Tribulation Force - Jack Van Impe Ministries

Tribulation Force - Jack Van Impe Ministries

Tribulation Force - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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JACKVAN IMPEMINISTRIESSEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002Lighting New fires of Revival, Redemption, and ReconciliationFinally, the long-awaited sequel to Left Behind: The MoviePre-order your copy on VHS or DVDDon’t miss what’s inside<strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong> ...................................... page 3Worldwide Update .................................. page 10From the heart of Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> .......page 18Messages from partners like you .......... page 22

The books swept the nation and theworld like wildfire —Now the movies have the potentialto impact hundreds of millions!And you can own a copy on VHSvideo or DVD prior to the cinemarelease date!The long-awaited sequel toLeft Behind: The MovieThe Rapture has snatched away all believers,and those who come to Christ after thatfateful day must face the ravages of the Great<strong>Tribulation</strong>. Their lives are at stake, but theyvow to stand together in a <strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong> totell others that they must be saved!With a screenplay by an Academy Awardwinner and the successful production of CloudTen Pictures, the latest in the Left Behindseries of movies will premiere in cinemas laterthis year…But you and your family can experience allthe drama, suspense and excitement beforehand.This is a great way to get your unsavedfriends interested in the movie, and share theGospel, too.Call or write now for your VHS or DVDcopy of <strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong>!Available for shipment September 26, 2002.<strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong> VHS video (VTFV)Send a gift of$29 95 U.S. ($34.95 Canada)Running Time: approx. 95 minutes<strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong> DVD (DTFV)Send a gift of$29 95 U.S. ($34.95 Canada)

The newest Left Behindevangelism opportunity!By Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>In one shattering moment, millionsdisappear around the world.Who isleft on earth and what new horrorsawait them? It’s a time of war, plagues,famine, and natural disasters.Yet some can see the Antichrist forwhat he is — and fight back!It is one of the greatest publishingphenomena of all time: the Left Behindbook series which has taken the worldby storm (over 50 million copies inprint). It has captivated the attention ofeven the most cynical of skeptics with its solidly Biblebasedprophetic story line.And when the first LeftBehind book was produced as a feature film, it made ahuge impact in theaters across North America andaround the world. There was also in a record-smashingvideo-DVD distribution — a major component ofwhich occurred through our ministry! (Left Behind:The Movie was actually the best-selling video inAmerica in the 2000-01 season — over three millioncopies — eclipsing Toy Story 2, The Green Mile, andErin Brockovich.)Now comes the sequel to that blockbuster movie:Left Behind II:TRIBULATION FORCE! produced byour friends Peter and Paul Lalonde of Cloud TenPictures. Returning to the cast are Hollywood starsKirk Cameron (Growing Pains), Brad Johnson (Soldierof Fortune), Chelsea Noble (Growing Pains,wife ofKirk Cameron), Clarence Gilyard (Walker, TexasRanger), Gordon Currie (Waydowntown), and JanayaStephens (Inside the Osmonds).The screenplay hasbeen written by Academy Award winner Pam WallaceContinued on Page 4<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> September/October 2002<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> 3

(well known for her work on the hitmovie Witness with Harrison Ford).Left Behind II:TRIBULATION FORCEalso features a breathtaking musicalscore!Like the original film, <strong>Tribulation</strong><strong>Force</strong> is based squarely on theprophetic truths of the book ofRevelation. Left Behind I depictedthe Rapture — Left Behind II picksI believe withouthesitation thattens of thousandswill come to faithin Jesus Christthrough theunique witness ofthis extraordinaryfilm. Itsmessage isclear: TrustChrist now,spend eternitywith Him —and escapethe Great<strong>Tribulation</strong>!up a week later, following the intertwininglives of four left behind individuals:airline pilot Rayford Steele(Johnson), his 20-year-old daughter,Chloe (Stephens), Pastor BruceBarnes (Gilyard), and star journalistBuck Williams (Cameron).They bandtogether to form the “<strong>Tribulation</strong><strong>Force</strong>” and thwart the rise of the suspectedAntichrist — United NationsPresident Nicolae Carpathia (Currie).Left Behind II:<strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong>opens to find the millions of peoplewho disappeared into thin air stillmissing. Chaos wracks the world;there’s panic and grief as desperate“survivors” search hopelessly for lostloved ones. Catastrophes reign.Theworld in desperation turns to UnitedNations president Carpathia for leadershipand guidance! He seems to bethe only person who can offer anyanswers, or hope ... the only one withany realistic plans to restore peaceand order.What Carpathia doesn’t know —even with the world’s adoration andtrust — is that the four rebels arespreading the truth about him: thathe’s the prophesied Antichrist of theBible! Pastor Barnes’ in-depth understandingof biblical prophecy helpsthe small “<strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong>” tounderstand their situation — as wellas the events to come in the nextseven years.TV journalist Williamshas witnessed Carpathia’s deadlypowers firsthand — and his positiongives him access to a global audience.Pilot Steele is still struggling tocome to grips with the loss of hiswife and son, but he has come toChrist now, because of the greatrevival mentioned in Rev. 7:1-14. Healso has a growing friendship withthe pastor, and he is closer to hisfeisty daughter, Chloe. Chloe, meanwhile,tends the sick and wounded— as she falls more deeply in lovewith Buck.Then, suddenly, word leaks outabout three men mysteriously burningto death at one of Israel’s holiestsites: the Wailing Wall.As leading religiousscholar Rabbi Ben Judah preparesto make a “world-alteringannouncement based on years ofresearch,” Pastor Barnes recognizeshow both events are linked toCarpathia, signaling the oncomingterror of the <strong>Tribulation</strong> — and quicklymobilizes Ray and Buck for a dangerousmission to infiltrateCarpathia’s organization and get toBen Judah before he makes hisannouncement.Will the <strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong> prevail?Or will Carpathia continue todeceive an unsuspecting world?Only the final moments of LeftBehind II: TRIBULATION FORCEreveal the answer.This will prove to be one of themost astonishing films ever produced!Production supervisor Andrévan Heerden is overseeing a stunningarray of special effects, including firebreathingwitnesses and computergeneratedcrowds of thousands aswell as major world landmarks suchas the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.There’s also “a climactic motion controlshot,” he says,“that can only bedescribed as a Matrix-style scene.

