S.U.N. Employee Newsletter - Systems Unlimited, Inc.

S.U.N. Employee Newsletter - Systems Unlimited, Inc. S.U.N. Employee Newsletter - Systems Unlimited, Inc.

Board Member Bio~Ty GehyAdam HahnSUI Board of Directors Vice PresidentAdam Hahn joinedthe SUI Board ofDirectors in 2011, andcurrently chairs theResource DevelopmentCommittee.Cheli Morgan,our CommunityRelations and EventsSpecialist, has cometo rely on Adam as herspokesperson beforethe Board, enlistingtheir support for ouragency events andfundraising.Cheli recently had this to say about our Board VP:Adam is such an asset to all our fundraising effortshere at <strong>Systems</strong>. It is through the Wine Gala PlanningCommittee that I am able to work with Adam the most.Besides being a great leader on this team, he is also aspokesman for me on the Board. He is our top WineGala ticket-seller, as well as the top silent auction itemgetter.For other fundraising efforts throughout the year,I can always count on Adam to support and participatein the events. If he is not able to be part of an eventplanning committee team, he is always willing to be anadvisor and makes himself available for his insights,connections, and expertise. We are so fortunate to haveAdam a part of organization.Adam attended the University of Northern Iowa, where hegraduated with a B.S. in Construction Management, as well asmeeting his future wife, Shannon. Adam and Shannon have beenmarried for nine years, and have two lovely daughters—Madyn,5, and Reese, 3.Adam is no stranger to hard work—his first job was workingweekends on a house framing crew when he was only 12 yearsof age. In fact, he shared that he’s been around constructionmost of his life. Throughout high school and college, he workedsummers and school breaks in construction. He was luckyenough to intern at Knutson Construction between his junior andsenior year of college and then be promptly hired by Knutsonafter graduation. Adam has been employed with Knutson eversince.As Project Manager at Knutson, Adam’s dutiesinclude estimating, subcontracting, purchasing,owner and architect correspondence, and projectscheduling and project billing.With just a quick rundown of projects he iscurrently working on, it is clear how fortunate weare that Adam finds the time to serve as BoardVP. Those projects include the Kirkwood LinnHall Renovation in Cedar Rapids, Bluffs on theRiver Condos in Cedar Rapids, and beginning ofthe renovation of MidWestOne Bank’s downtownIowa City location. Past projects in the areainclude Kinnick Stadium, Riverside Casino, LinnMar High School Stadium, East Side RecyclingCenter, and Von Maur Lindale Mall Remodel, toname a few.Adam credits “Aunt Vivian” with inspiringhim to become involved with <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Unlimited</strong>.Aunt Vivian has been part of <strong>Systems</strong> for over 35years, so Adam says he jumped at the opportunitywhen approached about joining the SUI Board ofDirectors.Whenasked what “I am also hopeful that wehis hope can continue to raise theis for the awareness of what <strong>Systems</strong> isfuture of and the services we provide.”<strong>Systems</strong>and theindividuals receiving services, Adam replied:I am hopeful that we can maintainthe services we currently provide andexpand to provide those services toadditional communities. <strong>Systems</strong> isa great organization and I would loveto see a home in many more of thesurrounding communities. I am alsohopeful that we can continue to raise theawareness of what <strong>Systems</strong> is and theservices we provide. <strong>Systems</strong> is a strongorganization that I look forward to beinginvolved with for a long time after myterm on the board.I feel confident in expressing, on behalf of theagency, that we also look forward to workingwith Adam long into the future.

