May 10 Gopher - Minnesota NAPUS

May 10 Gopher - Minnesota NAPUS

May 10 Gopher - Minnesota NAPUS

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Volume 58, Number 5 <strong>May</strong> 20<strong>10</strong>MINNESOTA <strong>NAPUS</strong>STATECONVENTIONTreasure IslandRed WingJune 16th-18thCOME FOR IT ALL(Registration Form Page 9)

Dan Heins, PresidentAustin MN 55912Office: 507-434-4748Home: 507-437-6948Cell: 507-438-2676Email: postmasterdan@ymail.comJoin us at the State ConventionGreetings to each and every one!Well, by the time you read this article Anita and Ishould have completed the Spring 20<strong>10</strong> DistrictMeeting swing. For me, as your President, this is oneof the most important things I can do to get out to thevarious parts of the state and find out what is going onin your offices and what you are thinking. It also givesus the opportunity to share information with youregarding your <strong>NAPUS</strong> organization. I want to say thankyou to each and every one of you that was able to getthe coverage necessary in your office to come to themeeting and I hope that you found the meetingworthwhile.We are certainly living in some very challenging andit seems ever changing times in the United StatesPostal Service. Do we go to five day delivery, or not.Do we believe the facts and figures that we are seeingfrom the USPS, or not. It seems that there is a realdifference of opinion in our nation’s Capitol about whatthe real ramifications of five day delivery will have onour customers and what it will do for the bottom line,financially speaking, of the United States Postal Service.If you take the figures being put forth by the USPS andthe Government Accounting Office (GAO) they say weare looking at losing in the neighborhood of $238 billionover the next ten years. On the other hand, if you listento the members of the Postal Regulatory Commission(PRC) and especially the PRC Chair, Ruth Goldway, thesituation is not as dire as the PMG would have usbelieve and it is the PRC’s position especiallyChairwoman Goldway’s position that many of ourfinancial problems could be alleviated if Congresswould do something about the way we have beenoverpaying to the Civil Service Retirement Fund(estimates are in the neighborhood of $75 Billion) all ofthese years and find a way to give us some relief fromthat obligation and the obligation regarding thepre-funding of future retiree health benefits (a burdenthat does not have to be borne by any other federal or,from my understanding, private organization. It isChairwoman Goldway’s belief that if these two verysignificant financial issues were straightened out, theUSPS would be able to remain viable for many years tocome and would not have to take the drastic measuresof going to five day delivery and look at the closing ofPost Offices, simply because they are not makingmoney. While <strong>NAPUS</strong> as an organization wants to workwith the USPS to find solutions to the current financialsituation they find themselves in, we can not supportthe loss of Post Offices for purely financial reasons.There are other solutions and PMG Potter and thosethat work at USPS Headquarters need to go back to thedrawing board, so to speak, to find those solutions.On a much happier note, we are in the process ofputting together what I believe will be a very rewardingand worthwhile convention for you in Red Wing thisyear. I know that it is hard for many of you to thinkabout using your annual leave to come to theconvention; however, the convention will give you theopportunity to network with other Postmasters; getsome excellent training – something which we are notgetting from the USPS right now – and just anopportunity to get away. In order to deal with the issueof using your annual leave the Executive Boardreaffirmed the decision in January to shorten theconvention to just 1.5 days. So, we will begin with theGolf Tournament on Wednesday afternoon, June 16,then in the evening we have a special treat planned foryou from 8:30-11:30 PM, when we will have theopportunity to listen to and dance to the Beatle’s tributeband, A Hard Day’s Night. It should be a great showand opportunity to reaffirm some old friendships and tomake some new ones. On Thursday morning we willhear from our National President, Bob Rapoza; as wellas having some training and conducting our <strong>NAPUS</strong>business. The retirees will have their meeting onThursday morning, as well. Then after we gather for aluncheon, we will have the Memorial Service and theDistrict Managers are being invited to come andaddress the convention, as well. On Thursdayafternoon, we will also have a short presentation by EricSathre from the St. Paul Convention and Visitor’sBureau regarding St. Paul’s bid to host the 2013National <strong>NAPUS</strong> Convention in our own Capitol City ofSt. Paul. We will end our meeting portion of the day byclosing the bidding on the silent auction items andhaving our live auction at that time. In the lateafternoon, early evening, we will have our annual RolleBolle tournament and a picnic meal. Then you will befree to do whatever your heart may desire by takingadvantage of the amenities at Treasure Island; ortraveling into the city of Red Wing to see what they haveto offer. On Friday morning we will reconvene to(Continued on page 3)Page 2The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster

(Continued from page 2)conduct our <strong>NAPUS</strong> Business, as well as having a training session for all ofthe attendees. We will conclude the convention with a luncheon and then abrief Executive Board meeting. You should be able to be on the road by 1PM, or so. I again encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity toget valuable information for your job as a Postmaster, or to reacquaintyourself with friends and the retirees that will be attending, as well. Wewill also be bidding on a site for the 2012 State Convention and that votewill take place on Thursday afternoon, also. So, line up the help you needto cover your office, grab a neighboring Postmaster, OIC, or retiree (welldon’t literally grab them) and make your way to Treasure Island Resort andCasino in Red Wing for YOUR State Convention.While you are making convention plans, I would encourage you to makeplans to attend the National Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan;September 11-16, this year. The Michigan Postmasters have been workinghard to put together a convention and that will be not only rewarding, butfun and beneficial, as well. If you need any information on the conventionyou can get further information at the <strong>NAPUS</strong> website, www.napus.org.I leave you with this quote from Brian Tracy, “Every great achievement ofhumankind has been preceded by a long period of hard, concentratedwork until the job was done. Your ability to select your most important task,to begin it, and then to concentrate on it single-mindedly until it iscomplete is the key to high levels of performance and personalproductivity.”The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster is publishedmonthly by the <strong>Minnesota</strong> Chapter ofthe National Association of Postmastersof the United States. The annualsubscription rate is paid for frommembership dues. Periodicals postageis paid at Waterville MN and additionalmailing offices. The opinions expressedin this newsletter are those of thewriters and not necessarily those of theNational Association of Postmasters ofthe United States. ISSN # 0896-503XPOSTMASTER: Please send addresschanges to The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster,Margie Jacobson, Editor, PO Box 3,Morristown MN 55052President: Dan HeinsPM Austin MN 55912507-437-6948 (home)507-438-2676 (cell)postmasterdan@ymail.comExec Vice-President: Tony TerweyPM St. Joseph MNtterwey@yahoo.comCell 320-250-4612Secretary/Treasurer: Anita PfieferPM Owatonna MN 55060amp2016@yahoo.comEditor: Margie JacobsonPM Morristown MN 55052margiepm@yahoo.comPM Represention Committee:Buzz Snyder, ChairHome- 320-253-3516Cell-320-250-4414bzsnyder@charter,netBill BiresPM Spring Valley MN 55975507-993-0134Mrbill_58@yahoo.comDistrict Eight OfficersTammy Winkler - District DirectorLinda Urban - Vice District DirectorJanelle Duerkson - Secretary TreasurerRenee IngersollPM Moorhead MN 56560701-866-4483 cellr.s.ingersoll@att.netNational VP Area 14Carla Faulkner, North Dakotacarlaf@srt.comThe <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster Page 3

Anita PfieferSecretary/TreasurerPO Box <strong>10</strong>51Owatonna MN 55060Office: 507-451-3507Home: 507-451-4003Email: amp2016@yahoo.comTop <strong>10</strong> Reasons to attend the20<strong>10</strong> State Convention1. Training – Training – Training2. Network with other Postmasters3. Meet National President Bob Rapoza4. Beatles tribute band to welcomePostmasters to State Convention5. Re – energize and get motivated6. Meet new Postmasters and make newfriends7. Rolle Bolle8. Did I say . . . Training – Training – Training9. Reconnect with old friends<strong>10</strong>. Current information from District ManagersSend in your registration (by June 1 st ) , make yourhotel reservations (by <strong>May</strong> 24 th ), schedule yourreplacement, complete your 3971 and you are ready togo. I look forward to seeing you at Treasure Island forthe 20<strong>10</strong> State Convention!!share expenses and need a roommate, please contactme.The Secretary Treasurer position will be elected thisyear at the State Convention. I have been honored inthe past by your support and I sincerely hope you willconsider me again for this position.Membership – remember that our membershipcontest will end with this State Convention. Sign upnew OIC’s and Postmaster’s before convention to beeligible for this contest.See you in Red Wing !!MN <strong>NAPUS</strong> Financial StatementAs of February 28, 2009Regular Checking $ 8,252.74Regular Savings $24,114.24State Conv Savings $17,605.73Legislative Savings $ 4,893.28Conv 2000 Savings $ 564.38Cert of Deposit $11,150.28Cert of Deposit $15,925.18TOTAL $82,505.83If you are a first timer (or anyone else) and areplanning to attend the State Convention, but need to<strong>NAPUS</strong> Postmaster CruiseSan Juan Puerto RicoGreat news!! The <strong>NAPUS</strong> Postmaster group cruise –San Juan, PR , September 4 – 11, 2011 – is nowavailable for booking. I have reserved 50 various typecabins, but can always request more. The prices rangefrom $559.81 per person for an inside cabin to$819.81 per person for a gorgeous balcony cabin—andseveral various type cabins and price ranges inbetween. If you would like a suite, triple, etc., just giveme a call. These must be booked by me personally.These prices include all taxes.Now, when you go to the site, don’t let the pricescare you. They have listed the price for doubleoccupancy (ex. $559.81 x 2 = $1119.62) , so be surePage 4to divide by 2 to get the actual per person cost. I wasvery happy with the prices they quoted for our group forthis fabulous cruise.Here’s the steps to book your cruise:Log onto WeGotTrips.comClick on the GROUPS tab at the topUnder Group Name, type in <strong>NAPUS</strong> PostmastersClick on FIND ITClick on VIEW DETAILS, you’ll see gorgeous photos ofthe places we will visit and the itinerary for the variousstops on our trip. Continue to scroll down and you’ll seethe accommodations listed. This is where they havelisted the prices for double occupancy. You can scrollyour mouse over the various cabins to see an actualpicture of what your cabin will look like.(Continued on Page 5)The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster

Gayle OzmentPAC ChairmanPostmaster RetiredPrior Lake MN 55372Email: kmaaug2005@yahoo.comPAC.......WITHOUT IT YOU LOSEBecause of the present financial condition of theUSPS, we have to admit that there will be manychanges in the future. Many of those proposed changeshave to be approved by the US Congress. Their vote willaffect you.In our world, the USPS world, Congress has a vote inwhat happens. Each and every Congressman has a votefor or against our future, the future of the USPS and it'srole in each community.If the USPS goes to 5 day delivery, how will it affectyour office, your life, and the life of youremployees? How many will be joining theunemployment lines?Is your office on the list to be closed or consolidatedbecause it isn't self sustaining financially?Is Congress going to change your pension benefitsfrom high 3 to high 5? How much will that take out ofyour monthly retirement check?Congress and Congressional candidates who supportthe <strong>NAPUS</strong> legislative agenda. The $500 or $<strong>10</strong>00given to a campaign does not buy a vote. Itmerely shows that candidate, that <strong>NAPUS</strong> supports andthanks them for their support.By Federal Law, PAC's moneys come solely from youas a personal donation to the PAC fund.Every Postmaster, Associate, and Retiree has astake in the votes of Congress. It is essential to getcandidates that support our agenda!We must fight to keep what we have now!!!PAC ContributionsNAME:_____________________________<strong>NAPUS</strong> Member ID Number:___________ADDRESS:__________________________CITY____________STATE____ZIP_______Active PostmasterRetired Postmaster Associate MemberMake checks payable to:<strong>NAPUS</strong> PACSend PAC Donations to:Gayle OzmentPO Box <strong>10</strong>South Haven MN 55382-00<strong>10</strong>The SOLE PURPOSE of <strong>NAPUS</strong> PAC, is to providebipartisan political and financial support to Members ofWe will have a Meet and Greet very early in our tripso everyone will know who’s aboard.The cruise is a Sunday to Sunday cruise, but we willdock back at San Juan at 7:00 AM, Sunday, September11. I plan to request an early disembarkation for ourgroup so we will be able to attend the church service atthe start of the convention. Don’t worry, we don’t wantyou to miss a thing!Beverly DeWittContact Info:870-743-6051 (home)870-688-8481 (cell)johnnbev@cox.netwegottrips@cox.netGreg Geheren sworn into office by Jeff Benecke.Greg is the new Postmaster of Hugo MNThe <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster Page 5

Tony TerweyExecutive Vice President18374 Cedar LnRichmond MN 56368Work: 320-363-8360Cell: 320-250-4612MAKE THE INVESTMENTThe <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>NAPUS</strong> Convention is less than twomonths away in Red Wing <strong>Minnesota</strong>. Are you willing tomake the investment of two days annual leave, the costof a reasonable hotel and a little travel time? At theConvention you will have live training, networkingopportunities with fellow Postmasters from the state, atleast one District Manager presentation and lots more.The most valuable of these all will be the networking.The opportunity to get to know that you are not alone inthe challenges and frustrations of the current state ofthe Postal Service as it relates to your office oroperation. You will have the opportunity to meet andmake new friends. You will also have the opportunity toask questions in training that is given live and in personnot by computer webinar! The Executive Board hasbeen busy planning to make this convention a successsince early January. The Board has shortened the timeframe but tried to keep all the traditions we could. So Iask you again can you make the investment and attendthe convention in June! I hope to see you in Red Wing!MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE FUTUREThe <strong>Minnesota</strong> Chapter of <strong>NAPUS</strong> will again look toaward four five hundred dollar college scholarships in20<strong>10</strong> at the State Convention. To date I havetwenty-one applications from children andgrandchildren of active, retired and associate membersof <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>NAPUS</strong>! The deadline for scholarshipapplications was <strong>May</strong> 1, 20<strong>10</strong>! Two teachers from thelocal school in St. Joseph <strong>Minnesota</strong> will be reviewing allapplications and selecting the four recipients. Theopportunity to present scholarships is made possible bythe live and silent auction, bidding that takes place atthe State Convention, along with a large donation fromthe Retirees. Again this year all Districts within thestate are asked to bring two items for the auction in aneffort to raise funds to continue <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>NAPUS</strong>making a difference in the future.DESTINATION NORTHWESTQUADRANT IN 2012The Time and Place Committee is in the process ofsoliciting locations for 2012 in the northwest quadrantof the State of <strong>Minnesota</strong>. The hope is to have five orsix options for convention attendees to choose from for2012.Until we meet in Red Wing have a great spring!<strong>NAPUS</strong>GOLF TOURNAMENTRegistration FormWednesday June 16th - NoonMississippi National Golf CourseOn the south edge of Red Wing18 hole-4 person Best Shot eventPlease arrive on the course 30 minutes early.$65 includes CartGolfers 1. _________________2. _________________3. _________________4. _________________Please return with fee toMel Miller808 Saint Lawrence Dr,Northfield MN 55057Single players are welcome and will be put on ateam. Make checks payable to Mel Miller.KEN WINTER MEMORIALROLLE BOLLE TOURNAMENTRegistration FormThursday, June 17th 4:30 p.m.Treasure Island Resort & Casino groundsENTRY FEE: $15 per personAll proceeds to be split betweenSCHOLARSHIP & PAC FUNDSTEAM NAME:_______________________Members 1. _______________2. _______________3. _______________Please return to:Denny ZochertPO Box 341Kasota MN 56050Single players welcomeFirst team of all First Timers to sign up will receivefree entry fee.Page 6The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster

Kathy FosterMembership ChairPO Box 804Blooming Prairie MN 55917Work: 507-583-7527Email: jdfoster@smig.netWhat can you do for <strong>NAPUS</strong>?Membership: A member, defined by Merriam-Webster as originating in the 14 th century: one of theindividuals composing a group. Membership, a conceptthat has been around for a long time, defined byMerriam-Webster as originating in 1643 ~ 1 : the stateor status of being a member; 2 : the body of members;3 : the relation between an element of a set or classand the set or class.MN <strong>NAPUS</strong> is our group – each of us is a membercomposing the membership of MN <strong>NAPUS</strong>. Our group isstrong and worthy of our support, and the support of allthose who have the requirements for membership buthave yet to become members. So where do we go fromhere? We need to grow! <strong>NAPUS</strong> has lot to offer to themembership – the credit union, insurance,INFORMATION and NETWORKING!! But, I ask you to asknot what <strong>NAPUS</strong> can do for YOU, but what you can dofor <strong>NAPUS</strong>! We have quality leadership and a strongorganization, but numbers speak – action speaks –there are still offices out there that have Postmasters orOIC’s who have not yet joined <strong>NAPUS</strong>. Membership is achoice.growing Membership – when you are in contact with anon-member office, let them know the advantages ofmembership and hand them a Form 1187 – or havethem contact me and I will be happy to assist! Getthem signed on as members, and then – take that extrastep and invite them to the Convention in June. Therethey will have not only “first-timer” status, but an instantidea of the value of their choice to themselves and tothe organization.See you at the convention – and let’s grow together!SIGN UP NEW MEMBERSContact and visit Non-Member officesTalk to new OICs or non-memberPostmasters or recently retiredPostmastersExplain the benefits of being a <strong>NAPUS</strong>memberComplete an 1187 or 1187REither submit online or send to KathyFoster in Blooming Prairie.Any questions, contact:Kathy FosterPO Box 804Blooming Prairie MN 55917-0804Help increase the impact of our organization byWantedAuction items needed for the live and silent auctionto be held during the State Convention in June.Money raised will be used to#1. help educate our future leaders (Scholarship)#2. help educate our current leaders (PAC)These items can be dropped off at theregistration desk at State Convention.Thank you.Scholarship CommitteeThe Nebraska PostmasterThe Nebraska Chapter of <strong>NAPUS</strong> encourageseveryone to cast their vote for ElRoy Bartels forthe upcoming election for the <strong>NAPUS</strong> FederalCredit Unions, Credit Committee. A fifty plusyear <strong>NAPUS</strong> member has given much of his timefor our organization. As the credit unioncelebrates its 40th anniversary it is important tore-elect ElRoy to the board. Your vote would beappreciated.Virginia SteensonEditorThe <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster Page 7

Margie JacobsonEditorMorristown MN 55052Sarbanes Oxley and You!Office: 507-685-4545Cell: 507-649-<strong>10</strong>34Email: margiepm@yahoo.comAre you really sure if you are following all the controlsso that your office could survive an audit?Under Sarbanes Oxley the controls are no differentthan what has been in place for some time. But are youfollowing all the guidelines?I am sure you have documented absences in youroffice and had your employees fill out the necessary PSForm 3971, Request for and Notification of Absence buthave you completed all of the sections required on theform? Have you not only signed and dated that it wasapproved but also checked the approval box? Do youensure that each of your employees assigned to higherlevel duties or other duties than those of theirpermanent position are documented on a PS Form1723? If you have disallowed time, is it documentedand have you documented the corrective action takenby management for repeated time disallowance. Thesame is also true for unauthorized overtime. If you needto make an adjustment in TACS be sure that you havevalidated the support documentation.Are you maintaining all the controls for your stampstock accountability? Make sure that you aremaintaining your unit accountability stock limit. Makesure that you are doing your stamp stock examinationsand that you complete the counts randomly and timely.Make sure that two individuals perform the stampcredit examination.Does the close out employee always ensure that allthe daily financial activity found on the 1412 has all therequired supporting documentation and the unit is inbalance daily?Do you ensure that all refunds are documented onthe PS Form 3533? Is the form filled out completelyand signed as authorized?I am sure we are all maintaining the controls in ouroffices but we must make sure that we are dotting allthe i’s and crossing all the t’s on every form.Hope to see you all soon at State Convention.CongratulationsOn your New Postmaster AssignmentsRichard Noreen, Mahnomen MNElizabeth Lisburg, Fertile MNMark Anderson, Clarks Grove MNEric Bardeman, Virginia MNBrad Bloom, Henning MNCarol Schmitz, Lake Park MNEric Poland, St Michael MNWayne O’Connell, Shelly MNDarla Christensen, Wendell MNJohn Schierschmidt, Long Lake MNTerry Vonbank, Prior Lake MNDan Heins, Stewartville MNVanessa Nielsen, Pillager MNJeffrey Gades, Appleton MNTerry Neneman, Lanesboro, MNScott Billings, Greenbush MNHome Page Officers Membership PM Reps Legislative Leadership Events The <strong>Gopher</strong> ContactVisit our <strong>Minnesota</strong> website: http://mnnapus.orgPage 8The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster

20<strong>10</strong> MN <strong>NAPUS</strong> STATE CONVENTIONREGISTRATION FORMTreasure Island Resort & CasinoRed Wing MNJune 16th-18thName:________________________________________________(As it will appear on your name badge)Address:______________________________________________City, State & Zip:_______________________________________Office:________________________________________________(As it will appear on your name badge)Please check all that apply:_____ <strong>NAPUS</strong> Member $45 _____Guest $45_____Retired Postmaster $45 _____Retirees Luncheon Only $20After June 1st—Registration is $65Make checks payable to MN <strong>NAPUS</strong> CONVENTION.Send registration to: Anita Pfiefer<strong>NAPUS</strong> Secretary/TreasurerPO Box <strong>10</strong>51Owatonna MN 55060-<strong>10</strong>51For room reservations call: Treasure Island Resort & Casino5734 Sturgeon Lake Rd, Welch MN 550891-800-222-7077$74.00 Sunday-Thursday and $119 Friday-SaturdayRoom block for <strong>NAPUS</strong> is available until 5/24/<strong>10</strong>No guarantee of room availability after that date.

