Coleoptera. Vol. I. [Longicornia. Part I.]

Coleoptera. Vol. I. [Longicornia. Part I.]

Coleoptera. Vol. I. [Longicornia. Part I.]

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DEMONAX. 283the apex. The hind femora extend by a fourth of tlieu' lengthpast the apex of the elytra in the c?• I'ii'st joint of hind tarsinearly three times as long as the second and third united.Lenr/th 13 ;Hah. Assam :hreadtli 3 mm.Patkai Mts. {Dohertij).338. Demonax albosignatus, sp. n.Elongate ; black ; head and prothorax covered with darko-rey pubescence ;prothorax bordered with white pubescence atthe* base on each side, marked above with a median, slightly raised,asperate black band. Elytra brownish black, slightly tomentose,marked with narrow bands of whitish pubescence : the first bandcrosses at the base and, just before reaching the shoulder, turnsstraight bade and extends a short distance along the disc ;thesecond band begins at the suture at a short distance behind thescutellum, diverges slightly from the suture as it passes backwards,and at about oue-third from the base crosses the disc transversely,it is sometimes angulately dilated at its outer end, a httle in frontof which there is a small subraarginal white spot ; the third bandcrosses transversely a little in front of the apical third, at thesuture it is produced in front as a very narrow band, and is sometimesalso produced posteriorly; the apex is rather broadlycovered with a band of ashy-grey pubescence, from which anarrow sutural band of whitish pubescence extends in front.Body beneath covered with ashy-grey pubescence, the episterna ofthe "meso- and metathorax and the sides of the abdomen moredensely covered with whitish pubescence. Antennae black, faintlycovered with grey pubescence ; a little longer than the body inthe ,d shorter in the § ; third and fourth joints very feeblyspined at the apex. Prothorax much longer than broad, slightlyrounded at the sides ; the disc with a median and two feeblerlateral elevations, the surface asperate, especially along the medianband. Legs black, rather faintly covered with grey pubescence ;the hind femora extend by nearly a third of their length past theapex of the elytr-a in both sexes ; first joint of hind tarsi twice aslong as the second and third united.LencjtU 10-13 breadth ;2-2f mm.Ilab. Burma : Euby Mines district.339. Demonax oblongomaculatus, sp. u.Black, densely covered above with grey or yellowish-greypubescence. Elytra marked each with a somewhat variable numberof small oblong black spots ; one of these is on the disc, nearerto the suture than to the side, at a very short distance from thebase, and is followed by a small sutural spot to which it is sometimesjoined, three spots are placed in a transverse row at themiddle or a little before it, and three smaller spots form anothertransverse series at a short distance behind the middle; the

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