POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools


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grade coursework. Students retaking failed 7 th grade core courses will be allowedto take 8 th grade core courses in the same subject area, if the schedule permits.Decisions regarding promotion or retention of students passing all core units butreceiving a failing grade in 2 or more non-core (elective) subjects shall bereferred to the local Building Based Student Support Team for a recommendationto the principal. Students will be scheduled in elective subjects based onhomeroom placement.An administrative (teacher and principal) promotion or retention may beexercised in accordance with administrative directives.Parental contact will be made for any student who has a failing grade in anysubject at the end of each grading period. The purposes of the contact are:a. To notify the parent of the possibility of retention,b. To identify for the parent and the student what will be required if the student isto be considered for promotion at the end of the year,c. To enlist the parent’s help in developing a plan and in working with the childto facilitate passing grades by the end of the semester (term),d. To explain eligibility requirements for extracurricular participation.Grades 9-12 *Required units per year for promotion:9th grade..............6 units10th ....................12 units11th.....................18 unitsA minimum of 24 units are required for graduation plus a passing score on eachcomponent of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam.Note: Applicable to students who began Grade 9 in 1996-97 or later.Adopted: 04/25/85Revised: 08/08/91; 07/25/96; 09/11/01; 8/22/02; 10/24/02; 05/11/06BONUS POINTS4.11The following guidelines will be used to limit the giving of bonus points:1. Bonus points for anything other than academic assignments will not beallowed.2. Earned academic points will not be taken away from a student's grade forany reason.3. The grading system stated on the report card is maintained and provisionsfor indicating a grade over 100 are not given.Adopted: 08/08/91

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