The School Calendar April May - Boulder Community Network

The School Calendar April May - Boulder Community Network The School Calendar April May - Boulder Community Network
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Page 2 – Summit News – <strong>April</strong> 4, 20086th grade parentsWe hope you can join with other parents on Sunday,<strong>April</strong> 13th from 4-6 p.m. at the home of Laura andPeter Burke, 6134 Songbird Circle, <strong>Boulder</strong>. We planto celebrate the near end of the year with wonderfulcheeses, delicious chocolates, and fine wine andrefreshments. We hope you can use this opportunityto connect with old friends and meet the parents of thestudents your 6th grader has met this year. You canalso learn more about the plans for the future ofSummit and how you can play a part.Please RSVP to by <strong>April</strong>7th.Helping others through NJHSNJHS will be auctioning off a dinner for 8 people! Allproceeds will go to Meals on Wheels which deliversgood hot food to elderly citizens who are eitherhomebound, disabled or in need. We will sell tickets atlunch Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 15th – Friday, <strong>April</strong> 18th. Ticketswill be $2.00 each. Wouldn't it be fun to win dinner foryou and seven friends? NJHS will cook, serve and dothe dishes. Students, parents, teachers, boardmembers and administrators are all welcome to try towin. We will hold the dinner on Saturday evening <strong>May</strong>3rd, 2008 in room 2 (transformed for the occasion) atSummit. Project chairs are Lara Norgaard and KelseyPiper. Additional committee members include BrianEngelhardt, Joel Anton, Ramya Palaniappan andHeather Hilson. Please help us support this greatcause by buying some chances to win.Other NJHS news…National Junior Honor Society is hosting a dodge balltournament on <strong>April</strong> 11th after school to raise moneyfor our new gym. Teams of five may register throughFriday, <strong>April</strong> 4th. Student teams must be mixed genderand mixed grade level. Teachers may play on studentteams. All teacher teams must be mixed department.<strong>The</strong> cost is $3.00 per person. Project chairs are SophieGibert and Carson Kahn. Committee members areShannon Burke, Daniel Slavick-Pobywajlo, RamyaPalaniappan, and Joel Anton. Please ask any of thesestudents or Mrs. Kapsak if you have any questions.Our special thanks to Coach Harris for making thistournament possible. Have fun and remember to signup!Summit Lunch menu access!Check the Fast and Fresh website to get lunch menusand check the balance on your child’s lunch account.www.healthykidslunch.comGet fit with Coach HarrisFYIFitness Classes for Summit StudentsWhere: Flatiron Athletic ClubHow much: $15.00 feeWhen: Mon and Wed from 4pm -5pm, YOU DO NOTHAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF THE GYM!!Why: Focusing on flexibility, speed, power, strengthand nutrition.Summit Students Excel in AmericanMathematics CompetitionsFor the second year in a row, Summit qualifiedfor the 2007-08 AMC 8 Honor Roll—one of only threeColorado middle schools honored with that distinction.<strong>The</strong> AMC 8 exam, offered in November each year, is a25-question multiple-choice test designed to promotemathematical problem-solving skills among middleschool students.In addition, out of 1400 AMC 8 participants,three Summit students placed among the top tenscorers in Colorado: Alexander Black had the thirdhighest score, Nikola Maksimovic tied for fourthhighest, and Kelsey Piper tied for eighth highest.Albert Soh had the highest sixth grade score.<strong>The</strong> high school level AMC 10 exam is a moredifficult test intended for ninth and tenth graders.Alexander Black was one of only two middle schoolstudents who placed among the top ten scorers inColorado, out of 950 students who took the test.Congratulations to all the Summit AMC winners!More News From the Math DepartmentThursday, before Spring Break, theIntroduction to Algebra II/Trigonometry class had theprivilege of hearing Josh Young’s father, Eliot Young,share some of the excitement of the planetaryexploration with which he is involved as a scientist atthe Southwest Research Institute in <strong>Boulder</strong>. <strong>The</strong>Institute leads NASA’s New Horizons mission to sendthe first spacecraft to Pluto, and was part of the teamof researchers responsible for the discovery in 2003 ofPluto’s mini satellites Nix and Hydra.During the course of the presentation, thestudents saw a dramatic illustration of the elliptic orbitsof the solar planets. <strong>The</strong>y helped determine thedimensions of the orbit of a hypothetical spacecraftsent from Earth to Mars and, with their calculators,applied simple formulas to compute the number ofdays required for the craft to reach Mars. <strong>The</strong>y alsofound out that, whereas on Earth astronauts needpowerful rockets to launch them into space, all theywould need to do to take off from one of Pluto’s smallsatellites is to jump up one meter!We are very grateful to Mr. Young for the timehe took to give us such a clear and stimulatingpresentation.Tdap REQUIRED FOR 6 TH , 7 TH , 10 TH & 11 THGRADERS

