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EducationState revises high school graduation requirementsStudents will need twoU.S. history courses toearn diplomaby Sarah Gilberteducation@thecharlotteweekly.comThe N.C. State Board of Educationapproved changes to state social studiesstandards last week, including splittingU.S. History into two courses andemphasizing financial literacy.Freshmen entering high schoolin 2012-13 will be the first studentsrequired to meet the new high schoolstandards to graduate.Students will have to pass two U.S.history courses instead of one, increasingthe total number of required socialstudies courses from three to four.When the new standards are implemented,the current U.S. History courseAARP ® MedicareSupplement Plansmake it easier towill be split into U.S. History I, whichwill outline the discovery of the NewWorld through the Reconstruction Era,and U.S. History II, which will studythe 19th century through contemporaryAmerica.“We received a lot of concerns aboutthe amount of content in U.S. History,”said Cindy Bennett, director of curriculumand instruction at the Departmentof Public Instruction. “People askedget fit and be healthy!Join one of the nation’s leading exercise programs designed exclusively for olderadults, the SilverSneakers ® Fitness Program. Your AARP ® Medicare SupplementPlan, insured by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company, makes SilverSneakersavailable to you for no additional cost. It’s easy to get fit, have fun and makefriends using your complimentary SilverSneakers membership at more than 10,000participating locations nationwide.For more information on SilverSneakers, call toll-free at866-248-5476 or visit services provided by the SilverSneakers program are made available as a courtesy to AARP members insured byUnitedHealthcare Insurance Company (United) and are not part of insurance coverage and may be discontinuedat any time. AARP and United do not endorse and are not responsible for the services or information provided bythis program. Consult a health care professional with questions about your health care needs.SS-2how we could cover such a large amountof time with any depth and understandingin only one year. By developing twocourses, we’ll have time to go deeperinto the content.”Administrators at some school districtsare concerned about adding courses duringthe budget crunch, Bennett said.“The bottom line is that it will be upto principals to determine the best planof attack,” Bennett said. “The state willmake sure everyone has what they need,including instructional resources andprofessional development, and they’llhave until 2012-13 to determine thebest plan.”Bennett said districts’ options couldinclude adding teachers, assigning U.S.History teachers to teach both of thenew courses, using online instructionsystems and allowing students to takerequired courses at community colleges.“Some principals are concerned thatadding courses may force them to cutother courses and limit their offerings,but we’ll be working with districts to rollthis out,” Bennett said. “We’re lookingat all of our options and determining thebest way to execute the plan.”The revised standards also requirea stronger focus on financial literacythroughout the curriculum from kindergartenthrough 12th grade.“(Financial literacy) is embeddedintentionally into the social studies curriculumso that students understandthe fiscal impacts of events in U.S. andworld history,” Bennett said. “The newstandards won’t mean new courses. Therenewed focus will be integrated intoexisting courses.”The new standards also emphasizeN.C. history in fourth grade, U.S. historyin fifth grade and world civilizations andgeography in sixth and seventh grades.“Our students cannot become productivecitizens without an understanding ofthe people and events that have shapedour nation and our world,” June Atkinson,superintendent of the state boardof education, said in a news release.“The curriculum that will be taught inour classrooms reflects the importanceof these lessons as well as a high level ofinput from teachers, historians, parents,students and the citizens of this state.”Under the new state standards, studentswill need 22 credits to graduatefrom high school, but Charlotte-MecklenburgSchools’ standards are moredemanding.Under the current district requirements,students need 28 credits to graduatefrom high school, including threesocial studies credits.Find more about the new standardsat the state’s website, qPage 14 • Dec. 17-23, 2010 • South Charlotte

