan</strong>, the leaseholder mush not mine within any part of thelease area which is within the notification area of the Wambo Tailings Dam without the prior writtenapproval of the Minister and subject to any conditions that he may stipulate.Document Reference/CommentAppendix I (Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix F (Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>) andAppendix I (Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix A (Water Management <strong>Plan</strong>) andAppendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)An Ausgrid 11 kV powerline is the only assetwithin the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area thatis not owned by WCPL.Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>)All fences within the Longwalls 7 and 8Application Area are WCPL-owned.Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>) andAppendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)All roads and tracks within the Longwalls 7 and 8Application Area are WCPL-owned.The Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area extendsinto the Notification Area of the Wambo TailingsDam (North East Tailings Dam) (NA-56).WCPL will prepare and submit an application formining within the North East Tailings DamNotification Area to the Dams Safety Committeeprior to mining within this area (Appendix D).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-18

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-4 (Continued)Mining Lease RequirementsConditionNumberConsolidated Coal Lease 743Condition7 Disturbed land must be rehabilitated to a sustainable/agreed end land use to the satisfaction of theDirector-General.8 (a) The lease holder shall prepare a Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> prior to commencing anyunderground mining operations which will potentially lead to subsidence of the land surface.(b)(c)(d)(e)Underground mining operations which will potentially lead to subsidence include secondary extractionpanels such as longwalls or miniwalls, associated first workings (gateroads, installation road andassociated main headings, etc), and pillar extractions, and are otherwise defined by the Applicationsfor Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> Approvals guidelines (EDG17)The lease holder must not commence or undertake underground mining operations that will potentiallylead to subsidence other than in accordance with a Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> approved by theDirector-General, an approval under the Mine Health & Safety Act, 2004, or the document NewSubsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> Approval Process – Transitional Provision (EDP09).Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong>s are to be prepared in accordance with the Guideline for Applicationsfor Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> Approvals.Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong>s as approved shall form part of the Mining Operations <strong>Plan</strong> requiredunder Condition 2 and will be subject to the Annual Environmental Management Report process as setout under Condition 4. The SMP is also subject to the requirements for subsidence monitoring andreporting set out in the document New Approval Process for Management of Coal Mining Subsidence– Policy.16 Operations must be carried out in a manner that ensures the safety of persons or stock in the vicinity of theoperations. All drill holes shafts and excavations must be appropriately protected, to the satisfaction of theDirector-General, to ensure that access to them by persons and stock is restricted. Abandoned shafts andexcavations opened up or used by the lease landholder must be filled in or otherwise rendered safe to astandard acceptable to the Director-General.18 Operations must be carried out in a manner that does not cause or aggravate air pollution, water pollution(including sedimentation) or soil contamination or erosion, unless otherwise authorised by a relevantapproval, and in accordance with an accepted Mining Operations <strong>Plan</strong>. For the purpose of this condition,water shall be taken to include any watercourse, waterbody or groundwaters. The lease holder mustobserve and perform any instructions given by the Director-General in this regard.Document Reference/CommentAppendix I (Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>)This ApplicationWorkings the subject of this application areshown on the SMP Approved <strong>Plan</strong> ofAppendix G.WCPL will undertake Longwalls 7 and 8 inaccordance with this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, onceapproved.Table A1-3 of this Attachment.Subsidence monitoring is described inSection 3.8 and Appendix H (SubsidenceMonitoring Program).Reporting requirements are described inSection 4.Appendix F (Public Safety Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix A (Water Management <strong>Plan</strong>) andAppendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>)EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-19

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-4 (Continued)Mining Lease RequirementsConditionNumberCondition19 Operations must not interfere with or impair the stability or efficiency of any transmission line,communication line, pipeline or any other utility on the lease area without prior written approval of theDirector-General and subject to any conditions he may stipulate.20 (a) Activities on the lease must not interfere with or damage fences without the prior written approval ofthe owner thereof or the Minister and subject to any conditions the Minister may stipulate.21 (a) Operations must not affect any road unless in accordance with an accepted Mining Operations <strong>Plan</strong> orwith the prior written approval of the Director-General and subject to any conditions he may stipulate.29 (a) Notwithstanding any Mining Operations <strong>Plan</strong>, the leaseholder mush not mine within any part of thelease area which is within the notification area of the Wambo Tailings Dam and United CollieryTailings 2 Dam without the prior written approval of the Minister and subject to any conditions that hemay stipulate.Document Reference/CommentAppendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)An Ausgrid 11 kV powerline is the only assetwithin the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area thatis not owned by WCPL.Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>)All fences within the Longwalls 7 and 8Application Area are WCPL-owned.Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>) andAppendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)All roads and tracks within the Longwalls 7 and 8Application Area are WCPL-owned.The Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area extendsinto the Notification Area of the Wambo TailingsDam (North East Tailings Dam) (NA-56).WCPL will prepare and submit an application formining within the North East Tailings DamNotification Area to the Dams Safety Committeeprior to mining within this area (Appendix D).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-20

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-4 (Continued)Mining Lease RequirementsConditionNumberCoal Lease 397Condition1 (d) Where the registered holder desires to commence and to carry out underground mining operationswithin the subject area or where the Minister notifies the registered holder that he proposes to issue adirection pursuant to paragraph (c) of this condition the registered holder shall furnish to the Minister aplan showing the proposed workings in the section of land to be so mined together with such otherdetails as the Minister may require.26 The registered holder shall not interfere in any way with any fences on or adjacent to the subject areaunless with the prior written approval of the owner thereof of the Minister and subject to such conditions asthe Minister may stipulate.27 The registered holder shall observe any instruction given or which may be given by the Minister with a viewto minimising or preventing public inconvenience or damage to public or private property.30 Subject to any specific condition of this lease providing for rehabilitation of any particular part of the subjectarea affected by mining or activities associated therewith, the registered holder shall;(a)(b)reinstate, level, regrass, reforest and contour to the satisfaction of the Minister, any part of the subjectarea that may in the opinion of the Minister have been damaged or deleteriously affected by miningoperations; andfill in, seal or fence, to the satisfaction of the Minister, any excavation within the subject area.31 If requested so to do by the Minister and within such time as may be stipulated by the Minister the registeredholder shall carry out to the satisfaction of the Minister surveys of structures, buildings and pipelines onadjacent landholdings to determine the effect of operations on any such structures, buildings and pipelines.33 If so directed by the Minister the registered holder shall rehabilitate to the satisfaction of the Minister andwithin such time as may be allowed by the Minister any lands within the subject area which may have beendisturbed by the operations hereby authorised.Document Reference/CommentWorkings the subject of this application areshown on the SMP Approved <strong>Plan</strong> ofAppendix G.Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>)All fences within the Longwalls 7 and 8Application Area are WCPL-owned.Appendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)An Ausgrid 11 kV powerline is the only assetwithin the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area thatis not owned by WCPL.Appendix I (Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Pre-mining inspections are outlined inAppendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)An Ausgrid 11 kV powerline is the only assetwithin the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area thatis not owned by WCPL.Appendix I (Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>)EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-21

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-4 (Continued)Mining Lease RequirementsConditionNumberCondition36 If so directed by the Minister the lease holder shall rehabilitate to the satisfaction of the Minister and withinsuch time as may be allowed by the Minister any lands within the subject area which may have beendisturbed by mining or prospecting operations whether such operations were or were not carried out by thelease holder.40 The lease holder shall provide and maintain to the satisfaction of the Minister efficient means to preventcontamination, pollution, erosion or siltation of any river, stream, creek, tributary, lake, dam, reservoir,watercourse or catchment area or any undue interference to fish or their environment and shall observe anyinstruction given or which may be given by the Minister with a view to preventing or minimising thecontamination, pollution, erosion or siltation of any river stream, creek, tributary, lake, dam, reservoir,watercourse or catchment area or any undue interference to fish or their environment.46 If so directed by the Minister, the lease holder shall ensure that operations are carried out in such mannerso as to minimise disturbance to flora and fauna within the subject area.52 The lease holder shall conduct operations in such a manner as to not cause or aggravate soil erosion andthe lease holder shall observe and perform any instructions given or which may be given by the Ministerwith a view to minimising or preventing soil erosion.59 In the event of operations being conducted on the surface of any road, track or firetrail traversing the subjectarea or in the event of such operations causing damage to or interference with any such road, track orfiretrail the lease holder, at his own expense, shall if directed to do so by the Minister provide to thesatisfaction of the Minister an alternate road, track or firetrail in a position as required by the Minister andshall allow free and uninterrupted access along such alternate road, track or firetrail and, if required to do soby the Minister, the lease holder shall upon completion of operations rehabilitate the surface of the originalroad, track or firetrail to a condition satisfactory to the Minister.68 (a) The marks in connection with any trigonometrical station erected on or near the subject area shall notbe interfered with and the unrestricted right of access to such station by authorised persons and alsothe right to clear sight lines to surrounding stations is reserved at all times.73 (a) The registered holder shall as far as is practicable so conduct operations as not to interfere with orimpair the stability of any:-(i) telephone line;(ii) power transmission line;(iii) pipelinetraversing the subject area.Document Reference/CommentAppendix I (Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix A (Water Management <strong>Plan</strong>),Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>) andAppendix C (Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong> ) andAppendix C (Biodiversity Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>) andAppendix I (Rehabilitation Management <strong>Plan</strong>)Appendix B (Land Management <strong>Plan</strong>) andAppendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)All roads and tracks within the Longwalls 7 and 8Application Area are WCPL-owned.There are no active trigonometrical stations withinthe Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area.Appendix D (Built Features Management <strong>Plan</strong>)An Ausgrid 11 kV powerline is the only assetwithin the Longwalls 7 and 8 Application Area thatis not owned by WCPL.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-22