Left Behind fans are in for a great show.”Even more important than the topflightentertainment quality of<strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong> is its inspired message.I believe without hesitation thattens of thousands will come to faith inJesus Christ through the unique witnessof this extraordinary film. Its message isclear:Trust Christ now, spend eternitywith Him — and escape the Great<strong>Tribulation</strong>!We have made arrangements forpartners of <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> toreceive advance copies of the newmovie as they support the ministry thismonth.This means that you and yourfamily, your friends and loved ones, canexperience the power of Left BehindII:TRIBULATION FORCE ... ahead ofothers!The timing of the release of this filmis critical. In this generation we arewitnessing the fulfillment of end-timeprophecies at an astounding pace.At thesame time, we can also clearly observe ahunger for the things of God unparalleledin our lifetime! People are desperatefor answers about the future, abouttheir eternal destiny, about the so-called“end of the world.” No wonder the LeftBehind series has touched such a nerve.Indeed, we have never before seen aChristian film or book featured onTime magazine’s cover — yet there itwas:“The Bible and the Apocalypse,”the headline announced, identifyingthe amazing popularity of the LeftBehind series.These books are being received“not as novels but as tomorrow’snewspapers,” Charisma News Servicesays.A Time/CNN poll found more thanonethirdof allAmericans arenow paying moreattention to end-timeconnections in the news —and talking about the biblicalperspective on all of theseissues!The implications for us, asGod’s people, are clear: We mustreach out to the lost now, whilethey are at their hungriest, andwhile there is still time on God’sprophetic calendar. Just as Jesus saidin John 9:4 — “I must work the worksof him that sent me, while it is day: thenight cometh, when no man can work”— so we must work the works of Godwhile it’s still day ... because it will soonbe too late! Jesus also said,“When youshall see all these things, know that it isnear, even at the door” Matthew 24:33.Rexella and I thank God for thehunger that people are exhibiting forthe deepest questions of the humanspirit.We also thank God for divinelyordaining our ministry to be in a position— with a global television network,video, books, the Internet, and other outreaches!You have probably read the book —millions have — so you already knowthat Left Behind II:TRIBULATIONFORCE is one of the most dynamic,inspiring, and breathtaking stories evertold. Please do not miss this tremendousopportunity — you can own this film,share it with others, and allow the Lordto work through you, to lead the lost toChrist as you share Left Behind II:<strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong>!

“Unless we have immediate revival— turning this country back to God,re-instituting the Bible and prayerinto our educational system, andrenouncing our waywardness —we shall be part of the horrendousjudgment that is soon to bombardthe world.” (Rev. 3:10)— Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>• Is worse ahead for the USA because of theMiddle East conflict?• Did 9/11 signal the beginning of the end of days?• Will America still be a superpower at the timeof Armageddon?Get the answers you want about the future of thenation you love in Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’spowerful video teaching:Discover America’s godly roots and tradition aslaid out by our founding fathers, and get adose of reality as Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>explain the forces that have attacked America’sunderpinnings and even now threaten to propelher away from the only source of salvation!You will also glimpse what the future holds forAmerica if we fail to return to our godly heritageas a Christian nation.Get this video for your prophecy library, and shareit with any Christian or non-Christian friendswho want to know what present day biblicalevents are predicted for America!America’s Future VIDEO(VAFV)Yours for a gift of$24 95 U.S.Running time: 105 minutes( $ 29 95 Canada )

In this exciting video, you will learn the truth about the predictedMillennium as Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> explain:• If Armageddon is the end of the world• If God’s kingdom will come to earth• What happens to those who do not receive the Mark of the Beast• What happens at the end of the 7th day — when the Millenniumcomes to a conclusion and Satan is loosed• How the Bible documents that the earth will never end• And much more!This is a great video for your own prophecy library, and it is awonderful witnessing tool because it shows non-believers exactlywhat they will be missing if they fail to accept Christ as Savior.Order it for yourself and share it with friends.Day 8 VIDEO (VEDV)Send a gift of $ 24 95 U.S. ( $ 29 95 Canada)Running Time: 108 minutesThe video that completely explains whowill be present on earth during the Great<strong>Tribulation</strong> and what life will be like during theThe Spirit of God awakened Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> out of a sound sleep to givehim a 3-part revelation that completely explains the truth of the propheticfuture about to unfold! This is the second in the trilogy that includes Day 8:Planet Earth Forever and Prophecy: 21st Century Revelations. Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> reveal:• How close to the <strong>Tribulation</strong> we really are• If a ruler comes out of the European Union and if he is alive presently• How close we really are to cloning a human• The potential of “Digital Angel” – the new dime-sized implantable transceiver• An overall, panoramic view of the Seven Mystery Years• And much more!This video will educate you and your family, and it will also be a real eye-openerto non-Christian friends! Show them the horrible fate they risk if they do notcome to Christ today.Seven Mystery Years VIDEO (VMYV)Yours for a gift of $ 24 95 U.S. ($29.95 Canada)Running Time: 113 minutes

All your questions answered by the expertExciting newvideo fromDr. <strong>Jack</strong>and Rexella<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s expertise is not confined to Bibleprophecy, he has a detailed understanding of the correctinterpretation of God’s Word on the doctrines andissues of the Christian faith.In this latest video, Dr.<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> answers all yourquestions with the correct Scriptural documentationfrom the Bible. Learn the truth about:• If “once saved, always saved” is biblical• If baptism is necessary for salvation• Jesus in the Old Testament• The correct way to be baptized• If Lazarus died twice• Whether Jesus was even capable of sinning• The simplicity of the plan of salvation• If a person is saved if their sinful behaviordoesn’t change• Holiness and how one can achieve it?• How to be one of the righteous whoinherits the kingdom• Why our Sabbath is Sunday instead ofSaturday as in the Old Testament• If a Christian can be demon possessed• Where Jesus went during the three daysafter the crucifixion• Who will go to hell• What “born again” means and who firsttaught the concept• And much more!This is a must-have video for you and yourfamily, and it is perfect for explaining salvationto non-Christians! Call or write for it TODAY!Salvation: Sense and Nonsense VIDEO (VSAV)$24.95$24.95 U.S. ($29.95 Canada)Running time: 110 minutesSalvation: Sense and Nonsense DVD (DSAV)$24.95U.S. ($29.95 Canada)

