Avamar 5.0 Exchange Client User Guide.pdf - EMC Community ...

Avamar 5.0 Exchange Client User Guide.pdf - EMC Community ...

Avamar 5.0 Exchange Client User Guide.pdf - EMC Community ...


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Windows <strong>Exchange</strong> Database Plugin OptionsAPPENDIX A — PLUG-IN OPTIONSRestore OptionsFIELD/OPTIONPerformDatabaseRecovery afterrestore making<strong>Exchange</strong>consistentWait forDatabaseRecovery toCompleteMount thedatabase(s)aftersuccessfulrestoreKeep logs afterRestoreRestore logspathAdjust for gapswhen existinglog files arenot contiguousMove logs pathRecoveryStorage GroupNameRedirectedstorage grouppathDESCRIPTIONPerforms soft recovery (performs a consistency checkand prepares to put the database online) after databaseis restored. This is the default setting.If Perform Database Recovery after restore making<strong>Exchange</strong> consistent is selected, specifies whether towait for the recovery process to complete or completethe restore session asynchronously with the recoveryprocess. Dependent on the previous option. This is thedefault setting.If selected, databases will be mounted following asuccessful restore. This is not the default setting.If selected, restore log files are written to the locationspecified in the Restore logs path field.Specifies location for restore log files. Specify thisalternative location C:\TMP if drive is low on disk space.If selected, restore operation will include a check forcontiguous log files error and will correct the error. This isthe default setting.Specifies location for keeping old restore log files.Existing log files are moved to this location prior to therestore operation. This prevents log file conflicts duringrestore.Specifies Recovery Storage Group that will be createdduring the restore operation. Default name is RSG.Specifies location for redirect restores that include aRecovery Storage Group. The Recovery Storage Groupname specified in the Recovery Storage Group Namefield is created under this location.AVAMAR <strong>5.0</strong> • AVAMAR EXCHANGE CLIENT USER GUIDE 74

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