CURRICULUM VITAE Lisa Mathis Butler Harrington - Kansas State ...

CURRICULUM VITAE Lisa Mathis Butler Harrington - Kansas State ...

CURRICULUM VITAE Lisa Mathis Butler Harrington - Kansas State ...


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<strong>CURRICULUM</strong> <strong>VITAE</strong><strong>Lisa</strong> <strong>Mathis</strong> <strong>Butler</strong> <strong>Harrington</strong>August 2013CONTACTDepartment of Geographylbutlerh@ksu.eduSeaton Halloffice tel:785.532.3410<strong>Kansas</strong> <strong>State</strong> University dept tel: 785.532.6727Manhattan, KS 66506‐2904 fax: 785.532.7310EDUCATIONPhD, Geography, University of Oklahoma, May 1986. Focus: Land use and environmentalconservation.MRPA, Recreation & Park Administration, Clemson University, May 1982. Focus: Natural resourcesplanning and management, environmental interpretation.BS, Recreation Resources, Colorado <strong>State</strong> University, December 1979. Focus: Park administration.(Included Jan‐May 1979 studies at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland)PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS<strong>Kansas</strong> <strong>State</strong> University, GeographyProfessor 2005‐Associate Professor 2001‐2005Assistant Professor 1995‐2001 (tenure‐track), 1994‐95 (visiting)Eastern Illinois University, Dept. of Geology & GeographyAssistant Professor, 1990‐1994 (positive tenure & promotion decisions, Spring 1994)Central Michigan University, Dept. of GeographyAssistant Professor (visiting), 1989‐1990New Mexico <strong>State</strong> University, Dept. of Earth SciencesAssistant Professor (visiting), 1988‐1989Adjunct Assistant Professor, 1987‐1988Western Washington University, Dept. of Geography/Regional PlanningLecturer, 1986‐1987RESEARCH INTERESTSRural geography (natural resources, land use,social conditions)SustainabilityBiotic resourcesPublic lands, reserved landsHuman‐environment geographyEnvironmental management & changeEnvironmental perceptionHazardsResilience, vulnerability

COURSES TAUGHT<strong>Kansas</strong> <strong>State</strong> University:UndergraduateEnvironmental [Physical] Geography IEnvironmental [Physical] Geography IINatural ResourcesSustainability ScienceUndergraduate/GraduateGeography of Public Lands seminarHuman Impact on the EnvironmentSeminar in Qualitative and Mixed MethodsResearchNatural Resources and Environmental Sciencescapstone course (team‐taught)World Regional GeographyIntro. to Agricultural Resources & EnvironmentalManagement [team‐taught, includingfaculty at University of Purpan, France]independent studies: biogeography, introducedspecies, US agricultural vulnerability,rural geographyGraduate onlySeminar in Rural GeographySeminar in Rural Resources ManagementSeminar in Sustainability Science, Thought, &ApproachesPrior teaching:Environment & Man [sic]Environmental ConservationGeography and World AffairsGeography of IllinoisGeography of the United <strong>State</strong>sHuman GeographyNational ParksPhysical GeographySoil GeographySurvey of GeographyWeather & ClimatePROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS:Assoc. of American Geographers (AAG)(1981‐ )& AAG Great Plains/Rocky MountainDivision (1994‐ )Association of Pacific Coast Geographers (APCG)(2012‐ )Canadian Association of Geographers (1995‐ )Gamma Theta Upsilon (1988‐ )Institute of British Geographers (1991‐ )Internat’l Assoc. for Society & Natural Res. (2002‐ )<strong>Kansas</strong> Geographic Alliance (2009‐ )Sigma Xi (1996‐ )Society of American Foresters (1988‐ )Soil & Water Conservation Society (1987‐ )PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTInTeGrate (Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future; NSF STEP Center)workshop ‐ Systems, Society, Sustainability and the Geosciences, Carleton College ‐ July 2012(http://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/workshops/sustainability2012/index.html)Leadership in the Age of Social Media (KSU Coffman Leadership alumni focus meeting) ‐ Jan 2011Facilitation Training (Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy) ‐ Jan 20102

Conflict coaching (KSU Coffman Leadership alumni focus meeting) ‐ Jan 2010Dealing with change (KSU Coffman Leadership alumni focus meeting) ‐ Jan 2009ESRI ArcGIS Spatial Analyst training ‐ Sep 2005ESRI ArcGIS I & ArcGIS II training ‐ Aug 2005James R. Coffman Leadership Institute (KSU) ‐ May 2005ADVANCE Workshop (NSF: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in AcademicScience and Engineering Careers) (University of Washington) ‐ July 2004Healthy Departments Workshop (Association of American Geographers) ‐June 2004K‐<strong>State</strong> LEA/RN program (Learning Enhancement Action/Resource Network) ‐ AY 2002‐3ESRI ARC‐INFO GIS training ‐ 1996; ERDAS IMAGINE (remote sensing) training ‐ Jan 1996SELECTED RECOGNITION (also see service, below):2013 John Fraser Hart Award for Research Excellence, Rural Geography Specialty Group,Association of American Geographers (AAG)2012 <strong>Kansas</strong> <strong>State</strong> University Professorial Performance Award2009‐11 AAG Secretary (GPRM Regional Councilor 2008‐11)2010 Selected as one of 10 US delegates to 7 th Quadrennial British‐Canadian‐American Conferenceon Rural Geography. Manitoba & Saskatchewan, July 2011.2008 Invited contributor, ‘Space to Place: The Next Rural Economies Workshop,’ Prince George,British Columbia, MayInvited featured speaker, South Dakota <strong>State</strong> University Geography Conference, Brookings,April2006 Selected as one of 13 US delegates to 6 th Quadrennial British‐Canadian‐American Conferenceon Rural Geography. Spokane and environs, July 2007.2003 Selected for service on National Research Council Committee on Endangered andThreatened Species in the Platte River Basin2002 Selected as one of 15 US delegates to 5 th Quadrennial British‐Canadian‐American Conferenceon Rural Geography. Exeter and Plymouth, UK. July 2003.Selected as a participant in “CIPEC Summer Institute: A Summer Institute on EnvironmentalMonitoring and Assessment Applications in the Americas” (funding by NSF; over 115international applicants, 18 accepted).2000 Invited to be cooperating scientist for the Columbia Pacific Resources Center, WA1998 Berg Fellow, Soil and Water Conservation Society (and participation in Berg Forum,Washington, DC, September 1999)Selected as one of 11 US delegates to 1999 Rural Geography Symposium, Halifax, NS, Canada;July1995‐6 Fellow, Institute for Social and Behavioral Research, <strong>Kansas</strong> <strong>State</strong> University1995 Selected as one of 15 US delegates to Anglo‐Canadian‐US Rural Geography Symposium;Charlotte‐Greenville, NC; 30 July‐5 August 19951993 Institute of British Geographers Young Research Worker for 1994 (sponsored by the IBGRural Geography Study Group)1990 Selected as one of 15 US delegates to "The Contemporary Social and Economic Restructuringof Rural Areas" seminar/workshop; London‐Leicester‐Birmingham, UK; 12‐19 August19911987 Finalist, Nystrom Award for outstanding paper based on a dissertation, Association ofAmerican Geographers3

