POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools


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the criminal investigation of a person who is not a public official or todiscuss whether to file a criminal complaint.5. To discuss the amount of consideration the Board is willing to offer oraccept in the purchase, sale, exchange, lease, or market value of realproperty, subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in the OMA.6. To deliberate and discuss evidence or testimony presented in a contestedcase hearing and to vote upon the outcome of the proceeding or hearing,when acting in the capacity of a quasi-judicial body, subject to thelimitations and conditions set forth in the OMA.7. Any other purpose that is otherwise expressly provided by the OMA or byother federal or state law.Except when conducting a quasi-judicial or contested case hearing that does notrequire the convening of a public meeting under the OMA, the Board may convene anexecutive session only after first convening a public meeting of a quorum of the Board.A motion calling for executive session and setting out the purpose(s) of thesession must be approved by a majority of the members present. If the stated purposerequires an oral written declaration under the OMA, such declaration shall be madeprior to the vote. Prior to convening the executive session, the presiding officer shallstate whether the Board expects to reconvene after the executive session and, if so, theapproximate time the Board expects to reconvene.Executive sessions shall be attended only by members of the Board, theSuperintendent and such other persons as are designated by the Board in accordancewith the OMA. All matters discussed by the Board in executive session shall beregarded as confidential by all persons in attendance and shall not be divulged to thepublic. No minutes shall be kept of executive session discussions.General Meeting ProceduresFour members of the Board present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum fortransacting Board business. Items of business shall generally be conducted from aprepared agenda. The Board shall cause accurate minutes to be kept of each meeting,excluding executive sessions, setting forth the date, time, place, members present orabsent, and action taken at each meeting. Except as otherwise provided by law, theminutes shall become a public record and be made available to the public as soon aspracticable after approval. The Board delegates to the Superintendent, as ex officioSecretary of the Board, responsibility for preparation and distribution of the agenda andfor maintaining the minutes.The Board shall conduct meetings according to the current edition of Robert’sRules of Order, except as otherwise provided by applicable law. The Board maydetermine its method of voting, whether by voice, show of hands, or written ballot,provided that all votes shall be made public and voting by secret ballot is not allowedunless specifically allowed or directed by state law applicable to governmental bodies.

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