Natural Supports Are Everyone, Everywhere~Roberta AhlrichsI consider myselfvery fortunate towork with suchawesome guys atlocation 346. We’veall been together fora while now and theyare really into theevents in Monticelloand Jones County.Every Wednesday theMonticello Express(local newspaper) is published, and the first thing we do with one ofthe guys, Damon, is look up garage sales going on or community/church dinners coming up. Next on the list is looking through thepictures to see if Damon and Greg can find my children or children ofother staff that they may know. We read the events, the stories and, ofcourse, the police report.This spring season was a great one for all of us keeping up withthe Monticello Boys Class 2A Track season. Damon and Greg knowmany of the kids who are on the track team, and it was very funreading about the team’s wins and looking at the pictures throughoutthe season. We were even attempting to go to the two games that werehere; however, one was cancelled and the other was very cold andrainy so we opted not to go.I went to DesMoines to watch both the girls’ and boys’ track teamat State in May. I arrived later in the afternoon to watch some eventsthat my son and others from the track team were in. It was veryexciting and Monticello won the three events from the first night.While I was sitting on the bleachers my son Ben came over tome and shook his phone and said, “Hey, I’m talking to your favoriteperson.”I had no idea who he was talking with.Then I heard Ben say, “Thanks bud. Hey I gotta go, take it easy.”I asked who that was, and Ben said, “It was Damon. He told megood luck in my races today.”Smiling and giggling to myself. I replied, “That’s pretty cool.”As Ben and I talked more I found out that Damon calls Beneveryday; many times just to say “Hi.” I asked Ben if he answers allof Ben’s calls.He replied, “Most of them. If I can’t right then, I call him back. Idon’t always understand him but I let him talk, then I tell him thanksfor calling and that I gotta go.”I thought to myself, “That’s pretty neat.”I watched the Monticello girls and boys state qualifiers events onFriday and Saturday. I got to watch and share the joy and excitementof the kids winning the Class 2A Championship and how theydominated with an overall 96 points.When we were back home, I found out that Damon had called Benevery day he was at State to wish him good luck or a congratulations.He even texted a few times.When I went on shift Monday morning, both Damon and Greg toldme they saw Ben on television and heard all about the winning team;they were as excited as I was. Later that day, I read them the storiesin the Cedar Rapids Gazette and shared with them how CRAZY and“nail biting” it all was.Later as I sat back, I thought to myself, “Wow, we talk so muchabout natural supports for the people we work with...” This just kindof mixed things up a bit. Who’d ever thought it may be US gettingencouraging words and support from Damon and Greg!Hope all you fathershad aHappy Fathers’ Dayon June 16th!Mark BeckerNov 11, 1963 -May 22, 2013Forever in our memoriesStaff Stats ~Mary BartachekNewHiresGregory LaneFeb 8, 1951 -June 5, 2013Friends will share memories of Mark and Gregin a special tribute in the July newsletter.SeparationsNet Gain(Loss):March ‘11 32 29 3March ‘12 21 28 (7)March ‘13 32 29 32013 YTD 151 116 35Based on agency data as of 6/11/13

Random Acts of KindnessOn May 13, Shana and I were at the Dress Barnjust browsing around for a birthday dress andShana saw a really cute jacket that she wanted. SoI went to pay for it and the cashier asked for anID for the check and Shana had left her ID at ESas the shopping wasn’t really planned. So I hadto tell Shana we couldn’t get it and she was verysad. Then out of the blue, one super awesomecustomer handed me $20 to pay for the jacket. Sheeven told us to keep the change for snacks. Shanawas super excited!!!~Sebina DavisHave you witnessed a random act of kindness in thework place or in the community while on shift? Callor e-mail Ty with the details, and and we can publiclyacknowledge the kind person for his/her kind act!Upcoming Films LibraryREFERRAL BONUSRefer a friend and you receive $200!Through 7/31/2013, employees who refersomeone will receive a one-time $200 referralbonus IF the referred employee remainsemployed for a minimum of 90 days. Starting8/1/2013 the referral bonus will return to $100.Hello all! For those of you that aren’t already aware, the Supported Community Living Advisory Board hascome up with the notion of acquiring all of the films that prominently display individuals with disabilities.Since then we’ve managed to generate a list of films from the knowledge of our staff to acquire. Over thecourse of maybe two months, two hundred conversations, and emails the list has grown to about 110 titles.We have also received donations from staff of 7 DVD’s, donations of about another 12 DVD’s from Money& More, the local pawn shop, cash donations of 110$ from our staff, (I can’t say enough thank-you’shere) and received a grant from the WalMart Foundation for 1200$. This will be enough to start and fullypopulate the library! The Library should open sometime in June!We intend to make the library available to all who wish to use it. Individuals, staff, supervisors, casemanagers, guardians, and any other stakeholders who wish to use it for one reason or another. Whoeverwants to use it will be subject to a formal check-out process, and a limit of two titles at a time for twoweeks at a time. 2-for-2.For a complete list of films that we shall acquire feel free to email me: n.mort@sui.org.All of the other particulars shall become apparent as the library materializes. More on this in next month’sS.U.N. along with my first in a series: Disability Film of the Month. (Better know a film, a 110 part serieswe’llfinish in a little over 11 years.)All for Now!Nathan MortSenior CounselorSupported Community Living Advisory Board Enthusiast, President