From Cloud Ten PicturesA 21st Century supernatural Christian thrillerRunning time: 99 minutesStarring Judd Nelson andAcademy-Award-winner Lou Gossett, Jr.AChristian scientist is on hand to receive a Code Onetransmission to earth from outer space — but will thediscovery be manipulated for evil purposes?★Deceived DVD (D612)A powerful billionaire, an ace journalist, a New Age ministerand the military all vie for control when the signal is discoveredto enhance ESP powers — and seems to be workingtoward eliminating deadly weapons on earth!This is riveting entertainment for you and your family, andit’s a wonderful gift for a non-Christian friend.★Deceived VIDEO (V612)$19 95 U.S. ( $ 24 95 Canada)$24 95 U.S. ( $ 29 95 Canada)Late one night in an out of the way diner, a man takes a seat atthe counter just before closing time.Although he doesn’t askfor a fight, a troubled factory worker brings trouble to him … andwhat follows is an intense drama about the most important issuein life — and eternity.Late One Night is a powerful video that explains the Gospel ofJesus, not only in word, but in a visual example of His great lovefor all.A perfect witnessing tool.Late One Night Video (V102)Send a gift of $19.95 U.S. ($24.95 Canada)Running time: 33 minutes

YOUNG PALESTINIANS WILD FOR‘MARTYR’ NECKLACESThe Toronto Star reports:“Fourteen-year-old SalehAttiti has replaced his once-precious Pokémon cardswith a less innocent craze that has swept up childrenin this violence-torn camp. On a plastic coffeetable in his cinder-block home, Saleh proudlydisplays part of his growing collection of necklaceswith pictures of ‘martyrs’ of the Palestinian uprisingagainst Israeli occupation.‘I used to have plenty of Pokémons — my schoolbag was half full of them,’ Saleh said.‘I threw themall away.They’re not important now.The pictures ofmartyrs are important.They’re our idols.’ It’s difficultto find a child in this teeming camp of 20,000people who isn’t wearing at least one necklace witha picture of a shahid, or ‘martyr’ — mostly militantgunmen killed or suicide bombers blown up duringthe 20-month-old uprising.The children use them the way they once usedcards of Pokémon or sports heroes.They spend theirmeager allowances to collect and trade them, constantlyhunting for prized shahid pictures that excitelike a vintage baseball card. For Palestinian teachers,the craze in ‘martyr’ necklaces is the latest exampleof children poised to become the next generationof fighters against Israeli occupation. Growing upin a culture of violence fuelled by both sides in theconflict, Palestinianchildren are adoptingthe uprising'smilitia fighters asrole models.‘These childrenare convinced thatmartyrdom is a holything, somethingworthy of the ultimaterespect,’ saidMunir Jabal, head ofa Balata teachersassociation.‘Theyworship thesepictures. I think itwill lead them inthe future to goout and do the same thing.’…” (A martyr doesnot take lives, but rather gives theirs in God’sservice — Revelation 2:10)WORLD REPORTROBOTS GETLANGUAGE LESSONSTO PROMOTE SPEECHNational Geographicreports:“Many parentshave had the delightful,sometimes frustratingexperience of teaching atoddler to talk. Now, computerscientists are givinglanguage lessons tomechanical robots,enabling them to speakand to respond appropriatelyto what they hear.Such language skills willbe needed if robots areever to reach their potentialas humanoid helpers— cleaning house, servingcocktails, stockinggrocery shelves, guidingoffice visitors, and otherroutine chores.‘It is nowbecoming possible tohave open-ended dialogueswith physicallyembodied robots,’ saidLuc Steels, an artificialintelligence expert at theSony Computer ScienceLaboratory in Paris. In thepast 10 years, so-called‘intelligent robots’ havecome a long way.Theywalk on their own legs,climb stairs, navigatethrough unknown environments,even play fastpacedsoccer matches.But they are still introverts,with limited abilityto communicate withhumans or their fellowrobots.Teaching them isextremely difficult andprogress has been slow.Despite the difficulties,Oates said his currentgoal is to make a robotfollow him around theuniversity campus, gatheringand processing information.Toteach robots touse language, researchersare experimenting withvarious techniques. Insome experiments,instead of copying theirhuman instructors, robotseven invent their ownwords and grammaticalstructures...” (Revelation13:15)EXCUSE ME, YOURTOOTH PHONE ISRINGINGZDNet.com reports:“British engineers saythey have invented a revolutionarytooth implantthat works like a mobilephone and would not beout of place in a JamesBond spy movie.The‘tooth phone’ consists ofa tiny vibrator and a radiowave receiver implantedinto a tooth during routinedental surgery.Thephone was designed byJames Auger and JimmyLoizeau.The implant does not yethave its own microchipinstalled, but Auger saysthe technology is triedand tested, and a fullyfunctional phone couldbe put together in notime at all.‘With the currentsize of microchips,this is feasible.They arenow small enough toimplant in the tooth,’ hesaid.Sound, which comesinto the tooth as a digitalradio signal, is transferred<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> September/October 2002World Report 10

