Chuuk State Census Report -

Chuuk State Census Report - Chuuk State Census Report -
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Chapter 9. Economic Activity2000 FSM Census of Chuuk Statefollowed by the U.S. in both 1994 and 2000, however, the number of Asians in the Chuuk labor force hadsubstantially decreased from 337 in 1994 to 28 persons in 2000.The number of unemployed persons had almost tripled between the two census periods in Chuuk State especially forthe Chuuk-born citizens. More than 99 percent of unemployed persons were Chuukese citizens and less than 1percent were non-Chuuk citizens in 1994 and 2000. As shown in the table, that as the number of unemployedperson increased, the number of persons who are not in the labor force decreased between 1994 and 2000, from17,666 down to 13,308 for Chuukese-born persons and from 262 to 87 for non-Chuukese persons, indicating that theincrease in the unemployment rate can also show that more people are now available for work and are activelylooking for a job.Table 9.10: Labor Force Status for Age 15 Years and Over by Citizenship, Chuuk State: 1994 and 2000Persons In labor force (LF) Not in LF15 years Total in Percent in Employed Unemployed Percent ofCitizenship and over Percent labor force labor force Number % of LF Number % of LF Number labor force1994Total 29,068 100.0 11,140 100.0 8,922 100.0 2,218 100.0 17,928 100.0Chuuk 28,410 97.7 10,744 96.4 8,532 95.6 2,212 99.7 17,666 98.5Males 14,118 48.6 7,195 64.6 6,209 69.6 986 44.5 6,923 38.6Females 14,292 49.2 3,549 31.9 2,323 26.0 1,226 55.3 10,743 59.9Non - Chuuk 658 2.3 396 3.6 390 4.4 6 0.3 262 1.5Males 569 2.0 362 3.2 359 4.0 3 0.1 207 1.2USA 30 0.1 14 0.1 14 0.2 - - 16 0.1Asia 446 1.5 325 2.9 323 3.6 2 0.1 121 0.7Elsewhere 93 0.3 23 0.2 22 0.2 1 - 70 0.4Females 89 0.3 34 0.3 31 0.3 3 0.1 55 0.3USA 23 0.1 11 0.1 11 0.1 - - 12 0.1Asia 25 0.1 12 0.1 12 0.1 - - 13 0.1Elsewhere 41 0.1 11 0.1 8 0.1 3 0.1 30 0.22000Total 31,587 100.0 18,192 100.0 11,979 100.0 6,213 100.0 13,395 100.0Chuuk 31,351 99.3 18,043 99.2 11,843 98.9 6,200 99.8 13,308 99.4Males 15,626 49.5 10,474 57.6 7,209 60.2 3,265 52.6 5,152 38.5Females 15,725 49.8 7,569 41.6 4,634 38.7 2,935 47.2 8,156 60.9Non - Chuuk 236 0.7 149 0.8 136 1.1 13 0.2 87 0.6Males 156 0.5 94 0.5 91 0.8 3 - 62 0.5USA 32 0.1 28 0.2 27 0.2 1 - 4 -Asia 33 0.1 28 0.2 27 0.2 1 - 5 -Elsewhere 21 0.1 6 - 5 - 1 - 15 0.1Females 80 0.3 55 0.3 45 0.4 10 0.2 25 0.2USA 21 0.1 15 0.1 13 0.1 2 - 6 -Asia 11 - 11 0.1 9 0.1 2 - - -Elsewhere 18 0.1 10 0.1 9 0.1 1 - 8 0.1Source: 1994 FSM Census, Table P132 & unpublished data; 2000 FSM Census, Table P9-5 & unpublished data.Labor Force Status by English Language AbilityTable 9.11 shows labor force status for age 15 years and over by language ability. English is the languagecommonly used in the public as well as much of the private sector, making it an important skill for employment. In1994, persons with English language skills accounted for 46 percent of the labor force and in 2000 for about 61percent. In 1994, almost 30 percent of those people with no English language skills were in the labor force, and by2000, there was about 11 percent, indicating that the labor force in Chuuk State is becoming more fluent in English.The unemployment rate for those with no English skills was nearly 25 percent, significantly higher than the stateaverage of 3 percent.82 Chuuk Branch Statistics Office, Division of Statistics, FSM Department of Economic Affairs

