Avamar 5.0 Exchange Client User Guide.pdf - EMC Community ...

Avamar 5.0 Exchange Client User Guide.pdf - EMC Community ... Avamar 5.0 Exchange Client User Guide.pdf - EMC Community ...

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Typeface ConventionsFOREWORDYour CommentsYour suggestions will help us continue to improve the accuracy, organization andoverall quality of our publications. You may email your comments to:BSGDocumentation@emc.comPlease include the following information:• Product name and version• Document name, part number, and revision (for example, A01)• Page numbers• Other details that will help us address the documentation issueTypeface ConventionsThe following table provides examples of standard typeface styles used in thispublication to convey various kinds of information.EXAMPLEClick OK.orSelect File > Close.Type:cd /tmp--logfile=FILEInstallation Complete.DESCRIPTIONBold text denotes actual buttons, commands,menus and options that initiate action.Sequential commands are separated by a greaterthan(>) character. For example, the secondexample instructs you to select the Closecommand from the File menu.Bold fixed-width text denotes shell commands thatmust be entered exactly as they appear.All caps text often denotes a placeholder (token)for an actual value that must be supplied by theuser. In this example, FILE would be an actualfilename.Regular (not bold) fixed-width text denotescommand shell messages, code and file contents.AVAMAR 5.0 • AVAMAR EXCHANGE CLIENT USER GUIDE 6

FOREWORDNotes, Tips, and WarningsThe following kinds of notes, tips, and warnings appear in this publication:IMPORTANT: This is a warning. Warnings always containinformation that if not heeded could result in unpredictablesystem behavior or loss of data.TIP: This is a tip. Tips present optional information intendedto improve your productivity or otherwise enhance yourexperience with the product. Tips never contain informationthat will cause a failure if ignored.NOTE: This is a general note. Notes contain ancillary informationintended to clarify a topic or procedure. Notes nevercontain information that will cause a failure if ignored.AVAMAR 5.0 • AVAMAR EXCHANGE CLIENT USER GUIDE 7

FOREWORDNotes, Tips, and WarningsThe following kinds of notes, tips, and warnings appear in this publication:IMPORTANT: This is a warning. Warnings always containinformation that if not heeded could result in unpredictablesystem behavior or loss of data.TIP: This is a tip. Tips present optional information intendedto improve your productivity or otherwise enhance yourexperience with the product. Tips never contain informationthat will cause a failure if ignored.NOTE: This is a general note. Notes contain ancillary informationintended to clarify a topic or procedure. Notes nevercontain information that will cause a failure if ignored.AVAMAR <strong>5.0</strong> • AVAMAR EXCHANGE CLIENT USER GUIDE 7

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