WORLD REPORTto the inner ear by boneresonance, meaning informationcan be receivedanywhere and at any time— and nobody else canlisten in.The invention raisesthe prospects of financialtraders receiving the lateststock market bulletinswhile at the cinema andpoliticians tuning in tosecret briefings fromadvisers while beingquizzed by opponents.Despite its similarityto high-tech gadgetsdreamed up by Bond'sfaithful ‘Q’ sidekick, theinventors believe thegizmo could become thefirst in a whole suite ofnon-medical devicesimplanted into thehuman body…” (Daniel12:4)UNIVERSITY OFTEXAS CREATESANTIBODY TOANTHRAXThe HoustonChronicle reports:“Researchers at theUniversity of Texas atAustin who study anthraxhave developed a potentiallife-saving countermeasure:a geneticallyengineered antibody thatbinds to one of theanthrax toxins, preventingit from invading thebody's immune cells.The research ispublished in an editionof the journal NatureBiotechnology.‘It’s a smart strategy,’ saidJohnny Peterson, a microbiologistat UT MedicalBranch at Galveston whois conducting similarresearch.‘As biologists, ifwe want to do somethingto interrupt the (diseasecausing)mechanism, wefind a target.’One of the reasonsanthrax is attractive tobioterrorists is that its victimsmay be on the brinkof death even before theinfection is discovered. Incases of inhalationanthrax, the most lethalform of the disease, theanthrax bacterium itselfis not the worst problem,initially causing nothingmore than flu-like symptoms.It’s the fatal toxinsreleased by the anthraxmicrobes that flood thebody, causing swelling,respiratory distress anddeath. In a series ofexperiments conductedrecently, laboratory ratsgiven a lethal dosage ofanthrax toxin were ableto survive if they wereinjected with the syntheticantibodies…”(Shades of theupcoming 1,000year reign of Christon the earth –Isaiah 35:6,6)NEW PLANETARY SYSTEM RESEMBLES HOMEDiscovery.com reports:“After 15 years ofsearching, astronomers said they have found analien planetary system that reminds them a lot ofhome.This is the first time planet-hunters havedetected what they believe isa Jupiter-like gas ball orbitinga star much like our sun, at adistance that allows for thepossibility of an unseenEarth-type rocky planet orbitingin between.In the last decade and ahalf, scientists have foundmore than 90 so-called extrasolarplanets around starsoutside our solar system. Butnone of these earlier discoverieshas held the samepotential to answer an essentialquestion: might there be other planets likeEarth in the universe? ‘We have a (planetary) systemthat is maybe not a sibling of the solar system... it might be more accurately classified as a firstcousin,’ Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution ofWashington told reporters at NASA headquarters.This ‘cousin’ was one of 15 extra-solar planetsannounced by the planet-hunters. Butler andfellow planet-hunter GeoffreyMarcy of the University ofCalifornia-Berkeley noted thatthe newly discovered Jupiter-typeplanet is the third thought toorbit 55 Cancri, a star in theconstellation Cancer that canbe seen from Earth withouttelescopes or even binoculars…‘Aside from its knownplanets, the new system has atantalizing gap between the newJovian discovery and two otherbig gas planets orbiting very closeto the star,’ Marcy said.‘There's ahuge region centered at about Earth-sun distance,and in that gap ... an Earth-mass planet could exist... and such a planet would be stable.’…” (Psalm19:1-3; Luke 21:25-27)<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> September/October 2002World Report 11

Exciting Video from Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Running time:75 minutesPowerful teaching fromthe world’s foremostBible prophecy teacher,Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Hosted by Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>The result of thousands of hoursof research, study, and prayerFeaturing shocking new revelations and insightsabout YOUR OWN PROPHETIC FUTURE!Get the answers to intriguing questions such as:• Why has the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem been sealedsince the early 16th century?• By what supernatural means has God kept it closed?What will it take to open it?• Why should we be looking for the sign, and not “the signs,”of Christ’s coming?• What will the Antichrist do in Jerusalem?• What kind of Israeli military technology exists today anddoes the Bible predict its usage?• What is the single most misunderstood subject in theentire Bible?• What is the significance of the seven peace agreements signedby the Israelis and the Palestinians? Why does the conflictcontinue if both parties agreed to peace?• What is the most misquoted verse in the Bible?• How will the Antichrist take power? How will he be known?• How do prophecies about Armageddon involve Jerusalem?• What is the “contract of death and hell”mentioned in Isaiah 28:15?Who will enter into it? What will happen when it is fully in place?• What does the word “Jerusalem” really meanduring these end times?• How will China be involved in Armageddon?• How soon could the Antichrist make his appearance?• How did the first moon landing fit into Bibleprophecy about Jerusalem?• And more!JERUSALEM: WAR OR PEACE? Video (VWPV)Yours for a gift of just $ 19 95 U.S.($24.95 Canada)

With these resources, you can explore the future,examine your faith, and share the Gospel with friends!Together at one low price: $24.95 ($29.95 Canada)Award-winning Christianfilm-maker RichChristiano’s exciting bookand powerful movieavailable in a combo pack.Time Changer:You’ve never read anything like thispowerful novel of intrigue and suspense! Let it take youfrom 1890’s America into the future you could have neverforeseen! Great reading and a great evangelism resourcefor non-believers.The movie “Time Changer” will be released in theatersOctober 25, 2002. This movie features: D. David Morin,Gavin MacLeod, Hal Linden, Jennifer O’Neill, Richard Riehle,and Paul Rodriguez. Check out www.timechangermovie.com.Running time 54 minutesEnd of the Harvest:You and your family will be mesmerizedby the thrilling fictional story of four young Christiansforced to confront the truth about God, the end times, andtheir friends’ eternal future! This video is perfect forwitnessing to family and friends — especially young people!END OF THE HARVEST movie on video & TIME CHANGER book (V717P)Yours for a gift of $24.95 U.S. ($29.95 Canada)

What in the world do you want to knowquestion, it is answered here byThe You Asked for It video teaching series,combo price of justEvery week hundreds of questions flow intoour offices regarding the future and whatthe Bible foretells regarding these latterdays.These powerful new question & answervideos from Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>answer those questions.Volume 1 answers such questions as:• What Scriptures prove that knowledge will increase inthe final days?• Where does the Bible reference the European Union?• What does the Bible say about Russia as a superpower?• What about China?• Where is the Arab alliance against Israel mentioned inthe Bible?• What does the Bible say about Israel’s statehood?• Where is it predicted that Jerusalem will be capturedby Jews?• How does the Bible reference peace in the Middle East?• What does the Scripture say about false Christs andfalse prophets?• What about “wars and rumors of wars?”• Where are worldwide famines predicted in Scripture?• What does Scripture say about pestilence andunusual diseases?• What about terrorism?• Where does Scripture mention the signs in the sun,moon and stars?• What does Bible prophecy say about drug addiction?• How does Bible prophecy reference the ozoneproblem?• Where does the Bible mention atom, nitrogen andneutron bombs?• And many more!Running Time 120 minutesYou Asked For It Volume 1 (VQIV)$24 95 U.S. ( $ 29 95 Canada)“You asked thesequestions, and Iwant to answerthem for you in aneasy-to-understandformat you canshare with friends.”Call or write for it today! You Askedfor It VIDEO, Volumes I & II (VQPV)Send a gift of$39 95U.S.( $ 49 95 Canada)Total Running Time: 240 minutes