The first lottery for students interestedin enrolling in Charlotte-Mecklenburgmagnet schools lasts from Jan.7 to Feb. 7.The district will hold a magnet fair atPhillip O. Berry Academy, 1430 AlleghanySt., on Jan. 8, a Saturday, from 9a.m. to 1 p.m. Representatives fromall magnet schools will be available toanswer questions.South Charlotte is home to 12 magnetprograms, and over the next twoweeks, South Charlotte Weekly will takea closer look at each of them.Find out more information at theschool district’s website, LanguageAcademy, 4000 ApplegateRoad (K-8)World LanguagesAt Collinswood, students spend halfthe day learning in English and half theday learning in Spanish. The programwas the first dual-language program toopen in the state.“We have faculty members from 14Spanish-speaking countries, and studentsare taught each year by a teacherfrom a different country,” PrincipalNicolette Grant said. “They learn thelanguage, but they also learn the culture,stories, idioms and jokes from ahost of nations.”Students can apply through the lotteryas kindergarteners or first graders, butolder students must prove proficiency.Open houses: Jan. 11, 9 a.m.; Jan. 20,noon; Jan. 27, 6 p.m.East Mecklenburg High,6800 Monroe Road (9-12)International BaccalaureateThe IB Diploma Program is consideredwww.thecharlotteweekly.comthe most academically rigorous programoffered in high school. The programfocuses on intellectual development,community service and good citizenship.East Meck is a partial magnet designedto prepare students who are “balanced,caring, reflective, knowledgeable, principled,and open minded,” accordingto the program’s website. “The IB programproduces students who are moreprepared for college, who have bettercredentials for admission to high-levelcolleges, who may have earned enoughcollege credits to start as a sophomoreand who may earn more academicscholarships, depending on the collegeattended and scores on IB exams.”Open houses: Jan. 6, 8 a.m.; Jan. 25, 7p.m.; Jan. 26, 7:30 a.m.; Jan. 27, 8 a.m.;Jan. 31, 6:30 p.m.Huntingtowne FarmsElementary,2520 Huntingtowne FarmsLane (K-5)International BaccalaureateHuntingtowne Farms is a partial magnet,but all students participate in theIB program, which produces internationallyminded students with strongresearch and critical-thinking skills.“We look at the whole child throughacademics and character development,”Principal Pamela Frederick said. “At ourschool, we feel like a family. When youwalk in the front door, you belong.”Students participate in a range ofcommunity-service projects, from localenvironmental work to adopting aschool in Malawi.“We like to study the world and celebrateother cultures,” IB facilitatorValerie Dixon said. “We try to instillleadership skills and teach students theimportance of respecting themselvesand others.”EducationA look at south Charlotte magnet programsby Sarah Gilberteducation@thecharlotteweekly.comOver 40 Unique Booths fromHigh Fashion to Home Decorating!DaVinci Bracelet $ 6.99 HomeStylesG A L L E R Y& Specialty Shops Now Open on Sundays 12pm – 5pm through Christmas!Open houses: Jan. 13, 8:30 a.m. andFeb. 4, 8:30 a.m.Park Road Montessori,3701 Haven Drive (Pre K-6)Teachers at Park Road Montessoriuse the Montessori Method.“Respect for the child is the foundationof our philosophy,” academic facilitatorJennifer Parker said. “The staff believesstrongly that the needs of the child comefirst. Children, not subjects, are taught.The Montessori Method is based oncareful observation of and respect for thenatural development of the child.”The ideal Montessori candidate isindependent, focused and self reliant.“Expectations for doing one’s best,working hard and serving the communityare part of the school’s everydaylife,” Parker said.Open houses: Jan. 13, 9:30 a.m. andJan. 20, 9:30 a.m.Myers Park High,2400 Colony Road (9-12)International BaccalaureateThe Myers Park IB program is openonly to students assigned to Myers Park,and students sign up through the schoolinstead of through the lottery.“We offer a college preparatory programwhere students leave with theability to get into top colleges and earnSTATE OF !ORTH CAROLI!ACOU!TY OF O!SLOWI! THE GE!ERAL COURT OF JUSTICEDISTRICT COURT DIVISIO!10 CvD 3776A!ASTASIA FISCHER, ))Plaintiff, ))vs. ) !OTICE OF SERVICE OF) PROCESS BY PUBLICATIO!JOSEPH SCRIVE!, ))Defendant. )TO:Joseph ScrivenAddress UnknownTAKE !OTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitledaction. