Avamar 5.0 Exchange Client User Guide.pdf - EMC Community ...

Avamar 5.0 Exchange Client User Guide.pdf - EMC Community ... Avamar 5.0 Exchange Client User Guide.pdf - EMC Community ...

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Recovering an Entire Exchange Database or One or More Exchange Message FoldersRECOVERY (RESTORE) OF EXCHANGE SERVER 2007 OR 2003 WITH THE EXCHANGE CLIENT8. Select Actions > Restore Now or click the toolbar icon shownimmediately to the left.The Restore Options dialog box appears.9. Review your restore settings.Clicking Cancel returns you to the Backup and Restore window where youcan modify your restore selections.10. If you want to change your restore destination choices, select or type thefollowing:FIELD/OPTIONRestore Everythingto its originallocationRestore Everythingto a differentlocationBrowse for Client/DestinationRestore Plug-in TypeDESCRIPTIONRestore Everything to its original location isthe default destination — all files are restored tooriginal client in the original top-level (root)directory.Restore Everything to a different locationallows you to specify another client.Click Browse to locate a client or directory forthe restore. You can also type this informationdirectly in the Absolute Destination field.Restore Plug-in Type specifies which client plug-inwill be used to perform this restore. The defaultchoice is the same plug-in used to take theoriginal backup.AVAMAR 5.0 • AVAMAR EXCHANGE CLIENT USER GUIDE 62

Recovering an Entire Exchange Database or One or More Exchange Message FoldersRECOVERY (RESTORE) OF EXCHANGE SERVER 2007 OR 2003 WITH THE EXCHANGE CLIENTFIELD/OPTIONEncryption MethodDESCRIPTIONEncryption method specifies the encryptionmethod used for client/server data transferduring this restore. Choices are:HighMediumNoneStrongest available encryption settingfor that specific client platform.Medium strength encryption.No encryption.NOTE: The exact encryption technology and bitstrength used for any given client-serverconnection is dependent on a number of factors,including the client platform and Avamar serverversion. Refer to your Avamar Product SecurityGuide for additional information.TIP: If you want to include plug-in options with this restore,click More Options, then select or clear the desired optionsand type new values where applicable.Refer to Plug-in Options (page 73) for a complete list of supportedExchange plug-in options.11. If you have selected the most recent backup, skip the following substepsand proceed to step 12.If you have selected a backup prior to the most recent backup, click MoreOptions.The Restore Command Line Options dialog box appears.When you restore a backup prior to the most recent backup, there will be agap in the transaction log sequence between the current log file and the logfiles for the selected earlier backup. Use the following substeps to adjustfor those gaps:(a) In Logs Options, select Adjust for gaps when existing log file isnot contiguous.(b) In Move logs path, specify a location where the existing log files canbe moved to.When these options are selected, if Avamar detects that the current logfiles are out of sequence they are moved to the specified location andthe restore proceeds without the out of sequence error.(c) Click OK.The Restore Command Line Options dialog box closes.12. Click OK.The Restore Options dialog box closes and the following status messageappears: Restore initiated.13. Click OK.AVAMAR 5.0 • AVAMAR EXCHANGE CLIENT USER GUIDE 63

Recovering an Entire <strong>Exchange</strong> Database or One or More <strong>Exchange</strong> Message FoldersRECOVERY (RESTORE) OF EXCHANGE SERVER 2007 OR 2003 WITH THE EXCHANGE CLIENT8. Select Actions > Restore Now or click the toolbar icon shownimmediately to the left.The Restore Options dialog box appears.9. Review your restore settings.Clicking Cancel returns you to the Backup and Restore window where youcan modify your restore selections.10. If you want to change your restore destination choices, select or type thefollowing:FIELD/OPTIONRestore Everythingto its originallocationRestore Everythingto a differentlocationBrowse for <strong>Client</strong>/DestinationRestore Plug-in TypeDESCRIPTIONRestore Everything to its original location isthe default destination — all files are restored tooriginal client in the original top-level (root)directory.Restore Everything to a different locationallows you to specify another client.Click Browse to locate a client or directory forthe restore. You can also type this informationdirectly in the Absolute Destination field.Restore Plug-in Type specifies which client plug-inwill be used to perform this restore. The defaultchoice is the same plug-in used to take theoriginal backup.AVAMAR <strong>5.0</strong> • AVAMAR EXCHANGE CLIENT USER GUIDE 62

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