POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools


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Notification of law enforcement officials as appropriate and as the law requires (see "It's theLaw"). Parental contact and student to be referred to Superintendent for expulsion proceedings.Students must be suspended out-of-school until the hearing is held.Adopted: 06/29/95Revised: 08/15/96; 06/03/97; 06/25/98; 06/24/99; 06/29/00; 06/28/01; 06/13/02;07/10/03; 07/22/04; 09/28/06; 04/24/08DISCIPLINARY DUE PROCESS5.19All students are entitled to and shall receive due process in all discipline matters.The degree of due process afforded shall be dependent upon: (1) the gravity of theoffense a student is alleged to have committed and (2) the severity of the contemplatedpunishment.Disciplinary authority must be exercised with fairness. Before being punished forviolation of Board policies or school regulations, a student shall have the right of thefollowing minimum due process procedures:1. The student shall be given oral or written notice of the charges againsthim/her.2. The evidence against the student shall be explained to him/her.3. The student shall be given the opportunity to present his/her own version ofthe facts concerning the charges.The local school administration shall ensure that all disciplinary actions areadministered in accordance with the minimum due process requirements noted above.The school administration shall maintain a written record of all disciplinary actions andof the procedures followed in determining such action, in accordance with Board policy.A record of all required written notices and disciplinary procedures shall be maintainedby the school administration in such form as may be required by the Superintendent.Appeal to Superintendent of Final Decisions by PrincipalThe parent or guardian of a student shall have the right to request review by theSuperintendent of any final disciplinary action by the school principal and to request thatthe principal's decision and the basis for his decision be put in writing.In the event the parent or guardian believes the school principal's finaldisciplinary decision violates Board policy, the parent or guardian may appeal thedecision to the Superintendent for a determination of whether the disciplinary action is inaccordance with Board policy. All such requests must be in writing, and must bereceived by the Superintendent within 3 days of the date of on which the principal'swritten decision is received by the parent. The Superintendent may make suchdetermination on the basis of the written record, or may conduct interviews of theparties involved, or such other investigation as the Superintendent deems appropriate.The Superintendent will issue a written decision to the parent/guardian and the schoolprincipal within a reasonable time.

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