POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools


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Sources and variety of foods Major nutrients Guide to a healthy diet Diet and disease Serving sizes Understanding calories Proper Sanitation Healthy snacks Identify and limit junk food Healthy breakfastThe LEA Nutrition Policy reinforces nutrition education to help students practice thesethemes in a supportive school environment.Parent Nutrition Education:• Nutrition education will be provided to parents beginning at the elementary level.The goal will be to continue to educate parents throughout the middle and highschool levels.• Nutrition education may be provided in the form of handouts, postings on thesystem website, or presentations that focus on nutritional value and healthylifestyles.Wellness Committee:Local <strong>Schools</strong> should comprise a committee, using the System Policy/Guidelines tocreate the local school plan. The committee should meet annually (more frequently ifneeded) with committee membership as follows: Child Nutrition Program Representative Parent Representative Faculty/Staff member Representative Administrative Representative Physical Education and Health Program Instructors School Nurse Student RepresentativeStandardsThe <strong>Calhoun</strong> <strong>County</strong> School System strongly encourages the sale or distribution ofnutrient dense foods for all school functions and activities. Nutrient dense foods arethose foods that provide students with calories rich in the nutrient content needed to behealthy. In an effort to support the consumption of nutrient dense foods in the schoolsetting the system has adopted the following Nutrition Standards governing the sale offood, beverage, and candy on school grounds. Sites are encouraged to study theseStandards and develop a local school plan using the following System NutritionStandards as minimal guidelines.Food:

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