Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon

Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon


5 Communications SetupPPP SETUPUse the PPP setting to connect the Atria to a PPP Server.1. Select Network Type > Ethernet > Use DHCP:• (Recommended) Select ON for dynamic IP addressassignment.• Select OFF for fixed IP address assignment.2. Enter the following:a. When DHCP is OFF enter:- IP address (IP Address for the Atria, typicallyassigned by the network administrator.)- Subnet Mask (typically Gateway (IP address for the Gateway)b. PPP Phone Number (phone number of the PPP Server)c. PPP Phone Type (select TOUCH TONE or Pulse)d. PPP User (user name set up on the PPP server)e. PPP Password (the password set up for the PPP user)f. UTC/GMT Time Zone Offset- The default is 6 for Central Standard Time- For other time zones, use the Time Zone listed onyour computer.- See the Time Zone instructions and note on 5-4 forconfiguring the UTC/GMT Time Zone Offset.Security Settings: Supplicant ConfigurationUse the Supplicant Configuration setting to configure the Atria with acustom configuration when the standard security options are notcompatible with your wireless network. Use the Supplicant Configurationoption if your wireless network requires the use of digital certificates.To configure a supplicant configuration complete the following steps:• Create a supplicant configuration file.• Install the configuration file on the Atria.• Install the digital certificate on the Atria.• Configure the Atria to use the supplicant configuration.5-6 Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

Network SetupCREATE A SUPPLICANT CONFIGURATION FILE• On a PC, use a text editor to create a configuration file.a. Follow the examples in the “Wireless Network CustomConfiguration Examples” in the Atria help page or theWPA_supplicant Reference Manual on the CD.b. Specify the name and location of the digital certificate.c. Save the file with the name: configNOTE:Do not use a file extension for the configuration file.d. Copy the configuration file to a blank USB device.INSTALL THE SUPPLICANT CONFIGURATION FILE1. Insert the USB device containing the supplicant configuration file intothe USB port on the back of the Atria.2. Press [Home] and then press [Setup].3. Select Service Functions from the Setup menu.4. The Atria displays a warning message, press [Enter].5. Use the navigation keys to select Copy wpa supplicant cfg from usb andthen press [Enter].The system copies the file and displays a message indicating the transferwas successful.6. Press [On/Stby] twice to reboot the Atria.INSTALL THE DIGITAL CERTIFICATE ON THE ATRIA1. Export the required certificate to a file on a PC. Use the pem format.2. Copy the certificate file to a blank USB device.3. Insert the USB device containing the certificate file into the USB porton the back of the Atria.4. Press [Home] and then press [Setup].5. Select Service Functions from the Setup menu.The Atria displays a warning message.6. Press [Enter].7. Use the navigation keys to select Copy wpa supplicant cert from usb andthen press [Enter].The system copies the file and displays a message indicating the transferwas successful.8. Press [On/Stby] twice to reboot the Atria.Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions 5-7

5 Communications SetupPPP SETUPUse the PPP setting to connect the <strong>Atria</strong> to a PPP Server.1. Select Network Type > Ethernet > Use DHCP:• (Recommended) Select ON for dynamic IP addressassignment.• Select OFF for fixed IP address assignment.2. Enter the following:a. When DHCP is OFF enter:- IP address (IP Address for the <strong>Atria</strong>, typicallyassigned by the network administrator.)- Subnet Mask (typically Gateway (IP address for the Gateway)b. PPP Phone Number (phone number of the PPP Server)c. PPP Phone Type (select TOUCH TONE or Pulse)d. PPP User (user name set up on the PPP server)e. PPP Password (the password set up for the PPP user)f. UTC/GMT Time Zone Offset- The default is 6 for Central Standard Time- For other time zones, use the Time Zone listed onyour computer.- See the Time Zone instructions and note on 5-4 forconfiguring the UTC/GMT Time Zone Offset.Security Settings: Supplicant ConfigurationUse the Supplicant Configuration setting to configure the <strong>Atria</strong> with acustom configuration when the standard security options are notcompatible with your wireless network. Use the Supplicant Configurationoption if your wireless network requires the use of digital certificates.To configure a supplicant configuration complete the following steps:• Create a supplicant configuration file.• Install the configuration file on the <strong>Atria</strong>.• Install the digital certificate on the <strong>Atria</strong>.• Configure the <strong>Atria</strong> to use the supplicant configuration.5-6 <strong>Atria</strong> Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

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