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: ABSOLUTE DIVORCE BASED UPO!O!E YEAR SEPARATIO!.You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than January 18, 2011, said date being40 days from the day of the first publication, and upon your failure to do so, the Plaintiff who is seekingrelief against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought.This, the day of December,,” IB coordinator RonThomas said. “Students who participatebecome well-rounded, caring, international-mindedcitizens who value serviceover self.“We want more than just acceptanceletters. We want to produce world-classstudents who love learning and willgrow up to be, for example, not just aheart surgeon, but a heart surgeon witha big heart.”Open houses: Jan. 6, 4:30 p.m. andJan. 27, 9 a.m.South Mecklenburg High,8900 Park Road (9-12)World LanguagesAt South Meck, students continuinga language study from elementary ormiddle school and students interestedin studying a foreign language can followan accelerated course of study inFrench, German, Japanese or Spanish.Students will take up to eight electivecourses in their target language duringhigh school, where they will study grammar,writing, literature and culture.The program offers foreign exchangeand internship opportunities, involvementin international events and organizationsand the study of different cultures.Open houses: Jan. 10, 9 a.m. and Jan.13, 6:30 p.m.MC!AMARA LAW FIRM, P.C.Amanda G. MyersAttorney for Plaintiff309 New Bridge StreetJacksonville, NC 28540(910) 938-7191PUBLICATION DATESDecember 9, 16 & 23, 2010************************************************************************************South Charlotte Weekly • Dec. 17-23, 2010 • Page 15Instructions to the Newspaper:The above Notice is to be published once each week for three (3) successive weeks. Pleasepublish the first time on Monday, December 9, 2010. Upon completion of publication, please send theabove attorney a publisher's affidavit. If you have any questions, you may contact Mrs. Amanda G.

The first lottery for students interestedin enrolling in Charlotte-Mecklenburgmagnet schools lasts from Jan.7 to Feb. 7.The district will hold a magnet fair atPhillip O. Berry Academy, 1430 AlleghanySt., on Jan. 8, a Saturday, from 9a.m. to 1 p.m. Representatives fromall magnet schools will be available toanswer questions.South Charlotte is home to 12 magnetprograms, and over the next twoweeks, South Charlotte <strong>Weekly</strong> will takea closer look at each of them.Find out more information at theschool district’s website, LanguageAcademy, 4000 ApplegateRoad (K-8)World LanguagesAt Collinswood, students spend halfthe day learning in English and half theday learning in Spanish. The programwas the first dual-language program toopen in the state.“We have faculty members from 14Spanish-speaking countries, and studentsare taught each year by a teacherfrom a different country,” PrincipalNicolette Grant said. “They learn thelanguage, but they also learn the culture,stories, idioms and jokes from ahost of nations.”Students can apply through the lotteryas kindergarteners or first graders, butolder students must prove proficiency.Open houses: Jan. 11, 9 a.m.; Jan. 20,noon; Jan. 27, 6 p.m.East Mecklenburg High,6800 Monroe Road (9-12)International BaccalaureateThe IB Diploma Program is consideredwww.thecharlotteweekly.comthe most academically rigorous programoffered in high school. The programfocuses on intellectual development,community service and good citizenship.East Meck is a partial magnet designedto prepare students who are “balanced,caring, reflective, knowledgeable, principled,and open minded,” accordingto the program’s website. “The IB programproduces students who are moreprepared for college, who have bettercredentials for admission to high-levelcolleges, who may have earned enoughcollege credits to start as a sophomoreand who may earn more academicscholarships, depending on the collegeattended and scores on IB exams.”Open houses: Jan. 6, 8 a.m.; Jan. 25, 7p.m.; Jan. 26, 7:30 a.m.; Jan. 27, 8 a.m.;Jan. 31, 6:30 p.m.Huntingtowne FarmsElementary,2520 Huntingtowne FarmsLane (K-5)International BaccalaureateHuntingtowne Farms is a partial magnet,but all students participate in theIB program, which produces internationallyminded students with strongresearch and critical-thinking skills.