Page 3 – Summit News – <strong>April</strong> 4, 2008Pertussis (whooping cough) can be a very seriousdisease in infants and small children. It has beenfound that frequently, siblings who have Pertussisdisease can expose other children in the household.Colorado ranks fifth of all states in the country with thisdisease. Per Colorado state law, Tdap vaccine will berequired for all 6 th , 7 th , 10 th and 11 th grade students thisupcoming school year (08-09). It is the responsibility ofthe parents to provide an updated record ofimmunization to the school. If you do not wish yourchild to have this vaccine for personal or religiousreasons, please sign a waiver that is available in theHealth Room. A medical exemption must be signed bya physician.Parents of 6 th graders: <strong>The</strong> most commonly usedvaccine for Tdap in the <strong>Boulder</strong> area requires that thechild be at least 11 years old. If your child is entering6 th grade and is not yet 11, please check with yourprovider ahead of time to see if you will need to waituntil the 11 th birthday.Summer FUN and LearningPractice Your French this Summer!Madame Perrine will be offering an immersionFrench day camp experience in <strong>Boulder</strong> this June. <strong>The</strong>focus will be on having fun while speaking French!Participants will visit a variety of locations in <strong>Boulder</strong> touse their language as authentically as possible. <strong>The</strong>rewill be two sessions, each a week long and includingdifferent experiences. Classes are every day for threehours in the afternoons. <strong>The</strong> classes are open toSummit students and other middle schoolers andgraduating 8 th graders with basic to intermediateFrench skills already in place. Informational flyers willbe available next week in the French classroom. Formore information, pick up a flyer or Come join us!!!!!!!Interested in living with a French family orattending an International sports camp in France thissummer? Information on some great programs isavailable in the French room. Stop by or emailMadame Perrine to get a copy of the flyer.Baruch Summer Art CampCan’t go two months without ART? Come be a part ofBaruch’s Summer Art Camp 2008. <strong>The</strong> camp will offerstudents outdoor studio art classes and guided tours oflocal art galleries! We will draw and paint still-lifes,landscapes and portraits. We will also work in 3-D,making sculptures out of natural found objects, sand,beads, wire and wood. <strong>The</strong> camp will meet for twoweeks, starting June 2 nd through June 13 th , Mondaythrough Friday 9 -12. All art supplies will be provided!For more information contact Sue Baruch. Don’t missout on this great summer opportunity!Latin in the summer!Are you interested in earning a year’s worth of creditfor Latin I this summer?If so, please contact Lynn Gibert (Fairview High <strong>School</strong>Latin teacher) quam celerrime, as quickly as possible. Iam putting together a list of students. If we have 25students, the course will run. This is a 6-week intensivecourse. Please e-mail if you areinterested.SAVE A NEW DATE -Sunday, <strong>April</strong> 13th will not be the date of the 8thgrade parents’ party. It will take place duringgraduation week. Details to follow . . .<strong>Community</strong> ConnectionsRevised Meeting ScheduleThursday, <strong>April</strong> 10, 8:30 am<strong>The</strong> meeting will focus on welcoming activities forincoming 6 th graders; we encourage you to attend tohelp with the planning process, especially if you have astudent starting in the Fall.Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 1, 8:30 amFriday, <strong>May</strong> 16 th , 8:30 amUpcoming EventsThursday, <strong>April</strong> 17, 6:00 p.m.: Moms, need a break?Join us for our All <strong>School</strong> Mom's Night Out - CasaAlvarez.Wednesday. <strong>April</strong> 30th 7:00 – 8:30 pm: at Summit, adiscussion of PRACTICAL PARENTING: Making theTransition from Middle to High <strong>School</strong>, Presentedby Sue Wong. <strong>The</strong> transition from middle to highschool creates new challenges on your teen’s path to asafe, competent and happy adulthood. Knowledge andspecific strategies will enable you to help your childrenmeet the challenges they will face. This presentation isbeneficial to parents of 6th and 7th graders as well.You will learn to:• Help your teen develop positive values and identity• Support your adolescent in handling peer pressure• Set boundaries and expectations• Empower your teen to become socially competentwhile avoiding the dangers of drugs, alcohol and sex.• Identify resources to help your high school studentgrow up healthy, caring and responsible.Sue Wong is a career educator with 27 yearsof experience in St. Vrain Valley <strong>School</strong>s. A classroomteacher, literacy and gifted/talented instructor,developer of learning and behavioral-managementmaterials and strategies, Sue specializes in designingprograms to ensure that children become capable,healthy, and resilient adults. Most important, as a“parent survivor” of her own daughters’ transitions fromelementary school through college and beyond, Sue isa hands-on practitioner of Practical Parenting!