2000 FSM Census of Chuuk StateChapter 9. Economic ActivityTable 9.11: Labor Force Status for Age 15 Years & Over by Language Ability, Chuuk State: 1994 and 2000In the labor force (LF)Not inEmployed Unemployed the labor forceEnglish Language ability 15+ years Number Percent Number Percent of LF Number Percent of LF Number Percent1994Total 29,068 11,140 38.3 8,922 80.1 2,218 19.9 17,928 61.7English 14,921 6,915 46.3 5,745 83.1 1,170 16.9 8,006 53.7English only 303 149 49.2 147 98.7 2 1.3 154 50.8English with others 14,618 6,766 46.3 5,598 82.7 1,168 17.3 7,852 53.7English as first 1,416 588 41.5 526 89.5 62 10.5 828 58.5English as second 13,053 6,109 46.8 5,011 82.0 1,098 18.0 6,944 53.2English as third 149 69 46.3 61 88.4 8 11.6 80 53.7No English 14,147 4,225 29.9 3,177 75.2 1,048 24.8 9,922 70.12000Total 31,587 18,192 57.6 11,979 65.8 6,213 34.2 13,395 42.4English 29,731 17,982 60.5 12,274 68.3 5,708 31.7 11,749 39.5English only 38 27 71.1 27 100.0 - - 11 28.9English with others 15,478 9,382 60.6 6,386 68.1 2,996 31.9 6,096 39.4English as first 129 58 45.0 56 96.6 2 3.4 71 55.0English as second 13,978 8,437 60.4 5,729 67.9 2,708 32.1 5,541 39.6English as third 108 78 72.2 76 97.4 2 2.6 30 27.8No English 1,856 210 11.3 (295) (140.5) 505 240.5 1,646 88.7Source: 1994 FSM Census, Table P139; 2000 FSM Census, Table P9-11.Labor Force Status by Educational AttainmentTable 9.12 examines the significance of educational attainment in determining labor force status in Chuuk State in1994 and 2000. Those with high school education or higher had a greater probability of being in the labor force andemployed. In 1994 and 2000, persons with high school or higher education had less than average unemploymentrates, especially college graduates who reported less than 3 and 5 percent unemployment rates, respectively. Someevidence also exists of an emerging unemployment problem among school drop-outs as both elementary and highschool non-graduates reported above average levels of unemployment (above 20 percent).Table 9.12: Educational Attainment for Aged 15 Years & Over by Labor Force Status, Chuuk State: 1994 and 2000In the Labor ForceNot in LFPersons Total in Percent in Employed UnemployedEducational attainment 15+ years labor force labor force Number % of LF Number % of LF Number Percent1994Total 29,068 11,140 38.3 8,922 80.1 2,218 19.9 17,928 61.7No school completed 6,584 1,706 25.9 1,332 78.1 374 21.9 4,878 74.1Elementary school 8,496 2,887 34.0 2,009 69.6 878 30.4 5,609 66.0High school 7,113 2,329 32.7 1,778 76.3 551 23.7 4,784 67.3High school graduates 3,276 1,825 55.7 1,576 86.4 249 13.6 1,451 44.3Some college 1,900 1,071 56.4 936 87.4 135 12.6 829 43.6A.S. occupational 505 373 73.9 362 97.1 11 2.9 132 26.1A.S. academic 434 334 77.0 320 95.8 14 4.2 100 23.0Bachelor degree 397 313 78.8 307 98.1 6 1.9 84 21.2Higher degree 363 302 83.2 302 100.0 0 - 61 16.82000Total 31,587 18,192 57.6 11,979 65.8 6,213 34.2 13,395 42.4No school completed 4,934 2,574 52.2 1,604 62.3 970 37.7 2,360 47.8Elementary school 15,216 8,717 57.3 5,408 62.0 3,309 38.0 6,499 42.7High school 9,624 4,975 51.7 3,169 63.7 1,806 36.3 4,649 48.3High school graduates 3,059 1,989 65.0 1,375 69.1 614 30.9 1,070 35.0Some college 2,311 1,360 58.8 966 71.0 394 29.0 951 41.2A.S. occupational 499 405 81.2 360 88.9 45 11.1 94 18.8A.S. academic 449 380 84.6 350 92.1 30 7.9 69 15.4Bachelor degree 348 295 84.8 281 95.3 14 4.7 53 15.2Higher degree 81 71 87.7 70 98.6 1 1.4 10 12.3Source: 1994 FSM Census, Table P140; 2000 FSM Census, Table P9-12Note: The number of unemployed as a percent of the labor force is also the unemployed rate.Work ExperienceTable 9.13 provides information on persons who are not in the labor force and year in which they last worked. In1994, more than 82 percent of the working age population had never worked before in the formal sector, including72 percent of males and 89 percent of females. About 9 percent of the working age population had worked in the 5years before the census, and almost 19 percent currently in the labor force. By 2000, the proportion of working agepopulation who had never worked previously in the formal sector increased to 82 percent, with males about 75Chuuk Branch Statistics Office, Division of Statistics, FSM Department of Economic Affairs 83

