New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ...

New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ... New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ...


Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011Guven, M., Yasar, K., Karaca, O. B., Hayaloglu, A. A. (2005): The effect of inulin as a fat replacer onthe quality of set-type low-fat yogurt manufacture. Int. J. Dairy Technol. 58, 3: 180-184.Kaur, N., Gupta, A. K. (2002): Applications of inulin and oligofructose in health and nutrition.J. Bioscience. 27: 703-714.Kim, Y., Faqih M. N., Wang S. S. (2001): Factors affecting gel formation of inulin. Carbohyd. Polym.46: 135-145.Kronberga, M., Karklina, D. (2011): Changes of marmelade structural properties depending ondifferent sweet matters. In: Proceedings of International conference Research for ruraldevelopment. LLU. Jelgava (in press).Kronberga, M., Karklina, D., Murniece, I., Kruma, Z. (2011): Changes of agar-agar gel propertiesafter replacing sucrose by inulin syrup. Foodbalt 2011 Conference Proceedings, Jelgava: 137-142.Matsuhashi, T. (1990): Agar. In: Food Gels. P. Harris (ed). London: Elsevier Applied Science: 1-51.McClements J. D. (2007): Understanding and controlling the microstructure of complex foods.Woodhead Publishing Limited: 772.Panouille, M., Larreta-Garde, V. (2009): Gelation behavior of gelatine and alginate mixtures. FoodHydrocolloids, 23 (4): 1074-1080.Roberfroid, M. (2005): Inulin –Type Fructans. Functional Food Ingredients. Boca Raton, Florida:CRC Press: 359.Stanley, N. F. (2006): Agars. In: Food Polysaccharides and Their Applications. A. M. Stephen,G. O. Phillips, P. A. Williams (eds). New York: CRC Press: 217–238.Tabata, K. (1999): Functions and applications of agar jelly. Chem. Abstr. 130: 295-652.76

Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011Bioterra University BucharestGENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODPOPESCU DANAbstract. The variety of foods consumed by humans has changed greatly over the centuries, alteringthe balance of nutrients in the diet. Nutritional changes may have a more profound impact on thehealth of the population. Traditional plant breeding techniques of intra and inter-species crossingand mutation are designed to create genetic variation upon which selection of the most desiredgenotype is the expected outcome. All plant breeding procedures can produce unexpected effects.Generally consumers consider that traditional foods (that have often been eaten for thousands ofyears) are safe. When new foods are developed by natural methods, some of the existingcharacteristics of foods can be altered, either in a positive or a negative way. The purpose of thisresearch was to establish the opinion of future food engineers (final year students) concerning thegenetically modified organisms, so I asked them to complete a questionnaire of seven questions. Theresearch conclusion was that more than 75% of them don’t consider that the genetically modifiedorganisms use is safe for consumption. However most of them don’t really know what geneticallymodified organisms are so their opinion is not endorsed but is revealing for the lack of publicinformation in this field.Keywords: genetically modified, food, safety.1. INTRODUCTIONFor more than ten years, genetically modified crops are cultivated worldwide fortheir increased yield, smaller production costs, higher quality, etc. In our country there arelegally cultivated only 5 varieties of genetically modified corn according to the RomanianOfficial Varieties of Crop Plants Register, 2011 edition, while the genetically modifiedsoybean production was stopped in 2007. Worldwide genetically modified soybean is themost cultivated crop, probably because of the market demand. Soybean products are foundin a wide range on the Romanian market, whether is raw or as an ingredient. Romanianannual loss is almost 1 billion euro because it’s not cultivating genetically modifiedsoybean, the national production potential being about two million tons, has declared in apress conference, the Minister of Agriculture Valeriu Tabără.”Romanian annual import ofsoybean from Brazil, U.S.A. and another countries is about 500 000 tons, and it is allproduced only through biotechnology. We are currently attempting to get the approval forgenetically modified soybean cultivating starting 2012 because the economic loss issignificant. Among all genetically modified crops cultivated worldwide, only four rule themarket: soybean, cotton, corn and rape. Regarding the cultivated surface, soybean is morespread. In 2009 more than three quarters (77%) from the 90 million hectares cultivated withsoybean worldwide were genetically modified, while for cotton, almost half (49%) from the33 million hectares were genetically modified. More than one quarter (26%) from the158million hectares cultivated worldwide with corn were genetically modified and 21% of the31 million hectares of rape cultivated worldwide were genetically modified (James, 2009).This study aims to identify the products than contain genetically modified soybean.77