<strong>NAPUS</strong> Executive Board MeetingJanuary 15, 20<strong>10</strong>Holiday Inn St Cloud MNFriday, January 15, 2009Meeting called to order by President Dan Heins at 7:37pm.Roll Call: in attendance: Dan Heins, Tony Terwey, AnitaPfiefer, Margie Jacobson, Mel Miller, Gayle Ozment,Sheila Bodell-Hoerner, Tammy Dockter, DonovanHorrigan for Wendy Kafka, Dennis O’Neill, GregGeheren, Mary Wels, Pat McManimon-Moe, BuzzSnyder, Curt Tabbert, Kathy Foster, Renee Ingersoll, BillBires.Approval of Minutes: Minutes from Executive Boardmeeting held June 15, 2009 and June 18, 2009 werepresented as published in The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster.Motion to approve minutes, seconded, discussion,passed.Approval of Financial Statements:Treasurer’s report: Anita Pfiefer presented end of 2009Balance Sheet.$<strong>10</strong>,588.50 Regular checking$24,075.56 Regular savings$16,159.14 State Convention savings$ 3,222.55 Legislative savings$ 563.67 Convention 2000 savings$15,827.41 Convention 2000 certificate of deposit$11,097.75 Regular certificate of deposit$ 977.00 <strong>Gopher</strong> balance$83,783.97 Total Assets$ 0.00 Total LiabilitiesAnita presented end of year figures for 2009.Motion to approve Treasurers report: seconded /passed.retired St CloudPostmaster Representative – Renee Ingersoll,MoorheadPostmaster Representative – Bill Bires, Spring ValleyPAC Chair – Gayle Ozment, retired Prior LakeService Officer – Curt Tabbert, CarlosChaplain –Historian – Monica Bjork, UticaState Convention 20<strong>10</strong> report: Dan Heins reported:Reminded that the convention will be held on Thursdayand Friday, June 17 th and 18 th . The tentative agendawas presented. Sheila requested to be done earlier,maybe by 2:30.Reports:Editor report: Margie Jacobson reported: <strong>Gopher</strong>schedule, next article is due January 20 th . She will emailThe <strong>Gopher</strong> article schedule to everyone. If you seesomething you like, let Margie know.Membership report: Kathy Foster reported: – let Kathyknow of new Postmasters; obtains information frompersonnel report that is sent from Sharon Oppegard.Contest is still ongoing for recruiting new members.Motion to extend the membership contest to StateConvention / seconded / passed.Postmasters Retired report: Gayle Ozment reported forBruce Nelson: Bruce Nelson sends his greetings fromArizona and he will be attending the PostmasterRetirees picnic in Arizona.Audit Committee Report:Gayle Ozment reported: Audited the financial reportsfrom June 1, 2009 thru December 31, 2009. Reportedthe financial papers are in order with no discrepanciesfound.Presidential appointments – Motion to approve thevoting positions of:Membership Chair – Kathy Foster, Blooming Prairie<strong>Gopher</strong> Editor – Margie Jacobson, MorristownLegislative Chair – Greg Geheren, HugoSeconded / passed.Other appointments by President Dan Heins:Postmaster Representative – Corwin (Buzz) Snyder,Page <strong>10</strong>(Continued on page 11)The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster

(Continued from page <strong>10</strong>)Postmaster Representative report: Buzz Snyderreported: Not very much activity at this time – butreminded us that <strong>NAPUS</strong> is here to help, letPostmasters know to call PM reps for Letters ofWarning.PAC report: Gayle Ozment reported: is new and justreceived supplies.Legislative report: Greg Geheren reported: Legislativeconference will be held March 20 th thru 25 th . Healthcare bill <strong>NAPUS</strong>, NAPS and League are behind thecadillac tax – windfall elimination and governmentoffset are still on the agenda. Sunday, March 21st willbe the time for the chapter to meet.Service Officer: Curt Tabbert reported: Curt would sendnew members a packet on the credit union. Will beginworking with Kathy.Leadership / Legislative Conference:Anita reported that <strong>NAPUS</strong> members must sign up andpay for their own registration. Submit forreimbursement following conference.Spring District Meeting Dates;Tentative dates:District 1 & 3 <strong>May</strong> 4 th MahnomenDistrict 2 <strong>May</strong> 5 th up northDistrict 4 <strong>May</strong> 6 th BrainerdDistrict 5 April 29 th WillmarDistrict 6 April 22 nd St CloudDistrict 7 April 20 th SavageDistrict 8 April 15 th St JamesDistrict 9 April 8 th RochesterLeague convention in Fargo on <strong>May</strong> 2ndDan will send letter to District 2 members to see ifanyone is interested to be an officer and notice ofmeeting.Proposed Budget for 20<strong>10</strong>: Anita Pfiefer reported:Motion: to reimburse the President and SecretaryTreasurer up to nine days of pay at their current rate ofpay so that they can use nine days of leave without pay.The nine days can be used as follows – two days forLeadership conference, two days for NationalConvention and five days for District meetings with anestimated cost of $6300. Seconded – discussion.Amendment to the motion: add language ‘current rateof pay’ as of January 1 st of the year they are serving –seconded, discussion, amendment passed. Motion onthe table: discussion concluded / passed. Will add aline item transfer from saving on the income side andline item on the expense side to account for thistransaction. The wages have not changed in 15 – 20years for the four officers that receive wages, budgetincreased hourly wage from $12 to $14. Motion toapprove the 20<strong>10</strong> budget with the bottom line totalequal to $ 88,697.00 / seconded / passed.Old Business: noneNew Business: Mid-States conference will be hosted by<strong>Minnesota</strong> on July 23 rd – 25 th at the Hilton Airport inBloomington– in the past we have poured over the<strong>NAPUS</strong> policy - it is adopted at National Convention andsent to Postal Headquarters. Dan has been appointedNational policy chair. MN is hosting the conference –major topic will be membership, how to get members,retain members, make <strong>NAPUS</strong> important and viable tomembers. Usually 40 – 50 attend. Request thatmembership chairs attend this year with other officers.2013 national convention – NW quadrant is up forbidding – motion to allow the National Office to solicitbids from MN (Twin City area) for the 2013 NationalConvention / seconded / passed.National secretary endorsement – election to takeplace in Grand Rapids – Scott Boardman from Maineand Ruthie Cable – past Secretary/Treasurer are candidates– no endorsement at this time.Mileage reimbursement – same as last year – 50 centsper mile.Time and place for 2012 will be NW quadrant of<strong>Minnesota</strong> – suggestions for cities to solicit?Motion to adjourn, seconded / passed.NOTICEPlease send installation pictures,retirements and any other news about<strong>NAPUS</strong> members to our <strong>NAPUS</strong> historianMonica Bjork195 Benson Dr NLewiston MN 55952The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster Page 11

