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Nimsoft DocumentationNimsoft Probes – Technical Descriptioncisco_nxos v1.1x Probe DocumentationLast Update: 16 December 2011Copyright© 1998-2011, Nimsoft Corporationwww.nimsoft.comNimsoft Documentation: cisco_nxos v1.1x

<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong><strong>Nimsoft</strong> Probes – Technical Descriptioncisco_nxos v1.1x Probe <strong>Documentation</strong>Last Update: 16 December 2011Copyright© 1998-2011, <strong>Nimsoft</strong><strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

ContentsDocument History 3Prerequisites and Supported Platforms 4Requirements .........................................................................................................................................4Installation Notes....................................................................................................................................4Upgradation Notes .................................................................................................................................4cisco_nxos 5Overview ................................................................................................................................................5The cisco_nxos GUI .................................................................................................................................6The left pane ....................................................................................................................................6The right pane ..................................................................................................................................7The tool buttons ...............................................................................................................................8cisco_nxos Configuration ........................................................................................................................9General Setup...................................................................................................................................9MIB Setup Wizard ...........................................................................................................................10Creating a new group .....................................................................................................................12Creating a new agent ......................................................................................................................13Creating a Profile ............................................................................................................................13Creating custom monitors ..............................................................................................................16Using Templates .............................................................................................................................25AutoConfiguration ..........................................................................................................................27Fetching the current SNMP variable values .....................................................................................30<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

Document HistoryVersion Date What’s new?Version 1.02 25-Feb-2011 GUI refresh rate when "fetch values" is pressedShow translated state/status valuesAutoconfiguration and templates(including wild card)supportVersion 1.10 27-Jul-2011 Updated screen shots according to the new version.Version 1.11 05-Dec-2011 Updated for screen shots and Retries and Timeout defaultvalues.Version 1.12 16-Dec-2011 Added note for upfradation from older versions to v1.12<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

Prerequisites and Supported PlatformsRequirementsSupported DevicesCisco NX (1000, 5000, 7000) and MDSseries devices.Operating system Windows NT/2K/XP/2K3/Vista (32/64bit), Solaris 8,9,10 (sparc), Linux (32/64bit)Installation NotesInstall the package into your local archiveDrop the package from your local archive onto the targeted robot(s)Double-click the probe for initial configuration.Upgradation NotesWhile upgrading cisco_nxos from any older version to version 1.12, you mustmanually delete the checkpoints "PowerSuppyStatus" and "FRUCurrent" as thesecheckpoints are moved from Power Supply to Modules node in version 1.12.Note: This is only applicable for upgradation and not for fresh installation.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

cisco_nxosThis description applies to cisco_nxos probe version 1.12OverviewThe <strong>Nimsoft</strong> Cisco NXOS probe performs SNMP GET queries to selected CiscoNX/MDS devices transforming the query results into alarms and/or Quality ofService for SLA purposes.The user may configure the profile to his/her requirements in order tointegrate the device seamlessly into the <strong>Nimsoft</strong> monitoring solution. TheCisco NXOS probe includes a UI to configure the probe.The probe supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3.Features:The probe comes with a set of predefined SNMP OID variablesavailable on most Cisco NX/MDS devices.The probe monitors the following parameters:CPU and memory usage, State of temperatures, fans, powersupply, voltages, modules and sensorsThe probe supports dynamic indexing.The probe currently monitors the Cisco NX (1000, 5000, and7000) and MDS 9200 series devices.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

The cisco_nxos GUIDouble-click the line representing the probe in the Infrastructure Manager tobring up the GUI. The GUI will initially appear with only a default group, QoSand Template.The window consists of a row of tool buttons and two windowpanes.The left paneThe left pane shows the monitoring groups defined and the QoS definitions.During the initial probe configuration, the default Agent is created and willappear in the pane.GroupsUsing groups makes the management easier when monitoring largeconfigurations. You can create new groups by right-clicking a group andselecting New Group (or by clicking the New Group tool button).ProfilesOne or more profiles can be defined for each checkpoint. You cancreate new profiles by clicking the New Profile tool button.QoSBy default, there are no QoS listed in the probe GUI. You cancreate new QoS entries for a particular monitor as per therequirement. These entries are listed under the QoS node in thetree view.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

