Index of Gravity Surveys - Geoscience Australia

Index of Gravity Surveys - Geoscience Australia

Index of Gravity Surveys - Geoscience Australia


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Grd Elev Meth:‣ AHD – <strong>Australia</strong>n Height Datum.‣ LAD – Local arbitrary datum: a non– standard datum.‣ LSL – Local sea level used in marine surveys.‣ MMBW – Melbourne Metropolitan Board <strong>of</strong> Works datum.‣ MSL – Mean Sea Level.‣ NSWRL – New South Wales Railway datum.‣ SAT – Heights based on geocentric satellite measurements.‣ VRL – Victorian Railway datum.‣ WARL – Western <strong>Australia</strong>n Railway datum.The technique used to measure or determine the station groundelevation.Loc Acc:Loc Meth:‣ ALT – Value measured by aircraft altimeter.‣ COM – Combination <strong>of</strong> two or more methods.‣ DRB – Digitally recording barometer technique.‣ EST – Value estimated.‣ FOS – First order geodetic height determination.‣ GPH – Hand held GPS value.‣ GPS – Value derived from post processed or real time dualfrequency GPS recording.‣ ITM – Ice thickness removed to obtain ground elevation.‣ MAP – Value selected <strong>of</strong>f a topographic map.‣ MIB – Micro-barometer recording technique.‣ PGE – Value computed from pressure gauge readings.‣ PHG – Value determined by photogrammetry.‣ RUC – As RUL, but a pre-determined measurement usedthroughout the survey.‣ RUL – <strong>Gravity</strong> meter height above ground surface measuredby ruler.‣ SAT – Value derived from satellite measurements.‣ SON – Water depth derived from sonar recording.‣ SUR – Value determined by optical surveying methods ortaken at surveyed points.‣ TOS – Third order geodetic height determination, generally abenchmark.The accuracy or error, expressed in metres, in determining the stationposition.The technique used to determine station position.‣ COM – Combination <strong>of</strong> two or more methods.‣ DIG – Positions digitised from base maps derived from airphoto station plots.‣ EST – Positions estimated from maps without fixed scale orroughly plotted locations.‣ FOS – First order geodetic positioning.‣ GPH – Positions recorded from a hand held GPS receiver.‣ GPS – Positions derived from post processed or real time dualfrequency GPS recording.‣ MAN – Positions manually scaled from base maps. Stations27 January 2006 © Copyright <strong>Geoscience</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> 2006 x

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