Chapter 9. Economic Activity2000 FSM <strong>Census</strong> of <strong>Chuuk</strong> <strong>State</strong>followed by the U.S. in both 1994 and 2000, however, the number of Asians in the <strong>Chuuk</strong> labor force hadsubstantially decreased from 337 in 1994 to 28 persons in 2000.The number of unemployed persons had almost tripled between the two census periods in <strong>Chuuk</strong> <strong>State</strong> especially forthe <strong>Chuuk</strong>-born citizens. More than 99 percent of unemployed persons were <strong>Chuuk</strong>ese citizens and less than 1percent were non-<strong>Chuuk</strong> citizens in 1994 and 2000. As shown in the table, that as the number of unemployedperson increased, the number of persons who are not in the labor force decreased between 1994 and 2000, from17,666 down to 13,308 for <strong>Chuuk</strong>ese-born persons and from 262 to 87 for non-<strong>Chuuk</strong>ese persons, indicating that theincrease in the unemployment rate can also show that more people are now available for work and are activelylooking for a job.Table 9.10: Labor Force Status for Age 15 Years and Over by Citizenship, <strong>Chuuk</strong> <strong>State</strong>: 1994 and 2000Persons In labor force (LF) Not in LF15 years Total in Percent in Employed Unemployed Percent ofCitizenship and over Percent labor force labor force Number % of LF Number % of LF Number labor force1994Total 29,068 100.0 11,140 100.0 8,922 100.0 2,218 100.0 17,928 100.0<strong>Chuuk</strong> 28,410 97.7 10,744 96.4 8,532 95.6 2,212 99.7 17,666 98.5Males 14,118 48.6 7,195 64.6 6,209 69.6 986 44.5 6,923 38.6Females 14,292 49.2 3,549 31.9 2,323 26.0 1,226 55.3 10,743 59.9Non - <strong>Chuuk</strong> 658 2.3 396 3.6 390 4.4 6 0.3 262 1.5Males 569 2.0 362 3.2 359 4.0 3 0.1 207 1.2USA 30 0.1 14 0.1 14 0.2 - - 16 0.1Asia 446 1.5 325 2.9 323 3.6 2 0.1 121 0.7Elsewhere 93 0.3 23 0.2 22 0.2 1 - 70 0.4Females 89 0.3 34 0.3 31 0.3 3 0.1 55 0.3USA 23 0.1 11 0.1 11 0.1 - - 12 0.1Asia 25 0.1 12 0.1 12 0.1 - - 13 0.1Elsewhere 41 0.1 11 0.1 8 0.1 3 0.1 30 0.22000Total 31,587 100.0 18,192 100.0 11,979 100.0 6,213 100.0 13,395 100.0<strong>Chuuk</strong> 31,351 99.3 18,043 99.2 11,843 98.9 6,200 99.8 13,308 99.4Males 15,626 49.5 10,474 57.6 7,209 60.2 3,265 52.6 5,152 38.5Females 15,725 49.8 7,569 41.6 4,634 38.7 2,935 47.2 8,156 60.9Non - <strong>Chuuk</strong> 236 0.7 149 0.8 136 1.1 13 0.2 87 0.6Males 156 0.5 94 0.5 91 0.8 3 - 62 0.5USA 32 0.1 28 0.2 27 0.2 1 - 4 -Asia 33 0.1 28 0.2 27 0.2 1 - 5 -Elsewhere 21 0.1 6 - 5 - 1 - 15 0.1Females 80 0.3 55 0.3 45 0.4 10 0.2 25 0.2USA 21 0.1 15 0.1 13 0.1 2 - 6 -Asia 11 - 11 0.1 9 0.1 2 - - -Elsewhere 18 0.1 10 0.1 9 0.1 1 - 8 0.1Source: 1994 FSM <strong>Census</strong>, Table P132 & unpublished data; 2000 FSM <strong>Census</strong>, Table P9-5 & unpublished data.Labor Force Status by English Language AbilityTable 9.11 shows labor force status for age 15 years and over by language ability. English is the languagecommonly used in the public as well as much of the private sector, making it an important skill for employment. In1994, persons with English language skills accounted for 46 percent of the labor force and in 2000 for about 61percent. In 1994, almost 30 percent of those people with no English language skills were in the labor force, and by2000, there was about 11 percent, indicating that the labor force in <strong>Chuuk</strong> <strong>State</strong> is becoming more fluent in English.The unemployment rate for those with no English skills was nearly 25 percent, significantly higher than the stateaverage of 3 percent.82 <strong>Chuuk</strong> Branch Statistics Office, Division of Statistics, FSM Department of Economic Affairs

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