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-5Requirements of the Approval of Application under Section 60 of the Heritage Act, 1977 (2012/S60/30)ConditionNumberCondition1 A conservation management plan (CMP) for the Wambo Homestead Complex (WHC) is to be prepared forEndorsement by the Heritage Council of NSW or its Delegate within 12 months of the date of this consent.The CMP is to include priority/programmed/staged work schedules with active measures to arrest decay, torepair and to preserve all remaining original fabric during the related mining process, after the expectedsubsidence from that mining process and when a future use is determined. The objective must be to ensurethat the WHC remains in a .conserved state that would keep it available for future adaptive re­use at aviable cost after the conclusion of active mining operations.2 The conservation policies and an interpretation strategy contained in the Conservation Management <strong>Plan</strong>are to be implemented in accordance with a timetable to be contained in the CMP and approved by HeritageCouncil of NSW or its Delegate.3 A suitably qualified and experienced oral history consultant is to be engaged by the applicant to undertakean oral history of the Wambo Homestead Complex having regard to the strong associations of members ofthe local community and past owners with the site. The oral history is to be provided to the Heritage Councilof NSW or its Delegate within 24 months of the date of this consent.4 In circumstances where safe access to the Wambo Homestead Complex is able to be provided,opportunities are to be offered to the local community to visit the site during and after its conservation. Thisshould be considered as part of the Interpretation strategy which is to be included in the ConservationManagement <strong>Plan</strong>.5 The impact management and remediation strategies for the Wambo Homestead Complex Buildingsrecommended in the specialist reports which accompanied the S60 Application are to be implemented inconjunction with the longwall mining of NW LW 7 and 8 approved under this consent. Other measures to beincorporated as part of the work must include the installation of stress/strain/ movement gauges linked to anappropriate recording and monitoring system.Document Reference/CommentThe Conservation Management <strong>Plan</strong> (CMP) forthe WHC will be revised separately in accordancewith this condition and Condition 58 of theDevelopment Consent (DA 305-7-2003).To be implemented through the CMP.To be implemented through the CMP.To be implemented through the CMP.The Wambo Homestead Complex MineManagement <strong>Plan</strong> (WHCMMP) is a component ofthe Heritage Management <strong>Plan</strong> (Appendix E).EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-23

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-5 (Continued)Requirements of the Approval of Application under Section 60 of the Heritage Act, 1977 (2012/S60/30)ConditionNumberCondition6 Mitigation measures should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations made in the followingdocuments:Mine Management <strong>Plan</strong>: Underground Mining in the Vicinity of Wambo Homestead Complex, Reportprepared for Wambo Coal Pty Ltd, by Godden Mackay Logan, July 2012Subsidence Data Review and Impact Assessment for Longwalls 7 and 8 at North Wambo UndergroundMine, Warkworth. DITTON GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Report no. NWU-001/4 for <strong>Peabody</strong> <strong>Energy</strong>Australia Pty Ltd. Date: 23 May 2012.A copy of these specific recommendations is appended as a Schedule to this consent.The Applicant is required to obtain an additional peer review of the recommended monitoring measures byan appropriately qualified geotechnical consultant. That review is to be submitted within 3 months from dateof consent for review by the Heritage Council or its Delegate. Subject to the findings of the peer review,additional mitigation measures may need to be implemented / installed at the WHC to the satisfaction of theHeritage Council or its Delegate.7 A suitably qualified heritage consultant is to regularly monitor the current bracing and protective works, tosupervise any interim works during the mining activity as well as to supervise subsequent works to ensurethe site is protected in accordance with the above documents.8 The nominated heritage consultant shall: undertake on site heritage inductions, inspect removal works andthe addition of new elements to minimise impacts on significant fabric and views and manage theimplementation of the conditions of approval.9 The nominated heritage consultant shall submit a report to the Heritage Council or its Delegate within3 months of the completion of each stage of the works. The reports shall confirm that all the works havebeen completed in accordance with the approved documents and conditions of this approval. An additionaldetailed report also to be submitted to the Heritage Council or its Delegate is to be prepared 2 years afterthe conclusion of the longwall mining to assess whether any additional subsidence impacts have beensustained by the WHC due to any reason including, but not limited to, any collapse of overlying strata intothe goaf. If so, any identified impacts are to be made good through specific remedial work completed to thesatisfaction of the Heritage Council or its Delegate.Document Reference/CommentThe WHCMMP is a component of the HeritageManagement <strong>Plan</strong> (Appendix E).A peer review of the recommended monitoringmeasures was conducted by Mine SubsidenceEngineering Consultants (MSEC). Theserecommendations have been incorporated in the<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Refer to Section 5.2 of the WHCMMP.This will continue to be implemented by WCPL.Reporting will be conducted as required by thiscondition.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-24

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A1-5 (Continued)Requirements of the Approval of Application under Section 60 of the Heritage Act, 1977 (2012/S60/30)ConditionNumberCondition10 Significant built elements at the Wambo Homestead Complex are to be adequately protected during theworks from potential damage. Protection systems must ensure heritage fabric is not damaged or removed.11 Concerning non-indigenous archaeology, where mitigation works such as drainage require excavation orother ground disturbance, those works are to be monitored by an appropriately qualified historicalarchaeologist. A brief assessment and methodology for the works, which includes final reporting, must beapproved by the Heritage Council of NSW or its Delegate before any excavation works are commenced. Inthe event that substantial intact archaeological deposits or 'relics' are discovered, work must ceaseimmediately in the affected area(s) and the Heritage Council must be contacted for advice. Additionalassessment and approval may be required prior to works continuing in the affected area(s) based on thenature of the discovery.12 This approval shall be void if the activity to which it refers is not physically commenced within five years afterthe date of the approval or within the period of consent specified in any relevant development consentgranted under the Environmental <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Assessment Act, 1979, whichever occurs first.Document Reference/CommentThis will continue to be implemented by WCPL.This will continue to be implemented by WCPL.Pending approval of this <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>,secondary extraction of Longwall 7 is scheduledto commence in June 2013.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A1-25


Major Projects AssessmentMining & lndustry ProjectsContact: Howard ReedPhone: 9228 6308Fax: 92286466Email:Troy FavellEnvironment and Community ManagerWambo Coal Pty LtdPMB 1SINGLETON NSW 23301 0/1 6005Dear Mr FavellWambo Coal Mine - Appointment of suitably qualified and experienced personsI refer to your letter dated 19 September 2012 seeking the Director-General's endorsement for aproposed team of experts to review and prepare the Wambo Mine <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>/SubsidenceManagement <strong>Plan</strong> for the North Wambo Underground Longwalls 7 and 8.The Department has reviewed your request and I advise that the proposed team of experts inyour letter has been endorsed by the Director-General as required by Condition 22C, Schedule4 of Development Consent DA 305-7-2003.lf you require further information please contact me on the details aboveYours sincerelyM*Howard Reed t'O 'o(, t/Manager - Mining ProjectsAs the Director General's Nominee