FUNDING2012 <strong>Lisa</strong> K. Tabor (PI) and <strong>Lisa</strong> M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Relating Girls and Science: Increasing Geography‐Based STEM Interest for Rural High School Girls in <strong>Kansas</strong>, Association of AmericanGeographers EDGE program, Aug 2012‐June 2013 ($500)2010 KSU Faculty Development Award (FDA) (out‐of‐round): travel funds for invited presentation atDimitre Cantemir University, Faculty of Geography and Tourism (20th anniversary),Sibiu, Romania, November 2010 ($500); in‐country expenses covered by DCU, Sibiu2009 KSU FDA: travel funds for Colloquium of International Geographical Union Commission onSustainability of Rural Systems July 14‐18, 2009, in Slovenia ($2000)KSU ADVANCE Career Enhancement Opportunities Initiative: travel funds for Colloquium ofInternational Geographical Union Commission on Sustainability of Rural Systems July 14‐18, 2009, in Slovenia ($1000)2008 KSU FDA: travel funds for Space to Place: The Next Rural Economies Workshop, May 14‐17,2008 in Prince George, BC ($500)2007‐8 NASA/<strong>Kansas</strong> Space Grant Consortium: <strong>Lisa</strong> <strong>Harrington</strong>, PI, M. Hubbard, A. Archer, C. Oviatt,D. Goodin, J.M.S. Hutchinson, J. <strong>Harrington</strong>, J. Uhlarik, and C. Shanklin, co‐PIs; <strong>Kansas</strong>Space Grant Consortium activities at KSU ($95,760 total; $42,000 from NASA)KSU University Small Research Grant (USRG): ‘Narratives of Southeastern Louisiana HurricaneKatrina Evacuees and Nonevacuees’ ($1500)2005‐6 NSF, Small Grant for Exploratory Research (SGER) [Infrastructure Systems Management andHazard Response, Division of Civil and Mechanical Systems] : “Factors Associated withCompliance to Katrina Mandatory Hurricane Evacuation Orders in Seven CoastalLouisiana Parishes,” B.K. Paul, PI; J. Gordon, and L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, co‐PIs ($28,000)NSF, Geography and Regional Science Dissertation Research Improvement program: “TheEconomic Impact of the Conservation Reserve Program on Households and Counties.”PI: L. <strong>Harrington</strong>; co‐PIs: Mary Dobbs [PhD student] and Jeffrey Peterson [Ag Econfaculty member] ($9850)NASA/<strong>Kansas</strong> Space Grant Consortium: “Space Grant Funding for <strong>Kansas</strong> <strong>State</strong> University,” L.<strong>Harrington</strong> (managing PI), J. Blair, D. Goodin, M. Hubbard, J. Uhlarik ($42,000)2004 KSU ADVANCE: grant for participation in AAG Healthy Departments workshop (June, Seattle)and University of Washington ADVANCE workshop (July, Seattle) ($6000)KSU FDA: International Geographical Congress travel funds ($1500)2003 KSU FDA: UK‐Canada‐US rural geography conference travel funds ($1855)2003‐06 NSF: Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)–‘Infrastructure to Develop aHuman‐Environment Regional Observatory (HERO) Network.’ Continuation. J.<strong>Harrington</strong> (KSU PI), L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, M. Lu, S White (KSU: $66,864 for 4/1/03‐3/31/06[total funding for 4 sites: $85,000/year for 3 years])2002 NSF: REU Supplement to ‘Infrastructure to Develop a Human‐Environment RegionalObservatory (HERO) Network.’ KSU team: J. <strong>Harrington</strong> (PI), D. Goodin, L. <strong>Harrington</strong>,M. Lu, S White (KSU funding: $14,082) (Grant 5‐30404)2000‐04 NSF: ‘Infrastructure to Develop a Human‐Environment Regional Observatory (HERO)Network."’ KSU team: S. White (PI), D. Goodin, J. <strong>Harrington</strong>, L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, D. Kromm,M. Lu ($290,000) (1920‐KSU‐NSF‐8052)2001 NSF: REU Supplement to Infrastructure to Develop a Human‐Environment RegionalObservatory (HERO) Network. S. White (PI), D. Goodin, J. <strong>Harrington</strong>, L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, D.Kromm, M. Lu ($5000 student support)1998‐99 NIGEC (National Institute for Global Environmental Change‐‐DOE): Global Change in LocalPlaces, L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, D. Goodin, J. <strong>Harrington</strong>, D. Kromm, S. White ($40,000) (LTW 62‐123‐06519)5

1996‐99 NASA (through Association of American Geographers): Global Change in Local Places, S. White& J. <strong>Harrington</strong>, KSU PIs; D. Goodin, L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, D. Kromm, KSU co‐PIs ($188,509)(NAGW‐4932)1998 KSU Community Service Program, Service Learning Mini‐grant: Grant to incorporate servicelearning/application of NRES capstone course to water problems of Matfield Green,<strong>Kansas</strong>. J. Sherow (PI), L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, P. Kalita ($950)1997‐98 NIGEC: Global Change in Local Places, S. White & D. Kromm, PIs; D. Goodin, J. <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.<strong>Harrington</strong>, co‐PIs ($40,000)1996 Association of American Geographers, Anne U. White Fund research grant (for field work withspouse): “Evaluation of Vegetation Change in the Vicinity of Mount St. Helens” ($1000)1995 KSU USRG: “Assessing Vegetation Change at Mount St. Helens” ($1600)PUBLICATIONS by category:Journal articles and book chapters 12013 Bergstrom, R.D., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Balancing communities, economies, and theenvironment in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Understanding Change andDevelopment: Perspectives from Rural Geography. D. Ramsey, N. Evans, J. Abrams, andJ. Clark, eds. Brandon, Canada: Rural Development Institute. (Accepted/forthcoming)2012 Bergstrom, R., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Sustainable community development in the GreaterYellowstone Ecosystem: A case study of Jackson, Wyoming. Papers of the AppliedGeography Conferences 35: 133‐142.O’Brien, K., M. Pelling, A. Patwardhan, S. Hallegatte, A. Maskrey, T. Oki, U. Oswald‐Spring, T.Wilbanks, and P.Z. Yanda, with contributing authors F. Berkhout, R. Biggs, H. GünterBrauch, K. Brown, C. Folke, L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, H. Kunreuther, C. Lacambra, R. Leichenko, R.Mechler, C. Pahl‐Wostl, V. Przyluski, D. Satterthwaite, F. Sperling, L. Sygna, T. Tanner, P.Tschakert, K. Ulsrud, and V. Viguié. Toward a sustainable and resilient future. In:Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate ChangeAdaptation. C.B. Field, et al., eds. Special report of Working Groups I and II of theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cambridge University Press,Cambridge, UK, pp. 437‐486. Online at http://www.ipcc-wg2.gov/SREX/.2011 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Rural Regional Geography and <strong>Kansas</strong>, USA, High Plains Research(Geografia rurala regionala si <strong>Kansas</strong>, SUA, Studiu al Campiilor Inalte de Preerie).Geo‐Carpathica Annl XI (11): 201‐214. [Dimitrie Cantemir University; invited]Bergstrom, Ryan, and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Perceptions of sustainable development in RedLodge, Montana. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 34: 19‐28.Marzen, L., Z. Szantoi, L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Implications of managementstrategies and vegetation change in the Mount St. Helens blast zone. GeocartoInternational 26(5):359‐376.2010 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. The U.S. Great Plains, Change, and Place Development. In The Next RuralEconomies: Constructing Rural Place in a Global Economy, pp. 32‐44. G. Halseth, S.Markey and D. Bruce, eds. CABI International: Oxfordshire. (Invited)1 Double‐blind or blind peer‐reviewed in most cases.6