The right paneThe contents of the right pane depend on what you select in the left pane:QoS definitions when the QoS sub-node is selected in the left-pane.Profiles when a checkpoint is selected in the left-pane.Monitors when a profile is selected in the left-pane.When the checkpoints are listed in the pane:Right-clicking in the list opens a small menu, giving you thefollowing options:New MonitorOpens the checkpoint dialog, allowing you to define a newresource.Double click a checkpointOpens the variable properties dialog for the selected checkpoint,allowing you to modify the properties.Delete MonitorDeletes the selected checkpoint.When the profiles are listed in the pane:Right-clicking in the list opens a small menu, giving you thefollowing options:NewOpens the Profiles dialog, allowing you to define a new resource.See the section Creating a Profile.EditOpens the Profiles dialog for the selected resource, allowing youto modify the properties. See the section Creating a Profile.DeleteDeletes the selected profile.ActivateActivates the selected profile.DeactivateDeactivates the selected profile.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

cisco_nxos ConfigurationGeneral SetupClicking the General Setup button opens the Setup dialog.FieldDefault alarmmessage stringDefault samplesarrayGlobal intervalRetriesMax ThreadsQoS SourceDescriptionEnter the default text for alarm messageEnter the number of items to be considered in asample arrayEnter a global timeout interval for all profilesSpecify the maximum number of permissible retriesSpecify the maximum number of threads that will bemonitoredSpecify the location for QoS source<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

FieldLog sizeGet Status TimeoutLog LevelDescriptionEnter the maximum size (in KB) for the log file afterwhich new log file will be createdEnter the time interval to fetch the values ofvarialbles. After the defined number of seconds, theprobe will fetch the value of variables till the Get thecurrent SNMP variable values button on the menu isclickedChoose the depth of detail to which logs will bemonitoredMIB Setup WizardMIB Setup Wizard enables you to install and manage the SNMP MIB files.1. From the probe toolbar, click Launch MIB Setup Wizard button.The MIB Setup Wizard is launched.2. Click Next to proceed with the setup.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

3. Click the button to add an MIB file. Click button toremove the selected MIB file.4. After adding/removing the MIB files, click Next to proceed.5. Select the Reload new MIB on Finish checkbox.6. On clicking Finish, the changes made to MIB directory are reflected inthe probe.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

Creating a new groupYou may create a new group by selecting the New group button in the menubar.The new group will appear in the pane with the name New Group.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

Right-click the new group and select Rename to give the group a name ofyour own choice.Creating a new agentYou can create a new agent by right-clicking a group from the tree view andselecting New Agent option from the context menu.Creating a ProfileNormally, all the node/server combinations are detected and added duringthe resource wizard.You may also create new profiles by right-clicking the profile and selectingNew or edit the properties for an existing profile by right-clicking the profileand selecting Edit.This brings up the Profile dialog where the following properties can beedited.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

FieldAgenthostname or IPaddressActiveCheck IntervalSeverityGroupDescriptionThe host name or IP address to the agent.Check this box if you want to activate the profile tomonitor the selected SNMP Host.Here you can specify the time interval (in minutes)between each time the SNMP agent is checked.Here you can select the severity for messages sent if theagent host does not respond.Here you can select in which agent group to place theagent.SNMP SettingsSNMP versionAuthenticationSNMP software version number supported by themonitored device.Type of authentication strategy (none, HMAC-MD5-96or HMAC-SHA-96). This field is available only when theSNMP version is SNMPv3.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

FieldDescriptionPort The port to be used by the SNMP device. Default is 161.TimeoutRetriesCommunityPasswordUsernameShowPasswordSecurityPriv. ProtocolPriv.PassphraseThe timeout value in seconds before a new SNMP Getrequest is sent to the SNMP agent. The default value is0 second.Select the number attempts to be done before giving upand reporting it as a failure. An alarm is issued. Defaultvalue is -1 retries.Here you specify a password for the profile.Here you can specify a username defined on themonitored device. This field is available only when theSNMP version is SNMPv3.When checked, the entry in the password field is shownas plain text.Define the security level for the user. Valid levels areNoAuthNoPriv, AuthNoPriv, and AuthPriv. This field isavailable only when the SNMP version is SNMPv3.It is the privacy protocol for the SNMP. It is not requiredif the security level is NoAuthNoPriv or AuthNoPriv. Thisfield is available only when the SNMP version isSNMPv3.It is the privacy passphrase. It is not required if thesecurity level is NoAuthNoPriv or AuthNoPriv. It must beat least eight characters long. This field is available onlywhen the SNMP version is SNMPv3.IdentificationQoSIdentificationMethodAlarmIdentificationMethodTestSelect one of the QoS identification methods in order tospecify the QoS source.By default, this value is set toHost Address.Select one of the Alarm identification methods in orderto specify the Alarm source.By default, this value is setto Host Address.Click the Test button to check whether the SNMP host isresponding or not.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

Creating custom monitorsYou can only create and edit custom monitors. Perform the following stepsto create a custom monitor.1. In the tree view, navigate to the Custom Monitor.2. Right-click in the right-hand pane and select New Monitor optionfrom the context menu.3. Variable Properties dialog appears. Configure the properties asdescribed below.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