ClassifiedsEmail: sales.singletonargus@ruralpress.com, classifieds.singletonargus@ruralpress.com Web: www.singletonargus.com.au Jobs: obs.com.au Deadline: 11am the day prior to publicationPHONE: (02) 6572 2611 FAX: (02) 6572 2795Funerals In Memoriam NoticesNoticesNoticesEric WilliamMEYNOf High Street SingletonOn 27 September 2012At the Maitland HospitalAged 92 years.Dearly loved husband ofShirley, much loved fatherof Kevin and Sue, Susan,Peter (dec), grandfather toSarah, Lucy, Emma andMartin.A Funeral mass will beheld in St Patrick'sCatholic Church Singletonat 10.00am Wednesday3rd October 2012. Thencefor private burial.RSL members arerespectfully invited toattend and wear theirmedals.Partridge Bros SingletonFDA of NSW6572 2917www.partridgebrothers.com.auSINGSTOCKThomas WilliamOf Kelso StreetSingletonPassed away atJohn Hunter Hospital28th September 2012Aged 70 yearsDear husband of Bettyand loved father of Deanand Scott, father-in-lawand grandfather to theirfamilies.Family and friends ofTom are warmly invitedto attend his Funeral tobe held in the Chapel ofSt Patricks Crematorium,Nulkaba, Cessnock,Thursday 4th October2012 commencing at11.00am.Returned service menand women are invited toattend.In the care ofChapmans funeralsSingleton6572 1089A.F.D.A.In MemoriamGORDAN MANNING(4-10-10)Those who mean the most to usare never really gone. For in ourthoughts and in our hearts theirmemory still lives on.Your Loving FamilyMargaret DIGBY3.5.1941 - 4.10.2011If roses grow in Heaven,Please pick a bunch for me.Place them in my Mother'sarms,And tell her they are fromme.Tell her I love her and missher,And when she turns to smile,Place a kiss upon her cheek,And hold her awhileBecause remembering her iseasy,I do it every day.But there is an ache withinmy heart.That will never go away.Love Karleen, Pete,Tracy, Gregg & Lucia,Graeme & CasseyARGUSCLASSIFIEDS65722611For all yourclassifieds needsMICHAEL GREGORYWILKES21/4/48 - 3/10/05In loving memory of myhusband.You gave me manythings in life, Gifts bothgreat and small, butmost of all you gave meLOVE; the greatest giftof allYour loving wife Trish &Families xxFor SaleSCREENED GYPSUMFrom Muswellbrook. Limitedquantity available now.Ph Jim for analysis and quoteon 0428 689 102or 6541 2198or email: warren@robbos.netMotor VehiclesTOYOTALANDCRUISER 2006Turbo diesel RV189,000kms, too many extrasto list. Tamworth vehicle.Rego (BEP18X). $44,000.Phone 0418 203 096.Boats MarineBOATING LICENCECOURSE & JET SKIIn SingletonFriday, 5th October.Limited places available.Ph. 9524 5678PetsHOW TO AVOIDA $165 FINEDid you know it is illegal toadvertise the sale, purchaseor transfer of ownership ofany dog or cat which has notbeen microchipped accordingto the Companion AnimalsAct 1998.Legal NoticesIN THE SUPREME COURTOF NEW SOUTH WALESEQUITY DIVISION -PROBATE LIST. After 14days from publication of thisnotice an application forProbate of the Will dated 22October 2010 of GAVINRICHARDS late of SingletonHeights, will be made byGavin Ross Richards, SusanGay Mackintosh and AnneKathryn Threlfo. Creditorsare required to sendparticulars of their claimsupon his Estate to; CraggBraye and Thornton,Solicitors, PO Box 166,SINGLETON 2330 Ph: (02)6572 1166 Ref:KF:JN:91652.NoticesNOTICE TO CLASSIFIEDADVERTISERSAll classified display andclassified semi display advertisingis sold in wholecentimetre and columnunits. Classified line advertisementsare charged onthe total number of lines. Aminimum number of linesmay be required.The full 'Terms and Conditionsof Advertising' of TheSingleton Argus are availablefrom our office or byphoning (02) 6572 2611Ravensworth Surface OperationsPublic NoticeRavensworth Surface Operations wish to advisethat Lemington Road will be closed onWednesday 3rd October, Thursday 4thOctober and Friday 5th October 2012 for thepurpose of blasting.The road will be closed between 1.7km south ofthe New England Hwy and a further 2.8km westalong Lemington Rd and is likely to be closed for15 minutes between 10:00am and 5:00pmdepending on Environmental conditions.Roadside signs will display the date andapproximate time of the closure.Ravensworth operation apologise for anyinconvenience caused. For further informationcontact Environmental & CommunityCoordinator at the mine on 6570 0700.NoticesPUBLIC NOTICEWAMBO COAL MINEWambo Coal Pty Ltd (WCPL) (ACN: 000 668 057) owns and operates theWambo Coal Mine, an open cut and underground mining operation locatedapproximately 15km west of Singleton in the Hunter Valley, NSW.WCPL is currently developing an <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>/Subsidence Management<strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 7 and 8 for the North Wambo Underground Mine at theWambo Coal Mine. The <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>/Subsidence Managment <strong>Plan</strong> will beoperated in accordance with the Development Consent DA 305-7-2003 andthe Guidelines for Applications for Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> Approvals(NSW Department of Mineral Resources, 2003).Any parties interested in being consulted in regard to the <strong>Extraction</strong><strong>Plan</strong>/Subsidence Managemnt <strong>Plan</strong> should register their interest by 5:00pm19 October 2012. Contact details are as follows:Troy FavellManager Environment and CommunityPMB1, Singleton NSW 2330Phone: (02) 6570 2209Fax: (02) 6570 2290Email: tfavell@peabodyenergy.comNORTH OPEN CUTPublic NoticeIntegra Coal wish toadvise that Stony CreekRoad may be closedbetween Monday toSaturday, between9:00am and 5:00pm, forthe purpose of blasting,depending onenvironmental and/oroperational circumstances.The duration of the closureis expected to beapproximately 20 minutes.For more detail contact theIntegra Coal Hotline or seethe blast notification boardsituated on Stony CreekRoad. Integra Coalapologise for anyinconvenience.SINGLETON ARGUS CLASSIFIEDS6572 2611Environmental <strong>Plan</strong>ning and AssessmentAct 1979 (NSW)National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 (NSW) – Section 90Wambo Coal Pty Ltd (WCPL) owns and operates the Wambo Coal Mine, locatedapproximately 15 kilometres west of Singleton in the Hunter Valley,New South Wales (NSW).WCPL proposes to lodge a request with the Minister for <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Infrastructureunder the Environmental <strong>Plan</strong>ning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW)and the Environmental <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (NSW)(Section 75W Application Process) to modify Development Consent (DA 3057 2003) for the Wambo Coal Mine, which was granted by the then Minister for<strong>Plan</strong>ning on 4 February 2004. The proposed modification is an extension/relocationof the approved Arrowfield and Bowfield Underground Minelongwall panels and extension of the mine life by approximately six years.The proposed modification is referred to as the South Wambo UndergroundMine Extension.As part of the Section 75W Application Process, WCPL will be preparing anAboriginal Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment, and therefore may seek anAboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) under section 90 of the NationalParks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW) to move and/or destroy Aboriginal objects.The subject area of the proposed modification and any such applicationis depicted as the “Area of Interest” as shown on the enclosed plan.In accordance with the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirementsfor Proponents 2010 (DECCW, 2010) WCPL is required to conductcommunity consultation with the relevant Aboriginal people, the purpose ofwhich is to assist WCPL in the preparation of its application for an AHIP underPart 6 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW) and to assist the DirectorGeneral of the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage in his or herconsideration and determination of the application.Also in accordance with the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirementsfor Proponents 2010 (DECCW, 2010), WCPL invites by the wayof this public notice any Aboriginal persons or groups who hold cultural knowledgerelevant to determining the significance of Aboriginal object(s) and/orplace(s) in the “Area of Interest” to register an interest in a process of communityconsultation with WCPL regarding the South Wambo UndergroundMine Extension by 5:00 pm 17 October 2012.WCPL advises that the details of any Aboriginal person or group who registersan interest in accordance with this notice will be forwarded to the Officeof Environment and Heritage and Wanaruah Local Aboriginal Land Councilin accordance with Section 4.1.5 of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage ConsultationRequirements for Proponents 2010 (DECCW, 2010), unless they specifythat they do not want their details released.Please note that any opportunities for employment would be separate to theconsultation process.Contact details are as follows:Troy FavellEnvironment and Community ManagerWambo Coal Pty. Ltd.PMB1, Singleton NSW 2330Telephone: (02) 6570 2209Facsimile: (02) 6570 2290Email: tfavell@peabodyenergy.comSINGLETON ARGUS CLASSIFIEDS6572 261114 THE SINGLETON ARGUS Tuesday, October 2, 2012 www.singletonargus.com.au