Management Team~Jen Simmering• In May, Management Team has continued to workon compliance plans by expanding our Code ofEthics, developing a policy on weapons in theworkplace, and each division has been workinghard to improve service documentation.• The financials from April look great! Everyoneshould be proud of their part in a very financiallysuccessful month.• CARF accreditation for ESand Chapter 24 accreditation for FS are both inthe works.• Thanks to Michelle Lloyd, the first draft of nextyear’s budget is complete.• Casey has lead the charge to purchase a newhome on Hazel Court to provide a much betterservice environment for the kids that we servein RBSCL. This home will replace 2219 TaylorDrive.• All divisions and the finance department arepreparing for some major changes in billing andservice oversight which will be taking place onJuly 1. Our goal is to conform to the state rulechanges with the absolute minimum effect on thepeople we serve.• Family <strong>Systems</strong> is developing a relationship withthe Washington area school district which willprovide an opportunity for expansion of schoolbasedtherapy services.• HR is working with all divisions to bring inmore staff candidates, including the impendinghire of an HR staff member who will focus onrecruitment and retention.• At each meeting we share our appreciationfor staff doing great work. This month, werecognized:o Cheli Morgan and the Golf Classic crew foranother excellent event. Special thanks toLinnet Wainwright for the sheer volume ofdonations that she solicited. Way to go!o The staff of High Street for their excellentservice in the difficult time surrounding thedeath of a person we serve.o Chad Pence and Ryan Spurgetis for theirgeneral hard work and willingness to come inearly or stay late to keep everything runningsmoothly in the IT Department.o Jenny O’Brien for being flexible and helpfulwith getting CPR scheduled for Employment<strong>Systems</strong>.o Regina Crooks for her excellent trainingskills and her willingness to share thoseskills in MRT class.o The staff at Oberlin- Casey visited and sawthat you are very supportive and the peopleliving there are comfortable and happy.o Nathan Mort, for his great ideas and extrawork to implement them with his supportedliving teammates.Road Trip-Wheelchair Van arrives to its new homein Washington~Cheli MorganLast fall, <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Unlimited</strong> was awarded a newwheelchair van from the Washington County RiverboatFoundation, after months of hard work on the grantapplication.We waited patiently while the van was being orderedand the necessary accommodations were being made on thevan.Finally, on Thursday, May 22nd, the van was deliveredto the Iowa City office. Later that day, Alisha Rogers,Service Manager in Washington, had the pleasure of drivingit to its new home in Washington where it will providemuch needed transportation to our individuals in that area.If you want to see the impact this is making for atleast one of our individuals in Washington, check outthis link to the story that Channel 2 News did aboutour new van last Thursday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOfpo50VkP8We appreciate the work that the Washington CountyRiverboat Foundation is doing for organizations like ours.We also appreciate the coverage and attention that Channel2 News has given our agency!

