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8<strong>Coral</strong> <strong>Reef</strong> Sr. <strong>High</strong>January 2010Emily Hudson: DesignerCreated her own successful clothing lineSpotlightSEBASTIAN BERTIStaff WriterIn a time where many businesses arestruggling to even stay open or avoid bankruptcy,a new business has emerged from a very artistic,beautiful and very talented clothes designer in ourvery own school!Emily Hudson sophomore in the VPAacademy has started her own clothing line called“Emily Hudson Design.” Her clothing line consistsof all types of amazing, colorful, unique, quality,stunning and eye catching designs. Some of herdesigns consist of innovative T-shirts that can’t becompared to any other.“She has a fresh creative eye for fashion, herclothes are excellent quality, the price is stunninglyaffordable, and she’s going to have her own store forsure,” said Lori Weaverling, VPA SophomoreHudson also makes a variety of dressesthat have so much personality and sense of stylethat one would wonder how this company is nota corporation yet? She also makes a variety ofwomen’s bags, hoodies, and all different types ofclothing accessories. Hudson has managed to sell alarge amount of her products to students in <strong>Coral</strong><strong>Reef</strong> and to a number of people outside of <strong>Reef</strong>.“When I think of the clothes I’ve boughtfrom Emily Hudson Design and the other productsI have seen on her website the thought interestingcomes to mind. I think it’s interesting that such ayoung person can make such outstanding clothes,and she also has a really good sense of style, andwhen people buy her clothes it makes them havea better sense of their own style,” said GuillermoEscobar Legal sophomore.Another thing that Emily Hudson providesin her business is one of the most recognizable ones,her excellent customer service.“If I had to sum up Emily Hudson Designin a brief summary I would say it’s unique, beautiful,and stands alone compared to any other clothes, plusher customer service is really helpful,” said JessicaGamiotea ,VPA Sophomore.This stylish, yet urban approach that Hudson’sdesigns bring to the table is recognized by hercustomers.“It’s very creative, I think it’s pretty cool how she’sdoing her hustle and her shirts are original and veryimaginative.” Jonathan Knight, VPA junior.Check out Hudson’s website to see her designs,www.emilyhudsondesign.piczo. com.PHOTO CREDIT: SEBASTIAN BERTIEmily Hudson of “Emily Hudson Design.”Sisters and brother swimming around the <strong>Reef</strong>Siblings talk about the pros and cons of attending <strong>Coral</strong> <strong>Reef</strong> <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> togetherRAH’NIKA JONESStaff WriterIn Hollywood there isa ton of brotherly- sisterly lovegoing on. Twins Mary-Kateand Ashley forge in the movieindustry. The Jonas Brotherspioneer in youth pop-rockculture. And in athletics, sister’sVenus and Serena Williams tearup the floors of the tennis courts.Throughout the media, there aresiblings everywhere. But whereare the siblings here at <strong>Coral</strong> <strong>Reef</strong>?It seems to be that their fishingaround the tank everywhere, it’sjust that they’re so unique noone would ever recognize themamongst all the Cuda chaos.Take the Rahming twins forexample. Shoshanna and DevinRahming are fraternal twins, bothseniors in IB program. These twohave grown to look similar butyet be so different.They were both born June24th 1992 to their mother, Mrs.Hawatha Rahming.“Shoshanna is older than meby two minutes, so what. Shestill can’t beat me up and I’msmarter than her; that takes overeverything,” said Devin.“Devin and I are totally differentin regards to looks and personalitybut we are always going to bethere for each other. We actuallyare closer than what people think.I love my brother but I’m still hisolder sister, he better not get outof line, or I’m going to tell mymomma,” said Shoshanna.These two both play sports andexcel in the IB program.“It’s funny being in the IBprogram. Devin and I have beenin IB since the 9th grade. Theysay we are supposed to be amongthe some of the smartest people inDade County. Funny, we still haveteachers and students that don’tknow we are twins. And they’veknown us since 9th grade!” saidShoshanna.Although these two don’t getseen much in school together,when put together they are doubletrouble.“I’ve had Shoshanna and Devinin my French class together forthree years. They are good kidsbut, oh my, they can be a pain dueto their clashing at each other,”says IB French teacher, Mrs.LochetPicturing it could get noworst than twins, youwouldn’t believe how manytriplets we have amongstus. And boy do they comein different packages.The Feliciano sister’sand Wright trio are a primeexample.In the Feliciano clan,there are three lovely youngladies by the names ofAlexandra, Elisa, and Paula.In in the Wright trio thereis oldest brother Sterling,and then younger sistersShannon and Shawn. Nowwhen one thinks of tripletsthey think of everythingtripled right?In the case of theFeliciano sister’s it seemsto be a double plus one.“Alex and I are identical. Paulaon the other hand, is our fraternalsister. Along with that she’s alsoshorter than me and Alex. Soif you saw us all together youprobably couldn’t tell that we areall really related,” says Elisa, IBjunior.“Yes, I know I don’t resemblemy two older sisters but I likelooking different. It gives memore individuality. We arealways together so it’s hard tobe independent,” says PaulaFeliciano, Business junior.In case of the Wrights it’sjust an all around mix. Like theFeliciano’s we have two girls int h i s group, but with theaddition of anolder brother.Although thesethree may all be visually uniquethey are all rather similar on a lotof things.“Well we all look different butI think we are very similar. Wehave the same personality’s justdifferent energy levels. But otherthan that we are all in the sameacademy and involved in trackand field,” says Shannon Wright,Business junior.Being a triplet, things can getreal rough having two siblingsand everyone trying to getalong. Luckily, with the Wrights,they all do this very well, butthere’s nothing likea little friendlycompetition.“Being theoldest my sistershave to keepup withm e .I ’ mt h ePHOTO CREDIT: RAH’NIKA JONESThe Wright siblings love attending the same school, and hope tomaybe even attend the same college.smartest, and our mom loves methe most,” says oldest brotherSterling.“I love my brother and sisterbut being the youngest I haveto compete with them the mostso my opinion and actions canget recognized. And as forSterling, he swears he’s rightabout everything. He may be theoldest but still can’t beat me andShannon at racing. We are fasterthan him,” says younger sisterShawn.Getting away from the twinmood we still have a large amountof siblings that attend this schoolthat you could both picture beingand not being related. IB seniorAshley Subaran and MedicalFreshman Renee Subaran arewhat you can call picture perfectsisters, but in regards to totalopposites, brothers Oliver andAustin Acstoca could be no moredifferent. From their eyes to theirhair these brothers couldn’t bareto be anymore different than theyalready are physically. One wouldthink they’d connect on a moremental level, but while olderbrother Oliver enjoys listening tothe Phantom of the Opera youngerbrother Austin likes rock away toBlink 182.Although these two are unlike inso many ways their relationship isgreat.“Going to the same schoolwith my brother Oliver is cool.Yes we are complete oppositesbut I love the advantages of himbeing around, having a car is cooland getting to all the cool upperclassman parties is awesome.What more can a youngerbrother asks for,” says Austin,Engineering freshman.As for sisters Ashley andRenee things are almost singularbesides the different academies.Like in Hollywood, the Tank hasit share of siblings to. No matterhow similar or how differentbrothers and sisters are as close ashands and feet.

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