5.26 Noun, adjective, verb or adverb? - ESOL - Literacy Online

5.26 Noun, adjective, verb or adverb? - ESOL - Literacy Online

5.26 Noun, adjective, verb or adverb? - ESOL - Literacy Online


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<strong>5.26</strong> <strong>Noun</strong>, <strong>adjective</strong>, <strong>verb</strong> <strong>or</strong> ad<strong>verb</strong>?Topic: WeatherSubtopic: WaterActivity type/skill: Identifying parts of speech<strong>Literacy</strong> focus: VocabularyObjective Become familiar with different f<strong>or</strong>ms of target vocabulary.What you need Student w<strong>or</strong>ksheet (see next page)What to do1. Look at the first page of the student w<strong>or</strong>ksheet. The chart lists different f<strong>or</strong>ms of 12 w<strong>or</strong>dsfrom the w<strong>or</strong>d list. The f<strong>or</strong>m that appears in the w<strong>or</strong>d list is bold.2. Have students repeat the w<strong>or</strong>ds after you and then fill in the spaces on the second page ofthe student w<strong>or</strong>ksheet. Warn them to watch f<strong>or</strong> past tense <strong>verb</strong> f<strong>or</strong>ms (continued) andcomparative f<strong>or</strong>ms of <strong>adjective</strong>s (louder).3. When they have completed this, have them check their w<strong>or</strong>k with you <strong>or</strong> a partner, thenread the sentences aloud. Start by having them repeat the sentences after you, then havethem read aloud again. Explain that the purpose of this is to start to recognise when w<strong>or</strong>ds‘sound right’ and that this is a good test f<strong>or</strong> them to use in their own written w<strong>or</strong>k.Answers:continued continuouslycoveredcoverdamage damaged damagedexplodeexplosionfiercefiercelyflood flood floodedfreeze frozen freezinglouder louder loudly<strong>ESOL</strong> <strong>Online</strong> – Focus on English – 5. Weather

Activity twenty-sixnoun <strong>adjective</strong> <strong>verb</strong> ad<strong>verb</strong>– continuous continue continuouslycover covered cover –damage damaged damage –electricity electric – –explosion – explode –– fierce – fiercelyflood flooded flood ––frozen freeze –freezingliquid liquid – –– loud – loudlynoise noisy – noisilyst<strong>or</strong>m st<strong>or</strong>my – –46

Activity twenty-sixcontinuecoverdamageThe rain started at 9pm and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ through the night.<strong>verb</strong>It rained _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from 9pm until 7am.ad<strong>verb</strong>Most m<strong>or</strong>nings, the ground is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with dew.<strong>verb</strong>In winter, the mountains have a _ _ _ _ _ of snow.nounIn 1988, Cyclone Bola caused a lot of _ _ _ _ _ _ on the EastnounCoast of the N<strong>or</strong>th Island.The cyclone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ buildings, f<strong>or</strong>ests and farms.<strong>verb</strong>Some of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ buildings could no longer be used.<strong>adjective</strong>explodefierceAir in st<strong>or</strong>m clouds can _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when it becomes hot.<strong>verb</strong>An _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ usually makes a very loud noise.nounA typhoon is a _ _ _ _ _ _ st<strong>or</strong>m.<strong>adjective</strong>Winds blow _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ around the centre of a typhoon.ad<strong>verb</strong>flood Heavy rain caused the river to _ _ _ _ _ .<strong>verb</strong>The _ _ _ _ _ covered roads and water came into houses.nounThe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ground took weeks to dry out.<strong>adjective</strong>freezeloudWhen raindrops _ _ _ _ _ _ they f<strong>or</strong>m hailstones.<strong>verb</strong>Hailstones are _ _ _ _ _ _ rain.<strong>adjective</strong>It was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ outside, so we decided to stay inside.<strong>adjective</strong>The thunder grew _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ as the st<strong>or</strong>m came<strong>adjective</strong> <strong>adjective</strong>closer.The siren sounded _ _ _ _ _ _ to warn of the emergency.ad<strong>verb</strong>47

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