who medicines strategy - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

who medicines strategy - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization who medicines strategy - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

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WHO MEDICINES STRATEGY 2004-2007 | 138Figure 30: Creation, synthesis, and dissemination of knowledgeStimulating strategic and operational researchCreate knew knowledge, through networking and collaboration, to meet presentand future challenges relating to pharmaceuticals; and identify innovative andviable approaches to ensure access to, and the quality and appropriate use ofmedicines.Articulating and advocating policy optionsDevelop and disseminate needs-driven, ethical, evidence-based and actionorientedpolicy options to help countries — confronted with many difficultdecisions in a changing global context — manage their pharmaceutical sector andincrease its contribution to public health.Developing norms and standardsDevelop norms and standards as a foundation for the effective regulation, control,manufacture, and sale of medicines, and to guide international harmonization ofthe pharmaceutical trade.Producing guidelines and practical toolsProvide policy-makers and essential medicines managers with practical guidelinesand tools for implementing the components of a national medicine policy andfor promoting capacity-building, particularly when there is a lack of nationalpharmaceutical experts.Developing human resourcesBuild country capacity to effectively implement the various components of anational medicine policy by developing clear guidelines on the human resourcesrequired, ensuring that undergraduate and postgraduate curricula for all healthprofessions incorporate the essential medicines concept, and developing andpromoting in-service training and supervision for health staff at all levels.Managing informationSynthesize and disseminate information on pharmaceutical issues, includingassessing trends, comparing performance, and monitoring the potential impacts onhealth of global economic, social or political developments.



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