POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools


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2. The specific areas that contributed to the school’s designation as a SchoolImprovement school.3. An explanation of what the school and LEA are doing to address the school’sfailure to achieve AYP.4. An explanation of how the parents can become involved in addressing theacademic challenges that caused the school’s failure to achieve AYP.5. An explanation of the parents’ option to transfer their child to a higher achievingreceiving school, with transportation provided by the LEA, as long as the sendingschool remains in Title I School Improvement. The explanation should alsoinclude information on the academic achievement of the receiving schools.6. The identification of each school that the parent can select with a description ofthe academic achievement of the receiving schools.• Identify at least two receiving schools to which students may transfer if their parentsselect the choice option.• Notify parents by letter of the option to receive supplemental educational services insituations where there are no schools to which the students can transfer. These freetutoring services are offered to eligible low-income students.• Set a reasonable deadline by which parents must apply for transfer, ensuring sufficienttime and information to make an informed decision.• Provide at least one additional method of notification of School Choice options, includingnewspapers, posters, and/or the Internet.• Prioritize students in meeting preferences expressed by parents for specific receivingschools or in selecting students to receive aid for transportation when funding isinadequate.1. Identify all students from low-income families using the poverty measure to rankschools for Title I purposes (such as students receiving free and reduced pricelunches).2. Rank-order students within that group according to achievement levels usingobjective educational measure of the student’s achievement (such as the stateassessment).3. Start from students at the top of the list and approve parents’ choice of receivingschools or provide funding for transportation.Adopted: 08/25/05

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