PDF. Programme 2010 - CareerCon

PDF. Programme 2010 - CareerCon

PDF. Programme 2010 - CareerCon


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SPEAKERSFrancesca SaracinoFrancesca Saracino was born and lived for severalyears in the USA before moving to Milan, Italywhere she achieved an MA degree in Linguisticand Cultural Mediation at Università degli Studidi Milano. She started working at Politecnico diMilano’s Career Service in 2008, taking care ofthe organization of the career events on campusand managing relations with internationalcompanies. Today she is in charge of the CareerService’s International Corporate Relations, headingthe creation and development of a networkof valuable international partners with the aim offi nding the best career opportunities for Politecnicodi Milano graduates.Marco ScortiMarco Scorti was born in Milan in 1975, graduatedin Political Sciences and later obtained aSpecializing Master in Human Resources Management.After a 6 years corporate experienceas Recruitment Manager for an internationalbrand - attorney with substantial in-house recruitment& selection and employer branding - hejoined in 2007 the most prestigious TechnicalUniversity in Italy, Politecnico di Milano, being incharge of Career Development: networking withall the major Companies and training organizationsin Italy and abroad focusing on the cooperationwith partners for placement activities andrecruitment of talented undergraduates, organizingand managing Company Career Eventson campus, creating ad-hoc training paths andpromoting training and orientation through innovativevocational guidance tools.Matteo SgarziMatteo Sgarzi is in charge of the InternationalRelations and Project Management at AlmaLaurea,coordinating several European funded projects.After a Master Degree in Political sciencesand History at the University of Bologna hestarted to work in the Education and TrainingSector, fi rst at The Bologna University StatisticalObservatory and since 2004 at AlmaLaurea.The Consorzio Universitario AlmaLaurea facilitatesgraduates access of the Graduates to theItalian and international market.Hans SmetsersHans Smetsers was a career guidance counseloruntil 1986 and he founded the Fontys CareerCentre (1996-2002).He helped establishing the Career Center of TheHague University and founded Icares.Icares stands for International Career and EducationServices. It develops digital instruments forcareer guidance and guidance in education andits main goal is to help students make the rightchoice of study by means of the free study test.It is available on the internet free of charge and(future) students make use of it to fi nd the rightcourse, at the right college in the right country.He also developed Icares Professional, aguidance instrument used by counselors at variouscareer centers in the Netherlands.David StanburyDavid Stanbury is the Director of the CCMS(Centre for Career Management Skills) at theUniversity of Reading, with a track record ofleading curriculum based employability initiati-

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