1HERSA1 A013The Sydney Morning Herald smh.com.au WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2012 CLASSIFIEDS 13HospitalityBook Your Classified Ads OnlineTo place your next classified ad go toadvertisers.com.au.It’s effortless, efficient andputs you in control of your advertising.For details contactour Customer Service Team on 1300 550 576or email: adonline@fairfaxmedia.com.au.Public NoticesPUBLIC NOTICEWAMBO COAL MINEWambo Coal Pty Ltd (WCPL) (ACN: 000 668 057) owns andoperates the Wambo Coal Mine, an open cut and undergroundmining operation located approximately 15 km west ofSingleton in the Hunter Valley, NSW.WCPL is currently developing an <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>/SubsidenceManagement <strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 7 and 8 for the North WamboUnderground Mine at the Wambo Coal Mine. The <strong>Extraction</strong><strong>Plan</strong>/Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> will be prepared inaccordance with the Development Consent DA 305-7-2003 andthe Guidelines for Applications for Subsidence Management<strong>Plan</strong> Approvals (NSW Department of Mineral Resources, 2003).Any parties interested in being consulted in regard to the<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>/Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> should registertheir interest by 5:00pm 19 October 2012. Contact details areas follows:Troy FavellManager Environment and CommunityPMB1, Singleton NSW 2330Phone: (02) 6570 2209Fax: (02) 6570 2290Email: tfavell@peabodyenergy.comCompanyNoticesNOTICE OF WINDING UPORDERRE: MJJ Group Pty Limited(In Liquidation)ACN: 135 356 115RE: Zoek Pty Ltd(In Liquidation)ACN: 123 738 063On the 19/09/2012 the FederalCourt of Australia, New SouthWales District Registry inproceedings No. NSD 1138/2012and NSD 1187/2012,respectively, ordered the windingup of the abovenamedcompanies and I was appointedas Liquidator of thesecompanies.Dated this Wednesday, 19September 2012Steven NicolsOfficial LiquidatorC/- Nicols + BrienLevel 2, 350 Kent StreetSydney NSW 200002 9299 2289www.bankrupt.com.auLifestyle and opportunity @ your doorstepGroundskeeper x 2• Total Remuneration Package range:$43,214–$49,696 including super• Participation in Rostered Day Off Scheme• Ref No. 12/98Are you a competent and experiencedGroundskeeper who has a good knowledge ofturf care and maintenance? The successfulapplicants will possess a Certificate ingreenkeeping or equivalent and the ability toundertake physically demanding work.Certificates in Construction Induction andChemical application are essential for thisposition. Furthermore, good verbal and writtencommunication skills along with the ability towork independently and as part of a team willensure your success within this role. If this is theposition for you, please view the PositionDescription and submit your application,addressing the criteria contained within.Like to know more? Call Richie Griffiths on9952 8164. Enquiries between 7am and 3pmMonday to Friday.Closing date: Friday 12 October 2012.How to apply: Click on Careers atwww.ryde.nsw.gov.au. Applications must includethe Application for Employment form and addressthe Selection Criteria as detailed on our website.www.ryde.nsw.gov.auCHEFAre you over the City life?Chef for Nth NSW populareatery. Must have passion &dedication for creating rusticfavourites with a modern twist.Above all a team player who isbalanced & loves their craft.Catering also for weddings &functions up to 150, 5 lunches 1-2nights. Wage package $65K forthe right person. Email CV:home@maviseskitchen.com.auCHEF. Perm. position in busyhotel restaurant. Excellent team.Good conds. Blues Point Hotel,McMahons Point. 9955 2675CHEF/COOKMon-Fri., day work. Reliable,motivated, exp. Ambar Cafe Bar,Shop 14, Level 7, MLC Centre,Martin Place. Fax 9344 4747 orphone 0425 250 855MILESTONEHOTELCHEFc Milestone Hotelc Dubbo NSWThe Milestone Hotel is apremium hotel located in theCBD of Dubbo NSW.Dubbo is home to more than40,000 people and the worldfamous tourist attraction,Taronga Western Plains Zoo. It isa diverse inland city offering avery comfortable and affordablelifestyle.The Milestone Hotel has a verybusy bistro and function marketand we are seeking a wellexperienced, competent, fulltime Chef to lead our team.Salary and relocation costas arenegotiable. Please forwardresume including full details ofqualifications.Joanne Blairkayora@iinet.com.aumycareer.com.au/8629335DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALSITE: 145 Regent Street, ChippendaleNSW 2008APPLICANT: Tradition FurnitureCo Pty LtdREF NO: D/2012/259PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing2-storey building andconstruction of a new 3-storeymixed use building comprising1 ground floor commercialtenancy and 5 residential units.The City of Sydney has receivedthe above development application.As part of our assessmentprocess, we are notifying surroundingneighbours and propertyowners to seek their viewson the proposal.The application is on publicexhibition until 1 November2012. During this time, you arewelcome to make a submissionon the proposal. You can viewthe full application at any of thefollowing locations (althoughprivacy restrictions exist for internalareas of residential buildings):1. Online at the City's websitewww.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.auunder 'Development' - DevelopmentApplications - ApplicationsExhibition List (Applications currentlyon Exhibition). The websitecontains all relevant details ofthe proposal, including plans,which can be downloaded ifrequired, information on how tomake a submission is also available.A submission can be madedirectly from the website.2. In person at the followingcentres: One Stop ShopLevel 2, Town Hall House456 Kent Street, SydneyMon-Fri; 8am-6pmNeighbourhood Service CentreRedfern158 Redfern Street, RedfernMon-Fri; 9am-5pmSat; 9am-noonGreen Square CustomerService Centre100 Joynton Avenue, ZetlandMon-Fri; 10am-6pmIf you would like to speak directlyto a Council planning officerabout this development application,you can contact PeggyWong on: 9265 9333 or email:dasubmissions@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.auCHEF required to join a team ofhappy professional chefs at abusy brasserie near Liverpool. FTposition. Leon 0418 169 466COOK busy cafe St. Ives Village.2 years minimum experience.P/T or F/T. Day shift only .0414 356 629.COOK/CHEFexperienced in Italian kitchen.Haberfield.Ph. 0406 040 411.COOK/KITCHENHANDExperience only for busyespresso bar in city. Mon-Fri,45hrs p/w. Call 9232 0422.COUNTERHAND. 7 day seafoodshop, wkend work involved,hrs neg for rest of week. Topmoney for top applicant.Drummoyne. Full/part time.0418 566 666Duty Managerfor Grumpys Hotel, HurlstonePark. Casual or permanentposition avail for experiencedmanager. This position includeslate night work including Friday& Saturday nights 11pm-7.30am.Email resume to:jack@grumpyshotel.com.auHEAD CHEFExperienced Head Chef requiredfor the Bay Hotel Motel,Bonnells Bay. Email resume to:pete@bayhotelmotel.comor phone 4973 3177KITCHEN HAND. Must havesome experience in prep work,salads & cleaning. DrummoyneFull/part time. 0418 566 666KITCHENHANDexperiencedfor Italian restaurant, Five Dockarea.Evenings. 9713 8733.Reservations & Private DiningRoom Co-ordinatorRockpool on George, NeilPerry's three hat flag shiprestaurant, is seeking anexperienced Reservations &Private Dining Room Coordinator.Full Time. Email CV tolauren@rockpool.comSANDWICH HANDOnly experienced. Mon-Fri.Fulltime or part-timePh: 0421 377 297SANDWICH HAND exp’d, wellpresented, fluent english, longterm employment, loc residentpref’d, busy city cafe. Mon-Fri7am start. Call 0498 397 739Book your seat at tenderingforsuccess.comor phone 1800 233 533ONEPATH LIFE InsuranceCompany limited intends after 10days to either issue replacementpolicies documents in place of orsatisfies claims or requests thatwould result in the termination ofthe following Policy 4460499owned by I.P.M. Pty LtdSuperannuation Fund on the lifeof John Cardamis declared Lostor Destroyed.CHEFSFour in Hand2 hatted restaurant inPaddington requires Chef dePartie, Apprentice & Bistro Chef.Call Bret 0406 876 044.ONEPATH LIFE InsuranceCompany limited intends after 10days to either issue replacementpolicies documents in place of orsatisfies claims or requests thatwould result in the termination ofthe following Policy 5894191owned byH W Frost EquipmentPty Ltd on the life of MichaelPultar declared Lost orDestroyed.Tenders GeneralAsphalt/ProfilingHand/machine laid Asphalt,road base. Free quotes.0412 052 427Canteen School Tenderfor 2013Tenders are called for the licenceof the School canteen for theyear commencing 2013 and for aterm of approximately 4 years.Annual school enrolments willbe approximately 1260. Generalenquiries and request for aTender Information Packageshould be referred to:Suellen Lawrence,Cheltenham Girls' High SchoolThe PromenadeCheltenham NSW 2119.Telephone: 02 9876 4481Tenders must be submitted in asealed envelope marked:"Confidential - School CanteenTender" and sent to:The Principal, Susan BridgeCheltenham Girls' High SchoolThe Promenade,Cheltenham NSW 2119Tenders close at 3pm on Friday12th October 2012.A tender visit and briefingsession is planned to be held onTuesday 9th October at 9.30amat the school. All applicants mustmake themselves familiar withClause 2 of the tender offer.GANELLEN are currentlytendering on the followingproject:• Kiaora Lands Development -Woolworths, Double BaySubcontractors who have pricedor would like to price the abovementioned project, please issuequotes / EOI to:subcontractorenquiry@ganellen.com / Fax 9555 5600SUBCONTRACTORSandsuppliers pricing:•Caddens 49 ILU’s•Caddens Community Centre•Campbelltown Toyota•John Purcell House, Nowra•Wesley College – Purser WingForward your quotations to:estimatingnsw@midsonconstruction.com.auPh. 9672 6299 Fax 9672 6066SUBCONTRACTORS pricing:• Kiaora LandsRedevelopment, Double BayPlease forward your quotation:estimating@iconsc.com.auSUB-CONTRACTORSwhohave priced or wish to price thesetenders;-•Clinton’s Toyota CampbelltownPlease forward your quotationsto: (Fax) 9572 4090 orEmail: info@farindon.com.auSUBCONTRACTORS/Supplierswho have priced:• Cargo Lane: 123-129Wyndham & 8-10 BrennanStreet, AlexandriaPlease forward your quotationsto the successful tender TQM at:info@tqmdc.com.auWRIGHTSON ConstructionsAll trades tendering on• Clintons Toyota, 25 BlaxlandRd., Campbelltown NSWare requested to submitquotations to: info@wrightsonconstructions.com.auor contact Jason 0419 247 490.Closing date 4/10/2012KEYSTONE PROJECTS GROUPSubcontractors and suppliersquoting for Kildare Catholiccollege(waggawagga),Bankstown aged care arerequested to submit their pricesto keystone projects group Ptyltd. Ph: 9764 6311 oradmin@keystoneprojectsgroup.com.auPRICE steel cable trusses, purlinsand roof sheeting shed, supplyand fix Glenorie. 0419 226 016.SUBCONTRACTORS& Suppliers pricing:• Netball CentralPlease send quotations to:Probuild Constructions (Aust)85 McLachlan AvenueRushcutters Bay, NSW, 2011Ph: 8259 0222 Fax: 8259 0233e: nsw@probuild.com.auSUBCONTRACTORSandSuppliers interested in quoting:• St Benedict’s CatholicCollege, Oran Park• Katoomba CourthouseUpgrade• 10 Townhouse Development,CaringbahPlease contact Marc MorabitoConstructions – Fax 9894 2522rosanna@morabito.com.auThe Department of Climate Change and<strong>Energy</strong> Efficiency are establishing a panelof experts to provide technical services inthe energy efficiency field, relating to thebuilt environment, in the following areas:• Policy and Strategic Advice;• Technical Research and Analysis;• Regulatory Impact Analysis;• Program Evaluations; and• Built Environment <strong>Energy</strong> Modelling,Rating, Compliance and Auditing.Once established this panel will be in placefor 5 years in total.Tenders close on Friday 12 October 2012at 2:00pm.For details about this tender,including the response forms, visit:www.tenders.gov.au and refer toRFT DCCEE005460-2012AG68924nswlotteries.com.auThink! About your choices Call Gambling Help 1800 858 858www.gamblinghelp.nsw.gov.au★Prize details subject to relevant Games Rules.Official Results Hotline: 1900 956 886 *(55 cents per minute)Higher rates Mobile & Public Phones. SMS Results ServiceText “Game Name” e.g. Lotto to 1975 6886 (75c)SMS provided by Be. Interactive. SMS queries: 1800 653 344.NSW Lotteries queries: 1300 363 444.OFFICIAL RESULTSSaturday 29 September 2012Draw 3255Div Prize Pool Winners Prize Value1 $4,161,471.48 2 $2,080,735.742 $564,831.80 52 $10,862.153 $1,218,839.00 1,076 $1,132.754 $1,841,839.80 54,654 $33.705 $3,094,359.20 126,818 $24.406 $3,982,635.90 260,303 $15.30Prize Winning NumbersSupplementaries25 32 10 16 34 9 40 4410 1625 32Strike Draw 3618 winningNumbers in Order DrawnDIVISION 1 WINNING ENTRIES: 2 X VICOFFICIAL RESULTSSaturday 29 September 2012Draw 1418Prize Winning NumbersSupplementary5 9 16 25 34 36 11Protect Your Prizes with Players ClubFor more information about the NSWLotteries Player Registration Card, go tonswlotteries.com.au or visit your localNSW Lotteries Agent today!nswlotteries.com.auThink! About your choices Call Gambling Help 1800 858 858www.gamblinghelp.nsw.gov.auPrize details subject to relevant Games Rules.Official Results Hotline: 1900 956 886 *(55 cents per minute)Higher rates Mobile & Public Phones. SMS Results ServiceText “Lotto” to 1975 6886 (75c)SMS provided by Be. Interactive. SMS queries: 1800 653 344.NSW Lotteries queries: 1300 363 444.Prize Winning NumbersSupplementaries18 44 23 5 7 43 21 2723 518 44Strike Draw 3619Winning Numbersin Order DrawnDIVISION 1: NO WINNING ENTRYLOTTO $1 MILLIONOFFICIAL RESULTSMonday 1 October 2012Draw 3178Div Prize Pool Winners Prize Value1 $1,000,000.00 0 $0.002 $42,412.30 7 $6,058.903 $65,971.60 131 $503.604 $183,921.50 7,507 $24.505 $254,459.40 22,321 $11.406 $395,795.40 55,356 $7.15Jackpot now stands at $3,335,000 in $2 Lottery Draw 9759Drawn at NSW Lotteries, Sydney Olympic Park on 2/10/2012The Jackpot prize of$3,230,000 was notwon by ticket Nº 1666611st Prize of $100,000 – N° 1466442nd Prize of $10,000 – N° 0006023rd Prize of $5,000 – N° 034927OFFICIAL RESULTS$2 Draw 9758HERALD CLASSIFIEDSCOPY LODGEMENTPHONE: 13 25 35EMAIL: smhclassifieds@fairfaxmedia.com.auONLINE: www.domain.com.au ;www.drive.com.au ; www.mycareer.com.auDEADLINESFor deadlines please visit www.adcentre.com.auNote: Deadlines may vary due to public holidaysTERMS & CONDITIONSFor detailed Terms & Conditionsvisit www.adcentre.com.auNote: All Private Party classified advertisementsmust be pre-paidSMH DIGITAL EDITIONThe Sydney Morning Herald can be readon computers and iPads anywhere in the world atwww.smh.com.au/digitaledition.Published by Fairfax Media Ltd., ACN 003 357 720,1 Darling Island Road, Pyrmont.Postal Address: Box 506, GPO Sydney 2001.Printed by Fairfax Printers Pty. Ltd., ACN 068 675 221.1 Worth Street, Chullora, 2190FORM 11 (Rule 5.11)Notice of winding up order andof appointment of LiquidatorIn the Supreme Court of NewSouth Wales, Sydney RegistryIN THE MATTER OFN P EXCAVATING PTY LTDACN 144 532 954("the Company")On 26 September 2012 theSupreme Court of New SouthWales in Proceeding No.254050 of 2012 ordered theWinding Up of the Company andI, Mr Michael Charles Hird, wasappointed as Official Liquidatorof the Company.Dated 2nd of October 2012N P Excavating Pty Ltd(In Liquidation)Michael Charles HirdOfficial LiquidatorMoore Stephens Sydney Pty LtdLevel 7, 20 Hunter StreetSydney NSW 2000FORM 11 Rule 5.11(3)NOTICE OF WINDING-UPORDER AND APPOINTMENTOF LIQUIDATORIN THE FEDERAL COURTOF AUSTRALIAIN THE MATTER OFPRIDUCT PTY. LTD.(In Official Liquidation)ACN 102 691 341On 26 September 2012, theFederal Court of Australia inProceeding No. 1254 of 2012ordered the winding up ofPriduct Pty. Ltd. and I wasappointed Official Liquidator ofthe Company.Dated 28th September 2012Scott Newton, Official LiquidatorShaw GidleyLevel 2, 75-77 Clarence StreetPort Macquarie NSW 2444Phone: (02) 6580 0400Fax: (02) 6580 0410SALES ASSISTANTRequired for modern retailjewellery store. Min 5 years retailexperience required. Flexiblehours available. Bankstown area.Ph Vera 9708 0088Email CV: tarick@kdor.com.auFRUIT SHOP ASSISTANTNo experience required.Kingsgrove shop, next to station.Call Jack 0419 798 228.Sales and RetailFLORISTExp’d, 3-5 yrs, hardworking,reliable for busy shop inLeichhardt. Min. 25 hrs pw.Night closes & Sat. shifts req’d.9572 7399 or 0405 828 205SALESMANAGERA long established wholesaler inAuburn is looking for anenergetic sales manager to assistwith regional distributors, thebuyers of supermarket as well ason the road sales. You will beresponsible for presenting theproducts, communicating thecustomers' requirement with thepurchasing staff, updating themarket trend.We are looking for applicantswith an ability in providing astrong customer services,flexibility in working attitude anda willingness to learn theproducts in detail. Experience insales to supermarket will be anadvantage.A competitive salary package willbe offered for this position withthe opportunity to progress infuture. Please submit yourresume with 2 referees tozico.com@verizon.netmycareer.com.au/8639034SALESPERSONNeeded to work in fishing andhunting store located in WesternSydney. Must have experience infishing. Must be well presentedand willing to work weekends.Part time position but may go topermanent. Ring 9623 9743 oremail hookedtv@bigpond.comMarketing, PR, Media and ArtsPUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER(2-year contract for immediate commencement)$68,676 to $76,644 p.a. depending on experience and skills + superannuationEnd of contract gratuity at 5% of the total basic salary on satisfactory completionReporting to the Head of Public Relations, the Public Relations Officer will mainly beresponsible for helping to extend our overall public relations reach in Australia andNew Zealand through strong writing, communication and event co-ordination skills,along with utilising their strong social media skills to continue to build on our varioussocial media profiles. This is very much a hands on position that needs a committedperson who is used to working to often very hard deadlines. The successfulcandidate would also be looking to professionally grow and use their well-groundedpublic relations skills to help identify and develop various collaborations betweenHong Kong, Australia and New Zealand.Please visit www.hketosydney.gov.hk for details of the position, requirements,application procedures and other general information on the Hong Kong Economic& Trade Office.Application closes on 25 October 2012.Enquiries: recruitment@hketosydney.gov.hkG5408580AB-280912iG5431607AB-290912Head of Legal/Legal CounselThe Transport Workers Union of Australia (TWU) is a leading industry trade unionrepresenng employees and owner-drivers in road transport, freight logiscs,airlines, waste management, oil and gas, passenger vehicles and other industries.We are currently recruing a Head of Legal/Legal Counsel to play a key role acrossa number of ground-breaking campaigns.We are seeking expressions of interest from experienced lawyers who wantto lead a team in one of Australias leading campaigning Trade Unions, whichis commied to improving the lives of transport workers, their families andcommunies.Reporng to the Chief of Staff, your responsibilies will include: Devising and implemenng the Unions legal strategy. Providing legal advice to the Naonal Secretary and other elected officials. Devising and implemenng negoaon strategies . Providing legal advice to the campaign teams of the Unions. Devising and implemenng processes to assist state branches in theirlegal work. Devising and implemenng processes to ensure coordinaon and connuousimprovement of state and naonal industrial agreements. Coordinang the legal and industrial team, providing mentoring, supervisionand staff development.This is a senior role in the Union, and requires an experienced industrial lawyerwho has demonstrated advocacy skills and is interested in coordinang adepartment in a fast paced polical environment.The successful candidate must demonstrate a commitment to labour values.The successful candidate will be based in our Naonal Office in Sydney.To apply, submit your Curriculum Vitae and a cover leer demonstrang yoursuitability for the role to dermot.ryan@twu.com.auFor these tenders and moredelivered to your e-mail go towww.tenderlink.comFamily Law/Generalist SolicitorThe Western NSW Community Legal Centre seeks applicationsfor a solicitor or law graduate to work in our legal practice at ourDubbo office but, will also be required to travel widely within theOrana and Western regions of the State.The successful applicant will provide legal advice to clientsprimarily in Family Law and but will extend to other areas of lawincluding Employment, Discrimination, Victims Compensation,Family Law, Consumer Law, Civil Claims and EnvironmentalIssues.Communication skills are of the utmost importance as theCentre is committed to Social Justice issues affecting people ofWestern NSW and prepares submissions to assist governmentand organisations develop policies that address these issues. Thesolicitor will also be required to deliver Community LegalEducation workshops to members of the community.The applicant must also demonstrate an understanding of theoperations and philosophies of Community Legal Centres. Afriendly team of easy-going but highly committed workers staffthe office.The position is for 35 hours per week to 30 June 2013. At 1 July2013 the position will become a part-time Family Law solicitorposition. The salary for the position is in accordance with theSCHADS Level 5 or 6 depending on experience and admissionstatus. An attractive fringe benefits package is available.All applicants must obtain an information package containingthe selection criteria by contacting 02 6884 9422. To beconsidered for this position, applicants must clearly addresseach of the questions in the selection criteria individually.Closing Date: 19 October 2012.LEGAL SECRETARY - Full TimePersonal Injury Law Firm in CBD.Formal training and/orexperienceessential.Competency in MS Office andexcellentkeyboard,communicationandorganisational skills. Ability tospeak any of the Balkanlanguages an advantage. Goodremunerationpackage. Pleasefax resume to 02 9283 8511 oremail mbell@martinbell.comJamie’s ItalianCHEFS WANTED!Want to work with the freshestproduce & and learn the ethos ofJamie Oliver? We want talentedChefs with a passion for rusticItalian food. Great $$$ &exceptional training provided!Call 0449 257 502 orcareers@jamiesitalian.com.auChefs/CooksExperiencedChefs/Cooksrequired for Crinitis Restaurant,Woolloomooloo. Please sendCV’s to careers@crinitis.com.auor contact 02 8868 3503INTERNAL TRADE SALES.Leading Building Supply Business.Trade Focused.Great Team EnvironmentA Port Macquarie timber, plasterboard & building supply merchant isseeking experienced salespeople for two internal Trade Salespositions.The successful applicants will have an extensive background in sales,with an understanding of building supplies and product applications.Excellent communication, literacy & computer skils are a must.Email applications to:resumes@fastplast.com.aumycareer.com.au/8629531Training and CareerServicesCERTIFICATE IVIN CELEBRANCY Course -commences 25October. Citylocation. Phone: 9440 3666CERTIFICATE IV in Trainingand Assessment. Coursecommences 23 October -classroom or online. 9440 3666DENTAL ASSISTANT jobs avail.Dental Assistant and DentalRadiograph courses andcertificates. Auneca 8677 8740.Trades and ServicesPositionsDRIVER HR (Waste/Recyclingcompany at Guildford).We require an experienced,reliable & hardworking person.Must have refs & good drivingrecord. $25 p/hr. Bobcat/excavator exp. an advantage.Phe Bruce 0402 233 877TAXI DRIVER TCS Priv M94Mon-Fri & Sat-Sun & am/pm.New s’wagon, well est. owner.Kensington. 0412 17 27 67.Truck DriverFor Tipper truck and Dogcombination work and SemiTruck; HC Licence. min. 2 yearsexperience with a good drivinghistory. Immediate start on anattractive hourly rate.Call: 02 9755 2777gghossayn@ghossayn.com.auLOCAL HC/MC DRIVERSJets Transport Express is the premium road transport provider to theaviation industry. We are the largest operator of trailers specificallydesigned to handle aircraft equipment. We currently have vacanciesfor Full time / Casual - Local HC Drivers who meet the followingcriteria:• HC / MC licence & Forklift licence• Able to work 7 day rotating roster (Morning/Afternoon shift)• Have a “can do” attitude• Able to work independently and as part of a team• Use initiative, strong work ethic, reliable and honestApplicants should be aware that a federal police check is conducted.Candidates must meet ASIC security clearance requirements alongwith a comprehensive medical assessment. Those that do not meetthese criteria need not apply.Applications should be made in writing via; email tojets@jetstransport.com.au or www.jetstransport.com.au NEW JOBSEARCHTOOLSFleet Sales. Rare opportunity to join the strongest FleetSales Department in NSW. Represent a trusted brand from one of themost reputable dealersWe are in search of a top performer to hit the ground running in thestrongest Fleet Sales Department in NSW! Candidates of interestmust have an impressive track record in fleet sales, excellent rapportbuilding and customer service skills. This is an exceptionally rareopportunity to become part of our high performing Fleet team. Donot delay, apply now and be prepared to drive your future forward!Email your resume to jessicaloricco@sydneycitytoyota.com.auSales and RetailWork for a market leader!A great work/life balance within a great team environment!Up to 12 months fixed-term contract.Fairfax Media, Australia’s leading Media Company in print and online is seeking energetic and selfmotivated Account Executives on fixed term contracts of up to 12 months to join the Direct BusinessOutbound Sales team within the Marketplaces division.The Marketplaces division at Fairfax Media includes all digital transactional and classifiedadvertising businesses in print and online. The classifieds businesses include MyCareer, Domainand Drive which are fully integrated with print. The digital transaction businesses encompass theleading web businesses RSVP, Stayz/Occupancy, APM, InvestSmart, Commerce Australia, TenderLinkand OMG.As a valuable member of this lively and spirited Outbound sales team, you will be utilising youroutstanding relationship building and communication skills to source new opportunities anddevelop key customer relationships through outbound cold calling and account management withina telephone based environment.Working business hours from Monday to Friday, you will be exposed to various sales campaigns thatwill provide you with the autonomy to generate new business through a variety of channels. Yourwell developed sales skills coupled with excellent problem solving skills will be integral to sourcingand customising solutions to meet client needs.Your proven ability to meet tight deadlines as well as attention to detail will be necessary forsuccess in this role. Operating in this team focussed environment will give you the opportunity toparticipate in process improvements as part of the continuous improvement cycle. In return you willbe rewarded with a competitive salary & excellent incentives.Based in a prime water-front location conveniently located within the media hub of Pyrmont, FairfaxMedia offers benefits including onsite gym membership, subsidised childcare, access to discountedaccommodation amongst many other benefits.Interested applicants are invited to apply online at http://careers.fairfax.com.auquoting reference number 835580 by Friday 5th October 2012.Account Executive - Direct BusinessFairfax is an equal opportunity employer.* A member of the Fairfax Publishing GroupG5410995AB-210912PLASTERBOARDSUB CONTRACTORSrequired for a large volumeproject builder in the greaterSydney area. Must be able to fix,set, cornice and prepaint to alevel 4 finish. Please text to0407 009 014 or email yourinterest to: plasterers@live.comSecurityInstallerc Self Motivatedc Enthusiasticc ReliableBrighton Security Services PtyLtd is a Security Companylocated in Annandale,established over 25 years.We specialise in theinstallation,commissioningand servicing of high securityand access control solutionsfor industrial, commercial anddomestic clientsDuties include:Identification and repair offaults on existing alarm andCCTV systemInstallation of additionalequipment to existing alarmsystemsInstallation of new alarm andCCTV systemsCommissioningalarmsystems to our Back to BaseMonitoring CentreConnection of CCTV systemsto allow for remote viewingThe Successful applicant musthave:Current Security LicenceHold a current Drivers licence(Company Vehicle Supplied)Knowledge of Concept andChallenger SystemsPlease forward Resume to :Rachael SmithiesAdministration ManagerEmail:accounts@brightonsecurity.comPh: (02) 9518 7471mycareer.com.au/8630875Motor Mechanic3rd year required for busyworkshop. Driver’s licence.Wheel alignment an advantage.Ravi 0421 698 135.HR & HC TipperTruck DriverWantedc 1 X HR Driverc 1 X HC Driverc RTA Printout RequiredDrivers for Tipper TruckDemolition Co. Knowledge ofSydney Metro Area.Send Resume toinfo@sccaust.com.auPh:95678858mycareer.com.au/8628726GLAZIER with qualificationsrequired with experience inframeless shower screens.Call John 0418 967 232GARDENING Crew supportwanted. Casual basis. Smallgardening company in NorthShore. Must be fit & reliable.Experience pref. Drivers licessential. Send cv toalisonsgardeningangels@hotmail.comFORMWORK CARPENTERSRequired for a major FormworkCompany. Experience & Ticketsessential. Please call Martin on0419 494 144 or apply at 24Grove St Dulwich Hill.between 9.00am to 5.00pmForepersonRequired for pipelineconstruction projects throughoutQLD/NSW. Apply via “Careers”www.mcfadyengroup.com.auFENCERLap and Cap Fencing. Min 5 yrsexp. Own transport, tools &green card. To work in Lidcombeand Kellyville. Ph. 4721 2566ExcavatorOperatorsExperienced with necessarytickets, attractive pay, lots ofovertime.Please call 02 9755 2777gghossayn@ghossayn.com.auDETAILERS wanted only peoplewith full experience. Largedetailing shop. 6 days per week.Phone 0418 221 761Trades and ServicesPositionsCARPENTER - 3RD/4TH YEARMust have own transport.Immediate start.Ring Jason 0408 600 527CABINETMAKERExperiencedCabinetmakerrequired for shopfitting co. inMarrickville, to manufacturehigh end pieces. Installationexperience and knowledge.Understanding of set outs anddrawings. Own tools and OH&Scard. Drivers lic. preferred.Ph 8595 6111 M-F 9am-5pm.BUILDINGTRADES PERSONJack of all trades requiredfor a remedial buildingcompany. Specialising inexternal facade repairs. Longterm employment for theright applicant Above award.wages. Phone: 9666 8265padbuild@bigpond.comBUTCHER 3 a.m. to 1 p.m.Marrickville. Portion cutting.Good wages. Grant 9550 4311.BRICKLAYERS wanted. Musthave ABN and white card.0413 614 783.BRICKLAYERS & LABOURERSwanted. Western Subs & City.Ongoing work for exp’d people.Ph. 0401 278 088BRICKLAYERS. For commercialsites. Experienced block layers.Long runs. Wages only.0427 855 911BRICKLAYERSStart WednesdayKillara AreaPh: 0418 415 657Blasters -Painters-ConstructionLabourersVarious sites in Sydney MetroPlease call 08 8240 4254Air ConMechanic/ServiceTechc Good salaryc Company car, phoneallowance & uniform suppliedExperience & qualificationrequired.renata@superiorair.com.auPhone: (02) 9618 6611mycareer.com.au/8628740A1 offset printerMust be experienced in A1speedmaster 102FP.0416 183 321 or 0434 596 682mycareer.com.au/8639159QualifiedHairdresserRequired ASAPc Part Time Approx 24hrs perweekc $400 per weekc Located in Castle HillWe require a qualifiedhairdresser to join our busy hairsalon. If you are reliable,hardworking and confident towork alone than email us todayEmailwww.purelyglamorous.com.aumycareer.com.au/8630933ShuntersLabourco is seeking qualifiedShunters for work in the Sydneyarea. Essential Criteria:• Shunter certification• RISI or Rail Safety Worker card• Drivers licenceTo apply please send yourresume in Microsoft wordformat only to: wollongongjobs@labourco.com.auor fax to: (02) 4226 1472.Stone MasonWe are an Alexandria-basedfacility specialising in themanufacture of natural stonearchitectural features forcommercial and residentialprojects.We seek a motivated applicantto join us in a position withexperience in fabrication andmaterial finishing.Applicants resumes toresumes@artedomus.comOnly Successful applicants willbe contacted.mycareer.com.au/8631080Storeman & Packerrequired for a beveragecompany, Marrickville area.Monday to Friday, early starts.Heavy lifting, must be fit.Please email to:mountaqua@hotmail.comWATERPROOFERS.Honest,hard working, experienced. Sendresume by 3 Oct to: office@pacificwaterproofing.com.auWINDOW Fabricators &Installers req for busy windowmanufacturer. Must have exp &drivers licence. Pls email resumethewindowfactory@y7mail.comor call 0405 009 796Transport, Logisticsand AviationDRIVER HR & MR for eveningshifts. Morning & weekend shiftsalso avail. Waste industry.Resumes to Fax 9363 1860orinfo@sydneywaste.com. Furtherinquiries call 0416 299 208Driver B-Double• For local Sydney metro deliveries.Clean driving recordPh from Tues. between 9-12.02 4256 1544Sydney MetroCourier Runc One Tonne Vans RequiredDay/Night contract driversrequired with One Tonne Vans.Swift Transport-9772 3670info@swifttrans.com.auHouses to RentSouthCARLTON $55013 CRONULLA STREETInspect Wed & Sats 11-11.452Spacious 3 bedrm home. haslnge, sep. dining rm, modern kit& bathrm, storerm, car entrance,good yard. 9663 5254 all hours.HURSTVILLE $4202 bedrm garden flat, lnge, mod.kit, din rm, bathrm, u/cover pkg,good yard. 9663 5254 all hours.Advertise in Sydney’sbiggest Classifieds“ 13 25 35 ”Advertisein Sydney’sbiggestClassifieds“ 13 25 35 ”NEW JOBSEARCHTOOLSLegalYour Ad Is NoticedWhen you use 14pt type.It emphasizes the importantaspects of your advertisementand draws the attention of yourtarget audience.13 25 35MASTERCARD or VISAIf you are a casual advertiser withHerald Classifieds you arewelcome to prepay your Ad. byMasterCard or Visa. Just tell ourSales Adviser when you phone:Herald Classifieds 13 25 35.


