PDF. Programme 2010 - CareerCon

PDF. Programme 2010 - CareerCon

PDF. Programme 2010 - CareerCon


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SPEAKERSning and access to knowledge and has participatedin the writing of chapters of a book.Magdalena Platis IordacheMagdalena Platis Iordache is the Director of theCenter of Reference and Information on PracticalPlacement and Entrepreneurship at the Universityof Bucharest as well as Dean of the Facultyof Business and Administration, University ofBucharest:Marcela Rodica LucaMarcela Rodica Luca is a professor in thePsychology Department at Transilvania University,Brasov, Romania. She received her Ph. D.degree from Bucharest University with a thesison professional success in engineering, afterseveral years of practical experience in industrialpsychology. As an academic, she teachesdisciplines related to career counseling atbachelor and master level, and from 1997 shelinks the teaching perspective with research andpractical activities in several European projectsaddressing issues related to career guidance,and career training.Gilda RotaGilda Rota is the founder and the Head of theCareer Centre at the University of Padua. Shehas been planning, managing and realizing theLocal Job Market Observatory. Since 2005 shehas been Coordinator of the ECG (EmployabilityCareer Guidance) Task Force of the 37 mostancient European Universities belonging to theCoimbra Group. She has planned, managed,coordinated and reported several projects ofthe European Social Fund and of the EuropeanUnion.Dangoule RutkauskieneDangoule Rutkauskiene graduated in Engineeringat the Kaunas Polytechnic Institute, is since2002 associated professor in department ofMultimedia Engineering at the Kaunas Universityof Technology. She is in charge for E-learningdevelopment, management of groups responsiblefor E-learning courses development andtrainings, creation of new e-learning courses forpedagogy and didactics, tutoring for KTU andother higher schools teachers, coordination ofnational and international projects.Karl SandnerKarl Sandner is since 2003 Vice Rector, AcademicPrograms and Student Affairs, Departmentof Strategic Management and Innovation at theVienna University of Economics and BusinessAdministration. After graduating in BusinessAdministration he obtained a Master in BusinessAdministration with main focus on OB & OT atthe Vienna University of Business Economics. Hehas held several academic positions as AssociateProfessor at Institute for Management andHead of the Institute for Public Management atthe WU Vienna. He is also owner of the SandnerKEG, consulting company and in 2001 hewon the AESC award for the “best Europeanpublished research on leadership and corporategovernance”.

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