Page 5 – Summit News – <strong>April</strong> 4, 2008full of 54 recipes, including appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, international versions of macaroni and cheese,international pancakes and desserts. Each recipe is illustrated and most have an explanation of origin or history. Topurchase, send $10.00 (check to Summit International Club or cash) to school with your child. You may also call Mrs.Blakemore @ 303-618-9325 or email with your order and we will see that it gets to you.Buy today! Share some with neighbors and extended family! <strong>The</strong>se are truly beautiful cookbooks.Creek CleanupOn Friday, <strong>April</strong> 18, International Club members will be cleaning up the creek in Tantra Park south of the school. Weare an official StreamTeam for the City of <strong>Boulder</strong>’s Keep It Clean Partnership (KICP). We’d like to thank Lisa Dierauf,Torin McDonald’s mom, for helping us to get involved in making our community clean and safe. We will beparticipating twice each school year.Adopt-a-Road CleanupAlong those same lines, International Club members will do their second Adopt-A-Road cleanup on Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 4 th ,from 1:00 – 3:00p.m. We have helped keep the “Road to the Rez” beautiful for many years now and everyone alwayshas a great time.CarnivalOn Friday, <strong>May</strong> 9, International Club will host its annual Carnival. It has a new twist this year, so mark your calendars.We will have inflatable games possibly including the Bungee Run, Twister, Velcro Body Jump, Sumo, etc. Some ofour traditional games will be continued as well. <strong>The</strong> entry is free and food will be available for purchase.World History Update from Mrs. Kapsak:Please be aware that the “save and notify” feature for <strong>School</strong>notes updates may not be working for World History atthe present. If your child is a World History student, please just check in regularly to see homework assignments on<strong>School</strong>notes.Parents of Choir Students:Save This Date! Thursday, MAY 8, SPRING CHOIR CONCERTPlease e-mail me to acknowledge that you have put this commitment onto your personal calendar and thatthere is no conflict with your child arriving on time for the dress rehearsal: malva.tarasewicz@bvsd.orgLocation: Mountain View Methodist Church355 Ponca Place in <strong>Boulder</strong>Time: 5:20 students arrive for "closed" dress rehearsalPlease do NOT plan to stay and watch the rehearsal--we don't want to spoil your enjoyment of the concertCHECK LIST FOR STUDENTS:Dressed in concert clothesBring music/folders, props, costumes, etc.Bring substantial snack--students need a chance to "recharge" (eat, drink, and relax) before the concert in order to dowell. Also, please make sure that your child has eaten before coming to dress rehearsal.Concert: doors open at 6:45, program begins at 7:00. Please think of inviting family, friends, neighbors, prospectiveSummit students...CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: (Please e-mail me at<strong>The</strong>re's a nice area for a reception in the foyer. Please let me know if you can bring treats or drinks. We do havepaper goods (plates, napkins, cups). If anyone is in the mood to provide flowers (and vase), that would be a lovelyaddition.Extra Information:I'm hoping to find someone to record the concert--both CD and DVD would be ideal.Transportation of "stuff" from school to the church--at 12:00 noon on the concert date, and then transporting back toschool directly after the concert. Anyone with a larger vehicle, who could help at these times, please let me know.

Page 6 – Summit News – <strong>April</strong> 4, 2008<strong>The</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> Challenge program was developed in 1996 to encourage middle schoolstudents to participate in after-school fitness programs and develop a life-long commitment tohealth and fitness. <strong>The</strong> program gives students the opportunity to meet challenges, worktowards goals, and feel a sense of pride in their school and individual accomplishments. <strong>The</strong>program culminates with students running in the Bolder <strong>Boulder</strong>, together with other middleschool students from around Colorado, their friends and families.Summit Middle <strong>School</strong> has participated in this program since 1999, winning awards for bestparticipation and fastest school on a number of occasions. Let’s make this year anotherwinning year.Coaches Frykholm, Garcia, Harris and Lietz will meet students Mondays throughThursdays after school to run, get in shape for the race and have fun beginning in early<strong>April</strong> through the Friday before the big race. <strong>The</strong>re is no cost to you. Participatingstudents do need to fill out a blue intramural athletic form, so that the coaches havecontact information in the event of an emergency and should register for the race.Students are encouraged to train at least twice with their coaches during the week and atleast once on weekends. Track athletes may count their practice time.Middle <strong>School</strong> students and staff receive a $10 discount off of their registration forthe Bolder <strong>Boulder</strong> race, and in addition to the regular t-shirt, receive a goody bag and aspecial Middle <strong>School</strong> Challenge t-shirt. To register:• Go to• Click on <strong>The</strong> Race at the top of the page (Do not choose Register Now)• Click on Register from the pull-down menu• Click on Middle <strong>School</strong> Challenge at the bottom of the pull-down menu• <strong>The</strong>n click on Register Online go! at the top of the page to fill out the registration form• Note: Students may choose to have their packets delivered directly to Summit and theywill be distributed at school• If you cannot register online, please see Mrs. Koch for a registration packet.<strong>The</strong> deadline for registration in the Middle <strong>School</strong> Challenge is <strong>April</strong> 10 th . After this,you may still register for the race, but you won’t receive the discount or the extra goodies andyou won’t count towards Summit’s total number of students.Students can choose from either of the middle school waves (MB & MC-run/jog, PA & PBjog/walk,W-walk) or any other wave for which they qualify.Please note: Parents and non-middle school siblings may register through the Middle <strong>School</strong>Challenge site and may have their packets delivered to Summit for pickup, but will not receivethe discount or the extra goodies. <strong>The</strong>y also do not count toward the total number ofstudents running for Summit.