<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Attachment 3Program to Collect Baseline Data for Future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>sApproved future workings at the Wambo Coal Mine are described in the Wambo Development ProjectEnvironmental Impact Statement (WCPL, 2003) and include:Longwall mining within the Whybrow Seam (known as South Bates Underground Mine).Longwall mining within the Arrowfield and Bowfield Seams (known as South Wambo UndergroundMine).The approved future workings in the Whybrow Seam are located more than 2 km north-west ofLongwalls 7 and 8 while the approved future workings in the Arrowfield and Bowfield Seams includeworkings underlying the North Wambo Underground Mine workings (Figure 2 of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>).In addition, WCPL lodged an application to modify the Development Consent (DA 305-7-2003) toallow for two additional longwalls at the North Wambo Underground Mine (Longwalls 9 and 10)(Figure 2 of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>) on 5 December 2012.Longwalls 9 and 10 would be the subject of a new <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> or a revision of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>for Longwalls 7 and 8. The Whybrow Seam, Arrowfield Seam and Bowfield Seam workings would beaddressed in future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s.The monitoring proposed to be undertaken to collect baseline data for future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s issummarised in Table A3-1. With the installation of the new and proposed groundwater monitoringsites (including piezometers and standpipes), WCPL considers that the current monitoring is adequateto collect sufficient baseline data for use in future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A3-1

