POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools


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Intermittent LeaveIf medically necessary to care for a seriously ill family member (spouse, child orparent) or because of the employee’s own serious health condition, leave may be takenon an intermittent or reduced leave schedule, subject to certain conditions. The Boardmay require the employee to transfer temporarily to an alternate position which betteraccommodates recurring periods of absence or a part-time schedule, provided theposition has equivalent pay and benefits.Certain special conditions apply to the taking of intermittent leave by instructionalemployees. Instructional employees are those whose principal function is to teachand instruct students in a class, a small group, or an individual setting, including allclassroom teachers and certain other employees as more specifically defined in theapplicable regulations. When instructional employees seek intermittent leave inconnection with a family or personal illness and when such leave would constitute atleast 20 percent of the total number of working days in the period during which the leavewould extend, the Board may require the employee to take leave in a block (notintermittently) for the entire period or to transfer to an available alternative position withthe school system that is equivalent in pay, for which the employee is qualified, andwhich better accommodates the intermittent situation.NotificationExcept where circumstances are such that reasonable advance planning is notpossible, employees must provide the superintendent at least 30 days written notice ofthe date when FMLA leave is to begin. Where the need for FMLA leave is notforeseeable, notice should be given as soon as practicable (generally within one or twobusiness days of learning of the need for FMLA leave). With respect to foreseeablefamily or employee illness, the employee shall make reasonable effort to scheduletreatment -- including intermittent and reduced hour leave -- so as not to disrupt undulythe operations of the school district.CertificationThe Board requires that a request for leave based on the serious health conditionof the employee, the employee's son, daughter, spouse or parent be supported by acertification issued by the appropriate health care provider. The certification shall state(1) the date the serious health condition began, (2) the probable duration of thecondition, (3) appropriate medical facts, (4) a statement of the need for the employee tocare for the seriously ill family member OR that the seriously ill employee is unable toperform the employee's job functions (depending upon the type of leave requested).The Board reserves the right, at its own expense, to designate a second health careprovider to provide a second opinion. If the first and second opinion conflict, the Boardmay require, at its own expense, a third opinion by a health care provider approved bythe Board and the employee. This third opinion shall be binding. The Board may alsorequire subsequent recertifications on a reasonable basis. Finally, upon the employee's

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