Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon

Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon


4 User SettingsPatientMenu ItemsLast NameFirst NameDate of BirthAgeAge FormatGenderRaceMedication 1Medication 2Class 1Class 2HeightWeightSystolic BPDiastolic BPDepartmentRoomTechnicianPhysicianUser FieldUser Field LabelDirectory SettingsThe patient directory is always sorted by date, with the most recent savedrecords at the top. The field displayed for each patient may be selected as:• View by ID• View by Name• View by RoomDescriptionSelect the patient information fields to display in theEnter New Patient menu.Select the local fields to display in the Enter New Patientmenu.ONOFFSelectionsON, CLEARON, HOLDOFFDisplays if User Field is ON, CLEAR or ON, HOLD. [text entry]Backspace to clear the field and then enter up to 15alphanumeric characters.The User Field Label renames the User Field. The newname is displayed when entering patient demographicsand is printed on patient demographics reports. The UserField may be used for anything. For example, use thefield for the referring physician’s name.V3 Placement Pediatric recording of V4R only. ON, CLEARON, HOLDOFFComments Enter comments regarding the patient. ONOFF4-12 Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

System SettingsSystem SettingsUse the System menu to set display preferences, password protections andbattery life settings.SystemMenu ItemsUser 1-2 SelectDescriptionSelects either User 1 or User 2. After a new user isselected, the Atria must restart for the settings to takeeffect.System settings apply to both User 1 and User 2.For more information on configuring users, see “MultipleUsers” on pg. 4-1.12SelectionsDate Format Select the format for current date and date of birth. MM/DD/YYYYDD.MM.YYYYYYYY.MM.DDDate Enter the current date. [text entry]TimeHeight UnitsWeight UnitsInst. NamePaper TypeEnter the current time using a 24-hour format.NOTE: The time setting must be updated during a timechange (e.g., Daylight Saving Time). If thecommunications option is installed and configured, thenupdate the time zone GMT, too. For more information, seethe note about UTC/GMT Time Zone Offset on page 5-4.Select the units to use for patient height.• IN.—Inches• CM.—CentimetersSelect the units to use for patient weight.• LB.—Pounds• KG.—KilogramsEnter the medical facility name (up to 30 characters). Theinformation displays at the bottom of each printout.Select the type of paper to automatically set the correctprinting contrast.[text entry]IN.CM.LB.KG.[text entry]AssuranceHeartLinePaper Size Select the size of the paper. A (8.5 x 11)A4AdministrativePasswordSet an administrative password to restrict Setup menusettings.(When set to ON the system prompts for a password,enter password up to 15 characters).ONOFFAtria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions 4-13

4 User SettingsPatientMenu ItemsLast NameFirst NameDate of BirthAgeAge FormatGenderRaceMedication 1Medication 2Class 1Class 2HeightWeightSystolic BPDiastolic BPDepartmentRoomTechnicianPhysicianUser FieldUser Field LabelDirectory SettingsThe patient directory is always sorted by date, with the most recent savedrecords at the top. The field displayed for each patient may be selected as:• View by ID• View by Name• View by RoomDescriptionSelect the patient information fields to display in theEnter New Patient menu.Select the local fields to display in the Enter New Patientmenu.ONOFFSelectionsON, CLEARON, HOLDOFFDisplays if User Field is ON, CLEAR or ON, HOLD. [text entry]Backspace to clear the field and then enter up to 15alphanumeric characters.The User Field Label renames the User Field. The newname is displayed when entering patient demographicsand is printed on patient demographics reports. The UserField may be used for anything. For example, use thefield for the referring physician’s name.V3 Placement Pediatric recording of V4R only. ON, CLEARON, HOLDOFFComments Enter comments regarding the patient. ONOFF4-12 <strong>Atria</strong> Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

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