Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon

Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon


4 User SettingsWaveformPreferencesMenu ItemsBaseline FilterLine FilterPacerEnhancementLead GroupDescriptionSelect the low frequency response• STABLE Baseline—Baseline Stabilization Filter.Suppresses most baseline wander interference whileproviding an accurate ECG reproduction (no distortionof the ST segment.) This filter applies to the printedreport, displayed ECG, and the data analyzed.• 0.05 Hz—Use the 0.05 Hz filter when signal delay isunacceptable.NOTE: Cardiac Science Corp. recommends use of theSTABLE Baseline filter except when a signal delay of 1.5seconds is unacceptable.NOTE: Both the 0.05 Hz and STABLE Baselineselections meet the American Heart Association’s 1990Recommendations for Standardization and Specificationsin Automated Electrocardiography: Bandwidth and SignalProcessing) pertaining to low-frequency response inelectrocardiography.Filter electrical interference from AC line voltage.NOTE: The line filter should be on. Turn off only ifnecessary.Displays pacemaker signals as artificial spikes on thedisplay and printouts (the positive spike is at least 10 mm).Select the lead triplet. The selected leads print on themanual rhythm and the auto rhythm reports.SelectionsSTABLE Baseline0.05 HzONOFFONOFFI II IIIRVFV123V456Custom 1Custom 24-8 Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

RhythmRhythmTo print rhythm reports for the selected lead group ([1] through [4] forpresets or [5] and [6] for custom settings):• Press [Manual Rhythm] or [Auto Rhythm].The Rhythm menu includes the following items:• Auto Rhythm Pages• Setup Custom 1• Setup Custom 2Setup Auto RhythmEnter the number of pages for an Auto Rhythm Report (1 to 10).Custom Lead SettingsThe Atria has two custom lead configurations:• Custom 1• Custom 2Both configurations are available when automatic rhythm or manualrhythm is selected.!WARNINGFalse readings. The lead status check does not detect lead reversals.Always ensure the lead placement used is for the lead configurationselected.Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions 4-9

4 User SettingsWaveformPreferencesMenu ItemsBaseline FilterLine FilterPacerEnhancementLead GroupDescriptionSelect the low frequency response• STABLE Baseline—Baseline Stabilization Filter.Suppresses most baseline wander interference whileproviding an accurate ECG reproduction (no distortionof the ST segment.) This filter applies to the printedreport, displayed ECG, and the data analyzed.• 0.05 Hz—Use the 0.05 Hz filter when signal delay isunacceptable.NOTE: Cardiac Science Corp. recommends use of theSTABLE Baseline filter except when a signal delay of 1.5seconds is unacceptable.NOTE: Both the 0.05 Hz and STABLE Baselineselections meet the American Heart Association’s 1990Recommendations for Standardization and Specificationsin Automated Electrocardiography: Bandwidth and SignalProcessing) pertaining to low-frequency response inelectrocardiography.Filter electrical interference from AC line voltage.NOTE: The line filter should be on. Turn off only ifnecessary.Displays pacemaker signals as artificial spikes on thedisplay and printouts (the positive spike is at least 10 mm).Select the lead triplet. The selected leads print on the<strong>manual</strong> rhythm and the auto rhythm reports.SelectionsSTABLE Baseline0.05 HzONOFFONOFFI II IIIRVFV123V456Custom 1Custom 24-8 <strong>Atria</strong> Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

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