The Routing Table - Cisco Academy

The Routing Table - Cisco Academy The Routing Table - Cisco Academy


2.7 Discard Routes and Avoiding Routing LoopsI have written another document, Discard Routes and Avoiding Routing Loops, which shows apractical example of a routing loop problem that can happen on a network, and how your understandingof the routing table can resolve this common problem. It is a much shorter document, and I think you willfind it both interesting and useful.2.8 Last RemarksI hope you have found this useful document in understanding the routing table and the routing tablelookup process. If you have any comments or questions regarding this document, you may email them tome at would personally like to thank Alex Zinin, author of the book Cisco IP Routing, who’s book opens up theinner-workings of the Cisco IOS to the rest of us.20

2.7 Discard Routes and Avoiding <strong>Routing</strong> LoopsI have written another document, Discard Routes and Avoiding <strong>Routing</strong> Loops, which shows apractical example of a routing loop problem that can happen on a network, and how your understandingof the routing table can resolve this common problem. It is a much shorter document, and I think you willfind it both interesting and useful.2.8 Last RemarksI hope you have found this useful document in understanding the routing table and the routing tablelookup process. If you have any comments or questions regarding this document, you may email them tome at would personally like to thank Alex Zinin, author of the book <strong>Cisco</strong> IP <strong>Routing</strong>, who’s book opens up theinner-workings of the <strong>Cisco</strong> IOS to the rest of us.20

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