Official minutes of the 74 thConvention of the<strong>Minnesota</strong>Chapter of <strong>NAPUS</strong>The 74 th Convention of <strong>Minnesota</strong> Chapter of<strong>NAPUS</strong> was called to order on June 16, 2009 byPresident Mel Miller, PM Lakeville. Chaplin PattyBedore, PM Retired Moorhead, gave the invocation.The International Falls Honor Guard presented theColors. Rick Swanson, PM Retired Hibbing, sang theStar Spangled Banner. Tony Terwey, PM St. Joseph, ledall in the Pledge of Allegiance. Rick Swanson sang GodBless America, after which the International Falls VFWretired the colors. Thank you, Rick for sharing yourbeautiful talent with us today! The District Directors,accompanied by First Timers from their respectiveDistricts, presented the Parade of Flags. KirbyShoefner, Postmaster of International Falls welcomedus. A representative from the Holiday Inn, Steve Fox,welcomed the assembly and thanked us for choosingtheir facility, encouraging all to partake of the manyamenities available and to have a good time. AnitaPfiefer, Secretary-Treasurer, PM Owatonna sounded offthe roll call of counties and followed with her Secretary/Treasurer reports. Motions to approve both were made,seconded and approved.Next on the agenda was an excellent trainingsession on financial control and accountability by DawnZimmerman and Judy Kerr. Sox compliance will becomea big part of our financial picture in 20<strong>10</strong>.League President Sue Weiner PM Belgradespoke to us how we need to continue to work together.There are many changes happening and our attitudewill carry us through.We were honored to have District Manager TonyWilliams who spoke on our challenges during thesechanging times. Volume is down, revenue is achallenge, and we need to attend to business and findnew revenue, control hours and costs, and be diligent inour duties. There is a lot of stress but we need to makerespect and dignity a two way street. We are molding anew path for the Postal Service. Use your potential todo your best every day and be leaders in the Area andNation – it’s our duty to our customers, our company,and to ourselves. You will be creating your own legacy.Tony then made himself available for questions fromthe floor – presented by President Mel.After the break, Buzz Snyder, PM retired from StCloud/PM Rep, gave training on ethics. Remember andpractice the Oath of Office we all took when we becamePostmasters. Stay away from problems by doing what isrequired of you with integrity.Page 12Bruce Nelson, PM retired, brought theconstitution and bylaw changes. The bylaw change is tochange the quorum from the current 50 to all membersat the convention are the required quorum. TheConstitution change involves changing the Districtelections to the fall. All the other committee reportswere given and a membership forum was led by MelMiller before the meeting was adjourned. Tradition ledall outside for the annual Rolle Bolle Tournament.Proceeds going to PAC and Scholarships – what a funway to make a difference!The session resumed Wednesday, June 17,2009 with the Call or Order by President Mel Miller. Theinvocation was given by Dan Heins, PM Austin. MargieJacobson, <strong>Gopher</strong> Editor, led all in the Pledge ofAllegiance. Sharon Oppegard gave a very informativepresentation on E-career, hiring, and Webcoins. This isthe only way to hire anyone. It is necessary to learnhow to navigate through the system.Buzz Snyder and Mary Leonard, PM reps, gave apresentation on how to stay out of trouble. MOSTIMPORTANT IS TO CALL A PM REP-you are not alone.Call with questions and make sure you call if there isany discipline involved. A list of do’s and don’ts waspresented to help us. Case examples warned us whatnot to do.The Nomination committee placed the name ofDan Heins into nomination for the position of Presidentof MN <strong>NAPUS</strong>. Nomination approved/seconded.President Mel entertained a white ballot to elect DanHeins as the next President of MN <strong>NAPUS</strong> for 20<strong>10</strong>-2011, seconded and passed. Tony Terwey was placedinto nomination for Executive Vice President.Nomination approved/seconded. President Melentertained a white ballot to elect Tony Terwey as the20<strong>10</strong>-2011 Executive VicePresident, seconded/passed.Motion to approve Tony Terwey to carry out theExecutive VP job until Dec 31, 2009. Seconded/approved.Senior MPOO’s Gina Hellerman and Larry Bockpresented Phase 3 of the jobs/postings for Postmasteror other positions on Lite Blue. Phase 3 will begin inlate August. Get prepared now if you are thinking ofchanging offices. Remember to check your personale-OPF from your home computer. There have beenmany instances of mistakes. They also talked aboutcurrent training programs. This was followed by aquestion and answer session.The afternoon session was opened with theintroduction of Past Presidents of <strong>NAPUS</strong>. A movingmemorial service by the Memorial committee followed.A discussion was held about what days to movethe Convention to for next year. It was noted that forRed Wing, we will go to Wednesday–Friday and stay the(Continued on page 13)The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster

(Continued from page 12)3 rd week in June. Time and Place committee chair TonyTerwey presented the choices for the 2011 convention.The committee’s recommendation of St Cloud wasannounced and formed into a motion. Seconded/passed.It was a great honor to have with us <strong>NAPUS</strong>National Secretary-Treasurer Wayne Orshak. He spoketo us about the decisions that went into the loss of ourConvention leave. Relationships between ourselves, ouremployees, our customers, and our communities make“US” - The US Postal Service. We make a big differencein the lives of many. Don’t forget to focus on thepositive in these negative times. Our main concernshould be customer service.Training by Don Hagen was next and we foundout who has 2 left feet! It was a great stress reliever.Chris Holbeck gave a slide presentation ofVoyager National Park and encouraged us to visit.The session was adjourned. Later the Banquetwas held with Dan Heins as our featured speaker. Thiswas followed by silent auction finalists and the liveauction. Thanks to all who bid and contributed. A totalof $2006 was collected to be divided between PAC andScholarship.The general session continued on Thursday, June18, 2009 and was called to order by President MelMiller at 8:40 am. The invocation was given by BrucePeters. Anita Pfiefer, State Secretary/Treasurer, led allin the Pledge of Allegiance. Bruce Nelson presentedthe proposed changes to the Constitution and By Laws.Present language: ByLaws <strong>Minnesota</strong> Chapter No. 9National Association of Postmasters of the UnitedStates, 1. In any convention or other meeting of thischapter, fifty (50) members shall constitute a quorum.The Committee recommended the following change inlanguage: 1. In any convention of this chapter, allmembers who are present and registered for theconvention shall constitute a quorum. Motion to adoptchanges/seconded/passed.The next constitution change was presented: Currentlanguage was read:ARTICLE XVI ORGANIZATION3. The following district officers shall be electedevery year at least 30 days before the chapterconvention. A district director, a district vice directorand a district secretary-treasurer. The district officersshall be elected and hold office in the following manner:Even number districts shall elect district officers in evennumbered years. Odd numbered districts shall electofficers in odd numbered years. All districts officersshall be elected for a two year term. All district officerselectshall assume their respective offices at the closeof the meeting where they are elected with appropriateinstallation ceremonies performed by the ChapterPresident or their alternate. Effective October 1, 1958.The Committee did not recommend the followingchanges in language:3. The following district officers shall be elected everyyear at the fall district meeting. A district director, adistrict vice director and a district secretary-treasurer.The district officers shall be elected and hold office inthe following manner: Even number districts shall electdistrict officers in even numbered years. Odd numbereddistricts shall elect officers in odd numbered years. Alldistricts officers shall be elected for a two year term. Alldistrict officers-elect shall assume their respectiveoffices at the close of the meeting where they areelected with appropriate installation ceremoniesperformed by the Chapter President or their alternate.Effective January 1, 20<strong>10</strong>.Motion to adopt the changes/seconded/did notpass.The next constitutional change was presented:Current language was read:5. Each district shall hold its annual meeting not lessthan thirty (30) days before the annual ChapterConvention. The results of the election and a copy ofthe minutes of the meeting shall be submitted by theincumbent district secretary to the chapter secretarywithin one week thereafter.The Committee did not recommend the followingchange in language:5. Each district shall hold its annual meeting duringthe fall, which will be attended by the President and/orSecretary/Treasurer. The results of the election and acopy of the minutes of the meeting shall be submittedby the incumbent district secretary to the chaptersecretary within one week thereafter.No motion was made/proposal died for lack ofmotion.Dan Heins and Greg Geheren made a presentationon legislative issues. Letters were passed out to mail toyour Senator/Congressman about the loss of ourConvention leave and suggestions on how to help thePostal Service. HR 22 was discussed. Other bills wereexplained also.Scholarship report final was $1776. PAC final was$3456.Motion made to endorse Bob Ropoza for <strong>NAPUS</strong>National President, seconded/passed.No old business was presented.A motion to adjourn was made at 9:15 am,seconded/passed. Safe travels home to all – and planon attending next year’s Convention in Red Wing!Respectfully submitted,Marlene Vos,Recording Secretary.The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster Page 13

Greetings from ND!Bonita BaltesArea Director for Area 9for Postmasters Retired1521 14th St EWest Fargo, ND 58078701-238-4127bonitabaltes@msn.comAfter attending the Legislative Conference in DC, itmakes me wonder where the Postal Service isgoing. Service certainly is not the toppriority. Postmasters have been given many moreduties and still no more hours to do the service that isexpected for their customers. I have always believedchange was good, but some of the challenges putbefore Postmasters has put some doubt in my mind.I can only encourage Postmasters to stick together,share your problems with neighboring Postmasters,find a listening ear and do your job to the best of yourability.Remember many Retired Postmasters are here tohelp you, listen to you or give you encouragement.Your <strong>NAPUS</strong> organization is staying current with thechanges and problems. Call one of your State<strong>NAPUS</strong> Officers for help. "Let us do together what wecannot do alone."Hope to see you at your State Convention in RedWing, MN on June 16th - 18th. If you haven'tregistered, do so now. These events are greatgatherings to share and to learn.Area 9 Director for Postmasters RetiredBonita Baltes1521 14th St EWest Fargo, ND 58078701-277-0133bonitabaltes@msn.comValley campaigns of World War II from 1941 to 1945.Bertrand Hilding StrandlundFormer Postmaster at Stacy MN4/20/1919—12/26/2009“Bud” Strandlund resided in Nisswa MN from <strong>May</strong> toSeptember and in Winter Haven Florida from October toApril. He was married to Harriet and had threedaughters: Pamela, Paula, and Sheila.After high school he was drafted into the Army. As aStaff Sergeant in the 3rd Battalion, 135th Infantry, 34th(Red Bull) Infantry Division, he fought in Tunisian,Naples-Foggia, Rome-Arno, North Apennines, and PoDear <strong>NAPUS</strong> Postmasters, Retirees, and friends:I want to thank everyone who came to my receptionin Washington, DC. Despite conflicting schedules withChapter dinners and caucuses, we had an awesometurnout.I also want to thank GA, IL, KY, LA, MS, MT, OH, OK,PR & VI, & UT for their full state endorsements; and AK,FL, IN, OR, PA, & WV, for their Executive Boardendorsements. For the next few months, I will be onPage 14Upon returning to civilian life, he attended DunwoodyInstitute in Minneapolis in auto repair and eventuallyowned “Bert’s Body Shop” in Stacy MN. Prompted by hiswar related physical conditions, he was advised to seeka change in profession. From 1961 until his retirementin 1979, Bert served as Postmaster in Stacy MN.Herb TuhkanenSpouse of Retired Cotton MN PostmasterLinda TuhkanenHerb passed away Saturday April 24th. Serviceswere held at the Funeral home on Wednesdayevening and a Memorial Service was held in Cottonon Thursday April 29th.the campaign trail, and will attend as many of yourmeetings as I am able. If I don’t see you at your StateConvention, I look forward to seeing you at the NationalConvention in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where, with yourvote and support, I will be elected as your nextSecretary/Treasurer.VOTE FOR RUTHIE, AGAIN, IN 20<strong>10</strong>.THANKS!!! Ruthie CaubleThe <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster

JUST A SIMPLE SOLDIER@ 1985 A. Lawrence VaincourtHe was getting old and paunchy and his hair was falling fast, and he sataround the Legion, telling stories of the past.Of a war that he had fought in and the deeds that he had done. In hisexploits with his buddies; they were heroes, everyone.And ‘tho sometimes to his neighbors, his tales became a joke, all hisbuddies listened for they knew whereof he spoke.But we'll hear his tales no longer, for ol’ Bob has passed away, and theworld’s a little poorer, for a soldier died today.He won’t be mourned by many, just his children and his wife. For helived an ordinary, very quiet sort of life.He held a job and raised a family, quietly going on his way; and theworld won’t note his passing; ‘tho a Soldier died today.When politicians leave this earth, their bodies lie in state. Whilethousands note their passing, and proclaim that they were great.Papers tell of their life stories from the time that they were young, butthe passing of a soldier, goes unnoticed, and unsung.Is the greatest contribution, to the welfare of our land, some jerk whobreaks his promise, and cons his fellow man?Or the ordinary fellow, who is times of war and strife, goes off to servehis Country and offers up his life?The politician’s stipend and the style in which he lives, are sometimesdisproportionate, to the service that he gives.While the ordinary soldier, who offered up his all, is paid off with amedal and perhaps a pension, small.It is easy to forget them, for it is so long ago, that our Bob’s and Jim’sand Johnny’s, went to battle, but we know.It was not the politicians, with their compromise and ploys, who won forus the freedom, that our Country now enjoys.Should you find yourself in danger, with your enemies at hand, would youreally want some cop-out, with his ever waffling stand?Or would you want a Soldier, who has sworn to defend, his home, his kin, andcountry, and would fight until the end?He was just a common Soldier and his ranks are growing thin. But hispresence should remind us, we may need his like again.For when countries are in conflict, then we find the Soldier’s part, is to cleanup all the troubles, that the politicians start.If we cannot do him honor, while he’s here to hear the praise, then at leastlet’s give him homage, at the ending of his days.Perhaps just a simple headline, in the paper that might say:“OUR COUNTRY IS IN MOURNING,FOR A SOLDIER DIED TODAY.”Not only on this Memorial Day, but every day, don’t forget to thank a Veteran for all of their sacrifices and fordefending and protecting this Great Nation.Dennis ZochertPostmaster RetiredSt Peter MN 56082The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster Page 15

Article DeadlinesFor the June IssueOf The <strong>Gopher</strong> Postmaster is<strong>May</strong> 15th, 20<strong>10</strong>State ConventionsJune 16-18, 20<strong>10</strong>—Treasure IslandRed Wing2011—Holiday InnSt. CloudDates to RememberNational ConventionsSept 11-16, 20<strong>10</strong>—Grand Rapids MISept <strong>10</strong>-15, 2011—Puerto RicoSept 1-6, 2012—Oklahoma City,OklahomaLeadership ConferenceWashington DCMarch 12-17, 2011March 24-29, 2012JUST ASK USRequests have been made to start a column that allows <strong>NAPUS</strong> Members to ask questions theywould like answered. All questions asked will be published anonymously. The source for the answeredquestion will follow the answer in italics.Is it necessary for the customer to sign a Credit Card Receipt for transactions under $25.00?Beginning October 22, 2008 POS ONE started to print out receipts without a signature line fortransactions under $25.00. The “No Signature Program” also applies to NON POS OFFICES. All receiptsfrom the Verifone Tranz 380 will contain a signature line on printed receipts until programming changesare made to eliminate the signature line for transactions $25.00 or less. In these cases it is NOTnecessary for the customer to sign the receipt.(<strong>10</strong>/14/2008-SOP-Credit/Debit Card Acceptance)How do we issue a refund to the customer who applies online for a PO BOX and pays for itbut qualifies for a NO-FEE Box?You cannot give a customer who paid online a full refund from your office. The customer must goback online to request a full refund to the Credit Card they paid the fee with. The Retail Specialist Ispoke to also said we could leave it go the 6 months or 1 year that was paid until the Box Rent is dueagain and then change it to a No-Fee Box.(SOP/Refunds for Online Customers; Retail Specialist)You can contact me with your questions: MARY WELS/NICOLLET POST OFFICE507-232-3<strong>10</strong>4 (HOME PHONE)507-225-3838 (WORK PHONE)welsmh@hotmail.com (Personal Email)

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