about Bible prophecy? Whatever yourDr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>!Volume 1 & 2, now available together for the$39.95 U.S./ $49.95 CanadaVolume 2 reveals:• If the Bible prophesies human cloning and what it has tosay about the subject.• Whether the Old Testament saints went to the same placeJesus did right after He died on the cross.• What the three levels of heaven encompass.• What happens when a Christian dies and why bodies arecalled up in the Rapture.• Whether cremation or burial has any effect on the bodyyou will have in heaven.• What the Scripture really means about two women in thefield — and one will be taken and the other one left.• Who the dead in Christ that rise first at His coming areaccording to I Thessalonians 4:16.• Whether all our sins will be revealed at judgmentresulting in some sort of punishment or loss of rewardsbecause of them.• What the five different crowns that will be distributed toChristians in heaven really are.• What it’s going to be like for the people left behind, nottaken in the Rapture — and what’s going to happen tothem during this time.• Where in the Bible the 7-year tribulation is predicted.• Whether the antichrist must be revealed before the Rapture.• Whether the antichrist and the false prophet will be Jewish.• What exactly the 144,000 elect are and what theirpurpose will be.• The truth about 666 and if there will be any way to beatthe mark of the beast system set up by the antichrist andfalse prophet during the tribulation time.• Whether prophetic verses such as Revelation 13:11 aboutthe two-horned beast should be taken metaphorically orliterally.• Whether the third temple in Jerusalem will be completedbefore Christ returns.• Facts about the invasion of Russia into Israel — andwhere the Bible predicts this.This is your best opportunity to discoverexactly what God’s Word has to say aboutthe end-time events unfolding all aroundyou, by chapter and verse and with thebrilliant explanation of Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>.Get the astounding answers to these startling questions inDr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s new teaching video series,You Asked For It:Volumes 1 and II.You Asked For It Volume 2 (VQ2V)$24 95 U.S. ( $ 29 95 Canada)Running Time 120 minutes

Pre-order yourVHS video or DVDof the sequel tothe powerful LeftBehind:The MovieAvailable for shipment onSeptember 26, 2002<strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong> is the excitingsequel to the widely acclaimedmovie version of the first novel in thebest-selling Left Behind series.A few of the non-Christians leftbehind after the Rapture of the saintshave now come to Christ, but as theantichrist consolidates his death gripon world power, they know he willstop at nothing to hunt them downand silence their message of salvation!These persecuted brothers andsisters in Christ must band togetherin their own <strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong> andsurrender their lives to the perilousadventure of telling the post-raptureworld that Jesus still saves. Can theysurvive and make their voice heard?!You’ll have to watch to find out.You can pre-order your advancecopy on video or DVD, enjoy it withyour family, and share it with non-Christian friends.Call or write today for your previewcopy.<strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong> VHS video (VTFV)Send a gift of $ 29 95 U.S.<strong>Tribulation</strong> <strong>Force</strong> DVD (DTFV)($34.95 Canada)Running Time: approx. 95 minutesSend a gift of $ 29 95 U.S.($34.95 Canada)

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Only when we’vebacked up touncover some ofthe hidden thingsof the heart andallowed the HolySpirit to sanctifyand cleanse it withthe washing ofwater by the Word(Ephesians 5:26)are we ready to goforward and bethe kind of vesselthat God wantsand can truly use.

By Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>One beautiful sunny daynot long ago, my husband,<strong>Jack</strong>, said,“Rexella,let’s go out and work in thegarden today.”Of course, I agreed.Withthe responsibility of preparingfor our weekly televisionprogram and being involvedin the ongoing administrationof a major internationalministry, getting outdoorsand working in the soil withmy hands is always refreshingto my spirit.And so wewent out together.For many years our travelschedule for church andcitywide crusades (fortyweeks annually) made itimpossible for <strong>Jack</strong> and meto do much work aroundthe house or to take care ofthe yard. It seemed like wewere barely home longenough to do the laundryand dry cleaning and then itwas time to get packed andgo again.So in recent years sinceour television schedule hasrequired us to remain closerto home, we’ve thoroughlyenjoyed getting to do someof the domestic chores ourselves.Even though <strong>Jack</strong>averages fifty hours everyweek reading scores ofnewspapers, magazines, andbooks to stay current onworld events and propheticdevelopments, he loves to“take a break” now and thento do a little trimming onthe bushes and hedges inour yard.My husband has alwayskept the garage tidy andclean. If we take our bikesout for a ride through theneighborhood, he alwayswipes them down beforeputting them away.And afriend who came by for avisit one day said,“I can’tbelieve it! Your garage flooris clean enough to eat offof!” (He would really havebeen surprised to see <strong>Jack</strong>down on his hands andknees mopping the kitchenfloor!)But on this particularspring day, <strong>Jack</strong> had beenstudying especially hardgetting ready for a newvideo project, in additionto the preparations for ourregular telecast taping. Sohe was really anxious forsome outdoor therapy,working with the azaleasin his flower garden.We had such a goodtime.We talked. <strong>Jack</strong> madejokes.We laughed.We didsome trimming.And I madea mess! In cleaning out aflowerbed, I managed to getdirt all over thesidewalk.Therewas way toomuch to sweepup so I decidedto get the gardenhose and rinseaway the mess.At first, thestream of waterfrom the hoseseemed to bedoing a reallygood job.Thewater flushedthe dirt anddebris along thesidewalk and outto the streetwhere we wouldeventually pick itup together.Thetask seemed tobe going quickly.Then Ilooked backwhere I’d justbeen and said,“Whoa, thisisn’t going to work.” Lo andbehold, lots more dirt hadsomehow gone around thespray nozzle’s pattern andended up back on thesidewalk behind me! SoI had to back up and tryagain.This time I used alittle softer stream and wenta bit slower so I could doa more thorough job.After a while I lookedback again … and foundthere was still some dirt onthe sidewalk. Before it wasover, I had to back up andgo forward at least a halfWe needto becleansedof thepastand goforward.<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> September/October 2002Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> 19