<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., M. Lu, and David E. Kromm. Milking the Plains: Movement of large dairyoperations into southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. The Geographical Review 100(4):538‐558.2009 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., M. Lu, and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Fossil Water and Agriculture inSouthwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. In Sustainable Communities on a Sustainable Planet: TheHuman‐Environment Regional Observatory Project, pp. 269‐291. B. Yarnal, C. Polsky,and J. O'Brien, eds. Cambridge University Press.Polsky, C., A. Comrie, J. Whitehead, C. Sorrensen, L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, M. Lu, R. Neff, and B.Yarnal. Rapid Vulnerability Assessments of exposures, sensitivities, and adaptivecapacities of the HERO study sites. In Sustainable Communities on a Sustainable Planet:The Human‐Environment Regional Observatory Project, pp. 175‐208. B. Yarnal, C.Polsky, and J. O'Brien, eds. Cambridge University Press.Polsky, C., C. Sorrensen, J. Whitehead, L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, M. Lu, R. Neff, and B. Yarnal.Evaluating Vulnerability Assessments of the HERO Study Sites. In SustainableCommunities on a Sustainable Planet: The Human‐Environment Regional ObservatoryProject, pp. 209‐228. B. Yarnal, C. Polsky, and J. O'Brien, eds. Cambridge UniversityPress.Robichaux, R., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Environmental conditions, irrigation reuse pits, and theneed for restoration In the Rainwater Basin wetland complex, Nebraska. Papers of theApplied Geography Conferences 32: 217‐225.2007 Kettle, N., L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Groundwater depletion and agriculturalland use change in the High Plains: A case study from Wichita County, <strong>Kansas</strong>. TheProfessional Geographer 59(2):221‐235.2006 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., J. Gordon, B.K. Paul. Southeastern Louisiana evacuation/non‐evacuationfor Hurricane Katrina. In Learning from Catastrophe: Quick Response Research in theWake of Hurricane Katrina. Boulder, CO: Hazards Research Center. Pp 327‐352.2005 Committee on Endangered and Threatened Species in the Platte River Basin, NationalResearch Council. Endangered and Threatened Species of the Platte River. The NationalAcademies Press. Washington, DC. 299 pages. [William Graf and the NRC Platte RiverCommittee received the 2006 AAG Meredith F. Burrill Award for this work.]<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Vulnerability and sustainability concerns for the U.S. High Plains. Chapter11 in Rural Change and Sustainability: Agriculture, the Environment and Communities.S.J. Essex, A.W. Gilg, and R. Yarwood, eds., with J. Smithers and R. Wilson. CABIPublishing: Cambridge, MA. Pp. 169‐184.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and J. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. When winning is losing: Arkansas river interstatewater management issues. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 28:46‐51.2003 Cutter, S.L., J.T. Mitchell, A. Hill, L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, S. Kaktins, B. Muraco, J. DeHart, A. Reynolds,and R. Shudak. Attitudes toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions from local places.In Global Change and Local Places: Estimating, Understanding, and ReducingGreenhouse Gases. Association of American Geographers Global Change and LocalPlaces Research Team. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.<strong>Harrington</strong>, J.A., Jr., D. Goodin, L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, D.E. Kromm, and S.E. White. Southwest<strong>Kansas</strong>: Local emissions and non‐local determinants. In Global Change and LocalPlaces: Estimating, Understanding, and Reducing Greenhouse Gases. Association ofAmerican Geographers Global Change and Local Places Research Team. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.7

<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Bioweaponry and agroterrorism. In Geographic Dimensions of Terrorism,pp. 187‐197. S.L. Cutter, D.B. Richardson, and T.J. Wilbanks, eds. New York: Routledge.(Invited)<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Rural resource changes in the Pacific Northwest. In The New Countryside:Geographic Perspectives on Rural Change, pp. 48‐63. K.B. Beesley, H. Millward, B.Ilbery, and L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, eds. Brandon, Manitoba, and Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada:Brandon University (Rural Development Institute) and St. Mary’s University.Millward, H., L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, B. Ilbery, and K. Beesley. Milieux, viewpoints, and processes ofchange in the new countryside. In The New Countryside: Geographic Perspectives onRural Change, pp. 9‐23. K.B. Beesley, H. Millward, B. Ilbery, and L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, eds.Brandon, Manitoba, and Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Brandon University (RuralDevelopment Institute) and St. Mary’s University.2002 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and M. Lu. Beef feedlots in southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>: Local change,perceptions, and the global change context. Global Environmental Change 12(4):273‐282.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., Max Lu, and John A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Human adaptability to environmentalchange: Development of an assessment protocol. Papers and Proceedings of theApplied Geography Conferences 25:269‐275.2001 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Attitudes toward climate change: Major emitters in southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>.Climate Research 16(2): 113‐122.2000 Leathers, N., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Effectiveness of conservation reserves: ‘Slippage’ inSouthwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. The Professional Geographer 52(1):83‐93.Beesley, K.B., H. Millward, L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, and B. Ilbery. Chapter 1–Introduction:Environmental and economic forces affecting rural producers (and what’s happening inthe Annapolis Valley?). In Agricultural and Environmental Sustainability in the NewCountryside. H. Millward, K. Beesley, B. Ilbery, and L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, eds. Saint Mary’sUniversity and Nova Scotia Agricultural College. Halifax and Truro, Canada.1998 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., J. A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr., and P. Frenzen. Vegetation Change in the Mount St.Helens Blast Zone, 1979‐1992. Geocarto International 13(1):75‐82.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and S. Kaktins. Policy and local utility greenhouse gas emissions, or: Whya coal‐fired power plant in a natural gas production area? Papers and Proceedings of theApplied Geography Conferences 21:1‐9.1997 <strong>Harrington</strong>, J.A., Jr., L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, and C.J. Berlin. Modeling Spartina in Willapa Bay.Proceedings of the 2nd International Spartina Conference. Olympia, Washington, March20‐21, 1997. P. 23‐26.Nellis, M.D., L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, and J. Sheeley. Policy, Sustainability, and Scale: The U.S.Conservation Reserve Program. Chapter 14 in Agricultural Restructuring andSustainability: A Geographical Perspective. B. Ilbery, T. Rickard, and Q. Chiotti, eds. CABInternational. Wallingford, UK. P. 219‐231.1996 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Regarding research as a land use. Applied Geography 16(4):265‐277.1995 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Response to an Aquatic Plant Management EIS for Washington <strong>State</strong>.Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences 18:97‐102.8

1994 Burnett, G.W., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Early National Park Adoption in Sub‐Saharan Africa.Society and Natural Resources. 7:155‐168.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Responses to Environmental Management Concerns in Pacific County,Washington. Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences 17:30‐36.<strong>Harrington</strong>, J.A., Jr., L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, and C.J. Berlin. Water Temperature, Air Temperature,and Atmospheric Circulation Relationships for Willapa Bay, Washington. Papers andProceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences 17:1‐7.1993 <strong>Harrington</strong>, J.A., Jr., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Modeling the expansion of Spartina in the Palixestuary. Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences 16:50‐56.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Willapa Bay, Washington: Environmentalconcerns and natural resource management. Geographic Perspectives on the Social andEconomic Restructuring of Rural Areas. Proc., Commission on Changing Rural SystemsInternational Geographical Congress, 4‐6 August 1992. M. Duane Nellis, ed. <strong>Kansas</strong><strong>State</strong> University. Manhattan, <strong>Kansas</strong>. P. 162‐169.1992 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Spartina invasion in the Palix estuary. Papers andProceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences 15:56‐60.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Research as an alternative land use. Chapter 14 in Contemporary RuralSystems in Transition. Volume 1: Agriculture and Environment. I.R. Bowler, C. Bryant,and M.D. Nellis, eds. CAB International. Wallingford, UK. P. 195‐205.1991 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Using the Forest Service as an information sourcefor species mapping: Corkbark fir. J.W. Frazier, ed. Papers and Proceedings of theApplied Geography Conferences 14:183‐188.1990 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Researchers, agency attitudes, and wilderness. Ecosystem Management:Rare Species and Significant Habitats. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Natural AreasConference. R.S. Mitchell, C.J. Sheviak and D.J. Leopold, eds. New York <strong>State</strong> MuseumBull. 471:293‐297.1989 Burnett, G.W., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Measuring the international content of the Journal ofForestry. Journal of Forestry 87(7):17‐19.1988 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and R.S. Roberts. Wilderness research: Effects of administering agency.Society and Natural Resources 1(3):215‐225.1987 Burnett, G.W., and L.M. <strong>Butler</strong>. National parks in the Third World and associated nationalcharacteristics. Leisure Sciences 9(1):41‐51.1986 <strong>Butler</strong>, L.M., and R.S. Roberts. Use of wilderness areas for research. In Proceedings‐‐NationalWilderness Research Conference: Current Research. July 23‐26, 1985, Fort Collins, CO.R.C. Lucas (compiler). USDA Forest Service Intermountain Research Station. Ogden, UT.Pp. 398‐405.<strong>Butler</strong>, L.M., and G.W. Burnett. Eight‐legged predator. Montana Outdoors 17(2):34‐37.1984 Roberts, R.S., and L.M. <strong>Butler</strong>. Information for state groundwater quality policymaking.Natural Resources Journal 24(4):1015‐1041.Roberts, R.S., F.M. Shelley, and L.M. <strong>Butler</strong>. A land‐use based approach to information forgroundwater quality management. In Proceedings of the NWWA Eastern Regional9

