Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon

Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon


6 Patient Preparation6-10 Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

Chapter7 Acquiring ECG ReportsAcquiring a Stat ECGThe Atria does not require patient demographic information for animmediate ECG. Enter patient demographic information at any time. (See“ECG Tips” on pg. 7-4.)If no patient ID is entered, the Atria prints “#STAT#, date, time” in thePatient ID field.To acquire a stat ECG:1. Prepare the patient for the recording. See “Patient Preparation” onpg. 6-1.2. Press [On/Stby] if necessary.3. Verify the patient’s heart rate displays on the Home screen. If the Atriadoes not display the heart rate, check the problem leads listed on thedisplay. Replace faulty electrodes if necessary.4. Press [ECG] twice to acquire a stat ECG report.NOTE: Pressing [ECG] twice overrides the “Wait for GoodData” message and may result in a flat-line ECG because theAtria hasn’t acquired enough good data.Recommended WorkflowIf possible enter patient demographic information before performing tests.Patient demographic information also may be entered after acquisition.!WARNINGMisdiagnosis. Some patient information directly affects ECG analysis.Your patient’s physician uses this information when interpreting ECGreports. Likewise, an interpretive Atria provides more accurate andcomplete analysis statements when you enter complete patientinformation.Prepare the PatientPrepare the patient for the recording, see Chapter 6, “Patient Preparation”.Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions 7-1

Chapter7 Acquiring ECG ReportsAcquiring a Stat ECGThe <strong>Atria</strong> does not require patient demographic information for animmediate ECG. Enter patient demographic information at any time. (See“ECG Tips” on pg. 7-4.)If no patient ID is entered, the <strong>Atria</strong> prints “#STAT#, date, time” in thePatient ID field.To acquire a stat ECG:1. Prepare the patient for the recording. See “Patient Preparation” onpg. 6-1.2. Press [On/Stby] if necessary.3. Verify the patient’s heart rate displays on the Home screen. If the <strong>Atria</strong>does not display the heart rate, check the problem leads listed on thedisplay. Replace faulty electrodes if necessary.4. Press [ECG] twice to acquire a stat ECG report.NOTE: Pressing [ECG] twice overrides the “Wait for GoodData” message and may result in a flat-line ECG because the<strong>Atria</strong> hasn’t acquired enough good data.Recommended WorkflowIf possible enter patient demographic information before performing tests.Patient demographic information also may be entered after acquisition.!WARNINGMisdiagnosis. Some patient information directly affects ECG analysis.Your patient’s physician uses this information when interpreting ECGreports. Likewise, an interpretive <strong>Atria</strong> provides more accurate andcomplete analysis statements when you enter complete patientinformation.Prepare the PatientPrepare the patient for the recording, see Chapter 6, “Patient Preparation”.<strong>Atria</strong> Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions 7-1

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