1960 - Wagga Wagga High School

1960 - Wagga Wagga High School 1960 - Wagga Wagga High School

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You can bank on the "Wales"for a successfulCAREERYOUNG MENBecause it is constantly expanding in Australia and throughout thePacific, the Bank of New South Wales offers ambitious young menspecialized training and excellent opportunities to obtain responsiblepositions at an early age. The Bank regards every new junior as apotential executive .• GOOD PROMOTION • GOOD SALARIES • PRESTIGE. SECURITYYOUNG LADIES join the nicest girls - in bankingThere are opportuOltIes for young ladies in interesting, well-paidpositions. The Bank is one of the most highly-mechanized in Australiaand it will train young ladies entering its service as Accounting andLedger Machinists at its own school. Other interesting positionsinclude stenographer/ typist, clerk/typist, and general clerical duties.Excellent conditions and amenities• Good salaries based on age and educational standard. Higher thanaward salaries are paid to officers with special ability.• Opportunities for advancement.• Three weeks' annual recreation leave and liberal sick leave on full pay.• An excellent pension scheme.• A generous non-contributory medical benefits scheme.• Congenial working conditions and friendly staff relationships.• Security - your future is assured.Applicams, who have passed the Intermediate Certificate (or Leaving Certificate),or those who expect to pass the Intermediate Certificate this year, are invited toopply now to Ihe Manoger at the nearest branch or to the Staff Manager, Bank ofNew South Wales, 341 George Street, Sydney. There is no entrance examinalion.FIRST BANK IN AUSTRALIAA GREAT AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTIONSRAS906 B

The ContinentalThis year the annual continental was held23rd March and it was the most success[ulr held for it made an all-time record profit£636. This included the £25 donated byTuckshop as a result of the serving ofper.The lIsllal stalls operated by the P. & C.produce, sweets, cakes, drinks and others.Other forms of entertainment were organbythe pupils competing in their respectiveuses, for the highest taking of funds. Thening house was Sturt, which raised £10,owed by Hargreaves £31, Farrer £30 andcarthllr £20.As usual the -dance made the highest profitth final takings o[ £44. A new entertainmentlure was a Rock 'n' Roll exhibition stagedmembers of the Ag. College "Down Beats"Wagga "Dead Beats." This resulted in thend highest takings of £33.Another highlight of the fete was the MockCourt organised by John Krummel. This pro·vided many laughts at the expense of the accusedteachers and resulted in a profit of £26.The boxing and the film both took anamount of £21 for the night.The Kapooka Military Band provided amusical recital for the appreciative crowd andwe wish to extend OUT thanks to the membersof the band for a very pleasing session.An added attraction was the Rogues' Gal·lery. This contained photos of the teachers intheir younger days and took the £onn of aguessing competitIon with" a prize for the firstcompleted entry.Other entertainments were the Museum.containing many interesting objects. the Scienceexhibition in which pupHs assisted. the FortuneTelling. Pen and Pencil and Darts.Everyone appears to enjoy themselves thor·oughly and we wish to thank all those whoparticipated in this very successful event."Brigadoon." High School's Musical Pro·ction for 1960, was a big step lip fromything previously attempted.As usual. Mr. Allen, Miss Andrews, Mr.orrison, lVII'S. Wildman and Mr. TrirnbleBy did a magnificent job producing and con·ucting the numerous rehearsals.Diana Pierce rendered her usual delightfulrformance as the leading lady, Fiona McLaren.mbining: singing and acting very competently.alev Margus did a creditable job in the diffi·cult role of the hero Tommy Albright.Fraser Ainsworth played the part of the),oung Scot, with enthusiasm and gusto, whileSally .Johnston made a charming bride anddanced the solo in the production.John Krummel pllt on an outstanding per·fOl"lnance, anct together with Lyn Harris, suppliedthe excellent comedy relief."THE HILL""Brigadoon"Other principals included Archie Steel.Keith Bird, John Vizzard. Alan Sceats and!larry Craze. and were backed up by a largelusty chorus.As usual, our sincere thanks go to lV£issAllon. Mr. Condron, Miss !lush, the Orchestra.and their various helpers. who gave up muchof their valuable time. Thanks, too, to Mr.Barton, for the lighting. Helen Swan did awonderful job helping Miss Andrews at thepiano. Ivfiss Bennett must not be forgonen forshe gave the principals grounding in their~ongs.A special thank you to Mrs. Harvey, whotrained the ballet, which provided a varietyin the show. This is the first of the eightmusicals that the school has done in which aballet was featured. and it was a tremendoussuccess.,Thanks and congratulations everybody, fora big job well done.Tlti1"teen

You can bank on the "Wales"for a successfulCAREERYOUNG MENBecause it is constantly expanding in Australia and throughout thePacific, the Bank of New South Wales offers ambitious young menspecialized training and excellent opportunities to obtain responsiblepositions at an early age. The Bank regards every new junior as apotential executive .• GOOD PROMOTION • GOOD SALARIES • PRESTIGE. SECURITYYOUNG LADIES join the nicest girls - in bankingThere are opportuOltIes for young ladies in interesting, well-paidpositions. The Bank is one of the most highly-mechanized in Australiaand it will train young ladies entering its service as Accounting andLedger Machinists at its own school. Other interesting positionsinclude stenographer/ typist, clerk/typist, and general clerical duties.Excellent conditions and amenities• Good salaries based on age and educational standard. <strong>High</strong>er thanaward salaries are paid to officers with special ability.• Opportunities for advancement.• Three weeks' annual recreation leave and liberal sick leave on full pay.• An excellent pension scheme.• A generous non-contributory medical benefits scheme.• Congenial working conditions and friendly staff relationships.• Security - your future is assured.Applicams, who have passed the Intermediate Certificate (or Leaving Certificate),or those who expect to pass the Intermediate Certificate this year, are invited toopply now to Ihe Manoger at the nearest branch or to the Staff Manager, Bank ofNew South Wales, 341 George Street, Sydney. There is no entrance examinalion.FIRST BANK IN AUSTRALIAA GREAT AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTIONSRAS906 B

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