PDF. Programme 2010 - CareerCon

PDF. Programme 2010 - CareerCon

PDF. Programme 2010 - CareerCon


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SPEAKERSspectroscopy at the University Pierre et MarieCurie, Paris, France. After two years at UniversityLaval, Quebec, Canada, he worked in thefi eld of ultrasonic propagation and nondestructiveevaluation at the university Paris Diderot,France and at Ohio State University, Columbus,USA. After getting his PhD in 1983 he becamefull Professor and was Director of the IUT from1995 until 2005. He was fi ve times Presidentof the organizing committee of the international“conference on Latin America cooperation andeducation for technical and professional training”.Kristine JurskyKristine Jursky BSc H. in Math & Physics, Masterin energetic, PhD in fl uid mechanics. Personalskills and competences : Pedagogy in Physicalsciences and technology, Research in haemodynamics.Administration management. Academicteam management. International exchanges andinteractions. Head of the Institut Universitaire deTechnologie Paris Jussieu, University DenisDiderot-Paris 7 since 2005.Madli KrispinMadli Krispin is Head of International RelationsOffi ce at Tallinn University of Technology (TUT), isresponsible for organisation of international activities,coordination of international programmesand projects in research and education. Tutoringstaff and students in international exchange inthe fi eld of engineering sciences according tothe economical, political and industrial needs ofEstonia, Nordic and EU and other countries isthe essence of her everyday professional work.Simona LacheSimona Lache is Vice-Rector for Quality Assuranceand International Evaluation at TransilvaniaUniversity of Brasov, Romania. Since 2004 shehas been executive secretary of the EuropeanUniversity – Enterprise Cooperation network,being involved in developing the links betweenthe university and the economic environment atuniversity and European level. Her preoccupationsare mainly directed toward the internationalstudent placements. She is full professor andPhD supervisor at Transilvania University, in thefi eld of Mechanical Engineering.Nadia LeitaoNadia Leitao has a degree in Sociology at ISCEand a degree in recruitment and and Selection atISLA in Lisabon. She started working for the LocalIntervention Technique, PEETI encouragingthe implementation of compulsory education forminors above 15 years of age, since 2004 sheis the Carrer Centre Coordinator at the ISCTEBusiness School in Lisbon.Kennet LindquistKennet Lindquist, CEO for STPKC Swedish Tele-Pedagogic Knowledge Centre , is a highly qualified manager with substantial experience fromlarge-scale international HRD-related projects,within EU as well as different agencies within UnitedNations agencies and Scandinavian bilateralaid organizations. He has been the Presidentof European Lifelong Learning Initiative (ELLI),Vice Chair of the Prometheus initiative, foundingCoordinator of the European LearningCitiesnetwork, board member of the World Computer

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