POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools


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• Matters related to educational or other services for disabled students thatare subject to review under established procedures for implementing IDEAand/or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.• Any other matters for which more specific procedures are available thatare more precisely tailored to the grievant’s complaint.The following compliance officers may be contacted for further assistance:Claims regarding disability:Claims based on gender, race, ethnic origin,age, or other area of discrimination:Ms. Janice CainMs. Gail Carpenter(256) 741-7435 (256) 741-7436PROCEDURELevel One (Informal Procedures)To initiate the complaint / grievance process, an employee or student (or the student'sparent or guardian) should first discuss his or her complaint with an immediatesupervisor, school principal, or other local administrator, with the objective of securing,at the lowest possible level, an equitable and workable solution to the problem. Thesupervisor / principal shall confer with the employee or student concerning thecomplaint and shall take appropriate steps with a view toward arriving at a satisfactoryresolution.In the event the grievance cannot be satisfactorily resolved at this informal level, thecomplaining party must initiate the formal grievance process (Level Two) within five (5)calendar days of the informal conference, and not more than twenty (20) calendar daysfrom the occurrence or conduct that originally gave rise to the complaint.Special Guidelines for Level One Sexual Harassment Complaints:Students. A student making a sexual harassment complaint under thisprocedure may report the matter to a teacher, counselor, or school administrator,who, in turn should apprise the Compliance Officer of the reported incident. Thestudent may choose to make the report to a person of the same sex as thestudent. Complaints may be brought on a student’s behalf by a parent, guardian,counselor, or other school official. Under no circumstances shall a student berequired to present the matter for investigation or resolution to the person who isalleged to have committed the harassment.Employees. An employee making a sexual harassment complaint may report thematter to his or her supervisor, who, in turn should apprise the ComplianceOfficer of the reported incident. An employee may choose to make the report toa supervisor of the same sex as the employee or directly to the ComplianceOfficer or other Central Office official. Under no circumstances shall an employeebe required to present the matter for investigation or resolution to the person whois alleged to have committed the harassment. (See also SEXUALDISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT <strong>POLICY</strong>.)

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