Page 7 – Summit News – <strong>April</strong> 4, 2008

Page 8 – Summit News – March 7, 2008FreeCompost!Dear Summit Families,Summit Middle <strong>School</strong> has been doing an impressive job this year as one ofEco-Cycle’s first Green Star <strong>School</strong>s. <strong>The</strong> amount of trash the school sends tothe landfill has been reduced by more than one third through recycling andcomposting!As a way to say thank you to the school community, Eco-Cycle will bedelivering a truckload of finished compost to the school on <strong>April</strong> 30 th and <strong>May</strong>1 st . It will be available from 7:30 AM until 5:30 PM each day for students,parents and staff to take home (bring your own bags, buckets, shovels andtrowels; no pick-up truck loads please).<strong>The</strong> school has helped create this valuable compost by collecting foodand non-recyclable paper, which is then composted at A1 Organics.<strong>The</strong> finished compost can be used on houseplants or gardens.By being part of the Green Star <strong>School</strong>s Program, you are helping toset a new standard for taking care of our community and the Earth.We look forward to continuing this innovative project, making Summit Middle<strong>School</strong> one of the first schools in the nation to move towards Zero Waste.Sincerely,Eco-Cycle <strong>School</strong> Recycling andEnvironmental Education Program

Page 9 – Summit News – March 7, 2008Summit NewsSummit News is the official newsletter of Summit Middle <strong>School</strong>, 4655 Hanover Ave.,<strong>Boulder</strong>, CO 80305.Mr. David Finell, Principal. Ms. Amanda Avallone, Assistant Principal.Ms. Valerie Koch, Dean of Student Life.Telephone: 303-499-9511. Attendance: 303-447-5529. Fax: 303-499-0215.Summit News is e- mailed to the parents of enrolled students. Others are added to this list upon request.Summit News is available on Summit's World Wide Web pages at andat the school in the wall boxes in the main hallway.Janet Schultz, Editor, cojayhawks@aol.comSome activities and events announced in Summit News are not sponsored or endorsed by Summit Middle<strong>School</strong> or the <strong>Boulder</strong> Valley <strong>School</strong> District.MISSION OF SUMMIT MIDDLE SCHOOL• To provide a rigorous, academic curriculum that promotes high levels of student effort and academicachievement• To foster high self-esteem through stimulating intellectual challenge and meaningful academicaccomplishment• To inspire in students a lifelong love of learning and a desire for self-development• To create a community of peers who value scholarship, academic achievement, and creativity• To serve as an excellent preparation for students intending to study in the International Baccalaureateprogram and other college-preparatory high school programsENROLLMENT IN SUMMITSummit Middle <strong>School</strong> is a tuition-free, public charter school in the <strong>Boulder</strong> Valley <strong>School</strong> District, servinggrades 6, 7 and 8 through mixed-age classes - grouped by ability, interest, motivation, developmentallevel, and mastery of previous material - taught by teachers who are specialists in their subject areas.Prospective students register through the District's open-enrollment procedure at the beginning of thecalendar year. Summit fills openings from its waiting list throughout the fall semester.BOARD OF DIRECTORS – 2007-2008 ACADEMIC YEARBecky Morley, Chairman, Becky.Morley@summitmiddleschool.orgDavid Kopel, Vice Chair, d.kopel@summitmiddleschool.orgAline Christianian, Secretary, aline.christianian@summitmiddleschool.orgAmy Beringer, Treasurer, amy.beringer@summitmiddleschool.orgMartin Black, King, paul.king@summitmiddleschool.orgSara Steen, sara.steen@summitmiddleschool.orgDavid Finell, Principal, 303-499-9511, (ex officio)

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