Guided Reading netw rks

Guided Reading netw rks Guided Reading netw rks


NAME _____________________________________________ CLASS ________________ DATE _____________Guided ReadingThe American Colonies and Their Governmentnetw rksLesson 3 Disagreements with Great BritainESSENTIAL QUESTION• Why do people create, structure, andchange governments?Social and Political Changes in theColonies1. Summarizing As you read, complete the time line below.Include details about colonial expansion westward and itseffects on foreign conflicts.1750s175417632. Explaining How did the outcome of the French andIndian war affect the colonists?__________________________________________________________________________________________Colonial Dissatisfaction Grows3. Analyzing Why did the Tea Act anger the colonists?Explain how the tax on tea affected merchants and theircustomers.Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.__________________________________________________________________________________________6

NAME _____________________________________________ CLASS ________________ DATE _____________<strong>Guided</strong> <strong>Reading</strong>The American Colonies and Their Government<strong>netw</strong> <strong>rks</strong>Lesson 3 Disagreements with Great BritainESSENTIAL QUESTION• Why do people create, structure, andchange governments?Social and Political Changes in theColonies1. Summarizing As you read, complete the time line below.Include details about colonial expansion westward and itseffects on foreign conflicts.1750s175417632. Explaining How did the outcome of the French andIndian war affect the colonists?__________________________________________________________________________________________Colonial Dissatisfaction Grows3. Analyzing Why did the Tea Act anger the colonists?Explain how the tax on tea affected merchants and theircustomers.Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.__________________________________________________________________________________________6

NAME _____________________________________________ CLASS ________________ DATE _____________<strong>Guided</strong> <strong>Reading</strong>The American Colonies and Their Government<strong>netw</strong> <strong>rks</strong>Steps Toward Independence4. Organizing As you read, complete the chart below. Showthe outcomes of events that led colonists to considerindependence from Great Britain.EventOutcomeFirst Continental Congressmeets in 1774Second ContinentalCongress meets in 1775Thomas Paine publishesCommon Sense in 17765. Analyzing How did the ideas of John Locke and othergreat thinkers contribute to the Declaration ofIndependence?__________________________________________________________________________________________Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.7

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