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News<strong>Coral</strong> <strong>Reef</strong> Sr. <strong>High</strong>January 20103Japanese Anime gaining popularityAnime collections grow among teenagers and adults alikePHOTO CREDIT: SHAWN ROBINSONIB <strong>Senior</strong>, Matt Martinez, shows off hisfavorite hand sanitizers.HandsanitizercrazeHand sanitizer doesnot actually kill 99.9%of germsSHAWN ROBINSONStaff WriterThey can be found everywhere, at thegym, at the mall, the airport, in almostevery public bathroom. It’s the new trendfor the New Year; the hand sanitizer craze.Worldwide, people are carrying aroundhand sanitizer because they believe it’sbasically washing your hands without thehassle. Many have even began to style uptheir bottles of Purrel and take it with themeverywhere they go.Many students here at <strong>Coral</strong> <strong>Reef</strong> havealso caught on to this trend, as many of thefaculty and staff.“I always carry my hand sanitizer, I loveit. It makes me feel germ free especiallywhen I eat,” said VPA <strong>Senior</strong>, Cera Arthur.But does hand sanitizer really work? Dothey actually kill 99.9% of the germs onyour hands?No, in fact hand sanitizer in some casescan actually cause the hand to create morebacteria than it normally had. It’s still alot healthier to wash your hands with thetraditional soap and water.“I think using hand sanitizer is all mental,when people use it they think they are germfree when really there not,” said Medicaljunior, Chris Robinson.The reason companies such as Purrel andPublix say that hand sanitizers kill 99.9% ofgerms is because it actually does, but theydon’t test this theory when it’s actually onsomeone’s hand. They test theses productswhen there on neutral bases such as countertops.“Yeah, I sort of figured that hand sanitizerdoesn’t really do anything. Oh well I’lljust stick with soap and water,” IB <strong>Senior</strong>,Matthew Martinez.Although it isn’t a bad thing to usehand sanitizer before anyone eats, or doesanything involving hands and oral cavities,we should still use the old fashioned soapand water. It’s said to believe that handsoap actually goes through germ pores andremoves them instead of hand sanitizer thatonly kills a slim percentage of germs on theouter layer of the skin. Also, it’s a lot moreexpensive for many due to the fact that theyhave to go out and buy lotion because handsanitizer dries hands when applied.The way the economy is today, it’s betterto go the cheaper and safer way: soap andwater.MARIA ESPINALStaff WriterAnime, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, is “A style ofanimation originating in Japan that ischaracterized by stark colorful graphicsdepicting vibrant characters in actionfilledplots often with fantastic or futuristicthemes.”To many people, anime is the greatestthing since sliced bread. For example, thosemaking their residence in the Americasclaim that American cartoons are plain andsimple, as opposed to Japanese animationsthat are lively and full of detail.There are many genres of anime,each one containing plenty of sub-genres,thus appealing to various individuals withdiverse likes. One of the more-liked genresis Adventure, which typically depicts acharacter or set of characters embarkingon a perilous adventure to fulfill someaspiration. Fullmetal Alchemist wouldappeal to people with this liking.Another popular genre is Mystery.With this genre, what usually happens isthat an unexplained event occurs, causingthe main protagonist to attempt to find outwhat caused it. Case Closed has one of themore illustrious anime styles of this genre.For new anime viewers, the questionof whether to watch anime subtitled ordubbed might pop up. For those who havebeen watching it for longer periods of time,this question has most likely been resolved,most of which prefer to watch it withFCAT is fastapproachingWhat you need to do toget top scores this yearDEIBBYS CARDOSOStaff WriterThe FCAT is coming up, and we need tobe ready for it.“I’m training my students, working onthe booklet with them, doing projects,and different assignments. I believe thatworking every week will prepare them forit,” said Carta Manuel, Biology teacher.If someone wants to be prepared, theyneed to practice, need to keep doing it anddoing it. You can’t get tired or bored, andyou need to be happy when you do it andenjoying it in the same way you enjoy asport. Is all about your purposed and thefuture you have in mind.The students need to take it seriously andget prepared, paying attention to the classis the best thing they can do. For example ifyou do not pay attention in the class whenyou get in the house maybe the homeworkwill take you more time that is necessary,and it is obvious that some people don’t doit. Is like your mother telling you what youknow you need to do but you don’t…In conclusion, there is one lesson thatstudents need to learn: Listen to yourteachers; they know what’s best.PHOTO CREDIT: MARIA ESPINALMany students at <strong>Coral</strong> <strong>Reef</strong> have extensive collections of anime novels.These novels are written like comic books, and are read from left to right.These comic books are series, many of them consist of over 50 editions.subtitles.What is the big deal about watchinganime in its original language? Isn’t iteasier just to watch it dubbed, where youdon’t have to focus half of your attention onreading the subtitles? Questions like theseare very common among anime fans, butmost would agree that because anime is aform of art, any alteration to its originalitywould ruin its entire quality.Remember toMOPP(Main Idea)With dubbing, people have theopportunity to fully immerse themselvesin the anime as opposed to splitting theirattention between the subtitles and theactual characters.Whatever point of view people haveon how they watch anime, it is sure thatindividuals all over the world appreciatethe detailed, lively form of animated artthat made its origins in Japan.What is the main idea? What is it allabout?(Organization)How did the writer organizehis ideas?(Purpose)What was the author’spurpose?(Point of <strong>View</strong>)What point of view does thewriter have?.... and MOPP

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