Conference on Groundwater Management. Oct. 31‐Nov. 2, 1983, Orlando, FL. D.M.Nielsen (ed.). Water Well Publishing Co. Worthington, OH. Pp. 402‐428.1983 Roberts, R.S., and L.M. <strong>Butler</strong>. The Sunbelt phenomenon: the causes of growth. Chapter 1 inThe Future of the Sunbelt: Managing Growth and Change. S.C. Ballard and T.E. James(eds.). Praeger. New York. P. 1‐36.Burnett, G.W., and L.M. <strong>Butler</strong>. The unkindest bite of all. Montana Outdoors 14(3):6‐8.1982 <strong>Butler</strong>, L.M., and G.W. Burnett. Variables associated with national park establishment, Sub‐Saharan Africa. Environmental Conservation 9(4):344‐346.Burnett, G.W., and L.M. <strong>Butler</strong>. The 'bloody nuisance' that bites. Montana Outdoors 13(4):15‐17.Edited volumes2012 Spellerberg, I., D. Fogel, S. Fredericks, and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, eds. Measurements, Indicators,and Research Methods for Sustainability. Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Vol 6.Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire. www.berkshirepublishing.com/brw/product.asp?projid=982009 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and John A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr., eds. Papers of the Applied GeographyConferences 32. Applied Geography Conferences, Inc. 454 pp. (Double‐blind peerreviewedannual)2008 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and John A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr., eds. Papers of the Applied GeographyConferences 31. Applied Geography Conferences, Inc. 345 pp. (Double‐blind peerreviewedannual)2007 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and John A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr., eds. Papers of the Applied GeographyConferences 30. Applied Geography Conferences, Inc. 545 pp. (Double‐blind peerreviewedannual)2006 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and John A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr., eds. Papers of the Applied GeographyConferences 29. Applied Geography Conferences, Inc. 456 pp. (Double‐blind peerreviewedannual)2004 Oliver, John. Climate and Art. L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, ed. Occasional Publications in Geography.Department of Geography, <strong>Kansas</strong> <strong>State</strong> University: Manhattan, <strong>Kansas</strong>. 26 pp.2003 Beesley, K.B., H. Millward, B. Ilbery, and L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, eds. The New Countryside: GeographicPerspectives on Rural Change. Brandon, Manitoba, and Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada:Brandon University (Rural Development Institute) and St. Mary’s University. 490 pp.2000 Millward, H., K.B. Beesley, B. Ilbery, and L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, eds. Agricultural and EnvironmentalSustainability in the New Countryside. Truro, Nova Scotia: Rural Research Centre, NovaScotia Agricultural College. 125 pp.Invited encyclopedia and handbook entries 22 Blind peer‐reviewed in most cases.10

2013 Laingen, C., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Agricultural Geography. Oxford Bibliographies inGeography. B. Warf, ed. New York: Oxford University Press. (Accepted/forthcoming:http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/obo/page/geography) [<strong>Harrington</strong> invited]2012 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Sustainability Science. In Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Vol 6:Measurements, Indicators, and Research Methods for Sustainability. Great Barrington,MA: Berkshire.2011 <strong>Harrington</strong>, J., Jr., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Global Change and Geographic Thought. In 21stCentury Geography: A Reference Handbook, pp 59‐66. J. Stoltman, ed. Sage.2010 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Hurricane Katrina. Encyclopedia of Science and TechnologyCommunication, Vol 1, pp. 379‐383. S. Priest, ed. Sage Publications.2009 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Rural resource management. International Encyclopedia of HumanGeography, Vol. 9, pp. 390‐397. N. Thrift and R. Kitchin, editors‐in‐chief. ElsevierScience.2005 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Hadley, George. Encyclopedia of World Climatology, p. 399. John Oliver,ed. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Von Humboldt (Baron), Friedrich Heinrich Alexander. Encyclopedia ofWorld Climatology, p. 412. John Oliver, ed. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Maury, Matthew Fontaine. Encyclopedia of World Climatology, p. 481.John Oliver, ed. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.Invited reviews and comments2011 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. The Rural‐Urban Fringe in Canada: Conflict and Controversy. Kenneth B.Beesley, ed. Book Review. The Professional Geographer 63(4):561‐563.2006 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Good Growing (by L. Duram). Book Review. Agriculture and HumanValues.2004 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Every Farm A Factory: The Industrial Ideal in American Agriculture. BookReview. The Geographical Review 94(3):410‐412. [Published Sept 2005]2002 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Sustainability, scale, and critical connections. Invited comment on ‘Corequestions of science and technology for sustainability: Long‐term trends and transitions’essay by Robert Kates, for Forum: Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development.http://sustsci.aaas.org/content.html?contentid=645<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Environmental Indicators and Agricultural Policy, ed. by Floor Brouwerand Bob Crabtree. Book review. Journal of Rural Studies 17:377‐382.1996 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Book review: Feminism and the Mastery of Nature. Journal of RuralStudies 12(3):319‐320.1993 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. "Versamap." (Software review.) Journal of Geological Education 41:506.Reports11

2004 Engel, B.A., J. Choi, L. Theller, K.J. Lim; supporting authors J. <strong>Harrington</strong>, L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, S.Hutchinson. Geographic information systems (GIS) Technology. Chapter 15 in CarcassDisposal: A Comprehensive Review. Report prepared by National AgriculturalBiosecurity Center Consortium, Carcass Disposal Working Group. CD and online athttp://fss.k‐state.edu. National Agricultural Biosecurity Center, <strong>Kansas</strong> <strong>State</strong> University,Manhattan, <strong>Kansas</strong>. 37 pp.1999 <strong>Harrington</strong>, J., L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, D. Kromm, S. White, and D. Goodin. Global change in localplaces. 1998‐99 Annual Report of the Great Plains Regional Center‐NIGEC. GPRC 99‐01.University of Nebraska‐Lincoln, Institute of Agricultural and Natural Resources. Lincoln,NE. P. 95‐101. http://nigec.ucdavis.edu/reports/FY1998/1998 <strong>Harrington</strong>, J., D. Goodin, D. Kromm, S. White, and L. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Global change in localplaces. 1997‐98 Annual Report of the Great Plains Regional Center‐NIGEC. GPRC 98‐01.University of Nebraska‐Lincoln, Institute of Agricultural and Natural Resources. Lincoln,NE. P. 67‐77.1997 Goodin, D., J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr., L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, D.E. Kromm, M.D. Nellis, and S.E. White.Global changes in local places: southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. 1996‐97 Annual Report of theGreat Plains Regional Center‐NIGEC. GPRC 97‐01. University of Nebraska‐Lincoln,Institute of Agricultural and Natural Resources. Lincoln, NE. P. 59‐65.1983 Science & Public Policy, University of Oklahoma. Ground Water Management in theSoutheastern United <strong>State</strong>s: Final Report. Office of Exploratory Research, U.S.Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, DC. (EPA‐600/2‐83‐90)Degree Research1986 <strong>Butler</strong>, L.M. Research Use of Wilderness Lands: A Comparative Analysis of the U.S. ForestService and the National Park Service. Dissertation. The University of Oklahoma.Norman, OK. 172 p.1982 <strong>Butler</strong>, L.M. Relationships of Selected Socio‐Economic and Physical Variables to theEstablishment of National Parks and Reserves in Sub‐Saharan Africa. Professional paper.College of Forest & Recreation Resources, Clemson University. Clemson, SC. 40 pp.PRESENTATIONS 3 :2012 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Key ideas for development of sustainability theory. Annual Meeting of the GreatPlains/Rocky Mountain (GP/RM) Division of the AAG, Park City, UT, 12 Oct.Bergstrom, R., and LMB <strong>Harrington</strong>. Sustainable community development in the Greater YellowstoneEcosystem: a case study of Jackson, Wyoming. The 35 th annual Applied Geography Conference.Minneapolis, MN, 11 Oct.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and G. Robinson. Building an international community of researchers: theQuadrennial Rural Geography Conferences. Association of American Geographers (AAG) annualconference, NYC, Feb.3 Oral presentations unless otherwise noted. Selection based on peer review of abstract/applicationindicated by pr. Published abstracts not shown.12

