Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon

Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon


6 Patient PreparationPatient PreparationThe following steps are necessary for patient comfort and to minimizemuscle artifacts:• Assure the patient there is no danger or discomfort involved.• Explain that full cooperation will produce a valuablediagnostic record.• Ensure the patient is comfortable and relaxed.- Lay the patient on a cot or padded table large enoughto support both arms and legs.- Arms should rest at the side and the legs should lieflat and not touching.- Support the head with a pillow.- Avoid cold drafts and cover the patient with a blanketto prevent shivering (leave the chest and sensor sitesexposed).Skin PreparationRefer to the “Resting ECG Lead Placement & Coding Chart” on pg. 6-4 fordetails on where sensor sites are located.For information on alternate chest lead and other lead placements, see“Alternative Lead Placements” on pg. 6-8.1. Use the thumb and forefinger to part hair when necessary. Clipping orshaving may be required.2. If skin has lotion on it or the patient is diaphoretic, clean skin withalcohol and abrade slightly with a dry gauze.3. Ensure the skin is completely dry.6-2 Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

Sensor ApplicationSensor Application!!!!WARNINGFalse Readings. The lead status check does not detect lead reversals.Always ensure the correct lead placement is used for the leadconfiguration selected.WARNINGMisdiagnosis. Dirty, compromised, or unprepared skin may causeincorrect readings.Before applying sensors, ensure the skin is clean, unbroken, and properlyprepared.WARNINGInfection. Lead placement on compromised skin may cause infection.Before applying sensors, ensure the skin is clean, unbroken, and properlyprepared.CautionPatient skin irritation. When applying sensors, skin preparation,electrolyte solution, or electrode material may cause skin irritation.Monitor the electrode site and, if irritation occurs, use alternativeelectrolyte or electrodes.Apply sensors according to the instructions on the following pages (foradditional lead placement options, see “Alternative Lead Placements” onpg. 6-8).For information on using disposable sensors, see “Disposable Resting ECGSensors” on pg. 6-5. For information on using reusable sensors, see“Reusable ECG Sensors” on pg. 6-6.NOTE: Apply sensors and connect the patient cable andlead wires before entering patient information this allowsthe sensors to adhere, stabilize, and improve conductivity.Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions 6-3

Sensor ApplicationSensor Application!!!!WARNINGFalse Readings. The lead status check does not detect lead reversals.Always ensure the correct lead placement is used for the leadconfiguration selected.WARNINGMisdiagnosis. Dirty, compromised, or unprepared skin may causeincorrect readings.Before applying sensors, ensure the skin is clean, unbroken, and properlyprepared.WARNINGInfection. Lead placement on compromised skin may cause infection.Before applying sensors, ensure the skin is clean, unbroken, and properlyprepared.CautionPatient skin irritation. When applying sensors, skin preparation,electrolyte solution, or electrode material may cause skin irritation.Monitor the electrode site and, if irritation occurs, use alternativeelectrolyte or electrodes.Apply sensors according to the instructions on the following pages (foradditional lead placement options, see “Alternative Lead Placements” onpg. 6-8).For information on using disposable sensors, see “Disposable Resting ECGSensors” on pg. 6-5. For information on using reusable sensors, see“Reusable ECG Sensors” on pg. 6-6.NOTE: Apply sensors and connect the patient cable andlead wires before entering patient information this allowsthe sensors to adhere, stabilize, and improve conductivity.<strong>Atria</strong> Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions 6-3

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