POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools

POLICY MANUAL - Calhoun County Schools


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5.13COMPREHENSIVE <strong>POLICY</strong> FOR GUN-FREE SCHOOLSComprehensive PolicyThe purpose and effect of this policy shall be the implementation andenforcement under one comprehensive policy of all state and federal laws prohibitingguns and deadly weapons in the schools. In accordance with applicable state andfederal laws and regulations,* the <strong>Calhoun</strong> <strong>County</strong> Board of Education prohibits anyperson, other than authorized law enforcement personnel, from the possession ortransport of any firearm, dangerous weapon, or similar dangerous instrument in anyschool building, on school grounds, on school vehicles, and/or at school-sponsoredevents. “Firearm” is defined as set forth at Section 921 of Title 18 of the United StatesCode. A “dangerous weapon” is any object that is designed, made or adapted for thepurpose of inflicting death or serious injury.This prohibition is inclusive of students, school personnel, and visitors,regardless of whether such person holds a license or permit to possess said firearm orweapon. This prohibition shall apply regardless of whether said firearm or weapon isloaded or unloaded and/or functional or nonfunctional.Law enforcement officials shall be notified of violations under this policy andcriminal charges shall be filed as warranted.StudentsNotwithstanding any criminal penalties which may also apply, any student whoviolates this policy shall be administratively punished in accordance with the Code ofStudent Conduct. Possession of a firearm and possession of a deadly weapon areeach classified as a Severe Violation of the Code of Student Conduct, requiringnotification of parents and law enforcement officials and referral to the Superintendentfor expulsion proceedings.Any student who commits a violation involving possession of a firearm shall beexpelled from attending regular school for a minimum period of one year, unless suchpenalty is modified by the Superintendent or his/her designee based upon extenuatingcircumstances as determined by the Superintendent on a case-by-case basis. Studentsexpelled for possession of firearms may be permitted to attend the Alternative School orother alternative setting if deemed appropriate upon consideration of all circumstances.Students removed from the regular school setting shall not be readmitted until suchperson has satisfied all appropriate requirements imposed by the Superintendent orhis/her designee as a condition for readmission.Discipline of students with disabilities for violation of this policy shall bedetermined on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the requirements of the IDEAand Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.PersonnelNotwithstanding any criminal charges which may be imposed, school personnelwho violate this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Education,up to and including termination of employment if circumstances so warrant. Any

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