FieldNameObjectIdentifier(OID)DescriptionDescriptionThe name of the variableThe Variable name in the format of an Object IdentifierHere you can enter a description of the variable. Clickingthe arrow to the right of the field opens a frame with anOID description fetched from MIB. You may copy/paste<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

FieldDescriptiontext from this frame and paste into the Description field.If the variable indicates a status, then in OID descriptionyou can find the meaning of each status.For example: Syntax INTEGER {up(1), down(2), testing(3),unknown(4), dormant(5), notPresent(6),lowerLayerDown(7) }The same status along with the meaning is displayed underthe Value column in the variable list.Value PropertiesDefinitionDefining which value to compare to the threshold value:Automatic (based on type):The value is automatically set based on variable type(integer, counter etc.).When Automatic is chosen, the probe – based on datatype— either fetches the current value or makes a deltacalculation.For the following data types a delta calculation isperformed: counter32 and counter64.For all other data types, the current value is fetched.The current value:Uses the current (last measured) valueThe delta value (current – previous):Uses the delta value, which is the difference between thecurrent and the previous measured value.Note: The main window displays a 3-second deltacomputation.SamplesSampling defines normalized value for a performanceobject to be monitored.By default, the sampling process is not enabled. Thesamples box is also not available. To perform the samplingprocess, select the Calculate average based on check box.The samples box becomes available, which displaysdefault samples set in the General Setup Propertiesdialog. For example, in the following image, it is six.You can change the number of samples. Enter a valueother than zero or one in the samples box, to override thedefault sample value for any variable. This value has higher<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

FieldDescriptionprecedence than the default value of the number ofsamples, set in the General Setup Properties dialog for aprobe.If you enter number of samples equal to one, thensampling process is not performed. As a result, averagevalue of the variable samples is not calculated.Similarly, if you enter number of samples equal to zero,then sampling is not calculated. Next time when you openthe Variable dialog, it displays the default number ofsamples.You cannot keep the samples box blank. The OK buttonbecomes unavailable if you keep the number of samplesblank.Calculatevalue usingratioForce thevariable valueas a numericvalue typeEnablemonitoringRule / ExtendRule tabsSelect this check box to multiply the variable value with anumber (ratio):E.g. a ratio of 0, 1 (value * 0, 1) means 10 % of the value.Enter the ratio value in the box.Select this option to force the probe to treat a data type asa numeric value.E.g. The string:”2.5” will be treated as the numeric value2.5 if this option is ticked.Enables monitoring of the variableThese tabs are activated when the option EnableMonitoring is selected (see above).The fields on these tabs define the alarm and QoSconditions for the variable.You have the option to use one or two levels of alarmtriggering rules:You define a set of alarm triggering rules on the Rule taband alternatively also a set of additional alarm triggeringrules on the Extended Rule tab.See the EXAMPLE later in this table.IMPORTANT: Rule has to trigger before the extended ruleis checked.Note also that the Extended Rule tab is disabled ifselecting the operator = in the Rule tab.OperatorThresholdA drop-down list, from which you can select an operatorwhen defining a threshold value for alarms to be issuedThe alarm threshold value An alarm is issued if this<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

FieldvalueAlarmseverity levelMessagestringPublishQuality ofService (QoS)QoS NameDescriptionthreshold is breached.The severity level of the alarms issued when the specifiedthreshold value is breached. You may choose between fiveseverity levels (from Information to Critical).Here you can type a text string describing the alarmsituation. If nothing is specified here, the default message(defined under General Properties for the probe) is used.Note that you may also copy/paste text from the OIDDescription frame (see above) and paste into this field.If this option is checked, QoS data is sent at the specifiedcheck interval for the profile.Here you may define a new QoS, you may select thedefault QoS or another available Default QoS for thevariable.EXAMPLE:Rule:Operator =>, Value 5, Severity MajorExtended Rule:Operator =>, Value 10, Severity CriticalThis means: If the measured value is 6, the alarm messagespecified on the Rule tab (severity level Major) is issued.If the measured value is 13, the alarm message specifiedon the Extended Rule tab (severity level Critical) is issued.AdvancedtabSubsystem IDMessagestring onClearAllows you to define a subsystem ID on the Nas), which isincluded in the alarm message.Allows you to define your own message to be issued whenan alarm is cleared. This message overrules the defaultmessage.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

