who medicines strategy - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

who medicines strategy - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization who medicines strategy - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

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WHO MEDICINES STRATEGY 2004-2007 | 18OUR GOALOur vision is that peopleeverywhere have access to theessential medicines they need;that the medicines are safe,effective, and of good quality;and that the medicines areprescribed and used rationally.WHO’s goal in medicines is to help save lives andimprove health by ensuring the quality, efficacy,safety and rational use of medicines, includingtraditional medicines, particularly for the poorand disadvantaged.The challenge for WHO in 2004-2007 is tocontinue to interpret the concept of essentialmedicines via a strategy and activities that reflectboth the ongoing issues and the current highprofile issues around access to, financing, andquality of medicines.This document sets out the WHO MedicinesStrategy for the years 2004-2007. The title ofthe document acknowledges the fact that all theactivities should benefit countries, which remainat the core of our work. Countries at the coreexpresses the current wider vision of WHO aswell as acknowledging the fact that over the past25 years the activities of the Essential Drugs andMedicine Policy (EDM) department have beenfocused on countries.The WHO Medicines Strategy 2000-2003 (WMS2000-2003) was anchored in WHO’s constitutionand the numerous resolutions adopted by theWorld Health Assembly (WHA) which haveguided WHO’s work in the medicines area for

MEDICINES AND PUBLIC HEALTH | 19many years. In May 2001 the WHA endorsedthe WMS 2000-2003 (Resolution WHA54.11).Progress in the implementation of WMS 2000-2003 has been measured by a set of 26 indicators.For most of these, indicator status as of 1999 wasincluded, against which targets for 2003 were set.Table 5 in chapter 4 sets out the new indicatorsfor the latest Strategy, together with the status asof 1999 and 2003, where available, and the newtargets for 2007.the work of Member States “in formulatingnational policies and regulations on traditionalmedicine and complementary and alternativemedicine.”The WHO Medicines Strategy 2004-2007 (WMS2004-2007) is an update of WMS 2000-2003. It isthe result of a global WHO consultation exerciseinvolving WHO headquarters, regional offices,and country offices. It takes into account morerecent WHA resolutions (WHA 55.14, May 2002,WHA 56.27, WHA 56.31, both May 2003) whichconsider the evolving international context. WHA56.27 “Intellectual property rights, innovationand public health” requests WHO’s Director-General to support Member States in efforts toimprove access to medicines “in the exchangeand transfer of technology and research findings…in the context of paragraph 7 of the DohaDeclaration” and to “monitor and analyse thepharmaceutical and public health implications ofrelevant international agreements…” WHA 56.31Traditional Medicine, requests WHO to facilitate

MEDICINES AND PUBLIC HEALTH | 19many years. In May 2001 the WHA endorsedthe WMS 2000-2003 (Resolution WHA54.11).Progress in the implementation of WMS 2000-2003 has been measured by a set of 26 indicators.For most of these, indicator status as of 1999 wasincluded, against which targets for 2003 were set.Table 5 in chapter 4 sets out the new indicatorsfor the latest Strategy, together with the status asof 1999 and 2003, where available, and the newtargets for 2007.the work of Member States “in formulatingnational policies and regulations on traditionalmedicine and complementary and alternativemedicine.”The WHO Medicines Strategy 2004-2007 (WMS2004-2007) is an update of WMS 2000-2003. It isthe result of a global WHO consultation exerciseinvolving WHO headquarters, regional offices,and country offices. It takes <strong>int</strong>o account morerecent WHA resolutions (WHA 55.14, May 2002,WHA 56.27, WHA 56.31, both May 2003) whichconsider the evolving <strong>int</strong>ernational context. WHA56.27 “Intellectual property rights, innovationand public health” requests WHO’s Director-General to support Member States in efforts toimprove access to <strong>medicines</strong> “in the exchangeand transfer of technology and research findings…in the context of paragraph 7 of the DohaDeclaration” and to “monitor and analyse thepharmaceutical and public health implications ofrelevant <strong>int</strong>ernational agreements…” WHA 56.31Traditional Medicine, requests WHO to facilitate

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