Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon

Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon


10 TroubleshootingBaseline wanderNormally, the baseline will stabilize within a few seconds. The followingconditions may also cause an baseline wander:• Patient breathing• Dried out or peeling off electrodes• Improperly prepared skin• Improperly applied electrodes, with poor skin contact• Dirty electrodes• Body motionFix the faulty electrode, or turn on the Stable Filter to correct.Figure 10-2Poorly Affixed SensorArtifactElectrical InterferenceElectrical interference may produce a wide baseline. Its amplitude dependson the strength of the current source and the lead being recorded. In anyone lead, the amplitude of the interfering signal is uniform.Figure 10-3Electrical InterferenceArtifact10-6 Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

Recognizing and Reducing ECG ArtifactsTo reduce electrical interference:• Keep the power cord away from the patient and patient cable.• Connect the Atria to a properly grounded wall outlet.• Arrange the patient cable leads together, closely followingthe body contour.• Turn on line filter. Check [Setup] and then select WaveformPreferences > Line Filter. For more information, see “LineFilter” on pg. 4-8.• Ensure Diathermy or X-ray equipment in adjacent rooms isnot operating. Other electrical equipment including electricbeds, televisions, and lighting fixtures may also generateinterference (even when not in use).• Try moving the patient to another place in the room.Sometimes, electrical wiring in walls and ceilings causesinterference.• Operate the Atria from battery power.Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions 10-7

10 TroubleshootingBaseline wanderNormally, the baseline will stabilize within a few seconds. The followingconditions may also cause an baseline wander:• Patient breathing• Dried out or peeling off electrodes• Improperly prepared skin• Improperly applied electrodes, with poor skin contact• Dirty electrodes• Body motionFix the faulty electrode, or turn on the Stable Filter to correct.Figure 10-2Poorly Affixed SensorArtifactElectrical InterferenceElectrical interference may produce a wide baseline. Its amplitude dependson the strength of the current source and the lead being recorded. In anyone lead, the amplitude of the interfering signal is uniform.Figure 10-3Electrical InterferenceArtifact10-6 <strong>Atria</strong> Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

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