Proceed<strong>in</strong>g of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011Bioterra University BucharestGENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODPOPESCU DANAbstract. The variety of foods consumed by humans has changed greatly over the centuries, alter<strong>in</strong>gthe balance of nutrients <strong>in</strong> the diet. Nutritional changes may have a more profound impact on thehealth of the population. Traditional plant breed<strong>in</strong>g techniques of <strong>in</strong>tra and <strong>in</strong>ter-species cross<strong>in</strong>gand mutation are <strong>de</strong>signed to create genetic variation upon which selection of the most <strong>de</strong>siredgenotype is the expected outcome. All plant breed<strong>in</strong>g procedures can produce unexpected effects.Generally consumers consi<strong>de</strong>r that traditional foods (that have often been eaten for thousands ofyears) are safe. When new foods are <strong>de</strong>veloped by natural methods, some of the exist<strong>in</strong>gcharacteristics of foods can be altered, either <strong>in</strong> a positive or a negative way. The purpose of thisresearch was to establish the op<strong>in</strong>ion of future food eng<strong>in</strong>eers (f<strong>in</strong>al year stu<strong>de</strong>nts) concern<strong>in</strong>g thegenetically modified organisms, so I asked them to complete a questionnaire of seven questions. Theresearch conclusion was that more than 75% of them don’t consi<strong>de</strong>r that the genetically modifiedorganisms use is safe for consumption. However most of them don’t really know what geneticallymodified organisms are so their op<strong>in</strong>ion is not endorsed but is reveal<strong>in</strong>g for the lack of public<strong>in</strong>formation <strong>in</strong> this field.Keywords: genetically modified, food, safety.1. INTRODUCTIONFor more than ten years, genetically modified crops are cultivated worldwi<strong>de</strong> fortheir <strong>in</strong>creased yield, smaller production costs, higher quality, etc. In our country there arelegally cultivated only 5 varieties of genetically modified corn accord<strong>in</strong>g to the RomanianOfficial Varieties of Crop Plants Register, 2011 edition, while the genetically modifiedsoybean production was stopped <strong>in</strong> 2007. Worldwi<strong>de</strong> genetically modified soybean is themost cultivated crop, probably because of the market <strong>de</strong>mand. Soybean products are found<strong>in</strong> a wi<strong>de</strong> range on the Romanian market, whether is raw or as an <strong>in</strong>gredient. Romanianannual loss is almost 1 billion euro because it’s not cultivat<strong>in</strong>g genetically modifiedsoybean, the national production potential be<strong>in</strong>g about two million tons, has <strong>de</strong>clared <strong>in</strong> apress conference, the M<strong>in</strong>ister of Agriculture Valeriu Tabără.”Romanian annual import ofsoybean from Brazil, U.S.A. and another countries is about 500 000 tons, and it is allproduced only through biotechnology. We are currently attempt<strong>in</strong>g to get the approval forgenetically modified soybean cultivat<strong>in</strong>g start<strong>in</strong>g 2012 because the economic loss issignificant. Among all genetically modified crops cultivated worldwi<strong>de</strong>, only four rule themarket: soybean, cotton, corn and rape. Regard<strong>in</strong>g the cultivated surface, soybean is morespread. In 2009 more than three quarters (77%) from the 90 million hectares cultivated withsoybean worldwi<strong>de</strong> were genetically modified, while for cotton, almost half (49%) from the33 million hectares were genetically modified. More than one quarter (26%) from the158million hectares cultivated worldwi<strong>de</strong> with corn were genetically modified and 21% of the31 million hectares of rape cultivated worldwi<strong>de</strong> were genetically modified (James, 2009).This study aims to i<strong>de</strong>ntify the products than conta<strong>in</strong> genetically modified soybean.77

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