Once we havebeen forgivenof our past,we too canforget it andmove on.dozen times until I got itright. I was amazed at howmuch patience and effort Iended up spending onwhat seemed like such asimple task.Applying the “backingup and going ahead”principle to your lifeWhen <strong>Jack</strong> suggestedthat we go out and workin the garden, I had beenpraying for days forinspiration to write anarticle that would blessthe friends who read ourmagazine, Perhaps Today.I also hoped it could beused as a chapter in mynew book that is almostready to be published.As I stood there thatafternoon,I wassomehowremindedof how weneed touse the“backingup andgoingahead”principlein our<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> September/October 2002Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> 20Christianwalk.Weneed toallow theHoly Spiritto revealto us somethings inour livesthatperhapswe’veswept intoa corneror tried tocover up.When welook back at what we thoughtwas “clean,” we may see thetelltale signs of some dirtfrom the past that was nevercleansed by the blood of Christ.Only when we’ve backedup to deal with temper — onlywhen we’ve backed up to rootout hard feelings against others—onlywhen we’ve backedup to uncover some of the hiddenthings of the heart andallowed the Holy Spirit tosanctify and cleanse it withthe washing of water by theWord (Ephesians 5:26) are weready to go forward and be thekind of vessel that God wantsand can truly use.The apostle Paul went onto say that the Lord wanted tomake us clean, that he mightpresent it to himself a gloriouschurch, not having spot, orwrinkle, or any such thing; butthat it should be holy and withoutblemish (Ephesians 5:27).“Lord, forgive me …I want to be apowerhouse for You!”Well, as the lesson began tosink into my spirit that day, Irealized that God was speakingto me — and perhaps throughme to others.The first aspectof the lesson was the recognitionthat we need to becleansed of the past and goforward.I saw how the watercould cleanse the sidewalk if Iwould just keep backing upand going ahead with theprocess. It reminded me how,in my own prayer life, the HolySpirit had often called myattention to things, perhaps,that I had long forgotten.Things that were still notpleasing to Him.Daniel 2:22 says, Herevealeth the deep and secretthings: he knoweth what is inthe darkness, and the lightdwelleth with him.So, my prayer today is,“Lord, forgive me of thingsthat perhaps I never truly confessed.ThingsI may have evenforgotten. Shine Your light intothe darkest recesses of my souland root out ‘the deep andsecret things.’ I want to be thecleanest vessel possible.Andonly when I back up and allowthe Holy Spirit to go ahead anddo His work to get rid of thehidden things in my life can Ibe a powerhouse for the Lord.How about you? Are theresome dark and secret thingsin your past that need to beconfessed, forgiven, andwashed away once and for allbefore you can really go forwardall the way? Remember,just as the water finallywashed my sidewalk clean, sothe Word of God can speakdeliverance and peace to yourheart and help you go forward.Let go of the pastand move forward!The second lesson we canlearn is that just as God forgivesand forgets (Hebrews10:17), once we have beenforgiven of our past, we toocan forget it and move on.While there can be value inbacking up until we have theconfidence that the “oldaccount is settled,” we cankeep going back so often thatit becomes worrisome. Somepeople can never go aheadbecause they are not able tolet the past go.If anyone ever had reasonto regret his past, it was theApostle Paul.As a Pharisee, hehad been a champion of smug,prideful, and unyielding religiosity.Whenthe early churchwas born, he became a zealot

of persecution and one of themost brutal men who everlived. He was personallyresponsible for the cruel murdersof Christians (See Actschapters 8 and 9).After his confrontationwith Christ in which a lightfrom heaven shown roundabout him, causing him to fallto the earth, he heard adivine voice which challengedhim to change his allegiance.Still, Paul struggledwith his past (I Timothy1:15).Again and again hecried out,“God, I’m sorry!God, I’m sorry.” Backing up,“God, I’m so sorry.” Backingup again,“Lord, I’m so sorry!”But there came a timewhen he said,“All right. Okay!I know I’ve been forgiven ofmy past. God has sanctifiedand cleansed me with thewashing of water by theWord.Therefore, this onething I do, forgetting thosethings which are behind,and reaching forth untothose things which arebefore, I press toward themark for the prize of thehigh calling of God in ChristJesus (Philippians 3:13,14).What was he saying? “Nomore backing up andwrestling with the past! I amgoing forward, pressingtoward the prize, respondingto the high calling of God inChrist Jesus!”I’m telling you my heartwas blessed as I stood outthere with my hose. First, Iacknowledged that we sometimesneed to go back andclean up the past. Oncewe’ve done that, we need tomove on to the second stepin which we make a decisionto follow in the footsteps ofPaul and refuse to keep beingtormented by the past.Moving up higher!Now, the third aspect ofthis lesson is—don’t forgetthat we’re never going tobe perfect (I John 1:8). Butwe always have the water ofthe Word to cleanse us andhelp us as we grow spiritually.IPeter 2:2 states, As newbornbabes, desire the sinceremilk of the word, thatye may grow thereby.Loving parents may feelthat they have the perfectbaby, but they don’t wantthat child to stay in the cradle!Their desire for him orher is that he become theperfect toddler…the perfectadolescent…the perfectteenager…the perfect youngadult! Along the way, therewill be many times whenthey require their child toback up and be correctedbefore going ahead.In much the same way,growing in grace doesn’t happenovernight. But as Godcontinues to sanctify andcleanse us with the washingof water by the Word, wecontinually grow in grace andknowledge.The Word revealsto us when and where we fallshort on a daily basis.And Heis always there to help ustake the next step on theroad to becoming what Hewants us to be and in achievingHis plan and His will forour lives.Perhaps there will betimes when we sit in oneplace too long … or recklesslyrun ahead. No doubt sometimeswe will realize that wehave been so self-centeredthat we were insensitive orfailed to reach out to others.It could well be that on thoseoccasions, we need to backup and ask the Spirit of Godto make thingsright again.There is abeautiful oldsong called“An EveningPrayer” thatmay expressthe deepestyearnings ofour souls inDon’tsuch times. Itcries out —If I havewoundedany soultoday,If I havecaused onefoot to goastray,If I havewalked inmy ownwillful way,Dear Lord, forgive.I’m told that Mrs. Fieldsof cookie fame has a sloganthat expresses her personaland corporate quest forexcellence. She says simply,“Good enough never is.”I think there are timeswhen all of us grow weary orimpatient with the growthpath of our lives. I knowthere have been times whenI’ve been tempted to look atmy progress (or lack of it)and say,“That’s good enough.”But when I got my eyes offmyself and back on the LordJesus Christ, who is our greatexample, I immediately realizedthat my “good enough”really wasn’t! Has this everhappened to you? Lately?Well, don’t be disheartenedor discouraged.ThankGod, there is hope and helpfor us.Once again, it is timefor us to back up so we cango ahead.forget thatwe’re nevergoing tobe perfect(I John 1:8).<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> September/October 2002Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> 21

