POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools


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<strong>Schools</strong> have the responsibility to provide guidance and counseling services andto make relevant information available to students in the areas of personal-social,academic, and career development.Student ResponsibilitiesTo use counseling for educational and personal improvement.To schedule counseling appointments unless the problem or concern is an emergency.Student RightsTo be informed of the nature of the counseling available.To receive individual and group counseling.CurriculumThe degree of student involvement in curriculum planning is a function of age,grade, maturity, and sophistication. Student opinion regarding curriculum offerings isimportant and therefore deserves careful analysis and consideration.Student ResponsibilitiesTo request participation in academic programs and extracurricular activities that arecommensurate with his/her interests and capabilities.To seek counseling in course selections from informed persons.To contribute to an atmosphere conducive to learning.To exert every effort to achieve mastery of the basic skills in academic and/orextracurricular activities.Student RightsTo have an equal opportunity to participate in academic programs and extracurricularactivities.To receive guidance regarding appropriate course selections.To receive instruction under competent instructors in an atmosphere conducive tolearning.To participate in the acquisition of the appropriate basic skills.Free Speech / ExpressionCitizens in our democracy are guaranteed self-expression under the first andfourteenth amendments of the United States Constitution; therefore, in our democraticsociety, one of the basic purposes of education is to prepare students for responsibleself-expression. Student rights in the school setting, however, must be balancedagainst the school's legitimate interest in maintaining a safe and orderly environment,requiring socially appropriate behavior, and ensuring that all students are protected fromthreats, harassment and similar harm.

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