Bergstrom, Ryan, and LMB <strong>Harrington</strong>. A transition toward sustainability: challenges in the GreaterYellowstone Ecosystem. AAG annual conference, NYC, Feb.2011 Bergstrom, Ryan, and LMB <strong>Harrington</strong>. Perceptions of sustainable development in Red Lodge,Montana. The 34 th annual Applied Geography Conference. Redlands, CA, 21 Oct. [presented by<strong>Harrington</strong>]<strong>Harrington</strong>, LMB. Conceptualizations of Rural Sustainability and Issues of Rural Change. RuralDevelopment–Rural Geography: Theories and Applications. The 7th Quadrennial Conference ofBritish, Canadian, and American Rural Geographers. Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Canada, 13‐20 July . pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Framing of Conflict and Geographic Concepts: An LNG Terminal in the Rural U.S.Pacific Northwest. 19 th Colloquium of the IGU Commission on the Sustainability of RuralSystems. Glasgow, Eire, 1‐7 Aug. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Mount St. Helens: Thirty Years of Change. (Poster.) Association of AmericanGeographers Annual Conference. Seattle, April.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Invited panelist for ‘Whither Rural Geography? Future Directions.’ AAG AnnualConference. Seattle, April.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Exploring the Meaning of “Sustainability” in the Rural Pacific Northwest. 2011Sustainability Conference, <strong>Kansas</strong> <strong>State</strong> University.2010 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. LNG, public opinion, and decision‐making: conflict in Oregon. Association ofAmerican Geographers (AAG) annual meeting, Washington, DC, Apr.S.E. White, D.G. Goodin, J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, D.E. Kromm. GCLP 2010: <strong>Kansas</strong> Ogallalaregion. AAG annual meeting, Washington, DC, Apr.Bergstrom, R., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Conceptualizing sustainability in two amenity‐drivencommunities of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, North America. Global Change and theWorld’s Mountains. Perth, Scotland, 26‐30 Sept prVought, T.J., Jr.; J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr.; J.M.S. Hutchinson; L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>; and S.L. Hutchinson.Redefining Military Training Land Sustainability. Annual Meeting of the Great Plains/RockyMountain (GP/RM) Division of the AAG, Lawrence, KS, 9 Oct.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Mount St. Helens, 30 years post‐eruption: Repeat photography of environmentalchange. <strong>Kansas</strong> <strong>State</strong> University Ecology and Environmental Biology Seminar, 14 Oct.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Decisionmakers’ Views of Sustainability in Rural Coastal Washington and Oregon.Annual meeting of the Applied Geography Conferences, Ft. Worth, 22 Oct.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Rural Regional Geography and <strong>Kansas</strong>, USA, High Plains Research. Invitedpresentation at Dimitre Cantemir University, Faculty of Geography and Tourism (20thanniversary), Sibiu, Romania, 18 Nov.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Sustainability, Stakeholders, and Moving Forward. Invited presentation at theUniversity of North Carolina‐Greensboro, Department of Geography, Dec 2.2009 Robichaux, R., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Environmental conditions, irrigation reuse pits, and the needfor restoration In the Rainwater Basin wetland complex, Nebraska. Annual meeting of theApplied Geography Conferences, Baton Rouge, October.L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Local concerns with change and the meaning of ‘sustainability’ in two rural U.S.counties. Colloquium of the International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission on theSustainability of Rural Systems, July, Maribor, Slovenia. prL.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Local conceptions of sustainability in the rural Pacific Northwest. AAG annualmeeting, April, March, Las Vegas.2008 L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. The U.S. Great Plains, change, and place development. Invited speaker, ‘Space toPlace: The Next Rural Economies Workshop,’ Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, 14‐17May.L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Rural change and sustainability: History and lessons from the western <strong>Kansas</strong> HighPlains. Invited featured speaker, South Dakota <strong>State</strong> University Geography Conference,Brookings, April.2007 Gordon, J., L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, B.K. Paul. The perfect disaster: How a confluence of social variablescontributed to nonevacuation in Orleans Parish prior to Hurricane Katrina. Society For RiskAnalysis Annual Meeting 2007. December, San Antonio. pr13

<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Invited panelist: Agricultural and rural applied geography (30‐yearretrospective/prospective session). Applied Geography Conference, October, Indianapolis<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., M. Lu, and D.E. Kromm. Milking the Plains: Movement of Large Dairy Operationsinto Southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. Sixth Quadrennial Rural Geography Conference, July, Spokane &Cheney, Washington, and Wallace & Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, USA. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Invited panelist: Geography and the ADVANCE program. AAG annual meeting,April, San Francisco.2006 Gordon, J., L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, B.K. Paul. Race, information sources, and evacuation behavior amongSoutheast Louisiana residents for Hurricane Katrina. Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting.Dec. Abstract: www.sra.org/events_2006_meeting.php. (Poster) pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Central High Plains agriculture: A century of change. Annual Meetings of the GreatPlains/Rocky Mountain (GP/RM) and West Lakes Divisions of the AAG, Lincoln, NE. Oct.(Presented by C. Laingen.)<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., J. Gordon, B.K. Paul. Variables associated with evacuation decisions for HurricaneKatrina, Southeast Louisiana. Applied Geography Conference, Tampa. Oct.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., J. Gordon, B.K. Paul. Hurricane Katrina Leavers and Stayers in Southeast Louisiana.National Hurricane Conference, Orlando, Florida. Apr. (Invited)<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., J. Gordon, B.K. Paul. Factors Related to Hurricane Katrina Evacuation andNonevacuation in Southeastern Louisiana. AAG annual meeting. Chicago. March.2005 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and J. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. When winning is losing: Arkansas river interstate watermanagement issues. Applied Geography Conference, Washington, DC, Nov.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., M. Lu, and D.E. Kromm. Expansion of dairying in southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. AAGannual meeting, Denver. April.Jessica C. Whitehead, J.C., C. Polsky, C. Sorrensen, L.<strong>Harrington</strong>, and M. Lu. Rapid assessment of thecapacity to adapt to hydroclimatic change and variation: A cross‐site comparison. AAG annualmeeting, Denver. April.2004 Kettle, N.P., L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Groundwater depletion and agricultural land usechange in Wichita County, <strong>Kansas</strong>. Water and the Future of <strong>Kansas</strong> annual conference,Lawrence. March. (Poster)<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Changes in agriculture & resource use in the High Plains. AAG annual meeting,Philadelphia. March.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, M. Lu, D.G. Goodin, D.E. Kromm, S.E. White. Human‐EnvironmentObservatory research in the <strong>Kansas</strong> High Plains, USA. Congress of the International GeographicalUnion (IGU), Glasgow, Scotland. Aug. prKromm, D.E., M. Lu, and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Expansion of dairying in the North American High Plains.Rural Sustainability Pre‐Congress Meeting, IGU, Scotland. Aug. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. The National Research Council Study on Endangered Species of the Central PlatteValley. AAG GP/RM annual meeting, Sioux Falls. October.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Agricultural adjustments to resource availability, Western <strong>Kansas</strong>. AppliedGeography Conference, St. Louis. Oct. pr2003 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Agriculture and biosecurity. AAG annual meeting, New Orleans. March.Neff, R.J., C. Sorrensen, K. Chen, and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Localizing global environmental change: aprotocol for evaluating human‐environment interactions through the lens of place vulnerabilityto change. AAG annual meeting, New Orleans. Mar.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Vulnerability and sustainability concerns for the U.S. High Plains. Fifth QuadrennialBritish‐Canadian‐American Conference on Rural Geography. Exeter and Plymouth, UK. July.pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr., M. Lu, D.G. Goodin, D.E. Kromm, and S.E. White. 2003. Humandimensions of global environmental change research in southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. Open Meeting ofthe Global Environmental Change Research Community, Montreal, 16‐18 October 2003. pr2002 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Sustainability and Vulnerability Concerns in Southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. AAG annualmeeting, Los Angeles. March.<strong>Harrington</strong>, J.A., Jr., <strong>Lisa</strong> MB <strong>Harrington</strong>, D.E. Kromm, M. Lu, S.E. White, D.G. Goodin. High Plains‐Ogallala HERO Activities. AAG annual meeting, Los Angeles. March.14

