Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon

Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon Atria 6100 Operator's manual - Roxon


9 Sample Printouts9-10 Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

Chapter 10 TroubleshootingThis chapter lists common problems and recommended solutions. Foradditional questions contact Cardiac Science Technical Support at (800)777-1777 or (608) 764-1919.Basic TroubleshootingPROBLEMThe Atria will not power up.The Atria beeps twice or emits abnormalbeeping sounds.The Atria has “frozen.” The Atria does notrespond to key strokes and the displaydoes not change.The Atria display is completely blank.PROBABLE CAUSE• The Atria is not connected to externalpower (refer to “Back Panel” on pg. 2-2for connection information).• Battery is not installed or has nocharge.• Faulty power cord.• AC outlet not functional.• Faulty external power supply.• Function or key is not allowed (forexample, the end of a list or field isreached).• Press and hold the [On/Stby] key forfive seconds or until the Atria shuts off.To continue with normal operation,press [On/Stby] again to restart theAtria.• Press the [On/Stby] key to restart theAtria. If no response, verify the Atria isplugged in and press [On/Stby]again.• The Atria is in maintenance mode([On/Stby] key was pressed twicewhen powering on). Press the[On/Stby] key once to restart theAtria.• Contrast is too light or dark. Press[Form Feed] to verify the Atria is on,and then press [Shift] + [Previous]to lighten the display or press [Shift] +[Next] to darken the display.Atria Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions 10-1

9 Sample Printouts9-10 <strong>Atria</strong> Electrocardiograph Operating Instructions

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