Day in the Life of . . . Marc Hines~by Marc HinesAsk someone who works at Employment <strong>Systems</strong> and they might tell you that no two days here areever the same. Another person might tell you that, with some exceptions, the exact opposite is true.Both statements are true. I work in an oxymoron. As I thought about trying to explain that, I had noidea where I’d even start. As with most things, it seemed most logical to lead with the beginning:“I read the news today.”“Oh boy…”That’s not true. I haven’t read a newspaper in months. I have, however, sung those lines to myselfat least twenty times in as many days. That’s been another one of my big hang-ups about writing thisarticle. For many people, the phrase “A Day in the Life” recalls the memory of arguably one of thebest rock songs ever written. That’s a tough act to follow.The first time I really listened to that song, I didn’t know what to think. Lennon’s verses aresomehow opaque and translucent at the same time. McCartney’s lyrics sound like one specific dayand a day he’s had a thousand times. The whole song has a basic familiarity on one listen and elicitsan otherworldly strangeness on the next play.Having worked at ES for a year and a half, the soundscape of a single day presents the samejuxtaposition. A brand new staff can find the atmosphere overwhelming, while a ten-year veteranstaff hears almost nothing walking through the halls. Describing those sounds to someone who hasnever been here feels like a hopeless endeavor and the only plausible solution to this project’s query.A simple statement of the average decibel level, however, will not suffice. At any given moment,a sonorous roar swells throughout the program: a vacuum turns on while the person using thevacuum mimics the sound of the same vacuum at a much higher volume; John Denver’s “CountryRoad” pours out of the Activity Room speakers, while a backing chorus joins in at intonations ofvarious precision; a young woman lets the entire first floor know that she would enjoy a stick ofgum; five doors slam as one of their handles is jiggled faster than a threatened rattlesnake’s tail; all15 phones ring simultaneously; a jovial greeting of, “Hi, my friend!,” is spoken through what soundslike a bullhorn; a walker with tennis balls worn down to the nub rattles by; someone repeatedlyasserts to the kitchen that there is, in fact, no cheese or chicken; several people are reassured thatthey are a very nice person; the whirrs and clicks of electric wheelchairs drift around every corner,punctuated by the constant rhythm of grinding teeth; a victorious cackle shoots skyward as a gameof War concludes; there are moans, groans, grunts, shouts, hollers, hums, whistles, whispers, giggles,guffaws, gasps, sighs, cries, coughs, burps, belches, snorts, squeals and squeaks at seemingly everyfrequency on the audible spectrum; someone strikes a subito forte piano chord accompanied by thedistinct drumming of a djembe; Berenstein Bears books are read and Boy Scout pledges are recitedwhile Yahtzee dice rattle and roll; a dozen forks, knives, and spoons clank and clatter on plates overthe whoosh of three automatic flushes; a man asks his staff where they will be in two weeks; anotherasks two staff about their cigarette breaks; the next man announces the pending arrival of a big truckand a pizza man through tears of joy while still another man recounts the names of 40 former staffwho have mysteriously vanished in the wind.Somehow, through all of that, a single voice cuts the air like a solo violin: “Marc, can you helpme?”Who is asking that question and what they might need has thousands of permutations. It’s my jobto try to figure that out.I don’t know what else to tell you. I realize there are four other senses that I haven’t eventouched, but there’s an easy fix for that. If you’d like to find out more, you’re more than welcome tovisit.“I’d love to turn you on.”