<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., Max Lu, and John A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Human adaptability to environmental change:Development of an assessment protocol. Applied Geography Conference, Binghamton, NY. Oct.Abstract: Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences 25:389. pr2001 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and M. Lu. Southwest <strong>Kansas</strong> Feedlots: Local Change and the Global ChangeContext. Applied Geography Conference, Fort Worth. Nov. (Presented by J. <strong>Harrington</strong>). pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. The GCLP and HERO projects in southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. Invited presentation for<strong>Kansas</strong> Center for Rural Initiatives brownbag lunch, <strong>Kansas</strong> <strong>State</strong> University. Oct.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Change in the Rural Pacific Northwest: Environmental and Resource Stresses.Invited, University of South Carolina Department of Geography. Oct.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Coming of Age? Mount St. Helens 1980‐2001. Clemson University, Department ofParks, Recreation and Tourism Management. Oct.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr., D.E. Kromm, M. Lu, S.E. White, and D.G. Goodin. GlobalChange, Sustainability, and Vulnerability Research in Southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. AAG GP/RM annualmeeting, Omaha. Sept.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. The Changing Rural Environment of the Pacific Northwest. Invited, Penn <strong>State</strong>University Department of Geography. Sept.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. <strong>Kansas</strong> Feedlots, Change, and Adaptation. AAG annual meeting, New York. Feb.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Global Change Research in <strong>Kansas</strong>. CIPEC Summer Institute, Bloomington, IN.May. (One of 18 selected participants.) pr2000 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Livestock, Biodiversity, and Rare Breeds Distributions in the U.S. AAG GP/RMannual meeting, Provo. Sept.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and S. Kaktins. Connecting Rural Activities to Climate Concerns: Perceptions inSouthwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. AAG annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. Apr.1999 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Attitudes Toward Climate Change Issues in Southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. AppliedGeography Conference, Charlotte, NC. Oct. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Environmental and Economic Changes in the Rural Pacific Northwest. FourthQuadrennial International Rural Geography Symposium, Halifax, NS, Canada. July. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Natural Areas As Research Land: Research Natural Areas in the United <strong>State</strong>s.North American Forest Ecology Workshop, Orono, Maine. June. Invited.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., D.E. Kromm, S.E. White, and S. Kaktins. Assessing Potential Greenhouse Mitigationin Southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>. AAG annual meeting, Honolulu, HI. Mar.1998 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and S. Kaktins. Policy and Local Utility Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Or: Why a Coal‐Fired Power Plant in a Natural Gas Production Area? Applied Geography Conference. Louisville,KY. October. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and S. Kaktins. A Misfiring of Public Conservation Regulation: Holcomb PowerPlant. AAG GP/RM annual meeting, Lawrence, KS. Sept.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Distribution of Rare Livestock Breeders in North America. AAG annual meeting,Boston. March.White, S., D. Kromm, J. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr., L. <strong>Harrington</strong>, S. Kaktins, and B. Witcher. "Driving Forcesbehind Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Southwest <strong>Kansas</strong>." AAG annual meeting, Boston. March.Illustrated paper session.1997 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Research lands in the Western United <strong>State</strong>s. 24th Annual Natural AreasAssociation and Exotic Pest Plant Council Conference. Portland, OR. August. .<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Vegetation change in the Mount St. Helens blast zone,1980‐1992. AAG annual meeting, Fort Worth, TX. April.<strong>Harrington</strong>, J.A., Jr., L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, and C.J. Berlin. 1997. Modeling Spartina in Willapa Bay.Second International Spartina Conference. Invited. Olympia, WA. Mar.1996 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Analysis of vegetation change in the Mount St. Helens blastzone. AAG GP/RM annual meeting, Greeley, CO. Sept.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. The expansion and distribution of USFS Wilderness. AAG annual meeting,Charlotte, NC. April.1995 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Response to an Aquatic Plant Management EIS for Washington <strong>State</strong>. AppliedGeography Conference, Arlington, VA. November. pr15

Nellis, M.D., L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>, and J. Sheeley. Policy, Sustainability, and Scale: The U.S. ConservationReserve Program. Third Quadrennial Anglo‐Canadian‐US Rural Geography Symposium;Charlotte, NC. July. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Analysis of Response to an Aquatic Plant Management EIS.AAG annual meeting, Chicago. March.1994 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Responses to Environmental Management Concerns in Pacific County, Washington.Applied Geography Conference, Akron, OH. Oct. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Mount St. Helens: Hazard & Recovery. NSF Summer Advanced Institute (NaturalHazards and Human Response/Resources and Conservation), Indiana <strong>State</strong> University. June.Invited.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Research Lands in the United <strong>State</strong>s: Historic Development. AAG annual meeting,San Francisco. April. Abstract: 1994 AAG Annual Meeting Abstracts, p. 144.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Environmental Management Concerns in Southwestern Washington. University ofIllinois Department of Geography. Feb. Invited colloquium presentation.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Environmental Stresses and Social Response: Pacific County, Washington, USA.Institute of British Geographers Annual Meeting, Nottingham. January. Abstract: ConferenceHandbook, Institute of British Geographers 1994 Annual Conference, p. 69. IBG Guest (‘YoungResearch Worker').1993 <strong>Harrington</strong>, J.A., Jr., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Modeling the expansion of Spartina in the Palix estuary.Applied Geography Conference, Toronto. Oct. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, J.A., Jr., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Modeling the Expansion of Spartina in Willapa Bay. ERDASNorthern Regional Users' Group Meeting, Bloomington, IN. Aug.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Mount St. Helens: Hazard & Recovery. NSF Summer Advanced Institute (NaturalDisasters: Volcanic Eruption, Avalanches and Earthquakes), Indiana <strong>State</strong> University. June.Invited.<strong>Harrington</strong>, J.A., Jr., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. Remote Sensing and GIS Contributions to Building aSustainable Willapa Ecosystem. AAG annual meeting, Atlanta, GA. April. Abstract: 1994 AAGAnnual Meeting Abstracts, p. 97.1992 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Spartina Invasion in the Palix Estuary. Applied GeographyConference; Denton, TX. Oct. Abstract: Papers and Proceedings of Applied GeographyConferences 15:137‐138. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Recent Timber Harvest Levels, Pacific County, Washington.Commission on Changing Rural Systems, IGC; Manhattan, KS. August. Abstract: Commission onChanging Rural Systems, International Geographical Congress Program, p. 27. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Photographic Monitoring of Environmental Change at Mount St. Helens. Poster.AAG annual meeting, San Diego. April. Abstract: 1992 AAG Annual Meeting Abstracts, p. 94.1991 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Using the Forest Service as an Information Source forSpecies Mapping: Corkbark Fir. Applied Geography Conference, Toledo. Oct. Abstract: Papersand Proceedings of Applied Geography Conferences 14:234. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Research Use of Rural Lands in the United <strong>State</strong>s. Second QuadrennialAnglo‐Canadian‐US Rural Geography Symposium. London‐Leicester‐Birmingham, UK. Aug. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Wilderness and low‐density areas. Invited panel topic. AAG annual meeting,Miami, FL. April. Invited panelist.1990 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Niger: A Country of the Sahel. Geography Awareness Week Lecture, Eastern IllinoisUniversity, Department of Geology & Geography. Nov.Burnett, G.W., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. The Regional Priorities of National Park Establishment,Sub‐Saharan Africa. Applied Geography Conference, Charlotte, NC. Oct. Abstract: Papers andProceedings of Applied Geography Conferences 13:268. pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, J.A., Jr., and L.M.B. <strong>Harrington</strong>. The Geographic Distribution of Corkbark Fir: Mapping viaQuestionnaire. West Lakes Division of the AAG annual meeting, DeKalb, IL. Oct. Abstract: WestLakes Division, Association of American Geographers, 41st Annual Meeting: Program andAbstracts, p. 13.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Lands for Research: New Mexico. AAG annual meeting, Toronto. Abstract: 1990AAG Annual Meeting Program and Abstracts, p. 96.16