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A3-1Program to Collect Baseline Data for Future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>sAspect of Future <strong>Extraction</strong><strong>Plan</strong>Proposed MonitoringSubsidence Subsidence monitoring undertaken in accordance with the Subsidence Monitoring Program. The subsidence monitoring data collected during extraction of Longwalls 7 and 8 will be used to validate revisedsubsidence predictions for future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s.It is considered that the proposed subsidence monitoring is adequate to collect sufficient subsidence data for use infuture <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s.Groundwater Groundwater monitoring (groundwater level and quality) undertaken in accordance with the GWMP and NWCSRS(monitoring will include the two new piezometers discussed in the NWCSRS, P-NWU-03a and P-NWU-05a)(Figure A3-1).A number of new groundwater monitoring sites are proposed to be installed within WCPL-owned mining tenements.These groundwater monitoring sites would be incorporated in the GWMP.At the time of writing 20 new groundwater monitoring sites have been installed (including P-NWU-03a and P-NWU-05a)as shown on Figure A3-1. Data collected from these groundwater monitoring sites (including piezometers andstandpipes) will contribute towards baseline data for North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 9 and 10 and theSouth Wambo Underground Mine.The groundwater monitoring data collected will be used to validate predicted environmental consequences ongroundwater resources for future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s. If this validation finds environmental consequences have exceededthose predicted, the groundwater monitoring data will be used to provide revised predictions of environmentalconsequences.It is considered that the proposed groundwater monitoring is adequate to collect sufficient groundwater data for use infuture <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A3-2