“We look at the whole child throughacademics and character development,”Principal Pamela Frederick said. “At ourschool, we feel like a family. When youwalk in the front door, you belong.”Students participate in a range ofcommunity-service projects, from localenvironmental work to adopting aschool in Malawi.“We like to study the world and celebrateother cultures,” IB facilitatorValerie Dixon said. “We try to instillleadership skills and teach students theimportance of respecting themselvesand others.”EducationA look at south Charlotte magnet programsby Sarah Gilberteducation@thecharlotteweekly.comOver 40 Unique Booths fromHigh Fashion to Home Decorating!DaVinci Bracelet $ 6.99 HomeStylesG A L L E R Y& Specialty Shops Now Open on Sundays 12pm – 5pm through Christmas!Open houses: Jan. 13, 8:30 a.m. andFeb. 4, 8:30 a.m.Park Road Montessori,3701 Haven Drive (Pre K-6)Teachers at Park Road Montessoriuse the Montessori Method.“Respect for the child is the foundationof our philosophy,” academic facilitatorJennifer Parker said. “The staff believesstrongly that the needs of the child comefirst. Children, not subjects, are taught.The Montessori Method is based oncareful observation of and respect for thenatural development of the child.”The ideal Montessori candidate isindependent, focused and self reliant.“Expectations for doing one’s best,working hard and serving the communityare part of the school’s everydaylife,” Parker said.Open houses: Jan. 13, 9:30 a.m. andJan. 20, 9:30 a.m.Myers Park High,2400 Colony Road (9-12)International BaccalaureateThe Myers Park IB program is openonly to students assigned to Myers Park,and students sign up through the schoolinstead of through the lottery.“We offer a college preparatory programwhere students leave with theability to get into top colleges and earnSTATE OF !ORTH CAROLI!ACOU!TY OF O!SLOWI! THE GE!ERAL COURT OF JUSTICEDISTRICT COURT DIVISIO!10 CvD 3776A!ASTASIA FISCHER, ))Plaintiff, ))vs. ) !OTICE OF SERVICE OF) PROCESS BY PUBLICATIO!JOSEPH SCRIVE!, ))Defendant. )TO:Joseph ScrivenAddress UnknownTAKE !OTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitledaction. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: ABSOLUTE DIVORCE BASED UPO!O!E YEAR SEPARATIO!.You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than January 18, 2011, said date being40 days from the day of the first publication, and upon your failure to do so, the Plaintiff who is seekingrelief against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought.This, the day of December,,” IB coordinator RonThomas said. “Students who participatebecome well-rounded, caring, international-mindedcitizens who value serviceover self.“We want more than just acceptanceletters. We want to produce world-classstudents who love learning and willgrow up to be, for example, not just aheart surgeon, but a heart surgeon witha big heart.”Open houses: Jan. 6, 4:30 p.m. andJan. 27, 9 a.m.South Mecklenburg High,8900 Park Road (9-12)World LanguagesAt South Meck, students continuinga language study from elementary ormiddle school and students interestedin studying a foreign language can followan accelerated course of study inFrench, German, Japanese or Spanish.Students will take up to eight electivecourses in their target language duringhigh school, where they will study grammar,writing, literature and culture.The program offers foreign exchangeand internship opportunities, involvementin international events and organizationsand the study of different cultures.Open houses: Jan. 10, 9 a.m. and Jan.13, 6:30 p.m.MC!AMARA LAW FIRM, P.C.Amanda G. MyersAttorney for Plaintiff309 New Bridge StreetJacksonville, NC 28540(910) 938-7191PUBLICATION DATESDecember 9, 16 & 23, 2010************************************************************************************South Charlotte <strong>Weekly</strong> • Dec. 17-23, 2010 • Page 15Instructions to the Newspaper:The above Notice is to be published once each week for three (3) successive weeks. Pleasepublish the first time on Monday, December 9, 2010. Upon completion of publication, please send theabove attorney a publisher's affidavit. If you have any questions, you may contact Mrs. Amanda G.

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