The Missing OID tabThe Missing OID tab manages alarm settings for the missing OIDs.FieldAlarm on missingOIDsSeverity LevelMessage forMissing OID ( ErrorMessage)Message forMissing OID ( ClearMessage)DescriptionSelect this checkbox to raise an alarm when anyOID is missing.Define the alarm severity level by selecting anoption from the drop down menu.Enter the alarm message string to be displayedwhen an OID is missing.Enter the alarm message string to clear theMissing Alarm message.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

Publish Quality of ServiceYou can select to publish Quality of Service data by checking the Publish QoSoption in the properties dialog for a variable. From the drop-down list at thebottom of the dialog, you may select between:The default QoS for the variableDefine and a new QoSSelect one of the defined QoS definitions, if any.Apply the settings by clicking the OK button to exit the dialog and then clickthe Apply button on the Probe User Interface. Subsequently, the QoSappears in the Service Level Manager under the Quality of Service / SNMPvariable / SNMP Variable node.Adding a new Quality of ServiceYou can add new Quality of Service by opening the properties dialog for avariable, checking the Publish Quality of Service option and selecting Add anew QoS Definition from the drop-down list at the bottom of the dialog.The QoS Properties dialog for the variable appears. Define your QoS.Please refer to the section Creating a QoS definition for more details.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

Creating a QoS definitionBy default, there are no QoS listed in the probe GUI. You can create new QoSentries for a particular monitor as per the requirement. These entries arelisted under the QoS node in the tree view. The previously configured QoScan be selected for custom monitors from the drop-down list.1. In the tree view, navigate to the monitor for which you wish tocreate a QoS.2. In the right-hand pane, double-click on the appropriate variable.Variable properties window appears3. In the Publish Quality of Service section, click the QoS Name dropdown.4. Select Add new QoS definition option.5. QoS Properties dialog appears. Configure the QoS parameters asdiscussed below.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

FieldQoS NameQoS GroupQoSDescriptionQoS Unit andUnitAbbreviationHas MaximumvalueDescriptionEnter a name for the QOSSelect the group to which the new QoS will belong. Bydefault, the group is QOS_SNMP_VARIABLEEnter a brief description for the QoSChoose an appropriate unit and its abbreviation for theQoSSelect this checkbox if the QoS will have a maximumvalue. Enter the maximum permissible value in theprovided in text field.6. Click OK to save the QoS. The new QoS will be added under theQoS node in the tree view.7. You can also create a new QoS by right clicking the QoS node inthe left navigation pane.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

Using TemplatesYou can create templates for monitors using the Templates node. From thetree-view, right-click on the Templates node and from the context menu,select New.Template Properties dialog appears. Enter a name for the template and briefdescription for it.Click OK. The new template is added to the tree-view.You can edit or delete a template by right clicking it in the tree view andchoosing the appropriate option from the context menu.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

To apply a template, you can simply drag and drop the template onto newprofiles or groups.Adding monitors to a templateTo add monitors to templates, simply drag and drop the configured monitorsonto a template item in the tree-view.Wildcard or Fixed monitor TemplatesWhen you drag monitors on to a template, you can choose whether tocreate a wildcard template monitor or fixed template monitor.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

If you create a wildcard, then on template deployment, monitors for allcurrent instances of the specified class will be created.A good place to start is to create a wildcard template for one of the fanmodules,and then deploy it to confirm whether monitors are created for allavailable fan-modules in every component.After performing any of the above action, the selected monitors will beassigned to the selected template.AutoConfigurationTo create automonitors, drag and drop a metric (e.g. Moduleup time) on tothe AutoConfiguration node.Apply and restart the probe. The icons indicate that monitors for allavailable metrics are created.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

If a new ModuleUp Time is added, the probe will pick it up and applymonitor. Furthermore, if a new component is inserted, the probe willautomatically create monitors for the ModuleUp Time inside that newcomponent.Static monitors and automonitors:Static monitors override automonitors.You can convert automonitor instances to static monitors ifyou want to treat a particular instance separately (e.g. set adifferent threshold or disable alarming).When you double-click an automonitor, the following message appears.When you click Yes, the Monitor properties dialog appears.<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1xConfigure the require settings as shown and click OK.The selected automonitor now becomes a static monitor, as indicated by itsicon.

Fetching the current SNMP variable valuesYou can check the current values for the SNMP variables by clicking the Getthe current SNMP variable values button from the toolbar. When left-clickinga profile, the current values are be displayed in the Values column.Note the different icons in the Name column in the right windowpane:Monitor - the colour tells the severity level.Report – read only.Counting – some SNMP variables, such as counter32, requires twosnapshots to measure the value. This icon is shown until the secondsnapshot (after approximately 5 seconds) is finished, and then the value isdisplayed in the Value column.N/A – not found on the selected Agent.-Document End-<strong>Nimsoft</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong>: cisco_nxos v1.1x

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