<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B., and J.A. <strong>Harrington</strong>, Jr. Geographic Distribution of Corkbark Fir. Ecological Societyof America annual meeting, Snowbird, UT. July‐August. Abstract published: Abstracts, 75thAnnual ESA Meeting (ESA Bulletin 71(2):160. June 1990). Poster. pr1989 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Research as a Land Use: A Neglected Subject. Geography and Geology Colloquium,Indiana <strong>State</strong> University. Nov. Invited.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. New Mexico's Research Landscape. AAAS Southwestern and Rocky MountainDivision annual meeting, Las Cruces, NM. April. Abstract: Proceedings of the Southwestern andRocky Mountain Division, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, Sixty‐FifthAnnual Meeting: New Mexico Journal of Science 29(1):18.1988 <strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Mount St. Helens: Eruption Impacts & Landscape Recovery. Geography andPlanning Colloquium, New Mexico <strong>State</strong> University. Sept.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Variations in Research Use of Protected Natural Areas. Ecological Society ofAmerica annual meeting, Davis, CA. Aug. Abstract: Abstracts, 73rd Annual ESA Meeting (ESABulletin 69(2):160. June 1988) pr<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Researchers, Agency Attitudes, and Wilderness. Natural Areas Conference,Syracuse. June. Abstract: 15th Annual Natural Areas Conference Program and Abstracts.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Research in Wilderness. Poster. Fifth Triennial Conference on Research in theNational Parks and Equivalent Reserves, Tucson. Nov. Abstract: Parks and NeighborsMaintaining Diversity Across Political Boundaries: Program and Abstracts, p. 54.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Research as a Land Use. AAG annual meeting, Phoenix. April. Abstract: 1988 AAGAnnual Meeting Program and Abstracts 72.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Research, an Overlooked Land Use. AAAS Southwestern and Rocky MountainDivision annual meeting, Wichita. April. Abstract: Proceedings: Program and Abstracts, p. 30.<strong>Harrington</strong>, L.M.B. Research Use of Park Service and Forest Service Wilderness Areas. Geography andPlanning Colloquium, New Mexico <strong>State</strong> University. Feb.1987 <strong>Butler</strong>, L.M. Research Use of National Park and US Forest Service Wildernesses. AAG annual meeting,Portland, OR. April. (Nystrom Special Session I.) Abstract: AAG Newsletter 22(7):14. pr<strong>Butler</strong>, L.M. Wilderness Research: A Comparison of Forest and Park Service Areas. WesternWashington University Department of Geography & Regional Planning Seminar. Jan.1986 <strong>Butler</strong>, L.M. Wilderness Research: A Comparison of Forest and Park Service Areas. AAG annualmeeting, Minneapolis. May.1985 <strong>Butler</strong>, L.M., and R.S. Roberts. The Use of Wilderness Areas for Research. Annual meeting, SouthwestDivision of theAAG, Denton, TX. October.<strong>Butler</strong>, L.M., and R.S. Roberts. The Use of Wilderness Areas for Research. National WildernessResearch Conference, Fort Collins, CO. July.<strong>Butler</strong>, L.M. Research Use of Designated Natural Areas. AAG annual meeting, Detroit. April. Abstract:AAG Program Abstracts 1985, Session 323.1984 <strong>Butler</strong>, L.M. Research Issues in Environmental Conservation. AAG annual meeting, Washington, DC.April. Abstract: AAG Program Abstracts 1984, p. 174.<strong>Butler</strong>, L.M., and R.S. Roberts. Finding Wells in Oklahoma: A Case of Modern Water‐Witching.University of Oklahoma Geoscience Day Colloquium, Norman, OK. April.1983 <strong>Butler</strong>, L.M., and R.S. Roberts. Modern Water Witching: Finding Oklahoma's Wells. OklahomaAcademy of Science annual meeting, Tulsa. November.Roberts, R.S., F.M. Shelley, and L.M. <strong>Butler</strong>. A Land‐Use Based Approach to Information forGroundwater Quality Management. National Water Well Association Eastern Conference onGroundwater Management, Orlando. Nov. pr<strong>Butler</strong>, L.M. Current Issues in Environmental Conservation and Land Use. Southwest Division of theAAG annual meeting, Norman, OK. Oct.Burnett, G.W., and L.M. <strong>Butler</strong>. The Geography of National Parks in the Third World. AAG annualmeeting, Denver. April. Abstract: AAG Program Abstracts 1983, p. 186.Roberts, R.S., and L.M. <strong>Butler</strong>. <strong>State</strong> Groundwater Planning, Land Use Data, and the Geographer.Southwestern Social Science Assoc. annual meeting, Houston. March.1982 Burnett, G.W., and L.M. <strong>Butler</strong>. Relationships of Socio‐Economic and Physical Variables to NationalPark and Reserve Establishment, Sub‐Saharan Africa. AAG annual meeting, San Antonio. April.Abstract: AAG Program Abstracts 1982, p. 302.17