LETTERS WE LOVE5%7%88%HOW YOUR GIFTS ARE USEDFundraisingGeneral & Administrative<strong>Ministries</strong>“Let him that is taught in the word share orgive unto him that teacheth in all good things.”Galatians 6:6“Start to makeme think”I want to write this letter to tellyou that I am grateful for your program...When I watched your programand you talked about howGod is coming soon and how youproved it by Revelation, it startedto make me think about my lifeand where would I go (Heaven orHell). I was involved in things thedevil had to offer me — drugs,adultery, fake friends, a criminalmind, anger — I never felt at homein one place. But in the name ofJesus Christ, God has given me victoryover the devil, all over a simpleprayer that I prayed with you,it changed my life forever. Now Ihave a place in my heart thatwants to do great things for God.J.R.Internet Guest-book“I prayed with you”I just want to tell you that Ireally enjoy watching your show.I learn something new everyweek. I also want to thank youbecause before your show I wasn'tsure on where I was going tospend eternity. But during yourshow, I prayed with you andasked the Lord into my heart andas my personal Savior.I feel so much closer to theLord. I am living my life to serveHim now. I know now that thisworld is just preparing us for theday we are reunited with theLord, and I can't wait for that day.Before I was scared to thinkabout it, but now I know that Iwill spend eternity with the LordJesus Christ.Thank you.A.J.Internet Guest-book“I was into drugsand witchcraft”I am writing to let you knowthat I have found my way backto the Lord. I was into drugsand witchcraft for so long butI started watching you on T<strong>Van</strong>d it was as if the Lord Himselftook me by the hand and brokemy chains and brought me home...Thank you again for beingthere and opening my eyes so Icould see what I was doing wasso wrong.S.D.Internet Guest-book“You don’t candy coatthe gospel”Dear <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella,My mother and I both enjoy<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> September/October 2002Letters We Love 22

watching your shows.You don'tcandy coat the gospel and youteach/preach the Revelation, andI like it like that.You have helpedme to understand parts of theBible that I have had questions onin the past.I thank God for using you asa vessel to enlighten myself andothers so that we might have acloser walk with the Lord. GodBless you both, and keep up thegood work.K.L.“Thank you for beingso accurate”Dear Dr.<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,I’m looking forward to knowingyou during the coming millenniumof peace and want you to knowthat it has been fun watching theprophecies unfold.Thank you forbeing so accurate as we got closerand closer to the return of Jesus. Iexpect to be here with you andRexella till the end, and of courseafter that too ...During the past thirty yearsof my own priesthood, I haveconcentrated my quest for understandingabout the end times, inas much as I have offered myselfto the Lord as an instrument ofHis peace.Your timely reportshave always been a great comfortand source of knowledge that Icould rely on. I believe we bothserve the same Living God, andare redeemed from this earth.Rev.T. H.Chandler, AZaround the world signifies thatour Lord Jesus Christ will bereturning soon, no one knows theday nor the hour.As things go onaround the world today, any onewho is not saved needs to wakeup and get under the Bloodbefore it is eternally too late.Yourbroadcast in my opinion is thebest on TV and my wife and Ilove prophecy any way.Thankyou again and we will be prayingfor you.C.L.PInternet Guest-book“I applaud yourambitious goal”Dear <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella,I applaud your ambitious goal ofwinning “1 million souls” throughthe addition of 40 new stations.My family watches your showand we view your tapes everynight. I appreciate yourknowledge of the Bible, butmost importantly your humbleattitude.You always give praiseand glory to Jesus Christ.David DeckerNicholson, PA“The best on TV”I would like to say that mywife and I enjoy your broadcastevery Sunday morning.The thingsthat you report that are going on<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> September/October 2002Letters We Love 23

You and your family need to know what the war on terrorism meansto you and your future — and how it relates to Bible prophecy!Unfolding Bible Prophecy by Grant R. JeffreyProphecy expert and best-selling author Grant R. Jeffrey answers themost vital questions in these perilous times. Get up-to-the-minuteinformation on the correlation of current events and God’s Word, whatthe terrorism of 9/11 and the war on terrorism mean to you, how thesecurrent times relate to the Bible’s prophetic timeline and much more!This book is a must for your prophecy library and can also provide hopeand a witness to non-Christian friends.War on Terror: Unfolding Bible Prophecy BOOK (B217)Send a gift of $12.95 U.S. ($15.95 Canada)You can understand Bible prophecy from beginning to end and know whatthe future holds for you and your loved ones!You love his novels of end-time intrigue, and now you canget that same interesting style and easy-to-understandoutlook in a non-fiction look at the foundations of Bibleprophecy. Best-selling author and prophecy expert TimLaHaye guides you to a basic understanding of what the Biblesays about the future, the order in which major events willunfold, and what the future holds for you as a child of God.You will want this book for your prophecy library, to sharewith family, and to help non-Christian friends understand whyit is so important to come to Christ today.by Tim LaHayeUnderstanding Bible Prophecy for YourselfHARDBACK BOOK (B208H)Send a gift of $19.95 U.S. ($24.95 Canada)

