who medicines strategy - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

who medicines strategy - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization

who medicines strategy - libdoc.who.int - World Health Organization


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COMPONENTS OF THE STRATEGY | 125problem-based approach to rationalprescribing based on WHO’s Guideto Good Prescribing.> Pharmacoeconomics, incollaboration with the Universityof Newcastle, Australia. This courseteaches how to do economicevaluation in medicine selection.> Medicine policy issues fordeveloping countries, incollaboration with BostonUniversity, USA. This courseteaches about general <strong>medicines</strong>policy including aspects relatingto promoting more rational use of<strong>medicines</strong>.> ATC/DDD methodology formedicine consumption, incollaboration with the WHOCollaborating Centre for DrugStatistics Methodology. Thiscourse provides an <strong>int</strong>roductionto the application of ATC/DDDmethodology in measuringmedicine consumption.Challenges remainingIn many undergraduate medical curricula thereis insufficient focus on clinical pharmacotherapyand problem-based teaching methods are notused. As a result, traditional training programmesfor health professionals do not prepare themadequately for the rational use of <strong>medicines</strong> inhealth care.Meeting the challenges 2004-2007Over the next four years WHO will:> advocate for and support the inclusionof problem-based and skills-basedpharmacotherapy teaching in undergraduateand postgraduate training programmes forhealth professionals.> support an evaluation of the prescribinghabits of doctors and prescribers <strong>who</strong>received problem-based pharmacotherapytraining compared with those <strong>who</strong> didnot. Such evaluation can be used toadvocate for more appropriate training onclinical pharmacotherapy teaching at bothundergraduate and postgraduate levels.OUTCOME INDICATORS1999 2003 2007No. of countries that include the concept of essential<strong>medicines</strong> in basic curricula for medicine and / orpharmacy#REPORTING % TARGET#REPORTING % TARGETna na na 72/88 82% 85%

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