Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon

Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon


8 Patient RecordsSELECT RECORDS TO SENDThis menu allows you to review each record for send status. For eachrecord, you may select to send or place the record on hold. The send statusdefaults to send. You may change the send status for a record at any time.1. Press [Send/Rec].2. Select Select Records to Send.3. Review send status.4. To change send status:a. Select the record to change status.b. Select Hold or Send and press [Select].Fax a Patient RecordWARNING!Misdiagnosis. ECG reports images viewed or printed in .pdf format at asize other than 100% may be appear distorted.Also, records sent by fax may not be suitable for diagnostic use due to thelow resolution of some fax receiving equipment.Patient records can only be faxed if the fax option is enabled and properlyset up. Refer to the beginning of Chapter 5 for general communicationssetup and “Setup Fax” on pg. 5-10.1. Press [Home].2. Press [Patient].3. Select View Patient Directory.4. Scroll down and select the desired patient.The ECG Review menu displays.5. Select Fax ECG.6. Select the desired fax destination.8-8 Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

Communications OptionsEmail a Patient Record!WARNINGMisdiagnosis. ECG reports images viewed or printed in .pdf format at asize other than 100% may be appear distorted.Also, records sent by fax may not be suitable for diagnostic use due to thelow resolution of some fax receiving equipment.Patient records can only be emailed if the email option is enabled andproperly set up. Refer to the beginning of Chapter 5 for generalcommunications setup and “Setup Email” on pg. 5-10.1. Press [Home].2. Press [Patient].3. Select View Patient Directory.4. Scroll down and select the desired patient.The ECG Review menu displays.5. Select Email ECG.6. Select the desired email destination.Retrieving ECG Records and Orders from an EMRSystem with Web ServicesNOTE: Using the record retrieval feature requirescommunications option. See “Communications Setup” onpg. 5-1.Use the record retrieval feature to receive ECG record or orders from theEMR system, based on the EMR connection setting (see “Set up WebServices” on pg. 5-12).Follow the instructions below to retrieve records from an EMR system suchas Heartcentrix ® or the Pyramis ® ECG Database Management system(version 6.1 or later) or other compatible data management system.If the EMR system supports order entry, then the Atria can retrieve ordersfrom this system.Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions 8-9

8 Patient RecordsSELECT RECORDS TO SENDThis menu allows you to review each record for send status. For eachrecord, you may select to send or place the record on hold. The send statusdefaults to send. You may change the send status for a record at any time.1. Press [Send/Rec].2. Select Select Records to Send.3. Review send status.4. To change send status:a. Select the record to change status.b. Select Hold or Send and press [Select].Fax a Patient RecordWARNING!Misdiagnosis. ECG reports images viewed or printed in .pdf format at asize other than 100% may be appear distorted.Also, records sent by fax may not be suitable for diagnostic use due to thelow resolution of some fax receiving equipment.Patient records can only be faxed if the fax option is enabled and properlyset up. Refer to the beginning of Chapter 5 for general communicationssetup and “Setup Fax” on pg. 5-10.1. Press [Home].2. Press [Patient].3. Select View Patient Directory.4. Scroll down and select the desired patient.The ECG Review menu displays.5. Select Fax ECG.6. Select the desired fax destination.8-8 <strong>Atria</strong> Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

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