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A3-1Program to Collect Baseline Data for Future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>sAspect of Future <strong>Extraction</strong><strong>Plan</strong>Proposed MonitoringSurface Water Surface water monitoring (flow, quality and geomorphology) undertaken in accordance with the SWMP (Figure 12 ofthe <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>).The surface water monitoring data collected will be used to validate predicted environmental consequences on surfacewater resources for future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s. If this validation finds environmental consequences have exceeded thosepredicted, the surface water monitoring data will be used to provide revised predictions of environmental consequences.The recommendations made in the surface water impact assessment review for Longwalls 7 and 8 will be implementedas follows:– Accurate rating curves will be developed for each gauging station site to enable flows to be estimated fromrecorded water level data. In the absence of extensive manual gaugings the rating curves will be developed usinga hydraulic model of each flow monitoring site reach. As part of this process surveyed cross sections will becompleted for use in the hydraulic model and to enable recorded water levels to be reduced to the local rating curvegauge datum.– The current methodology relating to bank stability monitoring (i.e. the cross sectional surveys) will be reviewed anda consistent methodology will be applied for future bank stability monitoring (e.g. all future cross sections will besurveyed with a consistent methodology).It is considered that the proposed surface water monitoring is adequate to collect sufficient baseline surface water datafor use in future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s.Land Monitoring of impacts to land in general in accordance with the LMP. The monitoring conducted in accordance with the LMP will be used in the review of observed subsidence impacts forfuture <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s.Biodiversity Monitoring of biodiversity in accordance with the FFMP (Figure 13 of the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>). Biodiversity monitoring data collected will be used to validate predicted environmental consequences on biodiversity forfuture <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s. If this validation finds environmental consequences have exceeded those predicted, themonitoring data would be used to provide revised predictions of environmental consequences.Aboriginal Heritage If required for future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s, baseline data for Aboriginal heritage would be collected prior to disturbance inareas not previously disturbed. The baseline data collected would include photographic records, detailed informationregarding the dimensions, composition and features and the occurrence of mining-induced impacts.EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A3-3