Burnett, G.W., and L.M. <strong>Butler</strong>. Variables Associated With National Park Establishment, Sub‐SaharanAfrica. Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas. April. Invited.SELECTED SERVICE 42012‐15 Publications Committee, Association of American Geographers (AAG)2012‐15 KSU: Board member, Agricultural Resources and Environmental Management GraduateCertificate program (AREM)2012‐13 Search Committee, K‐<strong>State</strong> Geography Department Head2012 NSF cross‐directorate review panelNational Geographic grant proposal reviewerManuscript reviewer, Applied Geography; The Geographical Review; Journal of Rural Studies;The Canadian Geographer; Journal of Natural & Environmental Sciences; Papers of theApplied Geography Conferences<strong>Kansas</strong> Geography Bee Moderator, final/championship roundKSU: Judge, Research Forum graduate student posters2011‐12 KSU: Board member, AREM2010‐13 Board of Directors, Applied Geography Conferences2009‐12 KSU: Board member (elected [all NRES faculty on ballot]), Natural Resources andEnvironmental Science secondary major (NRES)2011 NSF/USDA review panel (DRRC ‐ Disaster Resilience for Rural Communities)Manuscript reviewer, Land Use Planning (3); Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences (2)Proposal reviewer (NSF GSS)<strong>Kansas</strong> Geography Bee Moderator, preliminary and final/championship rounds2009‐11 Association of American Geographers (AAG) Secretary/Executive Committee memberAAG Committee on Committees chair2008‐11 AAG Great Plains/Rocky Mountain (GPRM) Regional Councillor (elected)2007‐10 KSU College of Arts & Sciences: Dean’s Advisory CommitteeBoard of Directors, Applied Geography Conferences2010 NSF cross‐directorate review panelMember, AAG delegation to Romania (invited by Romanian Professional GeographersAssociation; visits to 4 universities)Manuscript reviewer, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Papers of theApplied Geography Conferences, Geographical Review, Journal of Cultural GeographyReviewer, Readings in Sustainability Science and Technology (Working Paper, Center forInternational Development, Harvard)Editorial Board appointments: Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis (University ofBucharest), the Romanian Review of Regional Studies (Babeş‐Bolyai University), Annalsof the University of Oradea [Romania], Geography Series<strong>Kansas</strong> Geography Bee Moderator, preliminary and final rounds2006‐9 Co‐editor, Papers of the Applied Geography ConferencesMeredith F. Burrill Award Committee, AAG (interim chair, Fall 2006)KSU: Board member (elected [open ballot]), NRES2009 NSF cross‐directorate review panelEditorial Board appointment: Journal for Geography (University of Maribor, Slovenija)External tenure review (1)Manuscript reviewer, Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences (2)4 Extensive list available.18

2008 NSF cross‐directorate review panelManuscript reviewer, Journal of Rural Studies (1), USGS (1), Papers of the Applied GeographyConferences (3)2004‐8 Board of Directors, Applied Geography Conferences2005‐8 Editorial Board member, The Professional Geographer<strong>Kansas</strong> Space Grant (NASA) administrator for KSU2006‐8 Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Regional Councillor, AAG (appointed, partial term)2007‐8 AAG Constitution and By‐laws CommitteeInterim Director, NRES, KSUExecutive Committee (elected), KSU Chapter of Sigma Xi, the scientific research society2007 Manuscript reviewer, The Professional Geographer (4); Great Plains Research (1); Papers ofthe Applied Geography Conferences (5)Proposal review panel, US EPA (STAR P3 fellowships)External tenure review (1)2006‐7 Organizing committee, Quadrennial International Rural Geography Conf. (Spokane 2007)Proposal reviewer, <strong>Kansas</strong> Space Grant Consortium2006‐ KSU Geography representative to Consortium on Environmental Sustainability andStewardship2006 Manuscript reviewer, The Professional Geographer (8); Society and Natural Resources (2);Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences (3)Thesis reviewer (6), BYU review of the Geography masters programUS EPA proposal review panel (STAR P3 fellowships)External mid‐tenure review (1); External tenure review (1)2002‐6 KSU: University Small Research Grants and Faculty Development Awards Committee(USRG/FDA)2005 Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Rural Studies, Society and Natural Resources, Papers andProceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences2003‐5 Board of Directors (elected), Rural Geography Specialty Group (RGSG), AAGKSU: College of Arts and Sciences Course and Curriculum Committee; University GeneralEducation Council2004 Departmental: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment leadManuscript reviewer, Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences (2)2002‐4 Board Member, Learning Disabilities Association of <strong>Kansas</strong>NSF Geography & Regional Science Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement (DDRI)panel (5 panels)2001‐4 KSU: Board of Directors (elected [open ballot]), NRES Secondary Major2002‐3 Chair, AAG Research Grants CommitteeKSU College of Arts & Sciences Course and Curriculum Committee2000‐2 Member, AAG Research Grants Committee2002 Proposal reviewer, National Geographic Society (Committee for Research and Exploration)Physical geography book manuscript reviewer (McGraw‐Hill)Manuscript reviewer, Physical Geography2001 Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Rural Studies and The Professional GeographerBoard Member, Learning Disabilities Association of <strong>Kansas</strong>1998‐00 Chair, AAG CARLU specialty group1999 Manuscript reviewer, The Professional Geographer1998 NSF CAREER program proposal reviewer1993‐98 Newsletter Editor, CARLU specialty group, AAG1997 NSF dissertation proposal reviewer1996 Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Geography in Higher Education and Geocarto International19

NSF dissertation proposal reviewer1995 NSF dissertation proposal reviewer1994‐95 Program Committee, Rural Geography Symposium, Charlotte, NC, 30 July‐4 August 19951994 Manuscript reviewer, The Professional Geographer1993‐94 EIU College of Sciences Advisory Committee1992‐94 Secretary‐Treasurer, CARLU specialty group, AAG1991‐93 Departmental (EIU): Reinstating BS in Geography Committee (Chair)‐ program reinstated,1994‐951990‐92 Secretary‐Treasurer, CARLU specialty group, AAGGRADUATE ADVISINGGeography PhD StudentsIn ProgressBrandon HaddockBenjamin MunroWilliam WetherholtPhD 2012Ryan Bergstrom(Visiting Asst. Prof.,Gustavus Adolphus)PhD 2009Christopher Laingen(Asst. Prof., EasternIllinois University)PhD 2006 (posthumous)Mary DobbsPhD 2001Luke Marzen(Prof., Auburn)ABD; topic: Hiding in Plain Sight: The GLBT Community in the GreatPlainsABD; topic: Biofuels and the social construction of environmental policyABD; topic: Barriers to terminal depopulation: Place attachment in verysmall towns of the central Great PlainsSustainable Development in Amenity‐based Communities of the GreaterYellowstone EcosystemChanges in human and natural systems influenced by pheasant huntingin South Dakotatopic: Conservation Reserve Program contributions to farm economicsRemote Sensing of Change in the Mount St. Helens Blast ZoneThesis Option Geography Masters StudentsIn ProgressLaura WallaceMA 2010Decision‐making and dam removal for ecosystem restoration: ConditDam, White Salmon River, Washington20

Linnea Sando(PhD student, Montana<strong>State</strong>)MA 2009Jake George(<strong>Kansas</strong> Departmentof Wildlife & Parks)MA 2003Mary Dobbs(Deceased)Nathan Kettle(PhD program,Univ. So. Carolina)MA 2000Sergio Camberos(McAllen, TX, schools)Kristen Rundquist(Grand Forks AFB, ND)Landscape Imprints of Haying Technologies in Eastern Idaho andWestern MontanaConservation Reserve Program: Relationships Between AgriculturalCommodity Output Prices, Input Costs, and Slippage in <strong>Kansas</strong>Attitudes and Behavior: Exploring the Relationship Between <strong>State</strong>dWater Quality Attitudes and Management Practices, Big Creek andMiddle Smoky Hill River Watersheds, <strong>Kansas</strong>Groundwater depletion and agricultural land use change in WichitaCounty, <strong>Kansas</strong>Regeneration of Ponderosa Pine Following a Wildfire in YosemiteNational Park, CaliforniaModeling Grassland Bird Habitat in Agricultural Areas: A Landscape‐Scale Study in Southwestern <strong>Kansas</strong>MA 1998Jennifer Radcliff(Port of Tacoma)MA 1997Nancy Leathers(USDA APHIS, FL)The Effects of Geography and Management Practices on VegetativeSpecies Diversity of National ParksConservation Reserves and Protection of Erodible Soils in Southwestern<strong>Kansas</strong>Non‐Thesis Geography Masters StudentsMA 1996Jon GuderskiMatthew June (BLM, Santa Fe, NM)Committees of 18 additional completed M.A. recipients, 1 M.S. recipient (Biol & Agr Engineering) and12 completed Ph.D. recipients (as of mid‐2013) (not including appointed chairships)21

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