FAITH FOR THE FINAL HOURThe Bible clearly outlines that following the return of Christ to rapture thesaints, there will be the beginning of the rule of the antichrist and seven yearsof dreadful tribulation, a time of rampant death, hunger, disease, chaos in thenatural world and hideous persecution.How can you be sure that you and your family members do not have to facethose terrifying days on earth? The Bible also provides the answer! Believe on Christas savior, and you will be saved! Then you will have Faith for the Final Hour.This comforting and informative two-video set from Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> gives you and your family the faith you need to live for God during thesefinal days of human history. Great for your library and a great witnessing tool, too.Faith for the Final Hour VIDEO SET (VFFV)Running time: 3-1/2 hoursYours for a gift of $ 29 95 U.S. ( $ 34 95 Canada)PROPHECY —21 ST CENTURY REVELATIONSHow close are we to the Rapture?What do prophecies really mean?Can you and your family know for surethat you are ready for the Rapture?The first in a teaching trilogy from Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>, thisteaching on the rapture is a must for your prophecy library and apowerful tool for evangelism. With more than 80,000 hours of studyon God’s Holy Word, Dr.<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> has been given a new revelationon Scripture. To learn more about prophetic revelations of the 21stcentury, call or write for your copy today!21st Century Revelations VIDEO (VPRV)Yours for a gift of $ 24 95 U.S. ( $ 29 95 Canada)Running time: 110 minutes

WORDS of WISDOMThis article is an excerpt from one chapter of Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s book, The Great Escape.For a more in-depth look at the Rapture, please order the book at www.jvim.com.The next event on God’sprophetic clock is the Rapture,a word that is derived fromthe Latin rapturo, meaning,“asnatching away.”The Rapture isthat dramatic moment when theLord Jesus Christ comes in cloudsof glory to remove from thisworld all who have died in Christalong with the living from theDay of Pentecost until Christcomes to “snatch” his childrenupward and home in the twinklingof an eye. (I Thessalonians4:16-18).This event will occur atbreakneck speed — in the“twinkling of an eye.”Those lefton earth will not know what hitthem.A business colleague willsuddenly be gone.A schoolteacherwill no longer standbefore his or her desk as thechalk falls to the floor.A doctorwill not show up for his rounds.There will be no nurses at manyhospitals to administer medicine,take pulses, or follow doctors’orders. Dirty dishes will be leftin the sink as a housewifedisappears from the view of herstunned family.The Rapture willprecipitate the greatest trafficjams in history as cars suddenlybecome driverless and pedestriansrun for cover. It will be thatBy Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>moment in history when, withoutwarning, the Lord says,“Come uphither” (Revelation 4:1). It will bethe greatest escape in the historyof the world.There are criticssuch as Dave McPherson, authorof the unbelievable PretribulationOrigin, and John Bray who teachesthat the pretribulational viewpointonly began in 1830 and waspropagated by Edward Irving, J.N. Darby, and Margaret McDonald,a retarded girl. He and othershave offered $1,000 to any and allwho produce one documentedstatement concerning a pretribulationRapture before thenineteenth century. Should anyreader see such a challenge inthe future, present your claimsas listed below.St.Victorinus, the bishop ofPettau, wrote a commentary onthe Book of Revelation in A.D.270. He said he saw another greatand wonderful sign.“Seven angelshaving the last seven plagues,for in them is completed theindignation of God.And theseshall be in the last time whenthe church shall have gone outof the midst.” St.Victorinus wastalking about the Rapture.Here is more powerful documentationon a pretrib Rapture.<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> September/October 2002Words of Wisdom 26

The early Christian writer andpoet Ephraem the Syrian (wholived from A.D. 306 to 373) was amajor theologian of the earlyByzantine Eastern Church.To thisday, his hymns and homilies areused in the liturgy of the GreekOrthodox and Middle EasternNestorian Churches. He alsowrote a large number of commentariesthat have never beentranslated into English.Concerning a pretrib Rapture hestated:“All the saints and Elect ofGod are gathered, prior to thetribulation that is to come, andare taken to the Lord lest theysee the confusion that is tooverwhelm the world becauseof our sins.”Thus, this teaching is not apresent-day innovation but adoctrinal statement dating backseventeen centuries to St.Victorinus, and twenty centuriesback to Jesus and Paul.However, there is more. Inthe sixteenth century therewere also those who expressedabsolute assurance of theRapture. Hugh Latimei burned atthe stake for his faith in 1555,said,“It may come in my days,old as I am, or in my children’sdays, the saints shall be takenup to meet Christ in the air andso shall come down with himagain.” Joseph Mede, the greatsixteenth-century literalist,understood 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 to teach the catching up ofthe saints and even used theword Rapture.This also was 250years before Irving, Darby, andMcDonald.While the Rapture is nottaught in Matthew, Mark, andWORDS of WISDOMLuke, you will find it mentionedtwice in the Gospel of John.Thisis important to remember:Anyother time you read aboutChrist’s return in the Gospels, itis not referring to the Rapture.Instead, these are references tothe second phase of Christ’sreturn, when He physicallycomes back to earth to rule overthe earth after a seven-year<strong>Tribulation</strong> period.Where are thetwo Rapture texts found in theGospel of John? John 14:1—3:“Let not your heart be troubled:ye believe in God, believe alsoin me. In my Father’s house aremany mansions: if it were notso, I would have told you. I go toprepare a place for you.And if Igo and prepare a place for you,I will come again, and receiveyou unto myself; that where Iam, there ye may be also.”This isnot His coming to the earth, but atime when Jesus receives us untoHimself at the great Rapture —the snatching away — to be withHim in heaven as the seven yearsof torment play out their unbridledfury on earth.The second reference to theRapture is in John 11:25-26. Imust confess that I quoted thispassage for years and did not reallyunderstand it. Christ said:“I amthe resurrection, and the life: hethat believeth in me, though hewere dead, yet shall he live:Andwhosoever liveth and believethin me shall never die. Believestthou this?”Jesus is contrastingthose who experience death andlive again (“the dead in Christshall rise first,” 1 Thessalonians4:16) with those who neverexperience death (because “wewhich are alive and remainare caught up without dying,”1 Thessalonians 4:17).The Rapture is not sciencefiction. It’s a coming reality.Thegood news for the person who isprepared is — when the Rapturecomes, believers will go home tobe with the Lord and evadeearth’s horrendous seven years of<strong>Tribulation</strong>.The believer in theLord Jesus Christ will, at long last,be the recipient of that blessedhope.There will be no more<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> September/October 2002Words of Wisdom 27

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