POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools


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Adopted: 03/23/78Revised: 05/27/83CERTIFICATION6.11Effective October 1, 1978, it shall be the Policy of the <strong>Calhoun</strong> <strong>County</strong> Board ofEducation that any educator who is not certified as prescribed by the State Departmentof Education of the State of Alabama for a particular job which is to be performed andregularly employed by this Board, shall be prohibited from working directly with studentsof this school system, either gratuitously or for compensation, until such person hasbeen duly approved in writing by the <strong>County</strong> Superintendent.Adopted: 10/26/78SAFEGUARDING INSTRUCTIONAL TIMEINTRODUCTION6.12In that to receive instruction is the basic purpose for which students attendschool, it behooves administrators to provide every opportunity to avoid loss ofinstructional time by teachers. Teachers and administrators should be aware that themeasure of success of the schools will be determined by the degree of how well thecitizens are educated.DEFINITIONSClass-time, instructional time, class period – The amount of time in a school dayallotted to the instruction of students in specified subject matter.Instructional day – Same as the scholastic day (360 minutes).Fund raising activities – Those activities designed to raise money for specificobjectives.Teaching duties – All activities associated with the teaching of students.Paraprofessionals – Persons engaged or employed to work with schoolprofessional staffs in secondary or supplemental capacities; e.g., school aides,teacher aides.Volunteers – Those who render service without remuneration.GUIDELINES FOR <strong>POLICY</strong> IMPLEMENTATION1. Each local school will insure that instructional time is guarded and reservedfor instruction only.2. Teachers and students shall not be involved in activities such as fund-raisingand other functions non-related to instruction during designated class-time.

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