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A3-1 (Continued)Program to Collect Baseline Data for Future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>sAspect of Future <strong>Extraction</strong><strong>Plan</strong>Proposed MonitoringNon-Aboriginal Heritage The Wambo Homestead Complex is the only non-Aboriginal heritage site considered of heritage significance inaccordance with the NSW Heritage Manual located within the Longwall 7 and 8 Application Area. Other non-Aboriginalheritage sites of significance identified in the Wambo Development Project EIS were not considered to be directlyaffected by the Wambo Coal Mine.Monitoring of the Wambo Homestead Complex in accordance with the WHCMMP.The monitoring and management measures presented in the WHCMMP are considered sufficient to ensure the heritagevalues of the Wambo Homestead Complex will not be adversely affected by subsidence resulting from extraction ofLongwalls 7 and 8. The monitoring data collected in accordance with the WHCMMP would be used to validate the predicted impacts to theWambo Homestead Complex for future <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s.Note: GWMP refers to the Wambo Coal Pty Ltd Groundwater Monitoring Program.NWCSRS refers to the North Wambo Creek Subsidence Response StrategySWMP refers to the Wambo Coal Pty Ltd Surface Water Monitoring Program.LMP refers to the Land Management <strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 7 and 8.FFMP refers to the Wambo Coal Pty Ltd Flora and Fauna Management <strong>Plan</strong>.WHCMMP refers to the Wambo Homestead Complex Mine Management <strong>Plan</strong>EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A3-4


<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>/Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Contact Details to be Reviewed Annually by Environment and Community ManagerTable A4-1Emergency ContactsOrganisationPhone NumberEmergency Services (Police, Fire, Ambulance) 000Environment Protection Authority 131 555State Emergency Services 132 500WorkCover Authority 13 10 50Mine Subsidence Board(24 hour Emergency Service)1800 248 083Ausgrid (24 hour Emergency Service) 13 13 88Dams Safety Committee Executive Engineer(24 hour Emergency Contact)Singleton Shire CouncilTable A4-2Internal WCPL Contact Details(02) 9895 73490403 681 645(02) 6578 7290 (Mon-Fri)(02) 6572 1400 (After Hours)Position Contact Name Phone Number MobileEnvironment and Community Manager Troy Favell (24 hours) (02) 6570 2209 0407 802 206Health and Safety Manager Peter Hafey (24 hours) (02) 6570 2309 0488 417 230General Manager Peter Baker (02) 6570 2330Underground Mine Manager Andrew BoylingTechnical Services Manager Phil Fletcher (02) 6570 2338Community Hotline (02) 6570 2245Control Room (24 hours) (02) 6570 2204EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A4-1

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>/Subsidence Management <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Table A4-3Stakeholder Contact DetailsOrganisation Position Contact Name Contact Phone Number/Email Postal AddressDepartment of <strong>Plan</strong>ning &InfrastructureDivision of Resourcesand <strong>Energy</strong>, DTIRISManager, MiningProjectsManager EnvironmentalOperations –EnvironmentalSustainabilityPrincipal SubsidenceEngineerMine Subsidence Board Singleton District Office Richard Pickles(Manager)Howard Reed Howard.Reed@planning.nsw.gov.au GPO Box 39Sydney NSW 2001Michael McFadyen michael.mcfadyen@industry.nsw.gov.au PO Box 344Hunter Region MC NSW 2310Paul Langley paul.langley@industry.nsw.gov.aur.pickles@minesub.nsw.gov.auDistrict Office – (02) 6572 4344PO Box 488GNewcastle NSW 2300PO Box 524Singleton NSW 2330Dams Safety Committee Executive Engineer Steve Knight steve@damsafety.nsw.gov.au PO Box 3720Parramatta NSW 2124NSW Office of WaterOffice of Environmentand HeritageEnvironment ProtectionAuthorityHeritage Branch, OEHMines Assessment and<strong>Plan</strong>ningHead Hunter <strong>Plan</strong>ningUnitHead RegionalOperations Unit - HunterManager, ConservationTeamFergus Hancock Fergus.Hancock@water.nsw.gov.au PO Box 2213Dangar NSW 2309Richard Bath info@environment.nsw.gov.au PO Box 488GNewcastle NSW 2300Karen MarlerVincent Sicari Vincent.Sicari@heritage.nsw.gov.au Locked Bag 5020Parramatta NSW 2124Singleton Shire Council General Manager Lindy Hyam ssc@singleton.nsw.gov.au PO Box 314Singleton NSW 2330AusgridManager – CustomerSupply Upper HunterIan Hall ihall@ausgrid.com.au 41 Thomas Mitchell DriveMuswellbrook NSW 2333PO Box 196Muswellbrook 2333EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A4-2


<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 8Monthly Status Update Structure[Orange text represents information to be completed for the update][Green text represents explanatory notes]RE: North Wambo Underground Mine – Monthly Status Update[Monthly status update to be emailed to relevant stakeholder on the first Monday of each month]1) IntroductionThis Monthly Status Update is current as of [XX MMM YYYY] and summarises the undergroundmining activities conducted for [MMM YYYY] relating to Longwall [XX] extraction within the WamboSeam at the North Wambo Underground Mine.This report will be provided monthly during active mining by email to the relevant governmentagencies, stakeholders and infrastructure owners in accordance with notification commitments.North Wambo Underground Mine operates in accordance with the SMP for Longwalls 1 to 6 (approved11 December 2006) and the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for Longwalls 7 and 8 (approved [XX MMM YYYY])2) Current Mining ProgressLongwall [XX] began extraction on [DD/MM/YYYY] at chainage [X,XXX] m.To the end of the night shift [DD/MM/YYYY], Longwall [XX] was extracted to [Y,YYY] m chainage. Thisequates to [ZZZ] m of extraction.[Insert plan showing face position at time of report]3) Stakeholder ConsultationPre-subsidence inspections scheduled or completed include:Feature Asset Owner/Stakeholder Pre-Subsidence InspectionSouth Wambo Dam Dams Safety Committee Scheduled/Completed [MMM YYYY]11 kV Powerline Ausgrid Scheduled/Completed [MMM YYYY]Wambo Homestead Complex Heritage Branch Scheduled/Completed [MMM YYYY]4) Observed Subsidence ImpactsSubsidence impacts observed during the reporting period include:Description of Impactand Impact Register ID[e.g. surface cracking ofsoil, XX m wide andXX m longID LW07_001]LocationPreliminaryCharacterisationPhoto No.(attached)[e.g. LW07_001 A-Fattached to email][e.g. XXX m chainage,on access track][Normal – PredictedImpact; Level 1 –Implement ManagementMeasures; or Level 2 –Contingency Phase]EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A5-1

<strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – North Wambo Underground Mine Longwalls 7 and 85) Incident ResponseNo incidents occurred within the underground mining area during the current reporting period. [Updateas required]6) Service DifficultiesNo service disruption or difficulties were experienced as a result of WCPL underground miningactivities during the current reporting period. [Update as required]7) Comments & ComplaintsNo comments or complaints were received in relation to underground mining activities within thecurrent reporting period. [Update as required]8) Subsidence MonitoringMonitoring of subsidence development of NWU LW1-8 is currently undertaken in accordance with theapproved Subsidence Monitoring Program. Monitoring results are reported within the SubsidenceManagement Status Report every six months.There are no unusual results obtained from this subsidence monitoring survey. No exceedances ofthe predicted subsidence values, as approved for the underground mining area, were recorded withinthe current reporting period. [Update as required]9) Conclusion/SummaryDuring the current reporting period subsidence levels at the WCPL remained within currentpredictions, as approved for the underground mining area. Resulting subsidence impacts continue tobe adequately managed under WCPL Environmental Management System, the <strong>Extraction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> andassociated sub plans. Potential subsidence impacts will continue to be monitored and managed inaccordance with WCPL’s Environmental Management System and various supporting managementplans. [Update as required]For further information please contact Michael Millgate, Technical Services Supt. [(02) XXXX XXXX].EP/SMP LW7-8 Rev B December 2012 Page A5-2

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