PDF. Programme 2010 - CareerCon

PDF. Programme 2010 - CareerCon

PDF. Programme 2010 - CareerCon


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SPEAKERSves, who has worked with academics and careerstaff as an educational developer across the UK.He chaired the AGCAS (Association of GraduateCareer Advisory Services) and he was contributorto the Putting Research Outcomes intoPractice (PROF) network run by the HigherEducation Career Service Unit (HECSU).Robert StroblRobert Strobl is the Managing Director & TeamLeader Competence Team Process & StrategyManagement at BOC UnternehmensberatungGmbH. He holds a master’s degree in businessinformatics from the University of Vienna. He hasbeen working for BOC Group since its foundationin 1995. In addition to being the managingdirector of BOC Unternehmensberatung GmbHin Vienna, he is also a member of the managementboard of BOC AG. His consultancy focuslies in the implementation of Business ProcessManagement as well as process based riskand compliance management. His experiencesfocus on requirements analysis and defi nitionof modelling methods in the area of strategicand business-oriented process modelling andanalysis, as well as in the extension of thesemodelling approaches towards process basedapplication development.Sigrid StudlerSigrid Studler is the Head of the Career Centreat the University of Graz, and is responsible forprogramme development, students and alumniguidance, marketing, co-operations and co-ordination.After her master degrees in “BusinessAdministration” and “Business Education” sheworked in the fi elds of marketing and marketresearch. In addition she has been teaching BusinessAdministration, Human Resources Managementand Marketing at WIFI Styria (Institute forAdvanced Training) since 2007.Kitty TriesKitty Triest is a Senior Lecturer at the HagueUniversity since 2006, Account Manager of the“RegioRegisseur” Project targeted at makingthe knowledge and skills of the Hague Universityavailable to small and medium businesses(SME´s)in the region. In 2008 she worked as Coordinatorof Karriere Deutschland internship andjobmarket focused on the Dutch- german vocationlfi eld and she in charge of Zukunft Deutschlandbased on network activities in Germany.Jolanta VaiciunaiteJolanta Vaiciunaite has been director of VilniusUniversity Career Center (Lithuania) since2003. She is responsible for co-ordination andmarketing of the Center’s activities, staff policy,fi nancial management, and networking with companiesand organizations. She has 13 years experiencein managing national and internationalprojects and 7 years experience in developingand modernizing services for students. She hasbeen a Lithuanian representative in the ExecutiveCommittee of International Association FEDORA(European Forum on Student Guidance) since2006. This year she has been appointed by theMinistry of Education and Science of the Republicof Lithuania to manage a national projectdealing with modernization of career managementservices for Lithuanian students.

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