POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools


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Meeting after eligibility is determined. If the parent does not choose toattend the eligibility meeting, the Local School 504 Contact should attemptto have parent at the Accommodation Plan Meeting. We will follow therule of IDEA of making two (2) attempts to involve the parent in theplanning process. There should be documentation of 2 attempts beforeconvening the planning meeting without them.H. Complete Notice of Intent Regarding 504 Services (Appendix K) and giveor mail to the parent if the student is not eligible for services.VII.Development of 504 Student Accommodation PlanA. Send Notice of Proposed Meeting (Appendix N) to the parent. Two (2)attempts should be made to have the parent attend the AccommodationPlanning Meeting. If after 2 attempts are made to include the parent, themeeting should be convened and the plan written. Parent/Student Rights(Appendix C) should be included with each notification.B. Convene planning meeting. Meeting should consist of, but should not belimited to the following participants. (Those listed in bold print arerequired participants. Parent must be invited and two [2]documented attempts for their attendance should be made):1. Local 504 Contact2. Parent3. Teacher(s)4. Administrator(s)5. Counselor6. Others, as deemed necessary.C. A copy of Parent/Student Rights (Appendix C) should be given at everymeeting!!! The signed copy should be placed in the student’s 504 file andthe copy designated to keep should be given to the parent/student.D. Write plan (Appendix P, also include Appendix O)—the current form.1. Consider accommodations appropriate to the handicap(Appendix L, Examples of 504 Student Accommodations)2. Consider Participation in State Assessment Program(Appendix M)3. Complete 504 Student Accommodations Plan (Appendix P)4. Parties in planning meeting sign plan on appropriate page.5. Regular classroom teacher review and sign plan on theappropriate page.6. Place plan in RED folder and place RED dot on CumulativeFolder.E. Implement plan.1. Notify faculty/staff who will be involved with the student, (e.g.student teacher/teacher, administrator, counselor, etc.)2. Monitor implementation on a regular basis.VIII.Review of Plan (Minimal – Annually).

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