~Ty GehyMercer Park Farmer’s MarketTuesdays, June 18 and 25; 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.Mercer Park2701 Bradford Drive - Iowa CityIowa City Wednesday Farmers MarketWednesdays, June 19 and 26; 5:00 - 7:00 pmChauncey Swan Parking Lot460 E Washington St - Iowa CityFriday Night Concert SeriesFriday, June 21, 2013; 6:30 PM - 9:30 PMPedestrian Plaza, Weatherdance FountainIowa CityFreeIf you are a Steely Dan fan, you’ll love The Fez!Freedom Festival 2013Friday, June 21 – Thursday, July 4Cedar RapidsFreedom Fest begins in June with many events andactivities, culminating with the annual Celebration ofFreedom Fireworks on July 4th. For ticket and eventinformation, go to www.freedomfestival.com<strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Unlimited</strong> “Changing Lives” June Jam!Saturday, June 22; 6:00 pm - MidnightThe MillDowntown Iowa City$8 in advance; $10 at door(See page 5)Iowa City Saturday Farmers MarketSaturdays, June 22 and 29; 7:30 am - 12:00 pmChauncey Swan Parking Lot460 E Washington St - Iowa CityFree Movie Series Presented by Ginsberg JewelersSaturday, June 22, 2013; 8:30 PMThe University of Iowa PentacrestOutside Macbride HallIowa CityFreeIce Age, PG, 2002, 81 minsSaturday Night Concert Series Presented byIowa City Downtown District & Integrated DNATechnologies.Saturday, June 22, 2013; 6:30 PM - 9:00 PMPedestrian Plaza, Weatherdance FountainIowa CityFreeDan Dimonte and the Bad Assettes.Third Annual Turkey Vulture FestivalSaturday, June 22, 2013; 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM2850 Prarie Du ChienEast Overlook Picnic AreaIowa CityThere will be fun games and crafts for the kids plusinformative displays and exhibits. Spotting scopeswill be available to use compliments of the Iowa CityBird Club members. Boy Scout Troop 218 will havebeverages and snacks per a free-will donation.Joint Concert with New Horizons Band & Iowa CityCommunity BandSunday, June 23, 2013; 3:00 PM - 5:00 PMUpper City ParkIowa CityFreeThe Linn County FairWednesday, June 26 – Monday, July 17:00 am – 1:00 am; (Monday, 7:00 am – 8:00 pm)201 Central City RoadCentral City, IAFree gate admission and parkingMore information at : www.thelinncountyfair.comFriday Night Concert SeriesFriday, June 28; 6:30 PM - 9:30 PMPedestrian Plaza, Weatherdance FountainIowa CityFreeOrquesta Alto MaizFree Movie Series Presented by Ginsberg JewelersSaturday, June 29; 7:30 PMThe University of Iowa PentacrestOutside Macbride HallIowa CityFreeThe Help, PG-13, 2011, 146 mins.

We’ll be firing up the grill for the . . .2013 <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Unlimited</strong>EMPLOYEE PICNIC!Saturday, July 13Noon - 3:00 pmUpper City Park, Shelter #3200 E Park Road, Iowa Citya SIRC sponsored eventKids are sure to enjoy the animal balloon artist!Bring your familyand a side dish to sharePork tenderloins donated & grilledby our friends at Tyson Foods!S.U.N. Team MissionFREE CHILLED COFFEE!Come enjoy a free sample ofJumpy Monkey CHILLED Coffee.July 12th fom 8:30 am - 10 amSUI Iowa City Lounge RoomS.U.N. Team MembersCheli MorganMarc HinesMichelle LloydJolene SorensonRyan SpurgetisTy GehyInterested in joining theS.U.N. Team or have anidea or contribution for thenewseltter? E-mail us atsun@sui.org.The S.U.N. Team existsto create and distributea newsletter—by andfor employees—as ameans of:• Communicatinginformation regardingthe agency• Creating camaraderieand unity across theagency• Recognizing excellentperformance byindividuals and teams• Sharing personalexperiences thatemphasize our corevalues<strong>Employee</strong>s are now able to purchase tickets online at a special discount.Tickets can be purchased in three simple steps:1) Go to the website: www.adventurelandpark.com/systemsunlimited2) Create an Adventureland account with your email address.3) You will receive an email confirmation with instructions to purchase ticketsIf you have any questions please contact Michelle Potts Human Resources

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