FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway (ESG) User Guide ... - ICON plc

FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway (ESG) User Guide ... - ICON plc FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway (ESG) User Guide ... - ICON plc


Your list of Available attributes may differ from those shown. The only attribute herethat must be on your list is To routing ID which is highlighted here.5. Click on To routing ID in the list of attributes. Then click on the Add button. After thescreen refreshes, To routing ID should be listed under Selected attributes:Figure 5: Message Attributes, Added

6. Click on the Save changes button to commit the changes to the integration pickup.7. Next, create the appropriate directories in the file system to match the FDA Routing IDsto which submissions are to be sent.Figure 6: Available Routing

Your list of Available attributes may differ from those shown. The only attribute herethat must be on your list is To routing ID which is highlighted here.5. Click on To routing ID in the list of attributes. Then click on the Add button. After thescreen refreshes, To routing ID should be listed under Selected attributes:Figure 5: Message Attributes, Added

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