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Publikationen - Frauenklinik


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Mueller A, Siemer J, Renner S, Hoffmann I, Maltaris T, Binder H, BeckmannMW, Dittrich RPerfused non-pregnant swine uteri: a model for evaluating transportmechanisms to the side bearing the dominant follicle in humansJ Reprod Dev. 2006 Oct;52(5):617-24. Epub 2006 Jul 1Ackermann S, Lux MP, Fasching PA, Strissel P, Renner SP, Poehls U, Bender HG,Beckmann MWAcceptance for preventive genetic testing and prophylactic surgery in womenwith a family history of breast and gynaecological cancerEur J Cancer Prev. 2006 Dec, 15 (6):474-9Renner SP, Oppelt P, Binder H, Beckmann MWEndometrioseFrauenheilkunde up2date, Thieme Verlag, 2007, 1, S. 15-33Haug T, Kessler HP, Malur S, Renner SP, Ackermann S, Beckmann MW, Oppelt PComparision of the combined vaginal-laparoscopic technique with primarylaparotomy in the removal of rectal endometriosis via an anterior rectalresectionGynecol Surg 2007; 4: 17-24Renner SPDysmenorrhö bei Teenagern – ein unterschätztes ErkrankungsbildGynäkologie + Geburtshilfe 2007, 6: 49-51

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